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Chapter 609 The greatest kindness

Lin Tailai almost choked to death at the words of Bachelor Chen. He didn't expect that this bachelor who usually seemed featureless would occasionally show his talents.

"Even if my reputation is not important, then why should I help you?" Lin Tailai asked.

Bachelor Chen said with certainty: "This is not about you helping me, but about helping each other.

You help me transfer to the Ministry of Punishment or the Ministry of Industry, and I will help you solve the problem of Sun Jigao."

Lin Tailai responded disdainfully: "What kind of problem is Sun Jigao to me?"

Chen Xueshi said earnestly: "If you depose Sun Jigao, it will be equivalent to being used by others. Then it will appear that you are stupid, and you will feel unhappy, right?

But if Sun Jigao is kept in the Hanlin Academy and continues to teach Shujishi, you will be even more unhappy.

So I have a way to get the best of both worlds by arranging Sun Jigao to offer wine to the Imperial Academy."

The imperial wine ceremony is closely related to the Ci Chen system, and is often used as a transfer official position for Ci officials.

For the middle and lower-level Hanlin officials, going to the Imperial Academy was equivalent to a promotion, but for Sun Jigao, it was equivalent to "exile".

Moreover, the Imperial College was relatively far away from the Hanlin Academy, which was equivalent to driving Sun Jigao out of the Hanlin Academy in a physical sense.

However, the grade of the Imperial College was not low. For those Hanlin officials who competed with Sun Jigao to be promoted to the third grade and wanted to use Lin Tailai as their spearman, the threat of Sun Jigao still existed.

In the end, Lin Tailai won't be seen as someone who was taken advantage of, working hard to help others drive away competitors.

After Lin Tailai thought about it for a while, he found that Xueshie Chen's proposal might really be the safest plan.

But he still hesitated and said: "There are thousands of supervisors in the Imperial College. If Sun Jigao is asked to go to the Imperial College, what should we do if he incites the supervisors and causes trouble again?"

Anyway, this is what is written in online novels. Instigating supervisors to cause trouble is a daily practice.

Scholar Chen looked at Lin Tailai in surprise, why is the brain circuit of your Nine Yuan True Immortal so different?

Even the thousands of old people in the Imperial College are not as powerful as you, the Nine-Yuan True Immortal. What are you afraid of?

Later generations always regard the Imperial College as the "highest institution of learning", but in the middle and late Ming Dynasty, the Hanlin Academy looked at the Imperial College students just like the undergraduates, masters, and doctoral students in the Northern Qing Dynasty looked at the adult undergraduates in ordinary colleges and universities.

However, for the sake of seeking cooperation, Bachelor Chen said thoughtfully: "Then let Sun Jigao go to Nanjing Imperial College. You won't have to worry about it anymore, right?"

"Then it's no problem!" Lin Tailai had no doubts at all.

Not everyone can be like Zhao Zhigao, who broke out from the Nanjing Imperial College and rose to great heights.

The Ci Chen is an independent system that is nominally directly subordinate to the emperor and is not affiliated with any other ministry. The cabinet bachelor is equivalent to serving as the general manager of the Ci Chen system.

Things like the transfer of Hanlin work require dual approval from the cabinet and the academician in charge, and do not go through the Ministry of Personnel like ordinary officials.

Finally, Chen Xueshi said: "I have no problem transferring Sun Jigao to Nanjing Imperial College, and I will definitely agree.

All you need to do is handle the cabinet, you won’t be unable to handle the cabinet, right?”

Lin Tailai said confidently: "It's easy to talk to the cabinet! Tomorrow there will be a confrontation at the court meeting. The cabinet minister should be there. I will take care of this matter by the way."

After Chen Xueshi thought about it for a while, he still gave a vague reminder: "We must pay attention to the influence of public opinion. Ci ministers still need to pay attention to some dignity."

So Sun Jigao's fate was roughly decided in this way. The details depended on whether Lin Tailai could control the cabinet and public opinion.

Then Lin Tailai sat in the No. 1 Scholar Hall and didn't go anywhere else.

A large group of people are going to confront each other tomorrow, so we can’t give others a chance to spy on us!

This kind of court meeting is voluntary. Except for the parties involved in the confrontation and the nine ministers of the cabinet, ministers may or may not participate.

But on the second day, the east room outside the Meridian Gate was packed with people, not just a sea of ​​people.

When Wang Tianguan from the Ministry of Personnel arrived, he almost couldn't squeeze in. He stood at the door and looked at the situation in the court room, frowning.

Later, Wang Tianguan made the decision and said: "Everyone, come out! Today's court meeting will be held outside the court room!"

Generally, court discussions are presided over by the Minister of Civil Affairs, the first person in the foreign dynasty, and Wang Tianguan is certainly qualified to make arrangements.

Anyway, the daily morning court meetings in previous years were held in the open air, so it was no big deal for the ministers to hold the meeting in the open air today.

It's better than overcrowding the east room. If there is any safety accident, it will become a joke.

