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Chapter 530 What else do you want from me? (Please vote for me!)

Watching Lin Tailai enter the county government office, the local people watching behind him started talking a lot.

They all felt that this Nine-Yuan True Immortal had no style at all, and his behavior was not much different from that of a low-end gangster. It was better to meet him than to be famous.

This kind of people can win the first prize and first prize in succession, but their heads were shaved in the provincial examination last year. God is so blind.

Only Feng Shike sighed: "There must be a big disaster in our county!"

He knew very well that the worse Lin Jiuyuan's performance was, the bigger things would be next.

Then Feng Shike said to other scholars: "I will guard here. If any of you are familiar with Taigong Lin's family, please go over and persuade them to go out to avoid trouble!"

Everyone didn't take it seriously and dispersed with laughter. This second master Feng was too alarmist!

The Lin family is also a wealthy family with tens of thousands of tenants on fertile land, and two generations of hairpins. Who can touch the Lin family in Songjiang Prefecture?

But it is said that the magistrate of Huating County, the capital of Songjiang Prefecture, whose surname is Nie, is now in the most troubled time of the year.

Because after the autumn harvest is over, it is time to collect taxes. Songjiang Prefecture, like Suzhou Prefecture, puts money and food as the first priority.

Being an official in these two places, failing to complete the financial and food tasks is equivalent to a veto!

Even though the total tax amount of Songjiang Prefecture is only half of Suzhou Prefecture, ranking second in the country, Suzhou Prefecture has seven prefectures and counties, while Songjiang Prefecture only has two or three.

Huating County is also the largest county in Songjiang Prefecture, so one can imagine the heavy tax burden.

The land annexation phenomenon in Songjiang Prefecture is much more serious than in Suzhou Prefecture where the ratio of official land is extremely high, and the power of large households is stronger.

Rather than collecting taxes, it is more about the repeated pushback between the Yamen and the big households across the border. This is what gives Magistrate Nie the biggest headache.

Thinking of this, Magistrate Nie couldn't help but feel emotional, a little envious of the two counties in Fucheng, Suzhou Prefecture next door.

In the eyes of outsiders, if there is a bully with such powerful dominance as Lin Tailai in the local area, it will greatly damage the authority of the Yamen.

But in the eyes of Magistrate Nie, all the above statements are nonsense from ignorant people!

Look at the little Yuan magistrate next door who knows nothing except drinking and reveling. Whether in Cheung Chau or Wuxian, has he ever worried about money and food issues?

Next door, as long as you serve Lin Bully well and agree on this year's main items and loss amounts, you don't have to worry about anything!

If there was such a bully in Huating County, I wonder how much worry it would save me!

Just as Magistrate Nie was thinking of this, a government official stood outside the house and reported: "Sir! Lin Jiuyuan, who came from Suzhou Prefecture, just entered the county government office!"

Magistrate Nie was filled with doubts. What was going on? Did Cao Cao arrive? Could it be that Lin Jiuyuan wanted to come to Huating County to develop business?

He and Lin Jiuyuan have never been friends, and Lin Jiuyuan probably doesn't like him either.

"He is here to surrender!" The yamen officer continued to report: "He said that he beat Mr. Lin and lost eight of his teeth, so he came to the county yamen to surrender!"

Magistrate Nie was stunned. What kind of disaster was this?

The yamen officer urged: "The gentlemen in the execution room can't stand this case. Please come forward as soon as possible!"

Magistrate Nie came to his senses and spoke as if he, the magistrate, could withstand it.

On one side is the Nine Yuan True Immortal, who, needless to say, has the ability to directly reach Tianting.

Let me just say one thing: How many people can swindle two hundred thousand taels of silver from the increasingly tight national treasury to carry out an inexplicable dredging project?

Even his immediate superior in the same city, the prefect, was arranged by Lin Jiuyuan!

