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Chapter 526: There are gains and losses in life

Lin Daguan's wish to "steal half a day's leisure" is naturally impossible to realize.

The splitting of grass and soil was still going on. Lin Daguan was really embarrassed to arrange for people from Suzhou anymore, so he began to try his best to take care of people from other places.

After seeing off this group of local people, Yuan Hongdao, the boss of the Huguang Public Security Bureau and the magistrate of Wu County, came to visit again.

In terms of literary fame alone, Yuan Hongdao will definitely surpass Zhang Fengyi, Wang Zhideng and the like in later generations, but he has not yet entered his peak period.

Lin Daguan has been overly socializing recently, and now he really doesn’t have a strong desire to communicate with others. When he saw Yuan Hongdao, he said directly:

"Don't worry, Mr. Yuan County! I have already made arrangements for you! You will represent the Huguang literary circle as the deputy leader, and then concurrently serve as the president of the Spirituality Theory Research Association among the four major poetry theory research associations!"

Originally, the leading figure in the Huguang literary world was Wu Guolun, but after he was labeled as an "anti-thief group", Yuan Hongdao naturally came to power.

After hearing about these two very desirable positions, Yuan Hongdao said quite proudly: "Although I am just a small county magistrate, my talent cannot be concealed."

Lin Daguan replied: "You're welcome! Your father has written a letter a long time ago, asking me to take care of you, so I will definitely give you a favor."

As the son of the Lin Group’s largest grain partner, Xiao Yuanxianzun’s reputation is so great!

Don't underestimate the grain trade. The Lin Group's financial foundation and control of local affairs rely heavily on the Jinongcang, and maintaining the Jinongcang requires a large amount of rice and grain imports.

After Yuan Hongdao was stunned, he said very unconvinced: "I think I rely on my talent first."

What this group of public security literati pay attention to is true temperament. Lin Daguan decided to attack this true temperament and asked: "Does Wang Zhideng, the world's number one civilian poet and former Suzhou literary leader, have any talent?

Is Wang Zhideng's status in the literary world higher than yours? But in the New Literary League, he is just an ordinary director."

Yuan Hongdao was speechless and quietly retreated.

When Mr. Lin met others, the three disciples who were responsible for drafting the list of the new Literary League were with him, so that they could understand Mr. Lin's spirit immediately.

Seeing Yuan Xianzun left sadly after being struck, Gu Bingqian, the oldest among the disciples, thought to himself: "Emperor's art, this is Emperor's art."

After that, Feng Shike also came. This was another person who had to be seen. After all, the undercover agent had worked hard for many years and had made great achievements. He also came from a wealthy family in Songjiang.

Lin Daguan said very strangely: "Hasn't it been planned to arrange for you to be the secretary-general of the New Cultural League? Do you have any other questions?

The position of secretary-general is very unique and eye-catching, and it is very worthy of you!"

Feng Shike sighed and said a little unwillingly: "I heard someone say that although the position of secretary-general is important, it is similar in nature to a handyman and has no literary temperament at all.

From the very beginning, my original intention was to leave a name in the history of literature, but the secretary-general is just a writer with a sword and a pen!"

If anyone else dared to be so picky and despise being a secretary-general, they would have been kicked out by Senior Official Lin.

But officials Lin must respect the merits of the second master Feng and the power of the Songjiang Mansion behind the second master Feng.

It can only be said that races are extremely diverse, and people's demands are also extremely diverse. How a superior responds to the demands of others is a very profound knowledge.

With your literary level, Master Feng, wouldn't it be a joke to be the deputy leader? But if you only give it to an ordinary director, it would be very unfair.

After thinking for a while, Senior Official Lin said: "In this way, we will set up a retro-study research group in the New Literary League!

You also serve as the president of the research association. This is always a literary position, right?

Moreover, this retro-school research association no longer has other vice-presidents, and you are the unique president!

In this way, you will be able to fully realize your character as the last gravekeeper of the retro school, and seal the coffin in the history of literature!"

Mr. Feng’s second master immediately turned from worry to joy and said overjoyed: “This is very good!”

But Mr. Feng still didn't say goodbye, and he was embarrassed and said: "There is also Chen Jiru, the rising star of our Songjiang Prefecture. In addition to director, can we arrange a title?

Now our elders in Songjiang Prefecture’s literary circle are withering away, and our younger generations are in decline, so we need support.”

Regarding the scholars from Songjiang Prefecture, Lin Daguan was particularly tolerant and said without hesitation: "Let him pick the one he likes and become the vice president of the four major poetry theory research groups: charm, spirit, style, and texture!"

The second master Feng's demands were all met and he left with satisfaction. Lin Daguan sent the second master Feng to Yimen.