Lin Tailai walked through the end door and saw the crowd of people outside Dongchao House, and immediately felt that he had made a loss.

If you charge tickets, you can earn four figures per show.

When these ministers were about to attend the morning court, none of them were happy, but now they are quite positive!

There were many people at the scene, but the basic official qualities were still there, and the standing positions naturally formed a pattern, which was almost the same as that of a court meeting.

Lin Tailai glanced at it, walked to Wang Tianguan's side, and stood still.

Seeing the protagonist Lin Tailai appear, Wang Tianguan, who was presiding over the court discussion, said: "The emperor has decreed that Lin Tailai be ordered to confront people in court. Those who are impeached by Lin Tailai should come out and defend themselves."

At this time, someone stood up from behind Bachelor Chen, the president of the Hanlin Academy.

He also said to Wang Tianguan: "Although I have not been impeached by Lin Tailai, I have been blocked outside the Hanlin Academy by the Lin government's minions recently and cannot enter normally.

Today I want to ask Lin Tailai face to face, what is the rationale for setting up private checkpoints to block Hanlin?"

After hearing this, even those who didn't know him knew that this Hanlin was Sun Jigao, the number one scholar in the second year of Wanli, a super fierce man who dared to compete with Lin Tailai for the position in the number one hall.

However, there are other rumors circulating that Sun Jigao was tricked and took Lin Tailai's position without knowing it.

Rumors are true and false, and no one can tell what the truth is.

Sun Jigao continued: "In addition, there is a second question today. At the end of last year, the Hanlin Academy completed the "Lei Chao Xun Lu", totaling 1,928 volumes.

Among the registered book editors, Lin Tailai copied 200 volumes alone. This is obviously unreasonable!

I dare to ask Lin Tailai, how did he copy 200 volumes when he was not in the capital?"

Lin Tailai: "."

Damn it! Last year, I was fighting life and death in the northwest to gain credit, but I actually forgot about my own merit of revising books in the Hanlin Academy.

Those ghostwriters are so good at writing, right? In two years, they actually helped themselves to write 200 volumes of performance?

So, the imperial court still owes itself an upgrade?

Also, isn’t it true that a person who is often away from the capital copied only one-tenth of a million words, which is about a million or so words? How is it unreasonable?

Before Lin Tailai was fine, the faces of Chief Assistant Shen Shixing and Hanlin Chief Chen Yubi turned dark.

One of these two people is the chief editor of "Lei Chao Xun Lu", and the other is the deputy chief editor and executive editor.

Moreover, after the completion of the cultivation, Shen Shoufu is still responsible for the contribution. If anything goes wrong, Shen Shoufu will be fully responsible.

Do you, Sun Jigao, want to publicly accuse Lin Tailai, or do you want to publicly slap the chief minister and the chief minister in the face?

Wang Tianguan, who was presiding over the court meeting, asked tentatively: "Lin Jiuyuan, what do you say?"

Lin Tailai looked at Wang Tianguan blankly, "Does this have something to do with today's confrontation in court?"

Wang Tianguan immediately said with certainty: "It shouldn't matter. The emperor's decree is to confront the content of the memorial. The issues mentioned by Sun Xueshi are not within the scope of your memorial."

"Don't cause trouble to anyone who has nothing to do with you! Go away! Otherwise, you will be blocked at home and unable to go out!" Lin Tailai waved to Sun Jigao, as if to ward off flies.

Feng Congwu, the imperial censor who had impeached Lin Tailai and then was counter-impeached, shouted: "Lin Jiuyuan doesn't dare to respond directly! Do you only dare to use force to deal with Senior Hanyuan!"

Lin Tailai turned to Feng Congwu and replied: "If I don't respond directly, it is my greatest protection for Xueshi Sun!

Only using force to deal with Xueshi Sun is my greatest goodwill!

When you make such a noise, do you really hope that something will happen to Xueshi Sun?"

Feng Congwu incited the crowd's emotions and said: "Such strange talk is really unheard of! It's better to leave it to the public and let the public comment on it!"

He was afraid that it would be his turn to confront Lin Tailai later, so he could only start to muddy the waters early.

If you can stop or delay Lin Tailai, it will be worth sacrificing others.

Lin Tailai pointed at Feng Congwu and said, "You forced me to do this!"

Then, without any euphemism, he said to Shen Shixing: "I propose to all the great scholars that Xuesheng Sun is no longer suitable to be in the Hanlin Academy and should be transferred elsewhere!"

Shen Shixing nodded without hesitation: "Okay!"

The chief assistant no longer even pretended to be magnanimous, which shows that he was really angry with Sun Jigao.

Zhao Zhigao, the elder of the Fourth Pavilion, also said, "Okay!"

Suddenly the crowd was in an uproar. Isn't it too rude to treat people like this? Isn't it too contemptuous of the people present? Is this treating everyone as nothing?

This is not a private meeting of your cabinet, this is in front of thousands of officials!

Someone immediately shouted: "Take revenge in public!"

Many people shouted together: "Unfair! Unjust!"

Shen Shixing ignored others and looked at Lin Tailai.

