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Chapter 523 He changed the literary world! (Please vote for me!)

When the "anti-thief group" was driven out of the Humble Administrator's Garden, they did not get separated, but got together again.

Although Wu Guolun, Wang Daokun, Shen Li and Zhao Yongxian are not very familiar with each other, they don't mind getting together now.

The more people are in adversity, the stronger their desire to stick together for warmth.

Zou Diguang, the "organizer of the anti-thief group" who had regained his composure, suggested: "There is a teahouse over there at the entrance of the alley. Let's go sit there?"

Then he added: "After the meeting was over, most of the scholars passed by the teahouse at the entrance of the alley.

If they see us, many people will come into the teahouse to pay us a visit.

If we can win over enough people, we can go to Wuxi to hold another literary conference."

After Wu Guolun thought for a while, he nodded and said: "Good idea."

After all, Wuxi is right next to Suzhou, so it is not troublesome to get others to go to Wuxi.

And most importantly, Wuxi has a strong anti-Lin atmosphere, which makes it very suitable to hold another literary conference to denounce Lin Tailai.

Therefore, Zou Diguang's proposal is very feasible and has been unanimously praised by all members of the unwilling "anti-thief group".

At the same time, in the large tent at the main venue of the Humble Administrator's Garden, the number of people suddenly decreased by one-third, making it much emptyer.

Coupled with the burnt marks around the outside of the tent, it gave people a sense of dilapidation, and the atmosphere in the venue also became depressing.

After all, among the expelled literary rebel group, Wu Guolun and Wang Daokun had huge influence in the literary world, which would inevitably leave some sentimental touches in the hearts of those who remained.

Although some people are not "rebels", their interest has waned and they no longer want to stay here, so they plan to leave.

However, when they saw that the surrounding area of ​​the tent was tightly blocked by hundreds of strong men, they sat down again in accordance with the situation.

Feng Shike, Zhang Fengyi, Yuan Hongdao and other die-hard Lin factions all hinted to Lin Tailai that the atmosphere at the venue could not continue to be negative.

Otherwise, people will feel that this is a failed conference, so the atmosphere must be stirred up as soon as possible.

In particular, Zhang Fengyi, an old celebrity with rich social experience, walked closer and whispered: "Be careful of those rebels who establish a new orthodoxy and divide the literary world."

This worry is very reasonable. Wu Guolun and Wang Daokun are both giants in the literary world, Zhao Yongxian also has a high status in the literary world, and Shen Li is the spiritual leader of the Qingliu forces.

If these people join forces, they will indeed have the power to divide the literary world.

Lin Daguan said that everything is under control and asked everyone to be calm. Is there any reason for failure in a conference that goes from victory to victory?

Then he spoke to the crowd and said: "The key members of the literary rebel group who were present have been expelled, but there are still some absent literary rebels, such as Wuxi Sun Jigao and Gu Xiancheng, who will also be expelled from the literary world forever!

The conference will continue below, but someone needs to do the interpretation work for peripheral scholars, which is also a very important job."

Having said this, Officer Lin paused and looked at Feng Shike.

The people attending the conference were not just the dozens of core figures in the big tent, there were also countless literati in the venue outside, hundreds or thousands, and they may not know exactly what happened.

Someone needs to explain the "original story" to these peripheral literati, so as not to cause commotion outside or be instigated by people with serious intentions because they do not know the truth.

The second master Feng responded: "Let me explain it outside and tell everyone present that some people have betrayed the old leader of the alliance, Duke Danzhou."

Official Lin did not comment, but then another person walked out from the corner and said: "I would like to ask for a tassel to announce to all the people attending the meeting that the old alliance leader Wang Danzhougong and the number one poet Lin Jiuyuan have smashed the conspiracy of the anti-thief group, and are in the process of defeating the rebel group.

Bring order out of chaos.”

"Then it's up to you!" Lin Daguan was satisfied and nodded in agreement.

Everyone looked at him, and although they didn't know him very well, he seemed to be a new retainer around Mr. Lin?

At this meeting, Official Lin brought two "literati" to help him. One was Gao Changjiang, and the other was Gu Bingqian, the "White Bearded Chief Assistant". The one who volunteered was Gu Bingqian.

Mr. Feng Er took a deep look at Gu Bingqian. Lin Tailai was really surrounded by Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon.

After watching Gu Bingqian leave, Lin Daguan said to Mr. Wang, the leader of the alliance: "Now that the meeting is about to begin, what can Duke Yanzhou say first?"

Alliance leader Wang Lao waved his hands expressionlessly, showing no desire to speak.

Because after Lin Tailai's troubles, the literary conference has become a mess, leaving the old leader Wang with no interest at all.

Since the old alliance leader did not want to speak, Lin Tailai continued to speak without hesitation: "After this anti-thief group incident, many problems in our literary world have been fully exposed!

My personal summary is as follows: first, the organization is disorganized, second, procedures lack standardization, and third, resources are unevenly distributed.

All in all, the current situation in the literary world is far from meeting the needs of the majority of literati, and reform is urgent.

Regarding the reform plan, I have initially completed it, and now I will explain it to you to solicit your opinions!"

