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Chapter 610 I want to fight ten!

Lin Tailai stood next to Wang Tianguan and said impatiently: "No one comes out to confront me, what should I do? How should I reply to the emperor?"

"It doesn't matter, our department has already made plans, so we won't be unable to follow up on the order." Wang Tianguan said calmly and calmly.

In the eyes of everyone, we can only say that Lao Wang is worthy of being the leader of the literary world for decades.

I have hosted countless literary conferences, and I never feel nervous or stage frightened in big events. No matter what my ability is, my style will never be the same.

Then I heard Wang Tianguan continue to say: "In literary gatherings, there is an old rule that poems are divided into rhymes. Each person composes a poem based on which rhyme he draws."

As he said this, Wang Tianguan took out a dozen short wooden sticks and said, "So today we might as well use Fengya to draw lots and confront each other, so as not to determine the order.

It’s a pity that the condition of Jinshui River is not suitable, otherwise the people confronting each other would line up on the river bank, and it would be more elegant to go to the meandering water to drink wine.”

Everyone: "."

Lao Wang, are you serious? Isn't it a bit too refreshing and refined to draw lots in the court?

Wang Tianguan held a short wooden pick and gestured to Shen Shoufu, "Want one?"

Shen Shoufu clenched his hand tightly and forcibly resisted the damn urge to reach out.

Although drawing lots seems fun, as the first assistant, you still have to worry about your dignity.

Wang Tianguan signaled to Lin Tailai again: "Otherwise, should you come in person?"

Lin Tailai is originally a bohemian character, but he doesn't have much image baggage.

After hearing this, he stretched out his hand and took out a short-term lottery ticket. After looking at it again, he said loudly: "Lu Pinghu, the censor of Zuodu!"

There was a sound of surprise. Among the dozen or so lots, Lin Tailai drew the biggest one. I don't know if it was good luck or bad luck?

Since he was directly targeted, Lu Guangzu had no choice but to stand up with a straight face.

Lin Tailai spoke first: "Last year, when I was away from the capital, you passed the exam and passed the exam, and then you were promoted from the position of Minister of the Ministry of Punishment to the position of Yushi of Zuodu.

I must correct the atmosphere after I come back, and as the doctor of the examination department, I will impeach you for being incompetent in the post of Minister of the Ministry of Punishment. Is there any problem?"

Lu Guangzu replied: "This court considers itself to be impartial and impartial when serving as the Minister of Criminal Affairs, and has never handled any unjust, false or wrong cases. Why is it incompetent? Please let Lin Wumen speak for himself with the facts."

Upon hearing this title, everyone subconsciously looked at Shen Shoufu.

In today's imperial court, the honorific title "Wumen" is by default given to the chief minister Shen Shixing, and was later extended to Lin Tailai by Wang Tianguan, but it has never been very popular.

As for a political opponent calling Lin Tailai "Wumen", it was the first time just now.

Therefore, Lu Guangzu may have done it deliberately to drive a wedge between Shen Shixing and Lin Tailai.

But putting aside Lu Guangzu's little thoughts, discussing how to address Lin Tailai in official circles seems to be a real problem.

Under normal circumstances, the official title is more commonly used. For example, the Minister of the Ministry of Personnel is Tianguan or the Prime Minister of the Tombs, Dazai, and the Minister of the Ministry of Revenue is the Great Situ.

However, Lin Tailai has so many part-time jobs that it is impossible to name him. It is really a long-standing problem. Most of the time, he can only use "Nine Yuan".

However, Lin Tailai did not dwell on this issue and simply followed Lu Guangzu's words: "Since you want the facts, then I will give you the facts.

As far as I know, during your tenure, the Ministry of Punishment’s backlog of case files and the number of inmates in jails increased by 5% a year.”

Lu Guangzu argued sharply: "A small number like five percent is just a fluctuation within the normal range and does not deserve too much attention!

If you judge this court to be incompetent just because of an increase of 5%, you are being picky and picky."

Lin Tailai refuted unceremoniously: "What I'm saying is that during your tenure, the Ministry of Criminal Justice's case files and the number of prisoners detained in prisons increased by an average of 5% per year!

An increase of 5% a year is not terrible. What is terrible is an increase of 5% every year. This is the trend when you are in office!"

