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Chapter 54

Chapter 54 It’s going green

Author: Let the breeze go

Chapter 54 It’s going green

At this time, fifty Nanjing thugs suddenly shouted in unison: "Someone is willing to be the flower protector!"

The sound was so uniform that it shook the canal port!

It can be seen from their energy and organization that they must be the elite of Nanjing's fighting force!

There was even a leader who pointed at Lin Tailai and shouted: "What can you do if you are big? I am not intimidated by your grandpa!"

Ma Xianglan suddenly showed her "open and bright" side again, and said to Lin Tailai:

"If you are still willing to accept the banknote at this time, you can still turn the conflict into friendship. Otherwise, you have to be polite first and then fight."

Lin Tailai finally understood what historical data said about Ma Ji being a heroic, lively, generous and generous person.

Tired, destroy it!

Facing fifty people at the same time, Professor Lin did not give up today. He still took the double whip from the Zhang brothers and immediately evolved into a complete form.

The boys brought by Professor Lin, that is, the guys sent by the school secretary's office to help him, saw this and raised the objects in their hands.

It was supposed to be a tense and solemn atmosphere before the battle, but it almost made the surrounding audience and the opponents on the opposite side burst into laughter.

I saw Professor Lin and his subordinates, each holding a large rectangular bamboo basket made of wicker, which is the kind of utensil commonly seen in the countryside. They all have special handles, and when they are erected, they are about half a person's height.

The elite thugs from Nanjing immediately felt that this wave was stable.

Others are fighting with farm tools, mostly hoes, but the other person is holding a big wicker basket. Are you trying to laugh them to death?

Since Professor Lin's debut, most of the time he has been fighting alone in a group, without the two burdensome members of the Zhang family getting involved. Today is the first time that he has led his younger brothers to play in a group.

Of course, if it weren't for the help of his younger brothers, Professor Lin would definitely not be stupid enough to start a fight with fifty people at the same time.

With just one shout, Professor Lin led his juniors up.

This was also beyond the expectations of the audience and opponents. I didn't expect that a dozen people would dare to take the initiative to charge at the fifty people on the opposite side.

He is worthy of being the newly emerged number one hero in Suzhou City. He is indeed brave!

Then an even more unheard and unseen scene appeared in front of everyone.

I only saw some younger brothers holding up large bamboo baskets that were as tall as half a man. They did not take the initiative to attack. They surrounded Professor Lin on the left, right and behind, closely following Professor Lin's footsteps, and taking turns to cover Professor Lin solidly.

The large square basket seemed to have turned into a giant shield at this moment, which was enough to block attacks from wooden sticks anyway.

Professor Lin no longer has to worry about the left, right and behind, he can just look ahead and hit hard.

Then I saw more than half a circle of huge shields, wrapping Professor Lin and rushing into the lineup of fifty thugs from Nanjing.

It's like pouring a pot of boiling water into a colony of ants, causing the nest to explode immediately.

It's like a tank rushing into an infantry formation with only cold weapons.

After a few rounds, all the Nanjing thugs found themselves facing a difficult situation.

Lin Tailai couldn't be beaten at all when hit from the front, and Lin Tailai couldn't be hit by sneak attacks from the side or behind.

If you want to fight a war of attrition, your side has fallen into a rapid attrition rhythm, and dozens of people have fallen in the blink of an eye.

During the several group fights in Suzhou City, Professor Lin usually left his strength to spare and there was no need to make a fatal move.

But at this time, there were too many people on the other side, and fifty people pounced on them. Moreover, there was no local kindness to speak of, so holding back would be tantamount to self-abuse.

Therefore, every time the whip is struck, tendons and bones are often broken, and the killing speed is faster than in previous team battles.

After beating again and again, the elite thugs from Nanjing were shocked to find that only half of their men were left.

Suddenly, morale collapsed, and the thugs from Nanjing scattered in unison.

