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Chapter 545 High profile and arrogance

Lin Tailai was particular about the order of his tour, and he was not just randomly jumping around.

Anyone who understands the political rules of the Ming Dynasty knows that among the governmental offices in the outer dynasty, there are three with the strongest political attributes: the Metropolitan Inspectorate, the Ministry of Personnel, and the Ministry of Rites.

In political struggles, large and small, these three yamen are often the battlegrounds.

After touring the Ministry of Rites, the next stop is naturally the Ministry of Personnel. As for the Metropolitan Procuratorate, it is located in Xicheng, which is a bit far away.

It seems that there are always people coming and going in the front yard and lobby of the Ministry of Personnel. Most of the officials are doing business and formalities here, and it is noisy like a vegetable market.

But when Lin Tailai came in lying on the eight-foot wooden board, the whole place was silent.

Lin Tailai shouted to the clerk on duty: "I, Lin Tailai, want to see all the officials in your department to entrust them with state affairs!"

The scribe is a little embarrassed. The tone of your words, Lin Tailai, is as if a prime minister of a country is about to express his last words.

But the scribe silently recited twice in his mind that he couldn't afford to offend the man who had just been punished by the royal rod, so he went in to spread the message.

Immediately, Lin Tailai was carried into the back hall, where officials such as the Minister and the Minister were already waiting.

Just like he did in the Hanlin Academy, Lin Tailai first explained why he became like this.

Then he said to Yang Wei, the Heavenly Official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs: "The inner court has no ministerial status and no prime minister. As the head of the outer dynasty, you, Laozhongzai, should do something to correct it. You can't just sit back and ignore it!"

Yang Tianguan: ""

He wanted to say something, but he didn't know how to say it. The current situation was complicated and confusing, and it was difficult to express his attitude.

Besides, he watched Shen Shoufu act most of the time, and now he didn't know what Shen Shoufu's attitude was.

Many people in the officialdom ridiculed or belittled him, saying that Yang Wei was cowardly, incompetent, had no independent opinion, and would only follow Shen Shoufu. That was all bullshit!

Because he trusts Shen Shoufu's judgment the most in terms of the overall situation, it is safest to agree with Shen Shoufu.

Shen Shoufu hasn't come out of the palace yet, and Yang Wei doesn't want to express anything too clearly.

Lin Tailai didn't care what Yang Wei thought, and said to Zhao Zhigao, the left minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs: "There are many ugly people in the group nowadays, you should encourage yourself."

Zhao Zhigao: ""

He also wanted to say something, but didn't know how to say it.

Lin Tailai simply said publicly that this group of cabinet ministers were not good enough and that he should be prepared to enter the cabinet. How could Zhao Zhigao answer this?

Even if others have the idea of ​​seeking to join the cabinet, they must be hiding it on the surface and will not reveal it until the final result is announced. How can anyone be so public and high-profile?

There are now two procedures for joining the cabinet. The first procedure is to make a public recommendation list, and the second procedure is for the emperor to select from the list.

The characteristic of this kind of program is that it is not easy to get things done, but it is very easy to ruin things for others. If it is too public and high-profile, it will lead to "death if it is popular".

If it weren't for Lin Tailai's countless success stories in the past, Zhao Zhigao would have doubted whether Lin Tailai understood the rules of the court.

Lin Tailai didn't care what Zhao Zhigao thought, and continued: "Even if you can't join the cabinet in the past two years, you can just retire and become a heavenly official."

Yang Wei: ""

Are you, Lin Tailai, polite? The current Heavenly Official is still standing here!

Zhao Zhigao was a little panicked, feeling that Lin Tailai came to the official department today just to stir up hatred for him.

He wanted to explain to Yang Tianguan that those words were spoken by Lin Tai, and it did not mean that Zhao Zhigao must think so.

Thirteen years ago in Wanli, he, Zhao Zhigao, was just an idle member of the fifth rank who was far away in Nanjing and was sitting on the bench!

It was only five years ago that he was promoted to the fourth rank of Jiangnan Governor, four years ago he was promoted to the right minister of the Ministry of Personnel, and he was moved to the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel a year ago.

How can I have such great ambition and enterprising spirit to think about joining the cabinet or replacing you, Yang Tianguan?

Lin Tailai's instructions were only unilateral and did not require any response.

After speaking to the officials in the Ministry of Personnel, he ordered his servants: "Take me to the Literary Selection Department!"

Chen Younian, the doctor in the Literature and Anthology Department, is a member of the Qing Dynasty. He is already here, so why not kidnap him along the way?

Lying at the door of the office of Chen Younian, Secretary of Literature and Selection, Lin Tailai shouted: "Today in the palace, I was convicted by three cabinet ministers. I was dismissed from all official positions and stripped of my clothes. I have to go through the formalities at your office."

Chen Younian said impatiently: "No need to do anything yet! I haven't received any edict yet!"

Lin Tailai pointed at the Zuo protector Zhang Wen, "That's just a way of saying hello in advance, and I'll ask this family member to deliver the divorce certificate to your place later!

