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Chapter 519 A unique venue (please vote for me!)

It's early October, and the literary conference is in full swing, which mainly means that all parties are constantly building momentum.

Any literary person who comes to a literary convention to join in the fun must be someone who likes to mingle.

Since you like to mingle, you must "blindly follow" the mainstream opinions of the small circle around you, otherwise you will be excluded from the small circle.

For literati who generally do not have national reputation, the small circle around them is still dominated by local compatriots.

At this time, the role of regional bosses comes into play. Often one or several bosses are the vane of a region.

As long as ordinary literati in the same region still want to stay in a stable circle, they will basically follow the bosses from the same hometown to express their opinions.

Therefore, it can be considered that when Lin Daguan and his men took down Shen Mingchen and sent Tu Long away, they were equivalent to taking over Zhejiang; taking over Gong Nai was equivalent to taking over Shandong.

Of the four major provincial literary towns in the world, Lin Daguanren has already secured two of them, which is a huge advantage.

As for Southern Zhili, it is too scattered. If you have the energy to unify Southern Zhili, it is better to unify the whole country directly.

Within Nanzhili, Lin Daguan has now completed the integration of the literary circles in the three major counties of Suzhou Prefecture, Songjiang Prefecture, and Yangzhou Prefecture, and it is enough for now.

Of course, as the host and main organizer, Lin Daguan still has a lot of energy to focus on conference affairs.

Feng Shike, who was expelled by leader Wang Lao, dropped a message by the way, saying that he would postpone the meeting for a few days.

This also made Lin Daguan a little confused. Earlier, the leader Wang and Lao hurriedly urged the main meeting to be held. Maybe the other party felt that they had a big advantage, so they had to hurry up.

So now we have to postpone it again. Is it because we won Shandong and caused the other party to lose its big advantage and want to delay it again?

After thinking about it, I can only understand it this way for the time being.

But only one day later, leader Wang sent Zou Diguang to say that there were too many people attending the meeting this time, and the main venue in Canglang Pavilion would seem crowded and messy, so it was suggested to move to another place.

Lin Daguan said impatiently: "Suzhou City is such a big place, where else does the old alliance leader want to change to?"

"Danzhou generally believes that the Humble Administrator's Garden is the most suitable in all aspects." Zou Diguang replied.

The Humble Administrator's Garden is the largest garden in Suzhou, covering an area of ​​200 acres. The current landscape of the Humble Administrator's Garden is different from many elaborate styles, emphasizing an open, wild and wild feel.

So if there are a very large number of participants, it is really convenient to attend the Humble Administrator's Garden.

But Lin Daguan didn't think it was that simple. It was probably mainly because the Humble Administrator's Garden was vast and open, and from a security perspective, it was not easy to be surrounded and blocked.

After all, he was blocked on the rockery of Qiuzhiyuan four years ago, and was surrounded by Pingshan Hall in Shugang two years ago. Having learned from the past, the military quality of the leader Wang Lao was also forced to improve, and he no longer pursued the kind of aloofness and isolation from the masses.

Very cool.

But what makes Lin Daguan suspicious is why the old alliance leader who should have resigned himself to his fate has become defensive again and started to pay attention to safety issues?

Could it be that Mr. Wang, the leader of the alliance, still wanted to make some small moves, so he was so concerned about the safety afterwards?

Lin Tailai was thinking and responded: "The Humble Administrator's Garden now belongs to the Xu family in Huqiu, and I don't know if we can make arrangements in time."

Zou Diguang immediately replied: "The Duke of Yanzhou has made an agreement with the Xu family, and you can definitely borrow it!"

Lin Tailai could only solemnly warn: "This will not happen next time. I don't hope there will be any changes."

Leader Wang's thoughts were always changing like this, which made Lin Daguan very annoyed, but he did not dare to use force directly.

He was afraid that the old leader Wang, whose lifespan seemed to be counting down, would die on the spot, and he would not be able to explain it clearly.

After sending Zou Diguang away, Lin Daguan called Erye Shen over and scolded him vehemently: "Do you, the Xu family, want to annihilate yourself from the people of Suzhou?"

Second Master Shen looked confused. It is very difficult for you, Lin Tailai, to understand this sentence. What do you mean by "your Xu family"?

Although their ancestors once joined the Xu family and changed their surname to Xu, and even their father was once named Xu Shixing, after their father won the top prize, their family returned to the surname Shen and no longer named Xu!

So the Xu family of Huqiu angered Lin Tailai again, and then the Shen family was angered?

Lin Daguan continued: "They actually colluded with Wang Danzhou and lent the Humble Administrator's Garden to Wang Yanzhou without my back."

Second Master Shen didn’t know what to say. When Lin Tailai planted flags in the commercial district and rose to prominence, he often had conflicts with the Xu family. The first time Lin Tailai encountered a hall being smashed, was it the Xu family’s fault?


As for what happened this time, it was obvious that the Xu family was resentful and deliberately made Lin Tailai disgusted.

But what are the benefits of this? This approach of the Xu family is really unwise. It is purely harming others and not benefiting oneself, provoking powerful enemies for no reason.

Ever since Xu Taishi, the most sensible person of the Xu family in Huqiu, went to the capital to become an official, there really are no reliable people here in Suzhou.

Lin Daguan sneered and said: "The Xu family in Huqiu dares to do this because they only rely on your Shen family. Knowing that your Shen family's face is there, I can't possibly wipe them out."

Although they no longer have the surname Xu twenty or thirty years ago, the Shen family and the Xu family still maintain a special relationship and treat each other as relatives.

