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Chapter 60 Very Sensitive

Chapter 60 Very Feeling

Author: Let the breeze go

Chapter 60 Very Feeling

Lin Tailai had already seen that this square-faced old man must be a distinguished person, and he did not dare to make mistakes easily, so he asked: "Why did the old man say this?"

The old man elaborated a little: "I have a marksmanship, which I learned from an old friend thirty years ago.

There is no suitable successor yet, and I am afraid it will be lost in my hands. Once you learn it, you will have no rivals!"

Lin Tailai responded subconsciously: "But now, it's hard to have an opponent. What other martial arts do you need to learn? It's all superfluous."

Square-faced old man: "."

Lin Tailai felt that he had made a mistake, so he quickly declined and said: "Thank you very much, old man, for your kindness, but it's really unnecessary.

I am determined to study in the imperial examinations. I have never been good at practicing martial arts. I only like to study literature and want to be famous in the world for my talents."

The square-faced old man was still speechless. If he hadn't just witnessed with his own eyes that you, Lin, defeated dozens of people across from you in a matter of seconds, he would have truly believed these words.

By the way, when Lin rushed into the formation, he relied on an incomplete version of the Yuanyang Formation as a cover, and his favorability immediately increased by five points.

A guard beside the old man said to Lin Tailai: "Young man! This is your great opportunity, don't cherish it!"

Lin Tailai smiled and said: "My opportunities are all in my own heart and I don't rely on outsiders."

The square-faced old man shook his head and responded: "Young people, don't be too arrogant." Then he left the teahouse without forcing him.

Originally, I saw that this young man was brave and invincible, and he was tolerant of famous people. He was a wise man with a bottom line, so I temporarily developed a love for talents.

If the other party doesn't want to, then forget it.

Gao Changjiang had a good impression of the old benefactor and asked Lin Tailai: "This old man must be a military attaché, at least one with a household of over one thousand.

Although you no longer need to learn martial arts to strengthen your body, you can still be his disciple."

Professor Lin replied seriously: "Literature is the most important thing nowadays. For my ambition, even a commander may not be more useful than a county magistrate."

If he, Lin Tailai, just wanted to live and die, he would not be out of luck by becoming a military attaché.

In the style of the late Ming Dynasty, he might be able to become the adopted son of a military commander based on his own abilities, but he, Lin Tailai, was not willing to do this.

Besides, civilian officials can also perform the duties of military attachés. Couldn’t Lu Xiangsheng, the super-large governor in history, also be able to wield a machete and go into battle to kill the enemy?

But on the other hand, if a military attache wants to experience the business of a civilian official, it is impossible. He will be beheaded with a Shangfang sword.

The teahouse was on Nanhao Street, not far from Xumen. The square-faced old man took a few steps and strolled to Gusu Yi outside Xumen.

Walking into the courtyard again, I saw Wang Shizhen, the leader of the world literary circle, standing in the hall, arranging his clothes, as if he was getting ready to go out and start the real night life.

"Shaobao, do you want to continue to conceal your name?" Wang Shizhen asked casually when he saw the old man with a square face coming back.

The old man known as Shaobao replied a little gloomily: "As a dismissed old minister, how can I show off? It's good to just walk around and see the prosperity of the world."

Wang Shizhen sighed: "I have so many private events here that I can't keep up with them. Shaobao should go sightseeing on his own these days."

The square-faced old man added: "There is Wang Xiangkun, a fellow from Shandong, who is currently the Fangbo of Zhejiang. He has a younger uncle who works as a tax envoy at Xushuguan.

Wang Xiangkun asked me to bring a letter from home, and I plan to stay as a guest at the Wang Tax Envoy for two days and then come back."

That night, Lin Tailai and his men finished dinner and went to rest.

Because the entrance to the hall was destroyed and abandoned, except for Gao Changjiang, who has a registered permanent residence in the old city, no one else has settled in the city for the time being.

So I had to rent two Datongbu rooms in an inn on Nanhao Street. Lin Tailai and the Zhang brothers stayed in one room, and the Four King Kongs stayed in the other room.

In the entrepreneurial stage, even if the conditions are difficult, as long as you have confidence and hope, no one will have any complaints.

In the early morning of the next day, Lin Tailai came to the tea house naturally, for no other reason than the proximity.

