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Chapter 603 All at once!

Although Lin Tailai went to Xiying, General Li Rusong still paid close attention to Lin Tailai silently and kept reporting all the developments about Lin Tailai.

"Supervisor Lin made a pair of eighty-pound heavy armor!"

"Supervisor Lin will never remove his armor!"

"Lin Supervisor selected two strong men specifically to carry two weapons for him!"

When he heard the news, General Li couldn't help but start to mutter in his heart, Lin Tailai was so meticulously prepared, how sure could he really be?

No, it must be just to show off. He is not a general.

Tonight, when Li Rusong was looking at the map, he suddenly heard another emergency report: "There is really a tower on fire!"

"Which direction?" Li Rusong asked quickly.

The spies reported clearly: "Simian!"

Damn it! Li Rusong rushed out of the tent, boarded the cloud chariot and took a few glances, and sure enough he saw the fire in the west!

At this time, General Li just wanted to ask God, why is he in the west again? Is Lin Tailai really a descendant of heaven?

No, this is just the result of military planning, and the general himself is the decision-maker!

After the city of Ningxia was captured, he was still the leading general, and the generals who fought directly on the battlefield were the protagonists!

With no time to think about it, General Li could only follow the plan and start feint attacks from all other directions in order to contain the rebel forces.

But less than half an hour later, new news came: "Supervisor Lin's army will arrive at the West City first!"

Li Rusong: "."

He guessed that Lin Tailai might use force to show off his martial arts skills in order to show off his skills in a safe way.

But I didn't expect that Lin Tailai would dare to take such a risk and be the first to climb the city wall.

The spy continued to report: "Supervisor Lin used iron guns to fly two people at the same time, frightening the rebels and guarding the city head!"

Li Rusong: "."

Is this the difference between mortals and immortals?

Why did I think that I was the protagonist before?

When General Li fell into self-doubt, Lin Tailai walked along the inner wall of the city wall. When he heard the sound of shouting and killing, he asked the team to pause.

Then he and a few guards took a few steps forward to personally observe the situation ahead.

There is a melee at the west city gate, and it seems that Zhao Chengxian, the internal commander, is still resisting the rebel encirclement and suppression.

However, we could only see vaguely through the moonlight. We couldn't see how many people there were, nor could we see the enemy or ourselves clearly.

Lin Tailai did not know the internal response Zhao Chengxian, nor did he know the characteristics of the internal response officers and soldiers, so it was extremely difficult to rush into the battlefield to save people.

But there is also a horse trail at the city gate, and a group of people are on the slope of the horse path, observing the battle inside the city gate.

Lin Tailai estimated that the group of people standing on the slope of the horse road were probably rebel generals and personal guards.

This position can command the battle below while taking into account the defense of the city above.

In this way, Lin Tailai had an idea in his mind and rushed directly into the unknown melee scene. It was obviously very unwise and inefficient.

Only by assaulting the city gates and horse roads and attacking the generals on the opposite side can we maximize the advantages of cutting-edge combat power. As the saying goes, to capture the thief first, capture the king.

After making up his mind, Lin Tailai joined the team again and continued walking along the base of the wall toward the horse path.

But a team of 300 people couldn't hide so easily, and they were discovered even though they were still some distance away.

Lin Tailai could only yell, "The army has entered the city", and then rushed towards the horse road under cover.

The general's personal guards immediately came down the slope of the horse path and guarded the entrance to the horse path.

The rebels who were fighting in the city gate also split off and returned to the horse road to attack the official army from the side.

Lin Tailai asked Dayun to lead a hundred men to cover the side, while he concentrated on attacking along the slope of the horse road.

At this time, the weapon in Lin Tailai's hand had been replaced by a special weapon-a long-handled mace.

This is not because he is a poor student with too much stationery. Lin Tailai made a lot of preparations for today's siege. The mace is specially used to break through dense defenses.

Compared with the traditional mace whose head is only the size of a fist, the head of the mace in Lin Tailai's hand is longer and has more iron thorns.

As the distance approached, the rebels clearly saw a figure like an iron tower carrying a strange-looking mace, and they all gasped.

In all their years in the border town, they have never seen anyone using a mace!

Like the hammer, this "top-heavy" weapon is difficult to swing quickly due to its center of gravity, and its attack frequency is very low.

If you use this kind of weapon to smash it once, it will be enough for someone to stab you three or four times or chop it twice or three times before you get it back.

If you don't have enough strength, you won't be able to control such a cost-effective weapon.

This is the reason why many of the powerful generals in storytelling use hammers.

The rebels guarding Ma Daokou couldn't help but wonder, is this giant man carrying a mace really capable, or is he just showing off?

There is no time to think anymore, the two sides are already close to start fighting!

The width of the horse track is limited, and dozens of people in the front rows of both sides are instantly crowded together.

