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Chapter 584 Three Doctors

Emperor Wanli was very interested, and asked Lin Tai: "Are names like Military Intelligence Bureau too eye-catching?

Using this name to direct businessmen's activities outside can easily arouse alert from outside parties."

It seemed that the emperor was really interested. Lin Tailai could only reply: "Your Majesty is wise."

The emperor added: "There is no need to use words like military affairs. Use slightly ordinary words like correspondence and trade to cover it up a little."

Lin Tailai has no obsession with names. No matter whether the name is military intelligence, statistics, investigation, intelligence, security, or confidentiality, it is all important.

But the other ministers beside him couldn't stand it anymore. The emperor's thinking jumped too fast. Did he forget what the theme of today's court meeting was?

Lin Tailai was rambling here and there, completely taking the topic astray!

So Shen Shixing, the first assistant, had to remind him: "There is still some work to do. I respectfully request Chen Juan."

Emperor Wanli wanted to cut the knot quickly, "As for the general strategy, just follow what Lin Tailai said!

As for the others, let’s discuss and recommend them individually and send them out today!”

As a result, the style of the court became serious again, the ministers spoke freely, and after each proposal was adopted, the decree was immediately issued.

Governor Mei Yousong was dismissed from his post, and the original governor Gao Guangxian died, so he sought his imperial edict.

The governor of Gansu Province, Li Tingyi, was transferred from his post, and the relevant troops were assigned to Qian Kai, and Li Ding was dismissed from his post.

The price of the horse from Taipusi Temple was one hundred thousand taels of silver and was sent to Gansu to prepare for expenditure.

Yu Zhizhen was promoted to governor of Gansu.

Shi Yao, the envoy to Shanxi Province, was transferred to govern Xining. Li Chengzhi was promoted to right political advisor to Sichuan Province to prepare the Tao-Min army, and Xu Sanwei, deputy envoy to Henan Province, was promoted to prepare the western route army.

Of course, the most important appointment was to immediately appoint Zheng Luo, the Minister of Military Affairs, as the governor of the three sides of Shaanxi, with full power to manage the northwest.

There is no controversy about this appointment. Everyone thinks Zheng Luo is the right candidate.

Zheng Luo accepted the appointment on the spot, and then said: "I recommend Lin Tai to be counselor of military affairs."

This petition surprised the ministers. You don’t know what kind of character Lin Tailai is. Aren’t you afraid that Lin Tailai will fight for power with you?

Do you, Zheng Luo, want to be the first governor to be trained by Lin Tailai?

Zheng Luo also knew that he was supposed to be the protagonist today, but Lin Tailai stole a lot of the limelight.

But Zheng Luo still planned to recommend Lin Tailai and drag Lin Tailai to go to the front line together.

First, Lin Tailai is indeed very useful, especially in united front work, and he plays an irreplaceable role.

Second, Lin Tailai has strong ability to withstand pressure or take the blame. If things don't go well, he can pull Lin Tailai to share the responsibility.

As for the fight for power, if you Lin Tailai has the ability, you can take away all the power of the governor. Zheng Luo is still happy and relaxed.

For a moment, no one spoke in the hall. No matter the pros or cons, everyone was silent when faced with Zheng Luo's recommendation of Lin Tailai.

The main reason is that no one can clearly see whether they should oppose or agree.

Is letting Lin Tailai go to the northwest front a good thing or a bad thing? No one can figure it out.

When it comes to the unpredictable Lin Tailai, everyone loses confidence in their own judgment.

Emperor Wanli was also undecided and asked, "What do you think of Lin Tailai?"

Lin Tailai said a little embarrassedly: "I don't even have a military official position, how can I be a military counselor?

Besides, will I still be responsible for establishing an intelligence network? If I go to the northwest, it will inevitably affect the progress."

There are two hints, one is that you don’t want to go, and the other is that if you have to go, you have to give me enough benefits.

After Emperor Wanli thought for a while, he said: "There is a new Communications Department in the Ministry of War, which is responsible for intelligence and mapping. Lin Tailai is also the doctor.