At this time, Lin Tailai no longer needed the cover of the "giant shield". He found a direction, strode his long legs of 1.2 meters at high speed, and pursued them relentlessly, knocking down about ten more people.

The other boys were chasing in the other two directions, but Lin Tailai didn't care!

So far, in the first battle of the Xushuguan blockade, ten against fifty, a complete victory!

Lin Tailai chased for a mile in one breath, then stopped, and then walked back slowly, recovering his strength at the same time.

One of them beat fifty at the same time. After finishing the beating, I finally felt a little tired.

Professor Lin felt a touch of sadness. Is his upper limit coming soon? Is it not enough?

When he returned to the "main battlefield", Lin Tailai saw three or four medical doctors, carrying heavy medicine boxes and their disciples, walking back and forth among the wounded on the ground.

They asked the wounded one by one. When they met the wounded who had money, they immediately treated them on the spot. When they met the wounded who didn't have money, they just ignored them and went straight to the next one.

This scene made Professor Lin stunned. Is the medical industry in Xushuguan so developed?

The battle had just ended, and doctors immediately entered the scene, faster than ambulances hundreds of years later.

An old doctor in his fifties looked up and saw Professor Lin coming back. He quickly went to greet him and introduced himself: "I am Li Bianque from the Wuxian County Government Medical Department. I am also familiar with Zhang Liangshu."

When he heard that it was from the county government medical department, Professor Lin put down his iron whip.

Li Bianque breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "Hearing that Professor Lin was leaving Zhenxushuguan, a few of us rushed over overnight.

Sure enough, I really got a big deal, and I have to thank Professor Lin for this!

When I get back to the county, I will be my host, and I hope Professor Lin will take care of me in the future!"

Lin Tailai: "."

He indeed felt a kind of sincere and heartfelt kindness from Li Bianque.

If friendliness also had a value, among all the people he met for the first time, Li Bianque definitely had the highest initial value!

Looking at the medical doctors wandering among the wounded, Lin Tailai somehow remembered the vultures wandering on the African savannah.

This is probably the ecosystem. Professor Lin suddenly had an epiphany and realized a little bit of the way of heaven.

After Lin Tailai finished his emotion, he pointed at a wounded person and said: "Don't save him, others can do whatever they want!"

This wounded man was the Nanjing thug who took the lead in the clamor just now after his blood boiled over, and he finally paid a huge price for it.

The world at the bottom is so cruel. Fortunately, Professor Lin’s main project is literature.

When I came to the port shore again, I saw a group of idle people gathered in a large circle, commenting on the people in the circle.

"Tsk, tsk, it turns out this is Ma Ji, the head of the Twelve Beauties of Jinling."

"It opens my eyes. I heard that this is the most famous woman in Jiangnan in the past ten years."

"You have a good temperament, but it's a pity that you are a bit old."

"What do you know? Only at this age do you have charm."

In the circle of people, two men, the Zhang brothers, one on the left and one on the right, guarded Ma Xianglan in place, unable to escape.

Damage, the eldest sister of the flower world in Jinling, who was high-spirited, calm and free-spirited half a quarter of an hour ago, now seems to have lost her soul and is in a daze, not knowing how much sanity she has left.

Weak, helpless, and pitiful.

Zhang Wen looked at the other younger brothers in the distance who were bravely chasing and killing the enemy, and said disdainfully to his younger brother Zhang Wu:

"This is why we can easily be the guardians of the left and right, but they are all idiots!

They don’t understand what the most important thing is. As I said, you have to use your brain!”

Zhang Wu muttered: "I don't think this famous lady around us is very smart.

You don't even know the depth of the water, so you just stupidly come over to start the fight. Isn't this just a free meal?"

Lin Tailai sighed, the ecosystem is really diverse, and everyone is adapting to the environment.

"It's over, it's over!" Lin Tailai shouted to the crowd.

Seeing the giant man standing in front of her again with a blood-stained iron whip, Ma Xianglan sobered up a little, and recovered from completely stupid to half stupid.

