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Chapter 550 An unveiling note

Staying behind closed doors does not mean being completely isolated from the outside world. That night, someone quietly entered Ge Lao Xu Guo's mansion through the back door.

This person is Wang Yingjiao, a Huizhou fellow of Mr. Xu Ge, who can also be called a township party.

He was a Jinshi in the second year of Wanli. In the past few years, he has been an official in other provinces and has participated in politics from the third level.

I recently returned to Beijing after completing my term of office and accepted inspections, so I have been active in the capital.

In the dark study room, Wang Yingjiao said to Mr. Xu Ge: "Mr. Yingyang! The people over at Qingliu asked me to bring you a message. We can benefit from our cooperation!"

He indeed came with a mission, to help Qingliu forces persuade Xu Guo and Xu Ge Lao to cooperate.

At the same time, it is also for himself. If Mr. Xu steps down, won’t his rural party lose its support in the future?

Xu Guo remained silent, thinking about his own thoughts.

Since the liquidation of Zhang Juzheng, the emperor has intentionally supported Yanguan and suppressed the power of the cabinet. The so-called Qingliu forces took the opportunity to grow.

Coincidentally, he entered the cabinet just at the moment when Zhang Juzheng was liquidated.

Therefore, starting from the twelfth year of Wanli, he was pushed to the front by Shen Shixing and became the main exporter of the cabinet, fighting with the Qingliu forces for six years.

Under the targeting of the Qingliu forces, he was unable to support even the party members this time, which led to him falling into a vicious cycle.

In this current "battle royale melee" situation, where the battle is all about momentum, your situation is very bad.

To put it bluntly, even Lin Tailai, his nominal protégé and eldest disciple, doesn’t help him, who else can he expect?

Seeing that Xu Guo didn't speak for a long time, Wang Yingjiao persuaded him again: "Mr. Yingyang! Let him let go of the past grudges first. As a man, you must always focus on the present and the future!

Looking at the current court, the Qingliu forces are willing to fully support you, so why bother clinging to the prejudices of the past?

Moreover, they have recently taken the lead in showing goodwill and attacking Wang Xijue with all their strength. This is a strategy to encircle Wei and save Zhao!

Don’t you want to stay in office, Mr. Yingyang? You are only one step away from being the first assistant. Wouldn’t it be a pity to resign at this time?

As long as there is a chance for Shen Wumen to resign in the future, you will be the chief minister!"

So Xu Guo finally said: "What do they want me to do again?"

Seeing that Mr. Xu Ge finally wavered, Wang Yingjiao was overjoyed and quickly replied:

"You don't have to do anything at the moment. Their Qingliu forces will take care of everything. You just need to accept their goodwill!"

Xu Guo thought about it for a while and sighed: "Combining will benefit both sides, okay."

In the past two days, I can feel that many people suddenly turned their heads to criticize Wang Xijue, which greatly reduced my pressure.

Having been scolding each other for six years with the Qingliu forces, he never imagined that the day would come when the Qingliu forces would support him and he would also need the support of the Qingliu forces.

After he parted ways with Shen Shixing and openly broke with Lin Tailai, such a magical thing happened.

Mr. Xu Ge knew very well what the Qingliu forces wanted this time.

I have been an official for so many years, and my greatest value is actually my identity as "Grand Master Lin Tailai". How ironic and ridiculous.

The next morning, Wang Yingjiao hurried to the Ministry of Personnel and took the opportunity to go to the Ministry of Personnel to report the good news to Chen Younian, the doctor of the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel.

Walking on the street, I saw new big-character posters hung up in many places along the roadside. This is a street feature in Beijing in recent years. People often hang up big-character posters to criticize current events and express political opinions.

But Wang Yingjiao was in a hurry to report the good news to the Literary and Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, so he did not pay too much attention to these newly revealed posts.

As he walked outside the right gate of Chang'an, he saw a large group of officials gathered around to read the newly unveiled poster, which aroused Wang Yingjiao's interest.

A new post that can be watched by a group of officials and linger for a long time must be in response to current events and contain exciting content.

So Wang Yingjiao also squeezed into the crowd and looked towards the wall.

The title of the post read: "A post about beating up an official who deceives the world and steals his reputation!"

The main text reads: "I would like to express my sincere wish to the internal minister Liu, whose humble name is not worth mentioning, but whose duty is to guard Xizhimen.

When I was on duty, I saw many officials leaving the city from Xizhimen to Gaoliang River and Haidian for an indulgent spring outing on a day that was supposed to be official.

In March and April of the past two years, thirteen officials including Wang Sanyu, Zhao Nanxing, Wang Ruxun, Wan Guoqin, etc. who witnessed and can still remember the spring outing on official days were included.

I can't help but feel resentful. What does it do to the country to be so gentle and polite?

I also heard that these wandering people have made remarks in recent days, one is about the foundation of the country, and the other is that impeaching ministers is harming the country. Isn't this ridiculous and ridiculous, deceiving oneself and others?

Although I am disabled, I still know how to fulfill my duties and dare not leave my official position without authorization. Who knows that a minister who reads the books of sages and deceives the world and steals his reputation is worse than a disabled person?

I am sitting at Xizhimen, I can’t bear to look at the chaos, and I am just posting to warn the world!”

When officials with a little political sense saw this post, they immediately thought, "Holy shit!"

Therefore, many officials gathered here because the content of the announcement is of great interpretation value, and everyone wants to exchange their experiences with each other in order to have a deeper understanding of the announcement.