Lin Tailai can first hold the title of Lieutenant General of the Ministry of War and go to the northwest to counsel military affairs. After returning from the northwest, he can start the establishment of the Communications Department."

When the officials heard this, they felt that the emperor was so uneducated.

Except for the Ministry of Husbandry and the Ministry of Punishment, which have thirteen divisions, the other six ministries have four perfectly symmetrical divisions.

If the Ministry of War is expanded to five divisions, it will be asymmetrical!

Lin Tailai had no choice but to step forward to receive the order.

His original intention was just to talk, and he didn't really want to travel thousands of miles to go to the northwest in person, but the emperor issued an order and he had to obey.

Seeing Lin Tailai receiving orders at the critical moment, the officials had mixed feelings. Some were afraid that Lin Tailai would make new achievements, and some were afraid that Lin Tailai would cause trouble.

So far, this discussion on the Tao River Changes is basically complete.

The strategy is decided, the candidates are finalized, the money and food are prepared, and the rest is execution.

Finally, the emperor issued an order: "Military affairs are urgent. The civil servants and generals in Beijing are ordered to set out within three days!"

This emergency court meeting was over, and the officials dispersed, going back to the Yamen and packing their luggage.

Walking outside the Wenhua Hall, Lin Tailai complained to Zheng Luo: "You can quell the chaos with Da Sima, so why bother bringing me along!"

Zheng Luo said calmly: "Commanders are easy to be slandered when they are outside. No matter whether you are tough or soft, there will definitely be news of impeachment in the court.

If a person with such a reputation as you is here to serve as counselor and intimidate the officials, a lot of noise can be saved."

Lin Tailai: "."

As expected of a twenty-year-old border minister, his ideas are clear.

After leaving the palace, Lin Tailai hurried to the Ministry of War.

Although a new department cannot be formally established yet, since it is also an official position in the Ministry of War, it is not necessary to go to the Ministry of War to plant a flag first.

It may be possible for one person to hold the post of multiple ministers, but if one person holds the post of three ministers, who else is there?

Wang Yi'e, the Minister of the Ministry of War, and the left and right ministers, all ministers came out. As soon as they reached the gate of the Ministry of War, they saw Lin Tailai chasing after him.

Wang Yi'e asked: "Why did Lin Jiuyuan come here if he didn't go to prepare for the Western Expedition?"

Lin Tailai joked and said: "Come to pay a visit to the various departments and colleagues in the Ministry of War!"

Wang Yi'e asked maliciously again: "But we want to inspect the officers of the Ministry of War to see how they are doing?"

Lin Tailai frowned and replied: "What does this mean, Da Sima?"

Wang Yi'e said: "Nothing else. I don't want to see the chaos like the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel happen again in the Ministry of War."

Regarding the bad things Lin Tailai had done in the Ministry of Rites and the Ministry of Personnel, such as frequently deposing ministers and ministers, and forcibly plundering the power of other departments, which official would not be wary of it?

Although in the Six Parts of the Ming Dynasty, it is an old tradition for doctors to be strong, but when Lin Tailai is so strong, it is a mutation!

Seeing Wang Yi'e's straightforward explanation, Lin Tailai made a guarantee and said: "Don't worry, Grand Sima! All the officials in the Ministry of War are very good. The Qingliu Party members have not penetrated deeply and there is no need to rectify it!"

Wang Yi'e was still a little resistant and said: "You have a false title as a doctor in the Ministry of War, so there is no need to come in today. You will not officially join the Yamen until you return from the Western Expedition!"

Lin Tai looked at it again and again, feeling that perhaps today's appointment was too sudden and the old minister hadn't prepared himself mentally.

So Lin Tailai said generously: "Since Da Sima has spoken, let's wait until we return to the court to pay homage!"

The main reason is that I am very tight today. I have to go to the Hanlin Academy, the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Etiquette to explain my funeral affairs, so I don’t have much time to waste.


This chapter has been completed!
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