I heard that Dr. Chen has always been an upright and upright man, and he often speaks out against what he considers to be injustices!

But I have brought it upon myself. When the time comes, Mr. Chen will just handle it according to the rules. Don’t fight against me because of me!

Of course, if you insist on doing this, I won’t appreciate it, after all, I, Lin Tailai, am not here for fame and fortune.”

Chen Younian: ""

Previously, the two top generals of their Qingliu forces, Zhao Yongxian and Sun Quan, were deposed one after another. Although they have not been removed from office, they have essentially lost their value.

Unable to bear it, their Qingliu forces rekindled the struggle over the country, intending to shift the focus and lead the thunder to attack Lin Tailai.

No one expected that such a strange, embarrassing, and completely unconventional result would occur.

They had already made an in-depth analysis that Lin Tailai, a villain, didn't even dare to submit a memorial to support the emperor's eldest son!

Therefore, it is even more impossible to have the courage to directly support the emperor’s eldest son in front of the emperor!

I can't understand at all, what happened in the palace? How could things become like this?

If looks could kill, Chen Younian would have poked seven or eight holes in Lin Tailai long ago.

Fortunately, Lin Tailai made a lot of announcements today and did not spend too much time in the Literature and Selection Department. He left while Chen Younian could still maintain his sense.

"The next place is the Metropolitan Procuratorate?" Zuo Protector Zhang Wen asked.

The Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel have both been there, and currently the only yamen that can be called a political battleground is the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

As for the more technical bureaucracies such as the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Punishment, and the Ministry of Industry, Zhang Wen did not think that Lin would be interested today.

But Lin Tailai pointed the way and said: "Go to the Ministry of War!"

Wang Yi'e, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, did not expect Lin Tailai to come, so he hurriedly met Lin Tailai in the courtroom.

"What can the Ministry of War do for you?" Wang Yi'e asked curiously, "Would you like to call Uncle Shen to come and have tea with you?"

Lin Tailai sighed and said sadly: "I was convicted by three cabinet ministers and was dismissed from all official positions and stripped of my clothes.

Da Sima knew that being stripped of his clothes meant being expelled from the military ranks and ending his career as a literary scholar.

But there is always a way, and I still have a martial arts merit, so I can participate in the martial arts competition.

My Lin family still retains the fifth-grade official, and I originally promoted the official to the fourth grade.

The Martial Arts Department should still be sealing my certificate, and it’s time to re-open it, Chief Sima, please see if this can be done."

Wang Yi'e: ""

He just wants to say one thing now, don't come over!

Lin Tailai, is this an official selection issue? It is clearly a major political issue!


He, Wang Yi'e, has worked hard all his life to train his troops, plan border defense conscientiously, and never care about politics. Why did he have to be involved in such a political whirlpool in his old age!

To be honest, Wang Dashima really couldn't understand, what was Lin Tailai's intention?

After Lin Tailai said hello to the Minister of War, he was carried out by his servants.

But at this moment Shen Yongmao hurriedly ran out and greeted: "Jiuyuan is coming to the Ministry of War, why don't you come to me!"

Lin Tailai replied: "Today's game is too high-end and not suitable for you."

"Okay, take care of yourself, I'll go back first!" Uncle Shen didn't hesitate, and left calmly after hearing this.

He knew very well that it would be useless to make a public appearance on his own. But he also knew that if he did not appear at this sensitive time when Lin Tailai was "dismissed", the problem would be even greater.

After leaving the Ministry of War, the Ministry of Revenue, the Ministry of Industry, and the Ministry of Punishment were all ignored by Lin Tailai. The last stop of today's tour was the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

But when Lin Tailai was carried from Dongcheng to the Procuratorate of Xicheng, the sun had already set, and the setting sun was like blood.

Lin Tailai lay down at the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate and said to the censors who were off duty:

"I have been practicing my spear here every day, and I have been inspired by the aura of the Taiyuan. Now that I am reprimanding you, it is not in vain to leave a name in history. It is just a pity that I will not be able to practice my spear here again tomorrow!"

As an official, you don't have to respect Lin Tailai, but you must respect the imperial staff.

Facing the royal staff, which symbolizes supreme glory, all the censors had to keep their faces solemn and solemn.

But I thought together in my heart, don’t come here again!

After finishing his speech outside the gate of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Lin Tailai finally ended his eight-carry wooden plank parade and headed back home.

After hearing the news, many people breathed a sigh of relief, fearing that Lin Tailai would appear in front of them the next moment and embarrass or make things difficult for them.

The current situation is so confusing that even the most astute people are confused and have no idea how to express their stance.

After receiving the imperial cane, there are many people who suffer physical pain but are mentally excited, but no one has ever seen Lin Tailai criticizing him so wildly.

Nowadays, it is recognized that the most high-profile person after Tingzhang is Zhao Yongxian, who was just dealt with by Lin Tailai.