Lin Tailai's appearance was so eye-catching that he attracted strong soldiers from the opposite side.

A spear suddenly stabbed Lin Tailai, but Lin Tailai nimbly dodged it, then took two steps closer and swung the stick down diagonally.

The person on the opposite side also evaded urgently, but did not dodge completely, and then his whole shoulder took on everything.

With a scream, the man's shoulders and pauldrons rotted away, and he fell to the ground, completely disabled.

The guards on the left and right immediately stepped forward with shields, covering Lin Tailai and taking back the mace.

Immediately, Lin Tailai took advantage of the fact that there were no enemies in the front, and suddenly swept through thousands of troops. His powerful strength and sharp spikes even destroyed two or three people on the side!

The advantage of using this kind of heavy weapon is that it does not require much skill, and its power is greater than anything else.

The moment the two sides came into contact and fought, Lin Tailai smashed a huge hole in the rebel defense line.

Seeing the human-shaped weapon covered in iron armor and holding a mace, crushing over in an extremely violent manner, the soldiers in the front row of the rebel army were filled with fear!

No one thought that a mortal body like his could block such a humanoid weapon!

To stand in front of a humanoid weapon is to die, and it is a meaningless death!

When everyone has this mentality, the rebel front row collapses directly!

In Lin Tailai's hands, although the mace is not as fast as the attack frequency of the spear, it can still be wielded with difficulty.

What's more, the destructive power of a single blow is huge. The opponent is crowded on the horse road, and the positions are very dense. One hit of the stick will always kill or injure. It is really an artifact that can break dense defenses.

The expressions of the rebel generals on the horse road changed drastically at this moment, and the defense line collapsed in the blink of an eye.

In fact, as long as the entrance to the horse road is temporarily guarded for a short time, our own troops will come down from the city wall to support them, and troops will also come from the city gate to form a pincer attack on the sudden appearance of the army.

But the general didn't expect it at all, and he didn't even keep this short buffer time.

The guards who went down to defend were defeated as soon as they came face to face with them. They were so fast that they could hardly react, and the defeated troops had already retreated to their side!

Several personal guards pulled the general and shouted: "Retreat! Retreat! Retreat to the city wall!"

The general turned around subconsciously and ran along the slope of the horse path, trying to run towards the city wall.

But with hundreds of broken soldiers crowding around him, the rebel general couldn't run at all.

Lin Tailai rushed over and swung his mace continuously, pushing away everyone who was in the way.

There were also dead soldiers who desperately stood between the rebel general and Lin Tailai, blocking the mace with their flesh and blood bodies.

You have the mace, I have the Tianling Gai!

Lin Tai, who was capable of killing, saw that the rebel general was still trying to escape. He dropped his mace, grabbed the rebel corpse with both hands, lifted it up and smashed it against the rebel general.

The horse track is made of stones, and the ground is uneven, making it unstable when running.

When the huge impact hit his back, the rebel general threw himself to the ground.

Lin Tailai was too lazy to catch anyone alive, so he picked up the mace again, rushed over and struck out with it, sending the rebel general directly to hell.

Then he ordered to the left and right: "Behead immediately and shout to the rebels!"

A guide came over to take a look and exclaimed: "It turns out to be one of Kuai Bai's adopted sons, Kuai Hongda!"

Lin Tailai said casually: "That's better!"

Although this Hongda's status among the rebel generals is not ranked among the top five, his greatest value is his surname.

When the rebels who were fighting at the city gate saw that Chi Hongda was dead, they immediately lost their will to fight and dispersed.

There were only one to two hundred remnant soldiers left at the city gate, probably all of them internal responders to the uprising.

But there were still hundreds of rebels on the city wall. Seeing that the situation was over, they directly shouted to surrender.

In just a moment, the battle was over.

Lin Tailai went down to the city gate again and greeted Zhao Chengxian, the internal military attaché responsible for the incident.

Then I saw that the city gate hole had been filled and blocked with a large number of stones. No wonder the fighting just now was only near the city gate and no one entered or exited through the city gate hole.

In any case, this can be considered a success in capturing the city gate, right?

Climb first, kill the generals, and seize the door. It's a great success tonight.

However, if the rebels lose the west gate, they will definitely mobilize their troops and horses for a counterattack.

Immediately, Lin Tailai ordered all the officers and soldiers who had entered the city to gather at the west gate to prepare to resist the rebel counterattack.

Then he notified Li Yu outside the west city to quickly clear the city gate hole from the outside and completely open the entrance to the city.

That night, Lin Tailai relied on the horse roads and city walls to command more and more officers and soldiers to repel three rebel attacks.

When the stones blocking the west gate were cleared and the doorway was clear, the Xicheng rebels could no longer turn back, stopped their counterattack and retreated.

