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Chapter 578 Great changes in the structure of the official department

The Qingliu forces were obviously extremely dissatisfied with the result of "Wang Shizhen was the positive candidate".

But the result derived through the program is this. If you want to deny this result, you have to completely overturn the table.

But overturning the table requires courage, the courage to risk it all and die together.

Is it worth dying with a genuine fifth-grade person?

Second, it requires strength. If you don't have strength, just flipping the table blindly is reckless and not shameful enough.

Song Hui, Minister of Industry, is not particularly tough in character and is constantly struggling in his heart.

But Sun Quan, the left minister of the household department, couldn't help it. He stood up angrily and questioned Lin Tailai:

"Wang Shizhen and her cabinet minister Wang Xijue are both from Taicang, and both her chief minister are from Suzhou. Is this appropriate?"

Others looked at Sun Qin in surprise, Mr. Sun, Situ, do you really want to flip the table?

The problem of township parties in Ming Dynasty officialdom did exist, and was acknowledged in private.

But in most public places, it is difficult to say it clearly, because everyone may be a member of the Township Party, and breaking the window paper is just a stab at yourself.

Logically speaking, Sun Quan, as an old comrade in his sixties, should not be so immature.

But today, I may be really angry, a little out of control, frustrated, and have no choice but to lose my mind like this.

It may also be that two or three months ago, Sun Shao Situ was beaten by a group of military attachés who believed the rumors about salary cuts, and he was humiliated. He had been holding back his anger and needed to vent it.

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly, Sun Quan and Zhao Yongxian were killed by a quick double kill two or three months ago, and the subsequent impact continues to this day.

Everyone had different thoughts, but Lin Tailai sneered dismissively.

Then he scolded loudly: "You, Sun Quan, the left minister of the household department, were nominated by Chen Younian, the doctor of the literary selection department, right?

Chen Younian and you are both from Yuyao County. If you insist on talking about the township party, you should first resign the left minister of the household department to avoid suspicion!

Shao Bi, the right minister of the Ministry of Justice, is also from Yuyao. Do you want to abolish him together?

Also, Lu Guangzu and you are both from Zhejiang Province. I heard that you Sun Qin, Chen Younian and Lu Guangzu are known as the three wise men in Zhejiang Province!

Will Chen Younian’s nomination of Lu Guangzu be invalid this time? Does your support of Lu Guangzu also count as invalid?

You should explain your own affairs clearly first, and then you can talk about whether others are country party members or not!"

Sun Qin: "."

No one spoke for Sun Shao Situ. This was not because everyone was indifferent, but because Sun Shao Situ behaved so stupidly that it was completely unbelievable and almost out of his mind.

Lin Tailai was still cursing, "Before you criticize others, first check whether your own butt is clean!

Wasn't it just because of my father that I won the Jinshi? Now that I'm a long time old, I'm nothing!"

Sun Quan's face turned red from holding back, but he couldn't say a word.

This is the result of flipping the table blindly without enough strength, and it is no different from being beaten in the face.

Even if you have the intention of self-destruction, you can't get enough of your opponent's clothes.

Maybe Lin Tailai's scolding was too unpleasant, but someone still interrupted angrily and said:

"Young people must learn to respect their elders! Don't insult them whenever you make a mistake!"

Lin Tailai blamed Sang and Huai without thinking: "Haven't you heard that Wang Shiqi, the eldest son of Wang Shizhen, recently wrote a letter of severance to Wang Heng, the eldest son of Wang Xijue?

The relationship between the two families is so bad, and there are still people talking about the Erwang Township Party. Are they here to act as a comedy?

If you are so blind, deaf, and blinded, you should resign as soon as possible and retire! Don't embarrass yourself in the court!"

Lin Tailai had originally told Wang Shiqi to publicize the fact that Wang Xijue and his son had blackmailed Wang Shiqi, a common man.

It's just that at times like this, it can come in handy to silence others.