Lu Guangzu was stunned for a moment. Lin Tailai's angle of entry was relatively novel, which made him slightly uneasy.

But there is one thing to say: Lu Guangzu cannot be blamed for this trend of increasing case files and prison inmates.

Because it happened that during the few years he was serving as the Minister of Punishment, the emperor began to fail. Although he could still make timely decisions on major matters, the daily administrative efficiency inevitably began to decline.

This is the trend that Lin Tailai mentioned when it affects the Ministry of Punishment. After all, most of the people in the Ministry of Punishment are heavy-duty prisoners, and theoretically the emperor needs to make the final judgment.

At this moment, Lin Tailai's voice suddenly increased, as if he was speaking to others around him.

"With an annual increase of 5%, how much will it accumulate in five years? How much will it accumulate in ten years?

I understand that after calculation, it will increase by nearly 30% in five years, and more than 60% in ten years!"

The ministers were a little confused. They didn't expect Lin Tailai to use data models to debate government affairs.

This method of using data models to demonstrate is not used by anyone, but it is generally used in areas such as money and food expenses, and few people use it in the work of the Ministry of Justice.

Lin Tailai shouted at Lu Guangzu again and asked: "Do you still dare to pat your chest and say that an annual increase of 5% is a trivial matter?

It was during your tenure that there was an average annual increase of 5%. Why do you think you are competent?

You asked me to speak with facts, and this is the fact!"

Lu Guangzu responded subconsciously: "Put aside the facts and talk about this matter."

Phew! Lin Tailai couldn't help laughing, leaving everyone baffled. Are Lu Guangzu's words so funny?

But Lu Guangzu only spoke half of what he said and couldn't go on.

Although he believed that all the responsibilities were the emperor's, the Three Cardinal Guidelines and the Five Principles were laid out here. A king's father is a king's father, and a son would not blame his father for his faults. How could he express his position in public and blame the emperor?

How can we say in public that even if it increases by 30% in five years and 60% in ten years, it is still the emperor's responsibility?

Lin Tailai suddenly dropped the speechless Lu Guangzu, turned to Sun Piyang, who took over as the Minister of Punishment last year, and said with ill intentions:

"During the three years when Lu Guangzu was the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment, although the problems in the Ministry of Punishment have been accumulating, they have not yet exploded, which is equivalent to leaving potential disasters to his successors.

If you continue to maintain a growth rate of 5% per year, it may explode on your watch.

Sun Da Sikou, please take care of yourself, I will keep an eye on you carefully."

Sun Piyang: "."

I kept watching Lu Guangzu being beaten, but I didn’t expect that he would also get punched! This boxing technique was too erratic!

Is this a warning to myself because I have recently gotten close to the Qingliu Party members?

Then Sun Piyang heard Lin Tai say: "Don't blame me, it was Lu Guangzu who got you into trouble. Since you were tricked by Lu Guangzu, I won't confront you today!"

At this time, Lu Guangzu stretched out his hands and took off his official hat.

Everyone knows what this action symbolizes, and it generally means that you are resigning.

Sure enough, I heard Lu Guangzu say: "I will beg for the emperor's bones later."

Lin Tailai laughed and said: "Retreating in order to advance?"

Lu Guangzu didn't respond to Lin Tailai anymore, turned around and left.

Anyway, as long as the emperor has any brains, he will not accept this resignation, right?

Lin Tailai shouted to Lu Guangzu's back: "The goodwill of more than 20 of your followers who were injured earlier should be offset by my contribution!"

Many people couldn't help but feel a little sad that a veteran Zuodu censor who had been in Jiajing for 26 years was forced to resign like this.

Lin Jiuyuan took the initiative to launch an offensive and beat a dozen of them one by one. Perhaps it was not arrogance, but that it was really possible?

After all, even Lu Guangzu, the most powerful leader of the Qingliu Party, couldn't survive a few rounds.

Lin Tailai stared at Yu Zhan, a member of the Civil Service Examination Department, and scolded him unceremoniously: "Lu Guangzu has admitted that he is incompetent and wants to resign!

So, is it wrong for me to impeach you for intentionally shielding Lu Guangzu when he passed the exam last year?

You are obviously an incompetent minister of the Ministry of Justice, but you rated him as competent. You are committing favoritism and dereliction of duty!

Lu Guangzu has already confessed his crime and resigned from office, how can you still have the dignity to continue in the official department?"