"I have nothing to say. I leave it to you to do whatever you want. I just ask you to let me see Brother Bo Gu again!"

Lin Tailai simply couldn't bear to listen. You, Ma Xianglan, are in your thirties, and yet you call a fifty-year-old old man brother. Are you disgusting?

The brother Bo Gu mentioned by Ma Xianglan is Wang Zhideng, the leader of Suzhou's local literary circle, and the object of Ma Xianglan's lifelong affection.

I don’t know why these two lovers get along as brother and sister, which is quite abnormal.

Lin Tailai threw the iron whip to the Zhang brothers to put away, and then said condescendingly to Ma Xianglan:

"Stop talking about useless things. You, the first lady in Jinling, can you seriously talk to me about literature?"

This is called not forgetting your original intention. Professor Lin will never forget that his original intention is literature.

Ma Xianglan lamented that she fell into the hands of thieves alone and was in a pitiful situation. She said sadly: "As long as I can see Brother Bogu again, literature will be literature."

Lin Tailai was a little speechless. You looked like you had lost your mind and you still talked about literature!

I couldn't help but sarcastically said: "Why are you insisting on meeting Wang Zhideng? Do you want to embarrass him?"

Ma Xianglan asked back: "This month's grand gathering of Suzhou literary circles will elect the new five literary talents. The Nu family wants to cheer for Brother Bo Gu. How can it be embarrassing?"

Lin Tailai laughed "haha", "Cheering? Supporting? You really made me laugh to death!"

I can tell you that Wang Zhideng will definitely be selected as the New Five in the literary world! But do you think this is really an honor?"

Without waiting for Ma Xianglan to say anything else, Professor Lin rushed to continue: "First, when did our leading literary figure in Suzhou City need to be the fifth son of the sect for others?

During the period of the First Seven Scholars when the retro-style school in the literary world was at its peak, we in Suzhou had four great talents from the south of the Yangtze River, but they were not content to be ranked below the First Seven Scholars.

When the Later Seventh Sons emerged, did Wen Zhengming need to please the Later Seventh Sons and join the retro group?

Now, do you think it is still an honor for Wang Zhideng to be the new fifth son of this retro sect?

Second, Wang Zhideng is already fifty-one years old this year, right? And this time, most of the candidates for the new fifth son are in their thirties to forties!

Therefore, at the age of fifty-one, Wang Zhideng, as the leader of Suzhou's local literary circle, sought the gift and became one of the new five sons along with a group of juniors.

I ask again, Maggie, do you think this is an honor or a shame? Is this taking advantage of him, or pitying him?"

Ma Xianglan suddenly changed from a semi-stupid state to a completely stupid state, and her mood was broken bit by bit.

Lin Tailai asked loudly again: "So tell me again, Ma Ji, what are you trying to support and what are you trying to flatter?

Are you going to cheer for Wang Zhideng when he is being ruined and trampled on?

And he might do it voluntarily. Do you really want to see him embarrassed with your own eyes?

Do you just want to show up at the scene and embarrass him even more?"

Ma Xianglan burst into tears unknowingly, and suddenly choked with sobs and asked: "Where do you live?"

Lin Tailai was stunned for a moment, then subconsciously replied: "The City God's Temple next to the customs office."

Ma Xianglan wiped her tears with a handkerchief, "Great place, I want to drink tonight, can we come together?"

Lin Tailai: "."

I just want to dispel your distracting thoughts and have a good discussion about literature with me. Why do you always have such messy thoughts!

I really don’t understand the brain circuits of you literary and artistic ladies!

The Zhang brothers standing in the back were stunned, they were sitting so high, it was so high!

Fight first and then train, and he directly defeated the first lady in Jinling!

This is a half-way attack, and I suddenly gave Mr. Wang, the number one person in Suzhou literary circles today, a green light!

Why don't you come back and write it out quickly?

(End of chapter)

This chapter has been completed!
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