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Chapter 542 Sold cleanly

The bachelors who returned outside the Qianqing Gate waited for a long time, but did not wait for the new decree to come out.

But everyone is mentally prepared for this, so there is no rush.

With such a ridiculous thing happening in the inner palace, the emperor and the eunuchs must have needed time to deal with it internally and come up with countermeasures. At the very least, they had to decide who should take the blame, right?

Anyway, the spring is beautiful now, and it is very comfortable outside. If the emperor is willing to give me a seat and tea first, then it will be the Holy Lord Zhenmingjun.

As for who is the mastermind behind it, several academics have already guessed it, although they are not like Lin Tailai who used cheats to learn from history.

People who can become bachelors may have different temperaments and personalities. For example, Shen Da is a tolerant person, Xu Er is a grumpy old man, Wang San is a smart man, and Wang Si is a Taoist teacher, but everyone has a certain IQ. On the horizontal line.

If by this time they still cannot guess that the mastermind is Concubine Zheng, they are not worthy of being a bachelor.

Anyway, based on their understanding of the emperor and the ceremonial supervisors Zhang Cheng, Sun Xian, Tian Yi, and Chen Ju, they couldn't do such a dishonorable thing.

Moreover, unlike previous dynasties, the concubines of the Ming Dynasty were all selected from the common people or from the bottom, and they all came from small families.

With such a family background, one can imagine their level of knowledge and education, and it is normal for them to do some unreasonable things.

It can only be said that Lin Tailai is so capable of inciting hatred that he actually angered Concubine Zheng so much that she lost her mind and did not hesitate to take such appalling measures.

I heard that yesterday at the Ministry of War, Lin Tailai scolded Concubine Zheng from her father to her brother.

Without being politically correct, Lin Tailai was ambushed and besieged by a group of internal prisoners. He really asked for it.

However, after several academicians recovered from the shock of the sudden change in the palace, they all discovered that the recent incident of internal prisons besieging the "minister" might be a good thing.

It's not a bad thing that turned into a good thing, but a real good thing. Anyway, the person who "got beaten" was Lin Tailai.

To give the simplest example, after such a thing happened, would the emperor still have the nerve to ask these bachelors to support Concubine Zheng and the third son of the emperor?

The only pity is that Lin Tailai didn't seem to have anything serious except for the inevitable few blows he received and his official hat being lost somewhere.

If the only civil and military champion in history was killed in the inner palace, the great calamity of the country that hangs over everyone's head would disappear.

Is a concubine who beat to death the only number one civil and military scholar in history still worthy of being a mother in the world? Is her son worthy of being a prince?

As long as Lin Tailai is sacrificed, he can avert disaster with his body and bring peace to everyone. But it is a pity that Lin Tailai is not willing to sacrifice.

Lin Tailai had been physically exhausted just now, so he grabbed some water from the guards guarding the gate, and suddenly shivered.

Because he found that the eyes of the bachelors around him were very cold. He had never seen such terrifying and inhuman eyes in his life.

Lin Tailai was puzzled by this and didn't know what these old bureaucrats were thinking.

I don't know how long it took, but finally a decree came from the inner palace, but it was not for the foreign ministers.

Instead, a message was first sent to the fifty Jinyiwei officers and fifty warrior battalions to ban soldiers from entering the inner palace, and a special order was issued to "carry weapons."

Immediately, the second decree was addressed to the foreign ministers, ordering the academicians and Lin Tailai to come to see him.

This shows that the inner palace has made preparations for the aftermath, but they just don’t know what conditions will be “given”.

When Lin Tailai entered the Qianqing Gate for the second time, he looked up and found that a throne had been set up on the platform outside the Qianqing Palace.

The emperor was already in place, and around him were a large group of eunuchs in high-class uniforms.

Lin Tailai wondered if all the eunuchs on duty in the inner palace had come over to watch the fun.

On the steps below the emperor, there were three lines of defense consisting of fifty armed imperial guards, fifty armed imperial guards, and fifty strong eunuchs.

The well-informed bachelors sighed, their feelings weakened and their hearts far away.

In the past, when the emperor was in court, even for large court gatherings with thousands of people, the security around the emperor was not so tight.

At that time, the closest civil servants to the emperor were the bachelors. There was no physical isolation between the bachelor class and the emperor.

But now, their bachelors actually have to confront the emperor across three lines of defense.

Probably Emperor Wanli also felt that it was a bit awkward to accept ministers' worship across three lines of defense, so he directly announced that he would be exempted from the ceremony.

On behalf of the foreign ministers, Shen Shoufu directly reported: "Dozens of internal prisoners ambushed the road and surrounded and assaulted the ministers who entered the palace under the imperial edict. It is really shocking! Please make the decision for the ministers and others!"

Others may not feel it, but Lin Tailai only felt that these words were familiar.

Then he suddenly remembered, wasn't this what he said to Eunuch Chen Juchen after the beating?

