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Chapter 569 A life of wearing three hats

Lin Tailai was fined "half a year's living allowance" for beating up a straight female missionary.

He was still unconvinced, so he wrote another note and echoed: "The hair and skin of your body are received by your parents, and you dare not damage them. This is the beginning of filial piety.

Nowadays, we see that the hairstyle of straight women who have been canonized is 90% shaved but not completely bald, and the back of the head is braided like a copper coin with a rat tail. It is ugly, indecent and unfilial.

Please let him grow his hair so that he can show his enlightenment from the Central Plains and his holy virtues from the Ming Dynasty."

Emperor Wanli's imperial approval: "I'm really free, go to the Yamen carefully!"

So Lin Tailai had no choice but to go to work. He went to the Hanlin Academy first.

It was easy and pleasant to do things here, and Lin Tai resumed his official position as editor when he came and went.

Chen Xueshi, the head of the Hanlin Academy, told Lin Tailai: "The Ministry of Civil Affairs is in charge of government affairs and is actually the most important yamen. You must not ignore it and must be careful about it.

The Ministry of Rites is in charge of culture, education and customs. In the Ministry of Rites, you are in charge of foreign affairs and welcome all nations. It is related to the prestige of our country, the Ming Dynasty. You should not treat it lightly, but you must do your best."

Lin Tailai didn't feel anything at first, but the more he heard, the more something was wrong.

You, Chen Yubi, are a bachelor of the Hanlin Academy, but here you are carefully and repeatedly telling him, Lin Tailai, to work conscientiously in the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Rites.

What does this mean? Come to the Hanlin Academy if you have nothing to do?

Reinstatement had to be signed by the other party, so it was not easy for Lin Tailai to contradict him, so he listened patiently for a long time.

Coming out of Chen Xueshi's apartment, the morning classes for the newcomer Shu Jishi had ended long ago.

Lin Tailai originally thought that he would give a few words to the newcomers as soon as he was reinstated, but in the end he couldn't keep up with the enthusiasm.

Lin Tailai was obviously very unwilling to do this, and felt like he had lost a large-denomination banknote.

In Lin Tailai's mind, working in a leisurely and noble place like the Hanlin Academy is about as important as building a sense of existence.

If you can't gain a sense of presence or increase your reputation, what are you doing in the Hanlin Academy? To practice big guns?

Thinking of this, Lin Tailai did not go back to the No. 1 Scholar Hall, but strolled to Keting in the backyard.

Since you haven't found anyone new, find an old person to brush them with.

Sure enough, more than a dozen Hanlin officials were sitting here, gathering to give lectures.

Lin Tailai leaned over in a low-key manner and listened to a few words quietly.

Today, the Hanlin group was actually discussing literature, which made Lin Tailai immediately overjoyed!

If it's about classics and meanings, Lin Tailai will turn around and leave, but if it's about literature or history, then he can exchange a few hundred sentences unilaterally.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!" Lin Tailai made a loud voice, attracting everyone's attention.

An old Hanlin with gray hair said dissatisfiedly: "There are so many seniors here, what are you talking about?"

Lin Tailai patted the Wupinbuzi on his chest and said back confidently:

"As one of the few members of the Imperial Academy with a rank of fifth rank or above, and as the first deputy leader of the New Literary League, I am the first to speak at the National Literary Conference!"

A bunch of Hanlin officials ranging from the fifth to the sixth grade: "."

Several old Hanlins who were in bad luck were so angry that they suffered internal injuries and couldn't beat them again and again, so they simply shut up and stopped talking.

After grabbing the microphone, Lin Tailai stopped teasing the seniors, lest he ruin his reputation of respecting the elderly and caring for the young.

Then began a speech about literary work:

"The field of literature covers many aspects. Today I will first talk about the changes in the dominance of the literary world in the past 150 years.