The three guests were whispering in the back, and Zhou Daodeng said: "The proprietor is very tolerant of Senior Feng, and he even did not hesitate to establish a new so-called retro-study seminar for Senior Feng."

Gu Bingqian sneered and said: "You have not seen the deep intention of my boss at all. Once this research association is established, the century-old retro sect will be completely finished. How can it be just to take care of Senior Feng?"

After Feng Shike, another unexpected person came - Hu Yinglin, a celebrity from Zhejiang and an expert on literary and art theory.

In terms of normal communication, Hu Yinglin and Lin Daguan had a feud, and Hu Yinglin even humiliated Qi Jiguang.

However, this time Hu Yinglin produced a letter of recommendation from Zhao Zhigao. Hu Yinglin and Zhao Zhigao were true fellow villagers in the same county.

Considering that the political situation will be catastrophic in the next two years, and the number one horse boy Zhao Zhigao is very likely to enter his peak period, Lin Daguan had to weigh Hu Yinglin a few times in his mind.

"The Literary Forum has been going on for some time, why didn't you take out Lao Zhao's letters until now?" Lin Daguan, who never let go of any doubts, asked.

Hu Yinglin replied straightforwardly: "I was worried that you wouldn't be able to succeed, but now it's a foregone conclusion."

After Lin Daguan thought about it for a while, he realized that Hu Yinglin was indeed talented in literary and artistic theory, so he added: "Mr. Shen has been chosen as the deputy leader of Zhejiang Province.

As for you, let’s create a new literary criticism research group and give you a president.”

After Hu Yinglin received a title that matched his status, he expressed his gratitude and left.

When Senior Official Lin watched Hu Yinglin leave, he finally understood why organizational expansion is inevitable after an organization develops.

At the end of the Humble Administrator's Garden Conference yesterday, only four seminars were set up.

As a result, after only one day and one night, the number of seminars increased by five, more than doubling, and there were still no new ones.

At this moment, Lin Daguan felt that the joy of a unified literary world had begun to disappear. He just wanted to end the literary conference as soon as possible.

On the seventh day of October, the literary conference held its main meeting again. Lin Daguan named it the Closing Ceremony, which was quickly accepted by the majority of people in the literary world.

In order to respect the opinion of the old leader Wang who did not want to go to Canglang Pavilion, the closing ceremony was still held in the tent in the Humble Administrator's Garden.

At the closing ceremony, Lin Daguan announced the list of all alliance leaders, first deputy alliance leaders, deputy alliance leaders, directors, deputy secretaries-general, and presidents and vice-presidents of each research association.


Anyway, everyone in the literary world who can sit in the big tent will gain something, at least they will be a director.

"Leader, first deputy leader, deputy leader Shen Mingchen, Gong Nai, Yuan Hongdao, Zhang Fengyi, Li Weizhen."

In fact, everyone does not care about the alliance leader. Who is the first deputy alliance leader? The candidate of the deputy alliance leader is the most worthy of attention. The factors behind each deputy alliance leader are worthy of analysis.

Shen Mingchen and Gong Nai are obviously the "united front" targets of Lin Daguan and represent the two major towns in Zhejiang and Shandong.

Yuan Hongdao and Zhang Fengyi are relatives and friends of Lin Daguan, and can balance the targets of the united front.

As for Li Weizhen, he must have been nominated by Mr. Wang, the leader of the alliance, so Mr. Lin would give Mr. Wang a face.

After all, many people know that Li Weizhen was the original leader Wang Lao’s favorite successor.

It's just that Li Weizhen has been working as an official in Shaanxi in recent years, and he has always been unable to appear in Jiangzuo, the core area of ​​literary exchange activities.

Next, no one in the big account paid attention to the list of directors that everyone had a share of.

Only the presidents and vice-presidents of each research association deserve real attention. Experts know that these presidents and vice-presidents are the people with the most "excellent" overall qualities.

Lin Daguan read the list of seminars slowly, "Feng Shike, President of the Retrospective Research Association"

Before others could react, Alliance Leader Wang suddenly stood up and said angrily: "Lin Tailai! You"

Alliance leader Wang Lao did not know in advance that such a retro-sect research group had been established, and he had just heard about it.

But as the leader of the retro faction, Mr. Wang’s sensitivity far exceeds that of others!

What does it mean to set up a retro-research group under the New Literary and Art League?

You know, the retro school dominated the literary world before. It can be said that the retro school is the literary world, and the literary world is the retro school!

Although the retro sect has been defeated in recent years, the orthodoxy is still there! Just like the feudal princes in the late Han Dynasty fought back and forth, but the world is still nominally named Liu!

And now, retro has become a secondary research association alongside the four major poetic theories of verve, spirit, style, and texture?

This approach is obviously to completely demote the retro school from the orthodoxy of the literary world!