When Shen Shoufu came up, he talked about the case straight to the point. It was obvious that he had implicated the mastermind early, and then he could be invincible.

In other words, gain an advantageous position in "negotiations".

Emperor Wanli directly dismissed the blame, "I have asked Zhang Cheng to investigate and let him tell you."

Zhang Cheng, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, came forward helplessly and said to Shen Shoufu:

"This matter has been preliminarily ascertained. It was organized by the cabinet minister Pan Zhongyi and others."

No matter what, we must give an explanation to the foreign minister.

Shen Shoufu pretended to be confused and said: "We and other foreign ministers have little knowledge about the personnel in the palace. I don't know who Pan Zhongyi is, the chief ceremonial officer? Or what position he holds in the palace?"

Zhang Cheng replied: "The steward of Yikun Palace."

Shen Shixing continued to ask: "Why can a eunuch in charge of a side palace be so rampant? I wonder which empress lives in Yikun Palace?"

After hearing this, everyone knew Shen Shoufu's intention, or rather the collective intention of the four bachelors.

Shen Shoufu has always given people the impression that he likes to reduce big things to small things.

But today, I was so thorough and thorough that I looked a bit angry as an honest person.

Emperor Wanli couldn't help but said: "Those people are not going for the gentlemen at all, they have nothing to do with them."

Generally speaking, emperors refer to academicians as "sir" in colloquial terms, and "gentlemen" refers to academicians.

After Shen Shoufu heard what the emperor said, he had no response at all.

Because the emperor's words are useless nonsense, and the response is a waste of saliva, just treat him with silence.

Zhang Cheng, the eunuch in charge of the ceremonial department, had no choice but to step forward on behalf of the emperor and said: "In any case, Lin Tailai committed an act of violence in the inner palace and severely injured dozens of ministers!

Isn’t this a serious crime of deceiving the emperor and violating the prohibition? Why didn’t you mention it to Prime Minister Shen?”

Even if the mastermind in our palace did something wrong, wouldn't you Lin Tailai have done nothing wrong at all?

Lin Tailai was watching the excitement when he suddenly heard that he was being mentioned and was about to step forward to refute.

But Shen Shoufu spoke first and said: "If Lin Tailai had just sat there and waited for death and was beaten to death or seriously injured, the consequences would have been more serious, and this would be the real harm to the palace!"

Fortunately, Lin Tailai had the courage to protect himself and prevented the situation from getting worse, so that the matter could be controlled this time!


Of course, Lin Tailai did commit a big mistake by committing murder in the palace and should be punished, but the causes and consequences should also be taken into consideration."

Lin Tailai looked at Shen Shoufu in surprise. It turned out that the senior Shoufu's eloquence was so good. He couldn't tell it at ordinary times.

Zhang Cheng had always been "quibbling" on behalf of the emperor. Now he felt tired and didn't want to pretend anymore, so he asked:

"Don't you know that Lin Tailai made such nonsense yesterday, which greatly offended the royal family Zheng?

Therefore, it aroused righteous indignation in the palace, and then the ministers besieged Lin Tailai! This is the cause and effect!"

Shen Shoufu seemed to be shocked, "Where is the outrage in the palace? Could it be that the imperial concubine Zheng is involved?"

Zhang Cheng was extremely impatient with these nonsense and took the initiative to lift the lid and said:

"What if it involves Empress Zheng of Yikun Palace? Do you still want to punish her?"

Shen Shoufu immediately returned to his true self and said to Emperor Wanli very respectfully: "I dare not offend the imperial concubine in my lifetime! Everything must be obeyed by His Majesty's decree!"

His purpose was not to punish Concubine Zheng, the mastermind, as that would be impossible.

As long as the window paper is peeled off and Concubine Zheng is involved, it will be enough!

Fourth assistant Wang Jiaping also stepped forward to assist and said: "When it comes to the imperial concubine, I naturally dare not speak nonsense, and I will just listen to Chen's decision!"

But I don’t know what your Majesty originally taught us when he summoned us to see you."

I won't mention Concubine Zheng anymore. Your Majesty, just don't mention Concubine Zheng's son, okay?

I don't know whether it was because he was so embarrassed or for some other reason that Emperor Wanli suddenly changed his color!

He said angrily: "I will discipline Concubine Zheng! But Lin Tailai committed an attack in the palace and seriously injured dozens of people in the palace. What do you gentlemen think?"

The emperor's anger is no joke. A single word can deprive a person of all his glory, wealth, and even his life!

Facing the furious emperor, even the unruly Lin Tailai could only bow his head and admit his guilt without being able to refute!

Those who dared to confront the emperor have left their names in history, such as Cao Cao and his son, Sima Zhao and his son, Wei Zheng, and Bao Zheng.

For the first time since time travel, Lin Tailai felt a powerless sense of humiliation, but he could only bury this feeling of humiliation in his heart.