The shopkeeper of the teahouse had the courage to ask, "What is so good about this small shop that would attract Professor Lin to visit it frequently?"

Lin Tailai glanced at the cloth hanging outside the door and replied casually: "Because your place has a good name, Wulong Tea Room, which makes me feel very comfortable when I sit there!"

The shopkeeper was confused. This name is ordinary. Is it really good?

On the other side of the Chang Gate, the iconic symbol of Suzhou City, there are five streams of water converging here, which is known as the "Five Dragons Converging Chang".

So it’s not unusual for a teahouse only three miles away from Changmen to be named Wulong Teahouse, right?

After the entrance to the hall was destroyed by the Xu family in Huqiu a few days ago, Lin Tailai temporarily had no fixed place in the city, so he used this teahouse as a contact point and notified his acquaintances.

Anyone who wants to find him will come to the teahouse to look for him, or leave a message in the teahouse. Usually it is Gao Changjiang who works part-time as a receptionist when he is a storyteller.

Lin Tailai was sitting in the Wulong Tea Room this morning to see if anything came to the door. He really felt that it felt like sitting in a restaurant.

According to the plan, today I am going to take a look at Yin Ji who was smuggled from Jinling.

Lin was in charge of telling his men what to do when he went out later, when a servant stood at the door of the teahouse.

Then I heard the yamen officer shouting: "Are there people from the branch of Anle Hall? The county magistrate ordered all halls that celebrities have gathered in Suzhou City recently, and all halls are strictly prohibited from gathering people to fight in the city!"

The urban area refers to the ground inside the city wall, and the three commercial areas outside the city wall, Shangtang, Nanhao and Shantang, adjacent to the city wall.

The Four King Kongs murmured: "The county government is too broad. Fighting among the lower-level halls will not hinder the gentlemen's literary event. Why restrict the halls?"

Lin Situan, however, said with emotion: "This edict is so classic. It is long-lasting and the fragrance can permeate for hundreds of years. It also makes me feel very deeply."

After the yamen servant left, another errand boy came. He poked his head around the door and found Lin Zuotuan, and then walked in.

Lin Tailai asked in surprise: "Isn't this the Ding officer from Xushuguan? How come you have time to look for me? Have tea first!"

Officer Ding replied: "Our Lord Wang ordered me to come here and send a message, asking you to send him a poem."

"What subject? Whose name is the signature?" When Lin Tailai heard that the business came to his door, he asked two more critical questions.

If it's the name of the King's Capital, just deal with it casually; if it's your own name, be a little more serious.

But judging from the bottom line shown by Wang Zhidu last time, he should not casually use other people's poems to impersonate his name.

Ding Chaoyi replied: "You must know Qi Shaobao, the general Qi who fought against the Japanese pirates. He recently retired and returned to his hometown.

Qi Shaobao and Mr. Wang were both from Shandong, so Mr. Wang wanted to give this fellow hero a poem.

As long as the poems are good, I’ll sign your name!”

Lin Tailai was immediately interested. This was Qi Jiguang, who was famous all over the world.

The most famous general in the world, his reputation was so great that it was known to all women and children. Hundreds of years later, he was one of the few remaining national heroes in history textbooks!

However, this famous general was too close to the original chief auxiliary Zhang Juzheng. In the three years after Zhang Juzheng's death, he has been criticized by extreme anti-Zhang Juzheng original religious forces.

This caused the current Emperor Wanli to be very suspicious of Qi Jiguang, and first transferred Qi Jiguang from the north of Saibei to Guangdong as a general military officer across eight thousand miles.

Then he dismissed Qi Jiguang on the grounds of "old age and illness", leaving Qi Jiguang very frustrated and depressed in the last few years of his life.

But there is a saying that even if Qi Jiguang was transferred or dismissed, it only involved specific positions.

He still has the false titles of Governor Zuo and Shaobao, and he still enjoys the treatment of a first-class military minister. Several of his sons have favored officials such as Commander of the Imperial Guards.

Therefore, the claims that Qi Jiguang was too poor to afford medical treatment in his later years and died in poverty are probably due to his literary friends who wanted to take advantage of the opportunity to blackmail Emperor Wanli.

Lin Tailai had no intention of writing poems to Qi Jiguang, and he did not seek much benefit. After all, this was a famous general who was already suspected and rejected by the emperor.