Then Lin Daguan asked Mr. Shen again: "I ask myself, for your sake, I have been very polite to the Xu family.

For example, I only abolished the reputation of Fan Yunlin, the Xu family's ancestral son-in-law, and did not take any further action.

Another example is the three prosperous neighborhoods outside Suzhou. I only occupied Nanhao Street and Shangtang Street, while Shantang Street was still reserved for the Xu family.

However, the Xu family still dares to cheat like this, what do you think I should do?"

Mr. Shen answered truthfully: "I don't know what to do either. Just do whatever you want and I'll pretend I don't know."

Lin Daguan said with satisfaction: "I am still very relieved about your awakening.

Go tell the Xu family that if you do something wrong, you will have to bear the price. After the literary conference, the New Wulian Society will fully march into Shantang Street.

In addition, the amount of goods shipped by the Xu family to and from Suzhou has been reduced to 60% of last year, and the tariffs have been raised!"

Mr. Shen was too lazy to defend the Xu family who wanted to die, "You can do whatever you want! I don't care if you burn the Humble Administrator's Garden!"

Besides, his father Shen Shixing may still have some affection for the Xu family.

And he, Mr. Shen, has been the son of the No. 1 scholar since he was born. He has never been named Xu!

Gusuyi, in the study room of the old alliance leader Wang's residence, there is also a map hanging on the wall.

This is of course not the "National Situation Map of We and the Enemy", but the "Plan Plan of the Humble Administrator's Garden". There is also a line of small words next to it: diversion route in case of emergency.

Gu Xiancheng was standing in front of the picture, explaining to leader Wang Lao.

"The chairman of the Yanzhou Palace is located next to the bridge here. If something happens, the Danzhou Palace can quickly move from the bridge to the other side.

Then send a number of scholars to block the bridge to delay the enemy. Duke Yanzhou will have time to retreat, and the Xu family’s servants will also help and cover him.”

Alliance leader Wang Lao nodded frequently. This arrangement was more reassuring than the desperate situation of Shugang Pingshan Hall where there was nowhere to escape.

Lin Tailai planned to set up the main venue in Canglang Pavilion, and obviously wanted to repeat his old trick and trick him into going up the mountain!

Who doesn’t know that Canglang Pavilion is built on a rockery in the garden? Can you get down easily after going up?

At this moment, Zou Diguang, who was supposed to be busy outside, rushed in and shouted: "Something big has happened!"

Alliance leader Wang Lao was terrified and asked quickly: "Did Wu Guolun and Wang Daokun be intercepted and killed?"

In the mind of the old alliance leader, there is nothing bigger than this at the moment.

"That's not true." Zou Diguang replied: "The Humble Administrator's Garden is on fire!"

Alliance Leader Wang was stunned for a moment, then asked: "What did Lin Tailai say?"

No need to ask why it caught fire, that’s meaningless!

Zou Diguang continued to reply: "Don't worry about Lin Tailai, he has already asked Suzhou Guard for help.

Once the fire is extinguished, we will urgently set up a tent on the white ground of the Humble Administrator's Garden so as not to affect the main meeting the day after tomorrow!"

Gu Xiancheng questioned: "There are so many gardens in Suzhou, why can't we just change them?"

Zou Diguang said: "Lin Tailai promised not to change the location, so it will remain the same and he will do what he said!"

Leader Wang: ""

What a sin, are you going to hold a literary conference in a military camp? How come it's like this?

"Killing the chicken to scare the monkey, this is killing the chicken to scare the monkey!" Gu Xiancheng gritted his teeth and said: "He wants to scare everyone not to cooperate with us!"

Even if there is a home field advantage, this is too much!

Lin Daguan, who had been slandered by countless people, had just finished receiving a wave of guests and was taking a rest when Mr. Shen rushed over again.

"Why did you set fire to the Humble Administrator's Garden?" Second Master Shen asked.

Lin Daguan asked in surprise: "Didn't you instruct me to set fire to it? You said you wouldn't care if I burned down the Humble Administrator's Garden.

Although I originally thought about punishing the Xu family, I didn't think about setting fire at all. It was you who reminded me.

Don’t worry, I acted in a measured way, this time I only burned the front part of the garden, so the damage is not huge.”

Second Master Shen: ""

What you said was just an angry word, how could you turn it into reality?

Lin Daguan stood back and said: "Weak people can only say angry words, but strong people can turn angry words into reality.

I heard that the Xu family wants to send a large number of servants to serve at the venue, do they still dare to send them now?"

In a blink of an eye, the day of the main meeting arrived, and a large number of literati came from all over Suzhou City to the Humble Administrator's Garden located in the northeast of the city.

They all know that today may be a moment to witness the history of the literary world.

But from the moment they arrived outside the gate, the participants felt something unusual.

On such an occasion, there will definitely be a large number of handymen to perform various service tasks to ensure the smooth progress of the conference.

However, the handymen that the participants saw were not the humble servants with low eyebrows, but burly men with sinewy faces.

And when the participants walked into the second door, they saw a large military tent standing on the gray and black ground. Isn't this unique atmosphere a bit incompatible with the literary world?

The host, Jiuyuan Zhenxian, was standing in front of the big tent and loudly said to the early arrivals: "Originally, the main venue was planned to be located in Canglang Pavilion, but Duke Yanzhou insisted on setting it in the Humble Administrator's Garden.

Therefore, I have no choice but to do my best to provide as much protection as possible for the meeting!"


This chapter has been completed!
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