You, Lin Tailai, don’t even want to be Cao Cao, so you are starting to prepare to be Cao Pi, right? This closing ceremony is just a drill for the abdication ceremony, right?

Thinking that the centuries-old tradition of the retro sect actually ended in his own hands, and that the complete defeat of the retro sect's hegemony actually became a reality during his lifetime, the old alliance leader Wang's blood suddenly surged!

He wanted to scold Lin Tai, but before he could curse him, his eyes turned black and he fell down on his seat!

Everyone in the big tent looked at this scene in astonishment. Is it possible that the first deputy leader Lin Daguan wanted to be promoted directly on the spot?

Lin Tailai, who was closest to the leader Wang, immediately turned to the door of the tent and shouted: "Mr. Feng! Mt. Feng!"

Then Feng Menglong's father rushed in with a medicine box, just like before.

Seeing the old leader Wang who was unconscious on the seat, Dr. Feng suddenly said in annoyance: "I habitually only bring medicines to treat fractures and stop bleeding."

Lin Tailai said angrily: "Try your best to save people first!"

Dr. Feng wanted to ask on behalf of everyone present, do you want to save the official, or are you unable to save him?

Seeing Dr. Feng starting to get busy, Lin Tailai shouted loudly to the old leader Wang:

"Old leader! Wake up! The literary world can't do without you! My son can't do without you either!

My son has just entered the official career this year, so you don’t want him to just stay for three years at the beginning!"

I don't know whether it was Dr. Feng's method that worked or whether Lin Daguanren's shouting had an effect, but anyway, the old leader Wang finally woke up leisurely after a while.

It's just that his eyes have lost their luster and his heart has completely died. Now he is just an old father who lives for his son.

Lin Tailai asked with great concern: "Mr. Yanzhou, can you still insist on attending?"

Leader Wang waved his hand and said feebly: "Send me back to Gusuyi, and you will continue to host the closing ceremony!"

Immediately, Lin Tailai called his men, found a carriage, and sent the leader Wang away.

However, the departure of the old leader Wang did not seem to have any impact on the closing ceremony.

Finally, Lin Tailai said loudly: "I propose that the literary conference should be held every three years. Let's meet again in three years!

Now I declare that this literary conference has concluded successfully! Please bring the spirit of the literary conference back to all places!"

As soon as he finished speaking, someone stood up and shouted: "Deputy Leader Lin! It can't be over yet, something is missing!"

Lin Tailai said dissatisfiedly: "Please call me the first deputy leader, don't call me anything else!

Also, what could be missing from such a successful conference?”

The man's original intention was to flatter me, but he didn't want to slap him on the horse's leg. He replied weakly: "There were no poems in the two main meetings, especially the first deputy leader, you didn't publish any works."

Lin Tailai couldn't help but fell into deep thought, why did he forget to write poems?

I used to love literature so much that every time I beat someone, I would never forget to write a poem and leave a name.

Now that he has become the first deputy leader in the literary world, he can actually forget about writing poems.

Could it be that after reaching a high position in the literary world, I have lost my original intention of literature?

Everyone in the big tent also suddenly realized, no wonder they always felt that something was missing.

There is no poetry in the literary conference. It is simply unbelievable. Why didn’t everyone realize it before?

After the first deputy leader Lin reflected for a moment, he slowly picked up the pen and wrote a poem in a large font for easy hanging and viewing.

Everyone stared at it, the title was "On Five Poems", the style was very good and very Lin Tailai.

Everyone knows that the first deputy leader loves to write poems, and often writes a poem at once.

“One of them anticipated a new idea for five hundred years, but after a thousand years it became obsolete.

Secondly, talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has been leading the way for hundreds of years.

I have never seen the three dwarves go to the theater. They just follow other people's opinions.

The fourth is that now I know that it is not possible to achieve it by force. One-third of human affairs and seven-thirds of heaven.

The five bear fishes laugh at themselves and are greedy. They want to be good at poetry but are afraid of poverty."

Okay! Everyone applauded from the bottom of their hearts. The content and ideas of this set of poems could not be more suitable as the closing poem for the establishment of the New Literary and Art League!

In particular, the phrase "talented people have emerged from generation to generation, and each has led the way for hundreds of years" is the best interpretation of the founding of the New Literary and Art League!

Although he heard the applause of all the literary elites, the first deputy leader Lin stood outside the crowd, feeling neither sad nor happy, let alone excited.

After being in a daze for a moment, the first deputy leader said to Gao Changjiang, the director of the New Literary and Art League and the president of the Storytelling Novel Research Association next to him:

"Ah! I will never be able to find the happiness I had after publishing my poems again. This is probably the principle of life where there are gains and losses!"


This chapter has been completed!
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