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Chapter 536 Let’s do something bad together

After Lin Tailai came out of the Ministry of Industry, he looked at the sun and found it was already slightly to the west.

When it was time to get off work as usual, Lin Tailai waved his hand and told his servants: "Go back home!"

Mainly because there is a party at home today and I need to greet my friends.

Shen Yongmao, a member of the driving department of the Ministry of War, also returned home early, only to find that his father Shen Shixing had returned earlier.

Although he was surprised, he didn't care. After greeting his father, Shen Yongmao washed his face, changed into normal clothes, and then went out.

Shen Shixing asked the servant to call the big boy back, "Where are you going?"

Shen Yongmao replied: "I met Lin Jiuyuan today at the Ministry of War. He said that there was a party at home in the evening, mainly for young and new generation officials. I am going to attend it."

Shen Shixing asked again: "Has Lin Jiuyuan mentioned when he will come to visit me at home?"

After Shen Yongmao thought for a while, he replied impatiently, "It's unnecessary," and then hurried away.

Shin Si-hyung, who still wanted to talk to his son a few more words, was speechless for a long time. Such a grown-up son seemed to be in his youthful rebellious phase eighteen years late.

In the front hall of Lin Mansion, guest Gu Bingqian was orderly instructing the helpers to arrange the table, melons and fruits.

This should have been the job of a housekeeper, but now there are no serious housekeepers in the Lin Mansion in the capital, so Gu Bingqian, a retainer, has no choice but to work part-time.

Zhou Yingqiu, a scholar from the Hanlin Academy who arrived early, stood aside and watched with cold eyes. He felt a message of repulsion from Gu Bingqian.

A year ago, helping Lin Tailai organize parties and arrange banquets should have been Zhou Yingqiu's job.

Before the Ji Chou Examination in the 17th year of Wanli's reign, he helped Lin Tailai organize at least ten banquets to make friends with scholars from various provinces and eliminate the pressure of public opinion on scholars after the examination results came out.

At this time, Lin Tai returned to the house, strode into the front hall, and asked Gu Bingqian: "How are you preparing?"

Gu Bingqian replied: "We are all here, just waiting for the guests to arrive."

Then Gu Bingqian reported again: "The banquet is a trivial matter, but the house has limited space and insufficient housing, so the proprietor needs to make plans in advance.

If there are no other instructions tomorrow, I will first find a way to solve this problem."

When Lin Tai came to the capital last time, he purchased the house in Lige Old Hutong according to the standard of housing dozens of servants.

But this time the number of servants has expanded to 220, and there are also dependents like Secretary Bai. The original Lin Mansion is definitely not enough.

Now there are 150 people from the large army behind, and they must first solve the problem of accommodation before arriving.

At this time Zhou Yingqiu came over, took out a few pieces of paper and handed them to Lin Tailai.

And he said: "As for the resettlement plan for the servants of the Lin Mansion, I have drawn up several plans based on the standard of 200 people. Brother Jiuyuan can read it first."

As he spoke, he glanced meaningfully at Gu Bingqian.

As a human being, the most important thing is to know the difference between big and small, and don't reach out randomly when you shouldn't reach out.

And Gu Bingqian cursed in his heart, you, Zhou Yingqiu, were already a bastard at the age of thirty-six, and why are you so shameless when you come to snatch your opportunity to perform as a juren at the age of forty-one?

Don’t be fooled by the middle-aged poor! Wait until you are named on the gold medal list in two years, and then I will fight with you Zhou Yingqiu!

Perhaps by God's will, Gu Bingqian, the chief minister in another time and space, and Zhou Yingqiu, the official minister, were both listed among the "Ten Dogs of the Eunuch Party".

But Lin Tailai never understood why Zhou Yingqiu was regarded as the first of the ten dogs.

Guests arrived one after another, including Zhou Yingqiu, Dong Qichang, imperial censor Wang Yusheng, Pan Shizhang, Chen Yunjian and Shen Ju, the head of the Ministry of Rites, and Shen Yongmao, a member of the Ministry of War.

There are two major characteristics. The first is that they are all relatively young, in their twenties to thirties. The second is that they are all in the same year as Lin Tailai, from the same hometown, or considered to be one of our own.

In addition, there was a special guest, Wang Xiangmeng, a member of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Although Wang Xiangmeng is already forty years old, he has a lower generation and a younger mentality, so he sneaked in.

After three drinks and five dishes, Lin Tailai put down his wine cup and said to everyone: "Today so many like-minded people gathered together, we should form a club."

At this time, it was very common for literati and officials to form alliances, and no one was too surprised.

Then I heard Lin Tailai continue to say: "I once formed an update society back then, but unfortunately the standards for joining the society were set too high, and as a result, there are only three members so far.

In retrospect, it was indeed a mistake on my part to use "come out, general and enter the prime minister" as the standard for joining the company.

Now I have decided to make amends, lower my standards, and accept all my colleagues into the society."