From 150 to 100 years ago, the leading power in the literary world was in the literary circles, and often the leaders of the literary circles were the leaders of the literary world. Representative figures include great scholars Yang Shiqi, Li Dongyang, etc.

Later, with the rise of the Seven Scholars around the time of the Restoration, the dominance of the literary world gradually declined, from Guan Pai to Lang Shu.

Although the literary leaders Li Mengyang, Li Panlong, Wang Shizhen and others were officials, they were not ministers.

In recent years, the dominance of the literary world will continue to decline, and the era of alliances and associations between literati is coming, and the dominance of the literary world will fall into the hands of various parties and societies!"

Lin Tailai looked at the sun while he was talking. He felt that the time was almost up, so he waved his hand and said:

"I have two other yamen to go to, so I'll stop here today!

If you feel that it has been helpful, you don’t need to thank me! Supporting the underachievers is what I, the first deputy leader of the literary world, should do!"

Hanlin really said with emotion from the bottom of his heart: "I really learned a lot from what Jiuyuan said, and the profound meaning in it was really shocking!"

Lin Tailai: "???"

It’s really baffling that what I said is so good? Does it have any profound meaning?

But it’s reasonable for a celebrity like yourself to have a few crazy fans, right?

After finishing today's sense of existence, Lin Tailai hurriedly left the Hanlin Academy without any regrets.

Subsequently, a judgment about the future political situation spread from the Hanlin Academy to various yamen.

An anonymous Jiuyuan Hanlin made an extremely metaphorical analysis and pointed out at an internal meeting of the Hanlin Academy under the guise of the literary world -

In recent years, the political center has been sinking, which is manifested in the emergence of a large number of party organizations with middle and low-level officials as the backbone. The future political arena will be an era of party organizations.

Lin Tailai, who left the Hanlin Academy, turned two corners and first came to the Ministry of Rites.

I don’t know why, but since I entered the gate, the expressions of the officials I encountered were not very good.

Although he dared not speak out in anger, he still glared angrily.

Lin Tailai didn't care. After all, the Ministry of Rites was also a place where people gathered. It was normal for many people to dislike him.

Entering the courtyard of the Host and Guest Office, I met the new member of staff, Zhong Huamin.

Although as a doctor, Lin Tailai did not like to appoint a foreign doctor, but the court system was such that Lin Tailai could not refuse.

When he was sent to the army, the host and guest department always needed a lieutenant to be in charge.

The two principals, Chen Yunjian and Shen Jue, were also there, and they were both true confidants from the same country.

It happened that there was no business at the moment, so four officials from the Host and Guest Department were sitting in the main hall, drinking tea and chatting.

Lin Tailai pointed at Zhong Huamin and asked Chen Yunjian and Shen Jue:

"When I was hunting Xizhimen in the west and outside the Zhangjiakou barrier in the north, how did our new Yuanwailang behave? Did he break our rules?"

Zhong Huamin: "."

Are you asking this in front of me? Even if you want to ask, can't you do it in private?

Lin Tailai turned to Zhong Huamin and said, "I'm sorry, I'm quite an upright person. I like to be straightforward in everything I say and do."

Chief Chen Yunjian quickly reassured Zhong Huamin, "Don't worry. It's a good thing for Lord Jiuyuan to ask you this. It would be bad if dozens of big men surrounded you and asked you."

Another supervisor, Shen Jue, replied to Lin Tailai: "The performance is acceptable and he can be retained."

Zhong Huamin: "."

Should I be happy?

Lin Tailai laughed "haha", and the chat began to enter the boasting stage.

Zhong Yuanwailang lacked direct understanding of Lin Tailai's style, so he reminded him, "After returning to work, according to the rules, you should pay a visit to the minister."

Lin Tailai shouted: "This old man can't do anything and can't speak well. Why do you want to visit him?"

It feels really pity after saying this. If I had a cigarette in my hand, it would be more social to match this sentence.