The reason why he doesn't pretend to be lenient is that he believes that Lin Tailai, who started the trouble, will be able to end it perfectly. This is true trust.

Lin Tailai looked at Wang Jiaping, the elder of Sange, and asked proactively: "What do you think of Sanyin Pavilion?"

Wang Jiaping had no choice but to come forward to defend him. He pointed at Sun Jigao and replied angrily:

"Sun Xueshi is the first number one scholar in the Wanli Dynasty. He has special significance. How can he be expelled without reason?"

You, Lin Tailai, dare to be unreasonable, but do you dare not to be political? Do you dare to risk offending the emperor's wishes?

The first number one scholar after ascending the throne and the first number one scholar in the Wanli Dynasty are such iconic figures. Do you want to rush after them?

After hearing this, some people shouted: "Sun Zhuangyuan can't leave! Sun Zhuangyuan can't leave!"

Some people were thoughtful, no wonder Sun Jigao had some confidence in daring to confront someone head-on.

The emperor would have some special feelings for the first number one he selected after he ascended the throne.

For example, Yao Lai, the first number one scholar in the Jiajing Dynasty, also participated in the Zuo Shunmen Incident that shocked both China and foreign countries. This was the time when a group of ministers collectively cried and were beaten with imperial canes.

Other top picks, including Yang Shen, were dismissed from office, but Yao Lai was able to return to office.

Under the mean Emperor Jiajing, he was promoted normally like no one else, but he died young at the age of fifty, otherwise he might not have been unable to join the cabinet.

Hearing Wang Jiaping's words, Lin Tailai opened his eyes wide and said loudly: "I just realized that Sun Xueshi is the first number one pick after Zhang Juzheng became the first assistant!

It turns out that when Zhang Juzheng became the chief examination examiner for the first time, the top candidate he submitted was Sun Xueshi!"

Wang Jiaping: "."

Damn it! Although Lin Tailai is used to not being a human being, can you occasionally be a human being?

When you say these two words, a highly respected number one scholar will be completely ruined!

The people who were still cheering fell silent for a moment, as if they were being choked together.

Everyone knows that after the eleventh year of Wanli, the biggest political correctness in the court was to oppose Zhang Juzheng. This was the shadow of the emperor's childhood and his true rebellion.

The emperor might be able to tolerate other things, but when it came to Zhang Juzheng, he would definitely be punished mercilessly by the emperor, and he would show no mercy at all.

The second year of Wanli was not only the first palace examination after the emperor ascended the throne, but also the first time Zhang Juzheng presided over the palace examination after he became the first assistant.

Rather than saying that Sun Jigao was chosen by Emperor Wanli who was twelve or thirteen years old that year, it is better to say that he was chosen by the regent Zhang Juzheng.

It's okay when you see through it but don't tell it, but once it's publicly pointed out, who can take it seriously? Who dares to bet on whether the emperor has a grudge in his heart?

"Ah ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha!" Sun Jigao suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, but his laughter was full of desolation.

Everyone looked at Sun Jigao silently, but no one came to help him speak. It involved "big right and wrong" and there was really nothing he could do to help him.

Lin Tailai looked at Feng Congwu again and said bitterly: "I said, if I don't respond directly, it is the greatest protection for Sun Xueshi! My use of force to deal with Sun Xueshie is the greatest goodwill!

Why do you have to force me to respond? Why do you have to destroy my good intentions?

Do you dislike Xueshi Sun so much? If it weren't for you, I wouldn't be forced to fight back."

Feng Yushi was stunned and lost his voice. He was stunned on the spot. This was really heartbreaking.

Everyone was silent. Lin Tailai was obviously full of fallacies, but he could not refute it.

To be treated with force by the servants of the Lin Mansion is because of the greatest kindness!

Chen Xueshi, the head of the Hanlin Academy, stood up and said to several ministers in the cabinet: "There is no need to listen to outsiders' noises about the affairs of the Hanlin Academy. Just transfer Xueshi Sun to the Nanjing Imperial College."

Lin Tailai chimed in: “To continue showing goodwill, I have no problem with that!

As for the disrespect towards Sun Xueshi, as a man who made seven battles and seven victories, conquered the city first, and copied 200 volumes of "Le Chao Xun Lu", I am willing to use some credit to make amends!"

Everyone: "."

Not only is this credit no less, it is also more?

Shen Shoufu thought for a moment and then replied: "That's okay."

It would be too ugly to torture Sun Jigao to death in front of thousands of people.

The transfer to the Nanjing Imperial College was just right, and it was in line with the wishes of the chief minister. Even when the emperor asked, he was able to answer the question with ease.

Lin Tailai urged Wang Tianguan again: "It's getting late, and today's court discussion has not yet entered into the main topic."

Everyone complained in their hearts, Lin Tailai, you have openly killed the chicken and the monkey, and you still said that you haven't gotten to the point yet?

Wang Tianguan suppressed his laughter and asked, "Who will confront Lin Tailai first?"

The shadow of the sundial moved a small distance, and no one stepped forward.


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