At this moment, Lin Tailai understood firsthand what absolute monarchy meant.

In the past two years, Lin Tailai had become accustomed to tyrannizing others, and suddenly encountered the feeling of being tyrannized. It was really annoying from the bottom of his heart.

Facing the emperor's anger, the academicians did not dare to speak easily and quickly switched to the mode of "it is better to be silent than to speak a thousand words".

Anyway, it was Lin Tailai who the emperor was angry with, not them.

But the emperor would ask questions by name, and said to Wang Jiaping:

"Mr. Wang! You just asked why I summoned you? I will tell you clearly now!

My original intention is to agree with you on the time for the appointment of the eldest brother as the prince, tentatively scheduled for next winter.

In addition, there have been many discussions among the court officials recently, asking the eldest brother to come out to study, and he has long been educated by Yu!

I then thought that there is no better person in the court than Lin Tailai who is both civilized and military-minded, and I would like to invite Lin Tailai to teach Brother Xi!"

Several academicians looked at each other in shock. They couldn't believe a word of what the emperor just said.

The original intention was to discuss the date for the appointment of the crown prince, and the original intention was to invite Lin Tai to teach the eldest son of Emperor Xi.

The emperor could make up random things that didn't happen, and no one else could refute it anyway.

At the same time, Shen Shixing also had a premonition that some situations were going to get out of control.

As the chief minister, the biggest doubt I felt was why the emperor spoke to Wang Jiaping?

Under normal circumstances, if the emperor wants to express his position, he should say it to his chief minister!

And Wang Jiaping is only the fourth-ranked bachelor, and there are three more in front of him!

"You all know what I mean!" the emperor continued to say to Wang Jiaping: "But Lin Tailai has committed such a heinous crime. How can you teach me how to use him?"

Among all the bachelors, Wang Jiaping, who had the deepest connections with the Qingliu forces, was the one who was most motivated to participate in the struggle for the foundation of the country.

Because only when there is turmoil can he, the fourth child, have a chance to make progress. If the situation is stable, he will always be at the bottom.

It's not that Wang Si is so obsessed with power, but that he really can't stand the three corpses in front of him!

After hearing the emperor's question, Mr. Wang Sige felt that his opportunity had come.

It doesn’t matter whether the emperor’s words are true or false, and you don’t need to tell the truth or falsehood to engage in politics, as long as you can see opportunities!

Then Wang Jiaping said to him: "Lin Tailai's crime is extremely serious, and your majesty will not punish him too much!

But you must not stop eating because of choking, or give up your original intention just because of Lin Tailai's sin.

The matter of enthroning the East Palace is a national ceremony, how can we give up because of Lin Tailai's sin?"

Damn it! Everyone was shocked. Wang Jiaping's words were like selling Lin Tailai directly, and sold them cleanly!

What Wang Jiaping meant was that as long as the emperor made progress on national issues, it didn't matter how he killed Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai, who was good at guessing people's hearts, was also very confused at this moment. What did the emperor want to do?

He is just a minor conflict, not at the focus of the country's problems, and his political status is far worse than that of a bachelor. Why does the emperor always bring the topic to himself?

It seems that he will not give up until he kills himself. Could it be that his aura of nine-yuan auspiciousness, like love, will also deteriorate and expire?

Or is it that Concubine Zheng is a vixen and the emperor was fascinated by the vixen?

But judging from historical data, although Emperor Wanli doted on Concubine Zheng, he was still not the kind of faint-hearted emperor who had no principles and no bottom line in front of women.

For example, once Concubine Zheng tried to go to Emperor Wanli, or the Chief of Ceremonies installed two trusted eunuchs, but the two eunuchs were directly killed by Emperor Wanli with a stick.

Emperor Wanli was very satisfied, and Wang Jiaping's answer was completely expected.

After all, Lin Tailai has never been merciless in killing people from the Qingliu forces. If there was a chance, the Qingliu forces would definitely not be merciful to Lin Tailai either!

As expected, Wang Jiaping had no intention of safeguarding the overall interests of the civil servant class towards Lin Tailai, who was extremely hostile to him.

What's more, there is a more meaningful interface, after all, it is for the sake of the country!

Emperor Wanli sighed: "Eldest brother is young and weak. I want to observe him for another year and register him again at the winter solstice next year.

But in the inner palace, Lin Tai must be used to calm Concubine Zheng's anger and make me feel better.

Mr. Xu and Mr. Wang, what do you think?"

This time the emperor asked about the second assistant Xu Guo and the third assistant Wang Xijue, but still did not ask about Shen Da.

After Xu Er and Wang San thought for a while, they also replied: "I believe that Lin Tailai's serious crime should not affect the country's grand ceremony."

Zhang Cheng, the eunuch in charge of the ceremony, curled his lips. This group of civil servants was not as united as the eunuch who was the chief of the ceremony.

Shen Shoufu felt helpless. After all, Lin Tailai was so popular.


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