Everyone applauded loudly, and there was definitely no objection. Forming alliances and forming societies is considered a very fashionable behavior nowadays.

Zhou Yingqiu asked: "The first name is Zhengze and the words are right. Is the leader of our society Brother Jiuyuan?"

Lin Tailai replied: "It is Shen Yongjia, the second son of the first minister, who is still living in Suzhou."

Everyone couldn't help but look at Shen Yongmao. Everyone wanted to ask, why is your second brother so embarrassed?

Not to mention the Nine Yuan True Immortal, who among you can be inferior to Second Master Shen?

Shen Yongmao quickly took the initiative and said: "This is a historical issue! I will write to my brother-in-law as soon as possible and ask him to abdicate as soon as possible to avoid making people laugh!"

Now everyone looks at each other and feels like a group.

Lin Tailai said loudly: "In this society, no matter our age or seniority, we are all brothers!

In order to avoid being ridiculed by cliques, I hope that the Update Society will only be known to my own people!

Do not mention anything about our company to outsiders, even close relatives!"

"Okay!" Regarding Lin Tailai's proposal, everyone applauded and approved it.

Although everyone didn't understand the meaning of such confidentiality, a group of people originally had Lin Tailai as the core, and Lin Tailai could do whatever he wanted.

In fact, Lin Tailai didn't expect to be able to keep any secrets, but he still had to shout about confidentiality.

This is very beneficial. It is helpful to enhance cohesion internally and to increase mystery and attraction externally.

Lin Tailai then suggested: "In order to celebrate you joining our club and to cultivate your tacit understanding, I suggest we do something together to commemorate it!"

Today, Uncle Shen finally felt that he was freed from his father's wings and had a circle of his own. He asked actively: "Is there anything I can do?"

Lin Tailai said: "Reorganize Zhao Yongxian, the left minister of the Ministry of Rites!"

Everyone looked at each other in confusion, how could this be fixed? Mainly because they had no clue.

Lin Tailai smiled and said: "It's not difficult for those who want to meet, but it's not difficult for those who are difficult. I can provide clues, but you need to do the things, just think of it as practice!"

More than ten years ago, Zhao Yongxian made a marriage agreement with Wu Zhiyan, a fellow villager, and gave his newborn daughter to Wu Zhiyan's son Wu Zhen, and accepted a betrothal gift.

But later Zhao Yongxian took the initiative to break off the engagement and returned all the betrothal gifts to the Wu family, but this matter was not made public at the time.

You can use this clue to deal with Zhao Yongxian! I don’t care how you do it, I just want to see the result!"

Everyone was shocked when they heard this. Is there such a thing?


According to the concept of this era, regretting and breaking off the engagement can be regarded as a moral stain, not to mention that Zhao Yongxian still established the government as a moral gentleman, and cannot tolerate such stains.

So this thing worked well, and it can indeed be called Zhao Yongxian's handle.

Wang Yusheng, the great-grandson of Wang Hao who was born into a wealthy family and was a decent man, asked, "Do you have any necessary reasons for wanting to punish Zhao Yongxian?"

Lin Tailai replied very simply and neatly: "There is no reason! We just want to punish him! We are going to be evil people and do bad things this time!"

Doing some bad things together is the fastest way to promote cohesion. If you are not even willing to do some bad things together, then this person is not reliable!

Wang Yusheng hesitated and said: "Zhao Yongxian's outspoken voice shocks the world. Is it okay to expose his shortcomings for no reason?"

Lin Tailai said earnestly: "The future court environment will be like this, either you adapt to the environment or you are eliminated.

Helping you seek official positions is not really helping you. Helping you adapt to the environment is real help.

I took Zhao Yongxian as your training partner just to help you adapt to the environment as soon as possible.

As the saying goes, teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish. I hope you can understand my painstaking efforts!"

Zhou Yingqiu raised the wine cup and said loudly: "Today is the day we are waiting for our friendship! There is no need to say any more, just drink this glass of wine, and then go get Zhao Yongxian!"

Those who don’t want to do it can just quit now, and I’m sure Brother Jiuyuan won’t force it!”

In the end, no one here expressed their intention to quit. This is the culture of small circles, and no one wants to be the one who is excluded.

Even if Wang Yusheng is relatively upright, where can he go if he leaves this circle? The Qingliu circle will not accept him.

After the party at Lin Mansion broke up, Lin Tailai didn't rest. Taking advantage of the dark night and high wind, he fled to Uncle Ning Yuan's Mansion.

Ning Yuanbo's eldest son, Li Rusong, the governor's fellow governor, was a little confused when he saw Lin Tailai staying up late at night and coming to harass him.

What's so important? Can't we talk about it tomorrow?

Lin Tailai asked inexplicably: "How is the relationship between you and me?"

"Of course we are close friends!" Li Rusong replied without hesitation. No matter what the specific situation was, he could only answer this way at this time.

Lin Tailai added: "I think the friendship between us can be further deepened."

If someone else had said that, Li Rusong would have thought he was here to ask for a bribe, but Lin Tailai was not someone who took money just for the sake of it.