Sun Qin's foolish behavior after he was so angry that he lost the last bit of courage the Qingliu forces had to lift the table.

Lin Tailai didn't bother to care what others thought. He waved his hand and announced: "If there are no other opinions, let the meeting adjourn!"

After the two procedures of ministerial consultation and court recommendation, the third step is the Holy Judgment.

After the court test was over, the officials reported the results, with Wang Shizhen as the main candidate, and Lu Guangzu and Wu Shilai accompanying him.

In the operating mechanism of the mature Ming court, court promotion was not only a game between ministers, but also a game between ministers and the emperor.

As long as there is no extreme distinction between love and hate, or the emperor is extremely controlling by nature, most of the time, the emperor will not mind the outcome of the court test.

In the eyes of the deep palace emperor, what is the essential difference between Minister A and Minister B?

Therefore, if you want to implement personnel deployment through court recommendation, the most important thing is not to select the best and most suitable person, but to select a person who will not make the emperor uncomfortable or find any major faults.

Originally, the most classic court promotion of the Wanli Dynasty in history took place next year, which was the 19th year of Wanli.

At that time, the first assistant, Shen Shixing, and the second assistant, Xu Guo, were forced to resign because the secrets were leaked.

Before leaving, Shen Shixing recommended Zhao Zhigao as Zhang Wei's replacement in the cabinet.

Then Lu Guangzu, the Minister of Civil Affairs at the time, jumped out and said wildly: "Cabinet ministers should be recommended by the ministers. How can there be any reason for the inner court to be airborne?"

There is some truth to this. It is indeed a bit of a bad rule for Mr. Ge to recommend Mr. Ge.

So Emperor Wanli issued an order to let ministers from other dynasties recommend their ministers.

Lu Guangzu, the Minister of Civil Affairs, presided over this court recommendation, and the result of the court recommendation was Lu Guangzu himself.

The results of this show made Emperor Wanli completely furious, and he told Lu Guangzu, the Minister of Civil Service, to get out!

In the end, Zhao Zhigao was recommended by Shen Shixing, and Zhang Wei successfully entered the cabinet.

Therefore, the technical content of Tingtui is very high. It does not mean that it is done by nominating a few people and voting. It contains profound psychology and game science.

Candidates for ministers of the Ministry of Personnel could only be judged by the emperor himself, so the memorial regarding the results of the court selection was directly placed in front of Emperor Wanli.

"I heard that Wang Shizhen was a giant in the literary world who had lived through three dynasties. He had been the leader of the literary world for thirty years. What has he been doing in recent years?" Emperor Wanli asked the eunuchs responsible for the ceremony.

Zhang Cheng, the chief seal officer of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, replied: "I haven't heard of anything being done."

Tian Yi, who had been working as a garrison eunuch in Nanjing in the past few years, knew a little bit and also replied:

"Every two years, Wang Shizhen would hold a literary conference in Jiangzuo, and she would often have fierce quarrels with Lin Tailai over literary affairs. Lin Tailai was so angry that he became seriously ill several times."

Emperor Wanli, who has been quiet recently and is in a pretty good mood, laughed a few times, pointed at Ting Tui's memorial and said: "It sounds more worry-free than Lu Guangzu, that's right!"

As soon as the imperial approval came out, the officialdom was all numb.

Although Wang Shizhen is a giant in the literary world, he is an old bastard in the officialdom.

From any common sense point of view, the relationship between the old alliance leader Wang and the official minister is completely irreconcilable!

However, after passing three formal procedures, the beloved leader Wang became the Heavenly Official of the Ministry of Personnel.

It cannot but be said that it subverts cognition and violates common sense.

What's even more amazing is that trader Lin Tailai behaved very well this time and did not use any of those endless off-the-table tricks.

There was no defeat of ten groups with one force, no use of force to defeat the law, no spreading of the truth that was far ahead, no summoning of the emperor to help, and no use of the killer weapon "Jin Ping Mei".