On the surface, this is a post showing a certain internal prison officer scolding civil servants for "traveling illegally", and the scolding was very harsh, and thirteen people were named.

The theme is also obvious - these thirteen officials who travel during working hours are no better than a crippled father-in-law like me. They themselves are harming the country, so what qualifications do they have to pretend to impeach others and harm the country?


But upon closer inspection, we can find many subtleties in the post.

In this era, there was indeed a custom of youth outings in March, and the place for spring outings in local customs in the capital was outside Xizhimen, both in officialdom and among the people.

It can be said that thousands and hundreds of officials, big and small, have gone out to Xizhimen for an outing, and they are all traveling illegally during official business hours!

But why could Eunuch Liu, who posted the revelation, only remember these thirteen people? Is this accidental or inevitable?

Therefore, the first point of interest in the post is: there must be some internal relationship between these thirteen people.

The second point of interest is why the unknown Eunuch Liu of Xizhimen suddenly became so brave?

A third-rate eunuch dared to openly intervene in the civil war of public opinion. What unusual changes have occurred in Xizhimen recently?

Fang Congzhe, editor of the Hanlin Academy, saw the announcement on his way to work and quickly turned around to the residence of Mr. Wang Xijuege.

"The teacher really had a clever plan, Lin Jiuyuan took action!" Fang Congzhe informed Wang Xijue of the good news.

After Wang Xijue suddenly suffered a wave of powerful impeachment, he did not go to Shen Shixing again, but asked his close disciple Fang Congzhe to go to Shen Yongmao.

Fang Congzhe and Shen Yongmao were both Jinshi in the 11th year of Wanli, so they had a certain friendship with each other.

When Wang Xijue is smart and online, he can see clearly.

At present, the only person you can find is Shen Shoufu, and the only person you can find is Lin Tailai.

As for Shen Yongmao, he may take care of both Lin Tailai and Shen Shoufu. If Lin Tailai can't handle it, the kind-hearted Shen Yongmao will definitely ask Shen Shoufu to take action.

Fang Congzhe couldn't resist, "Lin Jiuyuan really has a clear mind and can always find an entry point."

Who would have thought before that even youth outings, which everyone has, would be brought up to make a fuss?

Wang Xijue said calmly: "This is just Lin Tailai's move to put pressure on the Qingliu gang, and it is far from determining the final outcome."

Fang Congzhe replied: "Based on my observation of Lin Jiuyuan in the Hanlin Academy, once he takes action, he will definitely have a backup plan.

So the post is probably just the beginning, something will definitely happen later, but I can’t guess what will happen.”

On the other hand, Wang Yingjiao finished reading the post, and the joy in his heart was unknowingly cast a shadow.

Others haven't noticed the clues in a short period of time, but he who knows the inside story has already discovered the connotation.

The thirteen names named on Eunuch Liu’s post are all the main players who have recently criticized Wang Xijue. This is definitely not an accident!

Lin Tailai had only been assigned to Xizhimen for a few days, so it was definitely not an accident that the eunuchs and eunuchs at Xizhimen became so brave!

According to the original plan, Wang Yingjiao came to the Literary Selection Department of the Ministry of Personnel, but saw Chen Younian, the doctor of the Literary Selection Department, sitting in the public room with a pale face.

Wang Yingjiao knew that Chen Younian was the commander-in-chief of the Qingliu forces in this "cabinet brawl" project.

Looking at Dr. Chen's behavior today, he is obviously very angry because of the content of the post.

"Lin Tailai, you bastard! This is totally unreasonable!" Seeing that one of his own came in, Chen Younian couldn't help but curse and vent his anger.

At the beginning, he advocated sending Lin Tailai to Xizhimen in the northwest corner of the capital. It was already the gate farthest from politics imaginable!

Xizhimen is far away from politics, both physically and mentally!

Moreover, another advantage of guarding the city gate is that you cannot leave at will, which is equivalent to being imprisoned at the city gate.

But I never expected that bastard Lin Tailai could find such a bad excuse as "illegal tourism" to harass the political situation from a distance of more than ten miles!

The most irritating thing is that a eunuch was hired as a substitute to curse people. What a humiliation!

There is no way to defend it, because this kind of behavior is indeed illegal in the system.

The Lao Zhu family treated their ministers too harshly, not to mention low wages and extremely scarce holidays.

Throughout the year except during the Spring Festival, officials theoretically have no holidays, unless the emperor gives permission.

Therefore, the custom of going to youth gatherings can only occupy "official time". This is the default behavior of the officialdom, and it has been this way for more than a hundred years.

The key is that Lin Tailai did not expose himself to such a pot-breaking behavior that aroused public outrage among officials. Instead, he asked an eunuch who did not know the so-called to come forward and ridicule.

The current situation is that the thirteen main players of this grand brawl are just stuck there.

Although "illegal tourism" will not hurt your muscles and bones, it does not look good. How can you have the nerve to impeach others?

If you fight back forcefully and scold Eunuch Liu? That would be even more disgraceful!

Seeing Wang Yingjiao coming, Chen Younian thought for a moment and said: "The only way to plan now is to ask Mr. Xu Ge to come forward to break the situation."

Now that Mr. Xu Ge has realized that "cooperation will benefit both sides", let's start cooperation.

Wang Yingjiao didn't react for a while and said doubtfully: "What can Mr. Xu Ge do?"

Chen Younian gritted his teeth and said: "Please ask Mr. Xu Ge to go out to Xizhimen for a spring outing! I want to see how Lin Tailai, who is guarding Xizhimen as a disciple, will deal with it!"


This chapter has been completed!
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