My mouth felt a little dry as I spoke, and I wanted to ask the servant to make hot tea. When I raised my head, I saw Yu Shenxing, the Minister of Rites, standing outside the door with a dark face.

Lin Tailai jumped up and went up to him and said, "Old Yu Shangshu! Uncle Da Zong! Why are you here? If you have anything to do, just let Xiaguan pass by!"

Yu Shangshu's face turned even darker, and he said angrily: "I don't dare to bother you to come over and pay a visit, so I have no choice but to take the initiative to pay a visit to Mr. Lin."

Lin Tailai greeted: "Please take a seat! Serve you some good tea!"

Yu Shangshu is really in trouble, "Because of your beating of the Jianzhou female straight envoy, the imperial court gave you an extra 800 taels of silver as a reward!"

The inner treasury refused to pay, saying that the mission was beaten by officials from the Ministry of Rites, and asked the Ministry of Rites to release the eight hundred taels!

In order to quickly raise money, the Ministry of Rites apportioned funds to each Lehu Courtyard through the Jiaofang Department."

"Oh." Lin Tailai listened indifferently.

No wonder the officials in the ministry looked at him angrily. It turned out that he had emptied the welfare treasury of the Ministry of Rites.

But this is a public expense, what does it have to do with you?

In this era, the Jiaofang Division has always been the largest source of the Ministry of Rites' small treasury.

The superficially glamorous Ministry of Etiquette is also the entertainment industry’s biggest umbrella.

Sometimes, officials from the Ministry of Rites will personally patrol the alleys and sit in town.

After the Jiaofangsi took over the big job of Xungui's family, he was afraid of encountering a tyrannical person in vain, so he asked officials from the Ministry of Rites to escort him.

So when the Ministry of Etiquette needs money, it asks for it from the Jiaofang Secretary. Isn’t this very reasonable and normal?

Yu Shangshu said earnestly: "These 800 taels are added temporarily and forcefully. There is a lot of resentment in Hu Tongyuan.

Therefore, in order to appease each family, the Jiaofang Secretary made a request to the headquarters.

Let the Nine-Yuan True Immortal, who has shocked the past and the present, and is the first deputy leader of the world's literary circles, go deep into the grassroots and inspect every Lehu alley for a month.

At the same time, we will provide support to the girls from each family who have been assigned this time, and organize the selection of the new flowers in the capital."

Lin Tailai: "."

I never imagined that a newcomer like me, who had only been in the court for a year, would have to bear so much.

"Can I not go?" Lin Tailai asked, "I have too many part-time jobs recently and I am a bit busy."

Yu Shangshu could not refuse and said: "This is an order! As a member of the Ministry of Rites, you must have the consciousness to sacrifice yourself!

Also, if you don’t go this time, the whole hospital will unite and refuse to receive you and your friends in the future!”

When facing his superiors, Lin Tailai was a reasonable person most of the time. He was indeed unreasonable in this matter, let alone openly disobeying orders.

After Yu Shangshu gave the order, he asked seemingly casually before leaving:

"Please explain, what does it mean to be unable to do anything? What does it mean to be unable to speak effectively?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Last year, the Ministry of Rites made a request to grant the title of Zhongshun Marquis to Buta, the son of Sanniang Zi, Mrs. Zhongshun of Beilu.

It has not been done until now, so Mrs. Zhongshun is a little resentful towards me and Ming Dynasty."

Yu Shangshu glanced at Lin Tailai with disdain, he was really generous to the country and just showing off his personal lust.

How could it be so easy to confer a marquis on Fan Zi for no reason?

During the Great Reconciliation, Anda's brothers were just governors. I asked for a long time for my brothers, but they were not given higher honors!

When Yu Shangshu went out and walked to the platform, he vaguely heard Lin Tailai boasting loudly in the room:

"When I was hunting in the north, I fully enjoyed the treatment of a grand master! I ate mutton every day, a big lamb loin every meal, and horse meat every five days!