Lin Tailai got things done within the organizational framework and through organizational procedures.

I wonder if this is a coincidence? Is it a sign of maturity?

Lin Tailai, who was being talked about, kept a low profile in the Hanlin Academy, hiding his merit and fame.

He is twenty-three years old, an old bureaucrat who has been in the government for more than a year, and is past the age of complacency.

Dong Qichang and Zhou Yingqiu came to the Zhuangyuan Hall to drink tea and report on the developments in the Hanlin Academy.

Seeing Lin Tailai sitting in a daze, Zhou Yingqiu asked curiously: "What is Brother Jiuyuan thinking about?"

Lin Tailai replied: "The Examination Department of the Ministry of Personnel and the Host and Guest Department of the Ministry of Etiquette have been sorted out. I have extra energy again. I am wondering if I should take on more responsibilities?"

Zhou Yingqiu: "."

Isn’t it enough to hold three jobs? I wonder which government office will be the next lucky one?

In fact, we might as well just take over the cabinet, and we won't have to worry about it anymore.

"By the way, Senior Zhong said, make an appointment for a gathering." Dong Qichang conveyed.

The senior Zhong mentioned by Dong Qichang is Zhong Zhenji, the right minister of the Ministry of Industry, who supported Lin Tailai in the last court recommendation.

Many years ago, Zhong Zhenji was the magistrate of Songjiang Prefecture and presided over the imperial examination.

Dong Qichang, a young man who was originally ranked first in the exam, was demoted to second place by the prefect because his handwriting was poor.

Then Dong Qichang would work hard and start practicing calligraphy. This is also a literary legend.

"There are so many people who want to meet me now." Lin Tailai sighed, and then asked Zhou Yingqiu, "What do you think?"

After Zhou Yingqiu thought for a moment, he replied: "You can, Mr. Zhong.

He is from Jiangxi, and although there are many Jiangxi officials in the current dynasty, there is a lack of top leaders, so he has no better target to win over.

Secondly, Minister Zhong is a veteran of Jiajing for thirty-eight years. Now Brother Lin lacks such seniority.

If you don’t prepare in advance, there may be no one available when there is a hasty competition for qualifications.”

So Lin Tailai said to Dong Qichang: "Then you can make arrangements! You can try to develop Zhongshilang!"

After sending away Dong Qichang and Zhou Yingqiu, Lin Tailai continued to be in a daze.

Wang Shiqi, the head of the Ministry of War, came over again and asked for instructions: "Shi Xing, the left minister of the Ministry of War, invited me to have a few drinks tonight. Do you want to go?"

Lin Tailai: "."

Why would you bother yourself with such a trivial matter?

"You can make your own decision, you don't need to ask me for advice!" Lin Tailai endured his temper and gave his son who was about to become the Heavenly Official of the Ministry of Civil Affairs some respect.

After that, Lin Tailai continued to keep a low profile in the Hanlin Academy. He did not go to the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Officials today because he did not want to show his holiness in front of others.

Seeing that the sun is setting towards the west, it is almost time to get off work.

Lin Tailai stood up, greeted the servants outside the door, and prepared to leave home.

At this moment, Wang Shiqi, the head of the Ministry of War, was seen running over in a hurry.

For the first time, Lin Tailai intuitively felt that the distance between the Ministry of War and the Hanlin Academy was a bit close.

Wang Shiqi shouted in a panic: "I'm invited to have a few drinks again tonight! I'm here to ask for advice!"

Lin Tailai said impatiently: "Didn't I say before that you make the decision on this little matter yourself! You don't have to ask me about everything!"

Wang Shiqi continued: "But this time it is the chief minister who invites me!"

Lin Tailai was stunned for a moment. Wasn't Shen Shoufu trying to poach him?

Then he regained his composure and said: "Even if the chief minister invites you, there is nothing to make a fuss about!

In my eyes, it’s still a trivial matter! You can go or not! Anyway, that’s how I always treat it!”