Anyway, everyone in the big tent couldn't leave even if they wanted to, so they just sat there and listened to Lin Daguan's beeping, not knowing what else could happen.

Lin Daguan then said: "My plan may be related to the vital interests of each of you.

The first thing I want to say is that our literary world organization does not even have an official name. It is only called the literary world in general, which is really unprofessional.


As the saying goes, if the name is not correct, the words will not be correct. I suggest that the literary world organization be tentatively named the Ming Dynasty New Literary Circle Alliance, or the New Literary League for short."

Until this moment, everyone left in the big tent still didn't think it had anything to do with them.

No matter how the name is called, it is just a change of the soup without changing the medicine. Anyway, it is not his turn to be the leader of the alliance.

Faced with an almost cold response, Lin Daguan did not care and continued to sell his reform plan:

"The leader of the New Literary League, of course, will undoubtedly continue to be Duke Wang Danzhou!

But under the alliance leader, there will be a first deputy alliance leader and several deputy alliance leaders!"

When they heard this, the casualness of everyone in the big tent finally disappeared, and even the already indifferent leader Wang felt a little stimulated.

There has never been a title like deputy leader in the literary world before. This is a new thing.

At this time, Zhang Fengyi, an old man in the Suzhou literary circle, stood up and said with a sigh: "If people like Wu Guolun, Wang Daokun, and Zhao Yongxian are still there, the position of deputy leader is not up to others.

But they are willing to degenerate and become rebels in the literary world, so they are not worthy of being deputy leaders!"

Zhang Fengyi's words were like a huge stone hitting everyone's hearts!

Everyone didn't think much about it at first, but now they finally realize that Lin Tailai has truly changed the literary world!

And I can't help but start to have wild thoughts. If these top bosses are expelled, won't opportunities come for others?

So who will be the deputy leaders? Do you have a chance?

If you don’t have a chance, then among your relatives and friends, are there any who have a better chance?

Of course, no one is stupid enough to covet the position of first deputy alliance leader. This is obviously Lin Tailai's decision.

For a while, the quiet tent finally became lively again, with everyone whispering and talking.

And finally, someone took the initiative and started shouting, "Firmly support Lin Jiuyuan's action to drive out the rebels in the literary world!"

Official Lin raised his hand with a smile to suppress the noise, and continued to announce his reform plan: "Under the deputy leader, there will be dozens of new directors of the New Literary League!"

The atmosphere in the big tent suddenly became heated again. There were only a few dozen people present. Doesn't that mean that everyone present can be a director?

Isn’t it true that everyone in the literary world is pursuing “fame”? Having a reputation is naturally beneficial.

In the past, there was only one leader in the literary world, and then there would only be a few "seventh sons", "five sons" and the like. Therefore, the vast majority of celebrities in the literary world did not actually have iconic titles.

Setting up dozens of directors of the Literary and Art League is equivalent to handing out "titles" to everyone present and giving everyone a name they can brag about. Who could not welcome them?

Therefore, Lin Tailai changed the literary world again!

The cheers and discussions in the big tent could no longer be suppressed, but Lin Daguan, who was interrupted in his speech, was not angry at all.

He just raised his voice and shouted: "Within the Literary and Art League, based on the future development trend of poetry, we will set up four major theory research groups, namely verve, spirit, style, and texture!

People in the literary world can participate according to their own interests and preferences, and each seminar will have one president and several vice-presidents!”

The cheers in the big tent rose again. Who else despises his lack of title?

For example, a title like "Director of the New Literary and Art League and Vice President of the Shen Yun Theory Research Association" will always look more prestigious than "Director of the New Literary and Art League" alone.

As for saying that these four theories were all proposed by Lin Tailai? That doesn't matter. Everyone just needs to have a title to show off. It doesn't matter who proposed the theory!

Therefore, Lin Tailai changed the literary world again!

In this noisy environment, Lin Daguan felt that his voice was reaching its limit, and shouted at the top of his lungs: "Also, the New Literary and Art League will have a secretarial desk to handle specific affairs!

The most important thing is that the secretarial desk will be equipped with a secretary-general and several deputy secretaries-general!"

The cheers in the big tent reached their climax. Lin Tailai changed the literary world again!

Vice leader, director, chairman and vice president of the research association, secretary Taizheng and deputy secretary-general. Everyone in the big account is calculating how many titles they hope to get.

Lin Tailai finally announced: "In the next five days, there will be two main events at the Literary Forum!

The first one is to select candidates for all the positions mentioned above! The second one is to decide on the affairs charter of the New Literary and Art League!

For example, if the leader of the New Literary Alliance suddenly dies during his term of office, the first deputy leader will automatically take over as leader!"

The excited crowd felt that the excitement of the literary conference had only begun now!

Hearing this, Alliance Leader Wang suddenly shuddered. This regulation was too malicious to him!

Could it be that you, Lin Tailai, chose this route because Wu Guolun and Wang Daokun's surprise attack today made it difficult to directly become the leader of the alliance?

After becoming the first deputy leader, as long as you kill yourself, you will automatically be promoted to leader?


This chapter has been completed!
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