"How else can we deepen it?" Li Rusong was also a little curious.

Lin Tailai replied: "The friendship between you and me can't just be filled with gold, silver, wine and meat, it needs more new content.

Doing something bad together can greatly enhance the friendship between the two parties, for example, working together to frame and humiliate a minister with a good reputation."

Li Rusong became more curious and continued to ask: "Who is it?"

Lin Tailai answered unabashedly: "Sun Qin, the left minister of the Ministry of Revenue and the governor of Taicang."

Li Rusong: ""

Brother, did you go to the wrong door? This is Uncle Ningyuan's Mansion, not the Shen Mansion of the First Assistant Family.

How could a military attache be involved in such a high-end political struggle? If you want us to be cannon fodder, just say so!

Lin Tailai patted his pectoralis major and said, "Don't worry! I'm just asking you to focus on your participation, and I won't put you in danger! Do you still not believe in my credibility, Lin Jiuyuan?"

By the next morning, Lin Tailai and Lin Xiuzan finally entered the Hanlin Academy's Dengying Gate.

He first went to the Zhuangyuan Hall in the west courtyard and saw that his desk and chairs were clean and spotless. It was obvious that someone had cleaned them in advance, so he nodded with satisfaction.

It seems that the Secretary's Office in charge of miscellaneous affairs in the Hanlin Academy respects him quite a bit.

When walking out of the Zhuangyuan Hall, I happened to come across the Tang Dynasty Documents of the Zhuangyuan Dynasty in the 14th year of Wanli.

Tang Zhuangyuan felt very complicated because he had learned that Lin Tailai had extended his claws into his hometown, Huating County, Songjiang Prefecture.

On the other hand, he joked: "Why don't Mr. Jiuyuan practice the big gun in the morning? I haven't seen the gunfire outside the Zhuangyuan Hall for a long time. I miss it very much."

Lin Tailai replied: "I have already practiced today, outside the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and then I came to the Hanlin Academy!"

Tang Wenwen was speechless, why don't you go practice outside the Meridian Gate?

After talking to Tang Zhuangyuan, Lin Tailai came to the atrium as a habit.

Sure enough, the new batch of newcomers selected by the library last year were lining up to listen to the lecture, which was called the morning class.

Lin Tailai strolled over and stood outside the team, standing with his hands behind his back.

Bachelor Tian Yijuntian on the platform caught a glimpse of Lin Tailai, who was showing off next to him, and subconsciously said: "What? Why don't you come up and say a few words?"

"Then it's better to obey orders than to be respectful!" Lin Tailai immediately sprinted and jumped directly onto the platform. He turned around and said to the newcomers, "I'll just say a few words."

Xueshie Tian: ""

I am such a mean-spirited person! I didn’t think for a moment that Lin Tailai really dared to speak up!

At this time, Lin Tailai had already spoken: "As a Hanyuan figure, you should always pay attention to the trends in the literary world to avoid the disadvantages of being ignorant and working behind closed doors!

I came here today to convey to you the spirit of last year’s Suzhou Literary Forum!”

Someone below shouted: "The most important thing is that you were elected as the first deputy leader of the literary world!"

Lin Tailai quickly said a few words modestly: "Although it is important for me to be elected as the first deputy leader, it is not the most important!

At the literary conference, the most important thing was to smash a literary rebel group!

The main backbone of the group is Shen Li, Zhao Yongxian, Sun Jigao, Gu Xiancheng, and Zou Diguang!

Among these five people, three of them were born in Hanyuan, which makes me very sad!

So I hope you will learn from it, take it as a warning, and don’t follow in his footsteps!

In particular, Zhao Yongxian went against the current and went to the capital as the Minister of Rites!

I hope that all of you can take the initiative to draw a clear line between you and Zhao Yongxian, and don’t collude with others, let alone act as a collaborator!”

Someone below was dissatisfied and said: "Senior Zhao took the Imperial Staff thirteen years ago, and his reputation shocked the world. How can he be so unbearable?"

Lin Tailai said disdainfully: "Has anyone ever told you that Zhao Yongxian's teacher is Zhang Juzheng? Zhao Yongxian got his reputation and status by stepping on his teacher Zhang Juzheng?"

If he really wanted justice, he could have resigned from his job after stepping on his teacher, but why is he still pursuing fame and fortune now?"

The man retorted: "You are making heart-breaking remarks. You use malicious intent to speculate on people's hearts. Of course, everyone is evil!"

Lin Tailai was too lazy to argue with Xiao Xiami, and pointed at Scholar Tian next to him and asked:

"Xueshi Tian is now your instructor. Which of you dares to say in front of Xueshi Tian, ​​did Zhao Yongxian do the right thing?"

Xueshie Tian: ""

It's a foul for you, Lin Tailai, to argue like this!

At this time, a handyman ran over and said, "Lin Xiuzhuan, don't waste time here. Bachelor Chen is here to find you!"


This chapter has been completed!
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