Wang Shiqi added: "In fact, not only the first assistant, but also the second assistant Wang Xijue came to invite me!"

Lin Tailai couldn't help but sigh: "The water here is too deep and you can't control it yourself, so I'd better go with you."

Wang Shiqi nodded and said, "That's what I mean."

Lin Tailai nodded and said with approval: "Very good, it seems that your consciousness has improved very quickly.

I have initially passed the inspection and have the conditions to officially join the Update Society."

After the great drama of the Officials and Heavenly Officials came to an end, the imperial court became a lot duller, because there were not many major events that touched people's hearts more than the competition for the Officials and Heavenly Officials.

Although there is also a shortage of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel, he is not at the same level as Tianguan of the Ministry of Personnel.

Among the candidates nominated by the Ministry of Personnel, the emperor was useless, but unexpectedly he chose Liu Yukui, the official of Zhan Shifu, as the left minister of the Ministry of Personnel.

This unexpected choice triggered many versions of speculation in the public.

Everyone suspected that Liu Yukui, who was also from Shanxi, was secretly recommended by Mr. Wang Jiapingge.

Some people say that the emperor did this for political balance.

The candidate Liu Yukui can balance Shen and Fu in the cabinet, and Lin Tailai in the civil service department, and he can also consider the balance between the north and the south, which can be regarded as killing three birds with one stone.

Others said that the emperor used the method of purging officials from Zhan Shifu to hint to China and foreign countries that he did not intend to establish the East Palace.

Lin Tailai, an official of the Ministry of Personnel, protested the appointment of Zuo Shilang of the Ministry of Personnel, claiming that according to convention, ministers generally could not be directly transferred to officials of the Ministry of Personnel, and asked Your Majesty to take back his unreasonable order.

As a result, Lin Tailai was scolded by Emperor Wanli before he calmed down.

The structure of the officialdom that has continued since the twelfth year of Wanli to this day has completely changed.

In the past six years, no matter how the political climate has changed, the Ministry of Personnel has always been like this——

The good old Tianguan Yang Wei obeyed the orders of the chief assistant, the middle-level minister was completely controlled by Qingliu, and the two assistant ministers played soy sauce.

But now the official department has changed, and the official has been replaced by Mr. Wang.

No matter who Mr. Wang listens to, he will definitely not obey his chief minister completely like Yang Wei did in the past.

Lin Tailai broke the monopoly of the Qingliu forces on the middle-level officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and planted a strong flag.

After Chen Younian, the literary selector, leaves his post, I am afraid that no one in the middle-level officials in the civil service department will be able to stop Lin Tai from coming.

As for Zuo Shilang, who has spent most of the past six years playing soy sauce, his presence will definitely be greatly enhanced after Liu Yukui takes over.

After all, Liu Yukui shoulders the responsibility of political balance.

Seeing the great changes in the bureaucracy structure, many people have a feeling that a new era is coming.

June has arrived in a blink of an eye, entering the hot summer season of the year.

But even in such a season, there are people who work tirelessly, dragging their old and frail bodies with them, and rush to work with a passion that is hotter than the scorching sun.

"What? Mr. Wang Tianguan has arrived in Tongzhou and will go to Beijing tomorrow?" Lin Tailai was shocked when he heard the news.

It has only been a month since the imperial edict was issued to Nanjing, but Mr. Wang has already arrived in the suburbs from Nanjing?

Is this traveling day and night? I don’t care about my life anymore, right?

Wang Shiqi added: "My father said that there is no need to spend nine yuan to meet him. We will meet him when he arrives at the Ministry of Personnel."

Although Lin Tailai is too lazy to move, there will be many officials going to Dongjiao Pavilion to greet Wang Shizhen tomorrow!

This is the first time that the leader of the world literary world has set foot in the capital in the past twenty years, and all literature lovers are eagerly awaiting it!


This chapter has been completed!
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