It's really cool there. If the imperial court can't live without me and calls me back to the imperial court, I wouldn't want to come back."

Sitting in the Ministry of Rites until noon, Lin Tailai looked at the sky and left for the Ministry of Officials.

It's so hard for one person to hold three jobs.

Arriving at the courtyard of the Examination Department, Lin Tailai strode into the left hall where Yuan Wailang was, and asked Yu Zhan:

"Have you completed the 'Deloitte Performance Integrity' regulations that I asked you to write?"

Yu Zhan took out a few manuscripts and handed them over.

After Lin Tailai accepted it, he went to the right hall and shouted to the chief Zhao Nanxing:

"I asked you to petition on behalf of this department to request the reinstatement of the imperial examination. Have you done so?"

Zhao Nanxing raised his head and said proudly: "No! I will not be punished!"

Lin Tailai asked: "Indiscriminate life? So you are against my opinion?"

Zhao Nanxing hesitated for a moment and said without any choice: "You are taking advantage of the situation and acting indiscriminately. Of course I am opposed to it."

Lin Tailai was about to say something when suddenly a servant came over and shouted, "Please come to the right hall, Mr. Lin!"

The so-called Youtang is the nickname of Youshilang in the ministry.

Lin Tailai temporarily let Zhao Nanxing go and went to visit Wang Yongji, the right minister of the Ministry of Civil Affairs.

Wang Yongji was not in good spirits, "I am going to convene a ministry meeting to draw up a list of candidates for the Minister of Civil Affairs and Zuo Shilang."

Ministry meeting means a ministry meeting. Many candidate lists for senior officials are first prepared within the Ministry of Personnel.

The election method of the Minister of Civil Affairs is basically the same as that of the cabinet elder.

It can be directly appointed by the emperor, which means that the government truly belongs to the emperor, and the official department is only in charge of it.

It is also possible to have the Ministry of Personnel and the Minister's Court put out the list first, and then the Emperor will appoint the people.

The left minister of the Ministry of Personnel will draw up a list of names from the Ministry of Personnel, and then the list will be recommended by the court and the results will be reported.

Of course, this is generally the case on the surface. But in actual operations, private coordination is the decisive factor.

For example, on the surface, in order to avoid suspicion, the cabinet did not participate in the nomination at all.

But in private, if you don't communicate with the cabinet first and the results of the recommendation reach the cabinet, how will the dissatisfied cabinet boss handle it?

Of course, the recommendation is a later matter, and now is the stage of brewing the list within the Ministry of Personnel.

Hearing that Wang Yongji had convened a ministry meeting, Lin Tailai thought for a moment and responded: "I can't participate."

Wang Yongji asked in confusion: "Why?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Because I haven't officially taken office yet, I am not qualified to participate in ministry meetings."

Wang Yongji: "."

The imperial court's instructions have been issued, and the license plate has been issued to you. If you have nothing to do, come and hang out at the Ministry of Civil Affairs!

As a result, you now say that you haven’t taken office yet?

Lin Tailai explained: "I didn't take up my post in the first place. I haven't officially reported it yet, and I haven't gone to the Department of General Affairs to go through the internal procedures."

The normal ministry meeting is that the minister, the left and right ministers, the literary selection department, and the examination department sit together and discuss together.

It doesn’t matter if one or two people are missing, everyone can change without them.

But there is no chancellor, no minister left, no examination department, and the literary selection department is still pretending to be sick at home, so what a waste of a ministry meeting!

Wang Yongji couldn't help but angrily scolded: "You bastards! You just don't want to see the new minister, Zuo Shilang, take office!

What's the difference between you and Chen Younian from the Literature and Selection Department?"

If there is no minister and no minister left, these doctors can close their doors and call themselves kings!

Lin Tailai quickly clarified: "I am here to deepen reforms and reduce constraints, while Chen Younian is here for his selfish desire for power! How can they be confused?"


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