On the other hand, Taigong Lin is a local boss. If the latest version of the local guardian talisman is compiled, the first row of families will definitely be Xu, Gu, Lin, and Feng. Taigong Lin is the Lin in it!

But the county magistrate is the biggest in the county government, so magistrate Nie can’t do anything if he doesn’t come forward, unless he quits.

Therefore, Magistrate Nie had no choice but to reluctantly promote him to the board of directors temporarily, and then asked the officials to drive out the idlers who wanted to watch the fun.

In the court, there were not even the mighty Zaoban yamen to carry out the execution, only Magistrate Nie himself and the clerk.

A chair was also placed next to the public case. After Lin Tailai entered the court, he sat down next to it.

Magistrate Nie asked as amiably as possible: "Why did your Excellency have a conflict with the old lady?"

Because Lin Jingyang was the Grand Duke of Lin and became the Minister of Taipu Temple, the county government here respectfully called him Lao Taipu.

Lin Tailai replied: "I had a few quarrels with Mrs. Lin, and then I started beating him, and many people present saw it.

The physical evidence also includes eight knocked out teeth. Please ask the county magistrate to give a fair verdict in accordance with the law!"

Nie County Magistrate: ""

How is justice? According to the law, if eight teeth are knocked out, the compensation is fifty-six kilometers?

Is that fair? Can the local Lin family agree?

If Lin Jiuyuan was an ordinary person in politics, he could still use "the humble to insult the noble" as an excuse to increase the punishment, but Lin Jiuyuan's political status is not lower than Lin Taipu.

The clerk next to him came to the rescue and asked, "Where is the servant of the plaintiff, the old lady?"

Official Lin replied: "I was carried away by their servants, so I think I was carried home!"

The clerk then advised Magistrate Nie: "You can't just listen to the defendant's side of the story. The plaintiff hasn't even spoken since he's not here, so there's no need to rush to a verdict."

Magistrate Nie said to Lin Tai again: "Why don't you go back first and wait for further notice."

Lin Tailai said dissatisfiedly: "What you did, County Lord, violated the principles and was suspected of favoritism!


Even if the procedure is not easy to reach a verdict for the time being, I, the accused murderer, should be put in jail first!"

Magistrate Nie looked at Lin Tailai in disbelief. Did you, Lin Jiuyuan, come here just to go to jail?

If you want to go to jail, you should go to the imperial prison! That is the promised land for people like you! What is so interesting about a shabby county jail that you should be interested in?

Lin Tailai threatened: "If the county magistrate attempts to indulge others for personal gain, then I will file a lawsuit! Anyway, the government office is not far away, and going to the government office is the same as going to jail!"

Magistrate Nie knew that as long as Lin Tai came to appeal, he would be punished! He had never experienced such a painful thing since he became an official.

Finally, Magistrate Nie had no choice but to say to the prison clerk, "Go and tell the county jail to clean up a room in the front hall of the prison and give Jiuyuan a temporary stay!"

Official Lin quickly interjected: "One room is not enough, I want to bring dozens more followers to protect myself.

If something happens to me inside, I'm afraid the county magistrate will be implicated."

Dozens of attendants and scribes looked at Magistrate Nie in embarrassment, but Magistrate Nie said expressionlessly: "Follow it!"

Feng Shike never left, sitting in the execution room waiting for the result.

After he heard about Lin Jiuyuan's imprisonment, he immediately left the county government office and went straight to Taishi Xu's mansion in the south of the city.

At this time, we can only ask Xu Fan, the head of the Xu family, to come forward and see if things can be turned around.

"What exactly does Lin Jiuyuan want to do?" Xu Fan, who has extremely rich life experience, was extremely confused after hearing Feng Shike's briefing.

It can be said that Mrs. Xu Fan's life experience far exceeds that of others, and few in the world can compare with it.

His mother died when he was young, and his father Xu Jie was sent to another place to be an official, so he could only grow up alone.