Thirteen years ago, during Zhang Juzheng's affair, after Zhao Yongxian was beaten with a cane, he openly marinated the broken meat into bacon to keep as a souvenir.

But compared with Lin Tailai's parade of various yamen and denouncement of Fang Qiu, Zhao Yongxian's high-profile is just a trick.

Lin Tailai's completely unreserved high-profile and arrogance almost violated all common sense in officialdom and broke everyone's understanding of officialdom norms.

There are absolutely no common virtues in officialdom such as being low-key and tolerant, being kind on the surface, being sweet with one's words, and doing the same thing behind the scenes.

Many bureaucrats who claimed to be proficient in official skills fell into confusion and self-doubt when looking at Lin Tailai's behavior.

Maybe it’s because I don’t have comprehensive information and I don’t know exactly what happened in the inner palace?

Just as the sun was setting, the exhausted elders came out of the inner palace.

In Shen Shoufu's mind, ever since Lin Tailai was dragged out to beat the imperial staff, this inner palace duet has already entered garbage time, and delaying it for another afternoon is a waste of energy.

It is nothing more than the other three great scholars pleading hard, asking the emperor to make the decree known to China and abroad, and it is scheduled to be registered next year.

This is the last chance for the three bachelors to save the "situation". As long as the country's internal problems can be solved, all stains are not a problem and can be regarded as necessary sacrifices.

But the emperor refused to agree and was only willing to make a verbal promise.

He also made the emperor anxious, claiming that if he continued to make noise, he would wait until the emperor's eldest son turned fifteen!

He Shen Shixing could only smooth things over in the middle, in front of a good old man.

Then the other three bachelors resigned together and asked the emperor for permission to return to the mountains.

The emperor still refused and forced the three bachelors to stay.

He Shen Shixing could only settle things in the middle and continue his boring job as a good old man.

In the end, the emperor and his ministers parted on bad terms. The emperor was probably not in a good mood, and he didn't even receive the customary reward of food and wine, or maybe he forgot about it.

After the elders came out of the inner palace, they were not in a hurry to continue leaving the palace. They went to Wenyuan Pavilion to drink water and use the toilet first.

You can also take the opportunity to inquire about the new trends in foreign countries, so as to have a psychological buffer.

The senior members of the cabinet and the people in Zhongshushe were very politically sensitive. After Lin Tailai was carried out, they had been collecting news from outside the DPRK.

The elders were sitting in the middle hall drinking tea. Li Sheren, Shen Shoufu's entourage, acted as a representative to summarize and report the news to the elders.

"Lin Tailai was taken to the Hanlin Academy and complained in front of dozens of Hanlin officials that he had suffered injustice! His words repeatedly violated the three cabinet elders."

"Lin Tailai went to the Ministry of Rites again and accused the Ministry of Rites of inaction, which led to what happened to him today! His words repeatedly violated the three elders."

"Lin Tailai went to the Ministry of Personnel again! He directly told Zhao Zhigao, the left servant, that he could prepare to join the cabinet. If it was not possible, he could become a heavenly official! His words repeatedly violated the three cabinet elders."

Bang! Suddenly there was a loud noise, and the irritable old man Xu Er directly dropped the tea cup on the floor tiles of the middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion!

Hearing this from the officials, I really couldn’t bear it!

The smart Wang San was in a depressed mood and secretly lamented that he was really smart all his life but was confused for a while.

If I had known earlier, I should have learned from Yang Tianguan and followed Shen Shixing to stand in line when something happened!

I am really full today, what are I thinking about?

In addition to being confused, Wang Si, the fair man, is still confused, endlessly confused, the kind of confusion that occurs after the worldview has been completely overturned and shattered.

He couldn't understand that he was a decent man and acted fairly, so what was wrong with him?

Li Sheren's psychological quality is extremely stable and he continues to report without being affected.

"Lin Tailai went to the Ministry of War and requested to participate in the military election, and was designated to be a senior officer of the fourth rank or above.

A foreign minister from the Ministry of War came forward to escort Lin Tailai, but Lin Tailai refused."

"No need to say any more!" Shen Shoufu, the only calm person, stopped Li Sheren from continuing to report the news.

Then he said to his three colleagues with the overall situation in mind: "Let me and Lin Tai come and talk."

Without these three weaklings at the front, wouldn't I be the first assistant in the future? Wouldn't it be that I have to face the thunder in everything?

But Shen Shoufu was unsure because he was completely unsure of what Lin Tailai was thinking this time.

Negotiations where the other party's needs are unknown are the most difficult to negotiate, especially for someone like Lin Tailai who absolutely has the courage to flip the table.

Moreover, there is also the uncertain factor of the emperor, so it is really difficult to predict the outcome.

But at this time, the other three bachelors did not even respond, and the middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion was still silent.

Shen Shoufu was also in pain. He had never seen three bachelors join forces to kill a fifth-grade official, only to get away with the counter-attack.

As the old saying goes, why are you provoking him?


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