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Chapter 557 The various aspects of the imperial court (please vote for me!)

The person in the middle school room quickly ran away after reporting the disaster. He was also sensible and was afraid of being angered by the elders, so he didn't dare to stay.

The middle hall of Wenyuan Pavilion became silent, and the elders were motionless, as if everything was frozen.

A large-scale drought hit several provinces. One could insist that this was not an unusual disaster, but stars falling from the sky appeared in more than one place around the capital, and countless soldiers and civilians saw it. No one could say without conscience that this was not an unusual disaster.

What's even more damning is that the star-falling celestial phenomena all occurred around the capital, and there were more than one place! No matter how you interpret the disaster, you can't avoid the capital and the imperial court!

Moreover, most of the drought-stricken areas are in northern provinces, which are not too far from the capital!

Shen Shoufu was the first to wake up, sighed deeply, and said to Mr. Erwangge:

"I'll wait for the last shift and make arrangements for disaster relief, and then I'll submit my resignation."

This time, even he, the chief minister, had to resign. He couldn't escape, otherwise he would be like Zhang Juzheng who stole his love.

How could it be unreasonable for someone to really step on a horse to have a disaster happen at such a time! Is God blind?

How to interpret the disaster next is a mess!

The two Wangge elders felt very bitter when they heard "Stand the last guard".

I've only been back to work for half a day, and I haven't even finished a single meeting before I have to leave my post again. It's really because the seats are not warm!

At this moment, they suddenly understood the "Historical Records", especially the sentence "It is not the crime of war that kills me here."

Logically speaking, senior politicians should not have such emotions as "sympathy", but Shen Shoufu still felt sympathy for his two colleagues named Wang.

Even though Wang Xijue was very thoughtful, Wang Jiaping was a political opponent who tended to be a Qingliu force.

After all, the two of them have been in trouble for the past two months, and it's really miserable for this pavilion boss!

I originally thought that the matter of them betraying Lin Tailai had been revealed, so it was temporarily over!

As soon as the disaster occurs, their dark history of betraying Lin Tailai will definitely be brought out again and criticized!

This kind of mental torture of repeatedly whipping the wounds might not be as good as just walking away like Xu Guo did.

But sympathy is sympathy, and Shen Shoufu is helpless.

I could only comfort my two colleagues and say: "Don't worry for now, wait a few days, the emperor will definitely comfort us."

At this time, Shen Shoufu suddenly remembered what Lin Tailai said last month - I have no control over my destiny.

What a little liar! Can you still call this unreasonable? This is clearly God’s feeding!

What do these ministers who have the overall situation in mind, love peace, and take Lin Tailai away temporarily, in the eyes of God? Are they just clowns?

According to the system, the six-hundred-mile expedited disaster report was sent to the emperor as soon as possible.

What the cabinet heard was only a simultaneous report so that the cabinet could respond in a timely manner.

So when the elders were "standing on duty", Emperor Wanli was also meeting with the eunuchs and eunuchs.

Emperor Wanli wanted to curse in the street. Why did another disaster happen just a few days after his ears were clean?

Since the emergence of the loyal eunuchs at Xizhimen, thirteen people in the imperial court were demoted and banned for a month. Public opinion has calmed down a little, but now it is feared that it will rise again.

To be honest, Emperor Wanli really hated disasters from the bottom of his heart.

Because in the eyes of the ministers, as an emperor, he had too many shortcomings.

Every time I encounter a disaster, I have to have the ministers repeat these problems over and over again, which is really annoying.

A few years ago, the emperor was deceived by his ministers. In order to pray for rain, he walked from the palace to the Temple of Heaven in the outer city!

He is a fat man with poor legs and feet! Do you know how uncomfortable he was at that time?

Why didn't he, the emperor, leave the palace and ignore the court? Every minister has a responsibility!

Which of the eunuchs in charge of rites did not know the emperor’s thoughts? Zhang Cheng, the eunuch in charge of printing, was the first to judge and said:

"Your Majesty, please be at ease. There shouldn't be too much trouble this time. Lin Tailai will probably be able to shield your Majesty from criticism."

This meaning is obvious. Regarding the interpretation of the disaster, it can be entirely attributed to Lin Tailai.

It was because a large group of people in the imperial court had a tacit understanding to expel Jiuyuan Xiangrui that a warning from heaven was triggered!

Anyway, it was not because the emperor was lazy in government, did not go to court, skipped classes, was favored by the harem, was stubborn and refused to accept advice, did not establish a prince, and did not allow the emperor's eldest son to study.

Emperor Wanli said worriedly: "When there is a lot of discussion outside, everyone often has his own opinion. In the end, it still depends on the volume of each person's voice.

Lin Tailai is just a newcomer to the court, so weak, helpless and pitiful, what should he do if he can't argue with the elders in the court?"