After he grew up, Xu Fan went to the capital to join his father, and then helped his father Xu Jie fight wits and courage with Yan Song and his son. He also built a palace for Emperor Jiajing, and was promoted to the rank of Shaoqing of Taichang Temple by Emperor Jiajing himself.

When he was old, Xu Fan returned to his hometown and annexed land wantonly, but was taken over by Hai Rui. He was sentenced and exiled due to political reasons, and was later pardoned.

All in all, I have served top people like Jiajing, Yan Song, and my father Xu Jie throughout my life, and I have been retaliated by Gao Gong, taken back by Zhang Juzheng, and beaten by Hai Qingtian several times.

It can be said that what kind of person has Mrs. Xu Fan never seen in her life?

But at this time, he was also confused and could not understand Lin Tailai's behavior at all.

"You are more familiar with various aspects of the situation. What do you think?" Xu Fan asked Feng Shike.

Feng Shike replied: "I can only imagine that if the news about Lin Jiuyuan's imprisonment in Huating County comes back to Suzhou, it will definitely cause a huge shock!"

Xu Fan sighed and said: "Perhaps Mrs. Lin is greedy this time. I will go to Suyuan to visit first!"

Suyuan is the garden of the Lin family and is also the current residence of Lin Jingyang.

Xu Fan and Lin Jingyang are engaged to be married, and they are children and in-laws, so they should visit them both emotionally and logically.

When Xu Fan and Feng Shike arrived at Suyuan, they saw Lin Jingyang lying on his back on the couch in the inner room, with the word "door" missing from his mouth, and he was in so much pain that he could not speak.

The person is still conscious and has no mental problems.

Lin Youlin, the twelve-year-old only son, was standing nearby, wiping tears. He was also the fiancé of Xu Fan's young daughter.

It was difficult for Mr. Lin to have a son. He did not have a son until he was nearly fifty years old, so he is only twelve years old now and cannot establish a family.

Lin Jingyang didn't want to speak, but looked at his in-law Xu Fan with expectant eyes.

Xu Fan had no choice but to reply: "I will try my best to help you get compensation.

But you may have made a mistake, the two hundred thousand gold is not the silver of the imperial court, but the silver of Lin Tailai."

After visiting his in-laws, Xu Fan went to the Huating County government office and went to the county jail to visit Lin Jiuyuan.

After passing through the heavily guarded gate of the county jail, and then passing through a dark and narrow corridor, we entered the interior of the county jail.

Then they saw dozens of big men standing outside the front hall of the prison. The other scribes and jailers had all been driven out and could only squat in the corner to work.

The windows of the three front halls are all open, and through the windows you can hear the sounds of mixed men and women laughing inside.

Old Mrs. Xu Fan, who was sophisticated and experienced, was indifferent to this, as if being in jail was what it should be like.

He just shouted towards the window: "Lin Jiuyuan! I'm here to visit you!"

Lin Tailai hugged a beautiful woman, appeared in the window, and replied: "How dare you work for Mr. Taichang!"

Xu Fan once served as an official in Taichang Temple, so he can be honored as Taichang Gong.

Xu Fan smiled bitterly and said: "People of the Ming Dynasty don't tell secrets. Lin Jingyang was beaten badly. How about Jiuyuan Lord paying some compensation?"

Official Lin sneered a few times and said: "I, the dignified Hanyuan Tsinghua University, the Nine-Yuan True Immortal, and the first deputy leader of the literary world, were tricked and imprisoned in Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture! I confessed and was punished! What else do you want from me?


Xu Fan was choked immediately and was speechless for a moment.

He suddenly felt that Lin Tailai's imprisonment seemed to be a bit of a retreat to advance to a certain extent.

Although the performance component is relatively large, from a nominal point of view, being imprisoned as Lin Tailai is indeed a huge injustice.

But I still can’t understand, what can you do if Lin Tailai acts like you’ve been greatly wronged? What benefits can you gain?


This chapter has been completed!
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