At this time, in the direction of Nancheng, the Chinese Army officer reported excitedly to Li Rusong: "The rebels guarding the south gate seem to have withdrawn! The officers and soldiers can come down with a drum!"

Li Rusong sighed: "It can be expected that Supervisor Lin will definitely capture the west gate completely."

In the layout of Ningxia City, military institutions and Kuaibai Mansion are both in the Northeast District.

Once a city gate is breached, the rebels will definitely shrink to the northeast corner and continue to resist.

That's why there are signs that the rebels are actively retreating from Nancheng, which no longer has any defensive value.

After daybreak, Li Rusong led the army and entered the city from the south gate.

The south gate leads directly to Prince Qing's Mansion in Ningxia. After the Kuaibai rebellion, Prince Qing's Mansion was hit by a military disaster and looted by the rebels.

At the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion, Supervisor Lin Tailai was sitting on the steps to rest when Li Rusong saw him.

Supervisor Lin's new armor should have been shiny, but instead it was covered in blood, and many of the plum blossom-shaped armor pieces changed from white plums to red plums.

He had an iron gun and a mace in his hand, both stained with blood.

"My army is exhausted and wants to go back to the military camp outside the city to rest. I'll leave it to you later." Lin Tailai said with a smile.

Li Rusong replied expressionlessly: "This is the last step. You can stay here to supervise the battle."

Lin Tailai opened his eyes wide again and said: "The city has been broken, why don't you laugh? You don't blame me for stealing your limelight, do you?"

Li Rusong replied from the bottom of his heart: "I can only admire you, a promising No. 1 Scholar, who dares to seize the throne first at your own expense."

When anything is done to the extreme, quantitative changes lead to qualitative changes.

He dared to risk his life by taking the honor of being the number one scholar in the Hanlin Academy and undertaking the feat of seizing the throne first. He refused to accept it.

Not only Li Rusong, but all the generals who participated in the siege were shocked when they heard about Supervisor Lin's feat!

When civil servants perform tricks on the battlefield, they have always regarded them as a show. But if the show goes so far, can it still be called a show?

These military generals who are already in high positions now do not have the courage to go to the city and fight for their lives in person.

Lin Tailai pointed to Prince Qing's Mansion behind him, "Old Prince Qing has a son who has been hiding in the cellar of the mansion. You go and rescue him. This credit will be given to you."

Li Rusong didn't care about the affairs of Prince Qing's Mansion, but looked to the northeast and asked: "Haibai has gathered all the soldiers in the northeast, as well as some heavy artillery and musketry, and relies on the walls and streets to resist. How can we defeat the enemy?"

It can definitely be conquered, but at this point, if we can reduce the cost, we should do as little as possible. It is no longer worth paying heavy casualties.

Lin Tailai pointed out: "The top four rebels, Kuai Bai, Kuai Cheng'en, Xu Chao, and Liu Dongyang are still alive. You can continue to surrender, but you must perform meritorious service before you can accept the surrender."

People have a sense of luck, and being recruited and surrendered is their only chance, so they can't help but be tempted.

In order to perform meritorious deeds, they would probably kill each other and surrender with other people's heads."

Li Rusong said in surprise: "If someone in the rebel army kills other rebel generals, are we really going to surrender?"

Lin Tailai replied: "If anyone comes to surrender, let him come here to negotiate with me!"

So Li Rusong commanded the army and surrounded the northeast corner of Ningxia City.

In the afternoon, civil strife broke out among the rebels, and countless rebel soldiers escaped and surrendered.

Later, the No. 2 rebel general, Kuai Bai's eldest son, Kuai Cheng'en, carried the heads of the No. 3 rebel general, Xu Chao, and the No. 4 rebel general, Liu Dongyang, to seek surrender to Li Rusong on behalf of Kuai Bai.

Li Rusong informed that the terms of surrender were decided by the supervisor, and asked Yi Chengen to go to the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion to negotiate with Lin Supervisor.

But when they arrived at the gate of Prince Qing's Mansion, Supervisor Lin said: "It is Li Rusong who is trying to recruit you to surrender. What does it have to do with me, Lin Tailai?"

Then Kuai Chengen was captured on the spot, and all the one hundred guards who followed Kuai Chengen out to negotiate were also eliminated.

At the same time, Li Rusong launched a general offensive. After the civil strife, the rebels completely lost their will to resist.

Seeing that the situation was irreversible and knowing that there was no way out for him, the leader of the rebel army set fire to his house and committed suicide.

Kuai worshiped his second son as his favorite and rebelled against General Tu Wende. At that time, Chen Lei, Bai Luan, Chen Jiwu and others were captured alive one after another.

Excluding the aftermath, the war came to an end.

Li Rusong never imagined two days ago that the war would end so quickly.


This chapter has been completed!
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