All the eunuchs: ""

Weak, helpless and pitiful? Your Majesty, are you sure you are describing Lin Tailai?

Chen Ju, the fourth eunuch of the Si Li Jian, suggested: "There is a letter of credence from the Beilu people transferred from Xuanfu Town, which has not been made public yet.

The general meaning of the text is that Mrs. Zhongshun, the Third Lady, requested that Lin Tailai, a criminal who had been exiled from the army, be rewarded with her as a follower.

Although the content is absurd, this letter of credence can be immediately bypassed the cabinet and sent out to the six departments for discussion by the courtiers."

All the eunuchs laughed softly, this was such a bad idea.

Emperor Wanli was a little surprised. He really couldn't tell that Chen Ju, who was usually taciturn, actually had such a wilted side.

During the lunch break, Chen Younian, a doctor from the Literary Selection Department of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, came to the home of Zhao Nanxing, who had been demoted to the head of the Examination Department, and had some drinks.

Although I feel depressed about drinking, if I don’t drink, I’m afraid I’ll be even more depressed.

Chen Younian advised Zhao Nanxing: "Don't worry too much about rank. In the eyes of our colleagues, why should we judge people by their rank?

Besides, as a brother, I am in the Literary and Selection Department, are you worried that you won’t be promoted in the future?”

Zhao Nanxing said sadly: "I'm not depressed because of my rank, but because I'm helplessly watching the noble man suffer heavy losses, but I can't do anything about it."

Thirteen people were demoted and then closed their doors for a month to reflect.

Although there are dozens of members of the Qingliu force, they cannot squander it like this.

Chen Younian sighed: "My colleagues can no longer bear the loss, so we can only endure it this time.

Don’t stand out now, just rest on your laurels, recuperate, and restore your morale for the future!”

Zhao Nanxing slapped the table excitedly and said: "The ancients knew that three years of gathering brings three years of lessons!

As long as the faith of the gentlemen in the DPRK remains unwavering, evil will not prevail over good and justice will prevail!

But while I am recuperating, I must not forget to do our best to suppress Lin Tailai so that he cannot get rid of his status as a criminal!"

When the two were encouraging each other, suddenly Jiang Shixin, the head of the Ministry of Personnel, rushed in and shouted: "Two seniors! Something happened!"

Chen Younian replied: "No matter what happens, we will treat it as invisible and keep a low profile."

Jiang Shixin then added: "It's a disaster!"

Chen Younian waved his hand and said with certainty: "As for this severe drought in several provinces, we will never admit that it is an anomaly!"

Jiang Shixin said hurriedly: "There is the latest news from the General Affairs Department! Stars have fallen in more than one place around the capital, especially in Xuanfu!


How could we pretend we couldn’t see something like this? How could we not admit it was a disaster?”

Chen Younian: ""

Zhao Nanxing: ""

The characters of their Qingliu forces are all upright gentlemen, and they usually have nothing to do but try to gain some reputation as the emperor.

This time there have been disasters like severe drought and falling stars in several provinces, so it is the time to take a proactive approach.

If they keep a low profile for the sake of recuperation, don't dare to jump out and cause trouble, and don't dare to tease the emperor, wouldn't their upright character collapse?

"It's broken! If it's Lin Tailai this time, it will be even more troublesome!" Zhao Nanxing suddenly reacted first, "All the people involved in assigning Lin Tailai and expelling Lin Tailai to Xuan Mansion, only

I’m afraid I’ll have to go through it all again!”

Chen Younian responded subconsciously: "Fortunately, when the palace first issued an order to punish Lin Tailai, I launched a resistance campaign, so I should be able to pass."

Zhao Nanxing: ""

Is there a mismatch between your tone of saying you are glad you "helped" Lin Tailai and your anti-Lin Tailai political stance?

Chen Younian quickly made amends and said to Zhao Nanxing: "It doesn't matter to you. After all, you were punished to shut up and reflect on yourself, so you don't have to speak out."

Zhao Nanxing: ""

It seems that this truth is correct, and I can indeed avoid this disaster in a reasonable way.

After all, he has been "banned", maybe this is called "misfortunes come with blessings"?

I have no choice but to suffer for those colleagues who have not been banned.

The disaster information coming from the General Affairs Department swept through all the major government offices like a hurricane.

All officials had to lament that in the face of natural disasters, manpower was so insignificant and peace was so fragile.

Everyone guessed that the court was going to be in chaos again, but they didn't know where it would start.

On the next day, the three cabinet ministers collectively resigned, submitted their resignation notices to the emperor, and then went home.

Immediately, the emperor issued an edict, asking people to speak out because of the disaster.

The above are all routines that must be performed every time. They can be said to be "prescribed actions" and are completely within everyone's expectations.

But there is something new this time. The emperor also sent a letter of credence from Beilu to all ministries for courtiers to discuss.