But out of respect for the national hero, Professor Lin seriously came up with a song.

"Bring paper and pen!" Professor Lin shouted to the teahouse shopkeeper.

The shopkeeper reluctantly brought over a set of stationery, and then carefully reminded: "Recently, literati from all over the world have gathered in Suzhou City, and the prices of pens, ink and paper on Nanhao Street have increased."

Hearing about the cost issue, Lin suddenly felt a sense of urgency.

Until now, I have been relying on the 300 taels of venture capital I defrauded to support myself. I can only see the exit but not the advancement. If this continues, what will I use to buy talented people in the future?

Later, Professor Lin thought about it and wrote:

"The chariot and the horse have not left their saddles. Only when things happen do you know that it will be difficult to get rid of them."

It has harmed the country's progress for two hundred years and left the people crippled eight thousand miles away.

The sword in the autumn wind makes the lonely minister cry, and the setting sun carries the flag on the altar of the general.

The dusty atmosphere overseas is still lingering, please don’t wait and see.”

I don’t care about the quality of this poem, but the atmosphere and feeling are so on point. With a few modifications, it would perfectly fit the later version of Qi Shaobao.

Professor Lin finished writing in one go, dried the ink, and then said to Officer Ding: "Take it away!"

After seeing off the Ding officer, Lin was sitting in the hall with his men, and was about to go out to do some work, when he saw someone wearing a mask walking into the teahouse.

Judging from the performance art clothing style, this person must be Mr. Zhang Youyu.

Professor Lin was very surprised by this and asked: "What is the old man doing here again? Don't you still trust me?"

I, Lin Tailai, am a person who travels all over the world, and I always make promises worth a thousand dollars! Whatever I promise, I will definitely do it!"

Zhang Youyu replied: "Of course I believe you. The allusion of "a promise of a thousand gold" comes from a sentence in the historical records - it is better to get a hundred catties of gold than to get a promise of a thousand pieces of gold.

In my opinion, you, Professor Lin, and Ji Bu are both heroic figures, and they also hold the same promise. You are just like Ji Bu today!

As the number one celebrity in Suzhou, I, Zhang Youyu, will give you a number, Jinbu!"

In the entertainment industry, many people have this style of account number, for example, Zhao Caiji calls herself Jin Yan, and Zuo Zongtang calls himself Jin Liang.

Professor Lin didn't feel anything bad at first glance, but when he thought about it carefully, he felt something was wrong, as if he was being connoted?

When others hear the word "Jinbu", which cloth do they think of first?

Seeing Professor Lin's face gradually darken, Zhang Youyu quickly changed the subject and said, "Aren't you going to find Yin Qing? I'll follow you to see Yin Ji. It would be even better if Lu Shiren is there!"

Lin Tailai didn't understand the neurotic brain circuit, "Weren't you still not interested in Yin Ji yesterday? Why are you interested again today?"

Zhang Youyu replied: "I suddenly remembered that when I was sixteen, senior Wen Hengshan told his disciple Lu Shidao that neither he nor Lu Shidao were as talented as me."

Lin Tailai said inexplicably: "Then what? What does this have to do with going to see Yin Ji today?"

Lu Shidao was also a celebrity in Suzhou and was Wen Zhengming's direct disciple. He inherited Wen Zhengming's "four unique skills". His calligraphy and paintings were very popular, and he was a Jinshi and an official.

But Lu Shidao has passed away and is not a living person!

"Hey! Hey! Hey!" Zhang Youyu laughed a few times: "The man behind Yin Ji is Lu Shiren!

And Lu Shiren is Lu Shidao’s son! When I think about it, I suddenly feel very emotional!

I robbed my father back then, but now I rob my son!"

Lin Tailai: "."

When it comes to perversion, I’m willing to be the loser!

ps: Originally, the editor said that it could be put on the shelves today, but after thinking about it, I decided to postpone it for another week and put it on the shelves next Friday.

After all, I am not writing fast, so I will make up for it by writing free chapters for one more week for book friends to read.

I hope that book friends will support and subscribe when the time comes, so that I can continue writing with peace of mind.

After all, for books of this style, if you don’t read mine, who else can you read? This is called mutual achievement.

(End of chapter)

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