After reading the contents of the credentials, the officials of various ministries became numb again. Mrs. Zhongshun and Lin Jiuyuan, you are not avoiding people anymore, are you?

So they all went to court one after another. Lin Tailai was the only civil and military nine yuan in the Central Plains that shook the ancient times. How could he give it to Fanbang?

Does this kind of thing still need to be discussed? I haven’t seen that the celestial phenomena have started to warn me recently. Isn’t it obvious enough what the Xuanfu Star Fall means?

Of course, there are also many upright ministers who do not accept the guidance of public opinion from the emperor at all.

Adhere to Shang Shujin’s advice and say that the disaster was caused by the emperor’s recent misconduct.

So Emperor Wanli did not relax for a few days, and once again lived a beautiful life of reading many admonitions every day.

After submitting his resignation letter, Shen Shoufu was finally able to sleep in at home and live a leisurely life.

Some time ago, he was really tired from being alone. This time, after it was his turn to submit his resignation, he could steal half a day of leisure.

Of course, the political situation is constantly turbulent, and we still need to continue to collect information from the outside.

There is no need to worry about this, there will naturally be gang members, and his son will constantly bring him news from the outside world.

That night Shen Yongmao returned home and reported to Shen Shoufu: "There are some new rumors today. I think it is necessary for father to know."

Shen Shoufu asked easily: "What rumors? Who is unlucky again?"

Shen Yongmao replied: "Some people today said that the letter of credence to Beilu was absurd, and the court could just reject it directly. There was no need to issue a discussion.

But why was this letter of credence not dealt with previously, and why did the emperor bypass the cabinet and the Sixth Section and issue this letter of credence directly to the various ministries?

This situation shows that there is a traitor in the inner court, and someone wants to agree to the request of Mrs. Zhongshun of Beilu and give Lin Tailai to Beilu!"

Shen Shoufu was not surprised by this and sighed: "I had expected that such rumors would appear.

The emperor's purpose in issuing this letter of credence was to divert public opinion.

Poor Taicang Wang Er and Shanyin Wang San, these two people are going to suffer again.

No, they are sharing your worries for you, which is called accompanying you like accompanying a tiger.

After all, these two people have betrayed Lin Jiuyuan before, and once there are rumors that Lin Jiuyuan was given to Fanbang, these two people will definitely be suspected again."

Shen Yongmao also lamented over and over again that the emperor's imperial skills, using the pavilion as his backing, would soon catch up with Lin Jiuyuan's.

Shen Yongmao went to work at the Ministry of War the next day. Just before noon, he suddenly heard the latest news.

The emperor responded to the resignations of the academicians and issued an order to comfort Wang Xijue and Wang Jiaping, but he still did not send out the resignation of Shen Shoufu.

It means that courtiers are asked to understand and act on their own!

Damn it! Uncle Shen was shocked, and subconsciously shouted in his heart, his biological father is in danger!

During this sensitive period, the emperor asked Wang Xijue and Wang Jiaping to go back to work, but turned a blind eye to their father. What does this mean?

The emperor's technique is so terrifying! Using the first assistant as a tool, you can catch up with Lin Tailai!

Uncle Shen was not in the mood to go to work and hurried home.

But I saw that my father, the chief assistant of the family, was also confused, sitting in the study muttering to himself.

The old bureaucrat surnamed Shen had always been very confident that he would be the one who was comforted and the two kings would be the target.

Who would have thought that the exact opposite is true.

Now Shen Shixing is not sure what the emperor's thoughts are.

Could it be that he feels that the two kings are not important enough, so he wants to create more explosive topics to lead public opinion to doubt himself?

Or are you dissatisfied with your ambiguous attitude on national issues and want to take the opportunity to change the chief minister?

Or is it a warning to myself?

Shen Yongmao shouted loudly: "I said, don't negotiate peace with them without Lin Tailai's nod!

They send Lin Tailai to the border town, you shouldn't just ignore it!

Lin Tailai also hinted that if he was sent away, he might accidentally hurt you, but you don't want to believe it either!

I also advised you that you would rather be Emperor Xian of the Han Dynasty than Gaozong of the Song Dynasty!

If you don't listen to your advice, you'll suffer a lot! I knew something was going to happen, and it happened!"

"Stop talking nonsense! If you don't have anything to say, get out of here!" Shen Shixing felt noisy and drove people away in frustration.

Shen Yongmao replied: "The current plan is to rush forward to send a message to the Xuanfu and ask the envoy to take Lin Jiuyuan back to Beijing as soon as possible!"

Shen Shixing, who had always been inscrutable in front of his son, felt humiliated and said angrily: "Can you stop being so superstitious about Lin Jiuyuan?"

Shen Yongmao retorted: "The starfall disaster has come out, why don't people become superstitious? Father, tell God!"


This chapter has been completed!
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