Yu Zhan was speechless, but he had scolded the senior Lu Guangzu dozens of times in his heart.

You, Lu Guangzu, took retreat in order to advance, pretended to admit your mistake and resigned, then walked away. What about Yu Zhan?

You, Lu Guangzu, admitted that you were incompetent. Wouldn't he, the person in charge of last year's assessment, also have to bear the responsibility?

Lin Tailai didn't give Yu Zhan much time and asked aggressively: "Are you going to resign on your own initiative, or will the court remove you?"

Yu Zhan let out a long sigh. He felt that although he could still carry it for a while, it was an agreed upon custom to be judged as competent by the minister, so how could he be completely blamed, but he didn't want to carry it anymore.

I'm tired. I don't want to continue working with Lin Tailai. I'll quit as soon as possible!

So Yu Zhan also took the initiative to take off his official hat and left briskly.

The scene fell into silence again, Lin Jiuyuan's state was a bit scary.

So far, in just over an hour, a fourth-rank Hanlin was abolished, a Zuodu censor and a member of the imperial examination department were forced away, and by the way, the Minister of the Ministry of Punishment was severely beaten.

And they are all well-founded. The unreasonable Lin Tailai is scary, and the reasonable Lin Tailai seems to be even scarier!

Only Wang Tianguan secretly lamented that the knowledge and experience of these ministers were still too little, and then he dutifully held a short wooden pick and signaled to Lin Tailai.

Lin Tailai took out one again, looked at it, and sighed: "My luck is really amazing, and it's a big one."

When others heard this, they roughly guessed that the person who was drawn out was probably Song Hu, the minister of the Ministry of Industry.

This is the only heavyweight who has not yet confronted Lin Tailai.

Sure enough, Lin Tailai shouted to Song Hao: "Da Sikong! Lend me a step to speak!"

Song Qi, Minister of Industry, walked up to him expressionlessly, "Any further advice?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Your Excellency has been the Minister of the Ministry of Industry since the spring of the 14th year of Wanli. It has been five years now, right?

It seems that we are not far away from completing the exam in six years. I heard that Song Shangshu has an excellent reputation and is known in the court for his integrity."

Song Qi responded cautiously: "I don't dare, the reputation is just false rumors."

In this situation, don't think about counterattack. Just hold on firmly without exposing any flaws.

Lin Tailai asked everyone loudly: "Please tell me, gentlemen, what is the most important task of the Ministry of Works in recent years? What is the most famous achievement of Song Shangshu?"

Someone replied: "The most important task of the Ministry of Industry is naturally to build the Longevity Palace. There is nothing more important than this.

The most famous performance of the Song Dynasty Minister is probably known to everyone. He oversaw the construction of the Shougong Palace for several years and saved 300,000 taels of expenses."

Lin Tailai seemed to be saying to himself: "What a saving of 300,000 taels!"

Song Qi asked: "Is this also wrong?"

Lin Tailai sneered: "There is nothing wrong with saving costs, but it should not be publicized!

When people in the world heard this, they thought it was because the emperor was extravagant in order to build the Longevity Palace, so you had room to save money!"

Damn it! Song Hao was shocked. Lin Tailai's words were so heartbreaking!

He immediately denied it categorically and said: "This department has absolutely no intention!"

Lin Tailai added: "I believe you don't mean this subjectively, but you can't stop others from misunderstanding the emperor!

In my opinion, saving costs is your job as the Minister of Industry. It is what you should do, and it is not worthy of being regarded as a virtue!

But for the sake of fame and reputation, you made saving 300,000 taels proof of your reputation for integrity, and then allowed these claims to spread wildly!"

Song He was trembling with anger, "You little thief, don't talk nonsense! How has this reputation ever been widely spread in this department?"

Lin Tailai scolded sternly: "Don't quibble! I just asked casually, and someone knew that Song Shangshu saved 300,000 taels in building the Longevity Palace. This shows that this statement is deeply rooted in the hearts of the people!"

But where does your reputation put the emperor and his father? Whether you do it intentionally or not, you may make the world misunderstand that the emperor spent extravagantly to build the Longevity Palace!

For the sake of your own good reputation, you completely ignore the slander of your father. You are truly a man without a king and a father!

So I impeach you for being selfish and seeking fame, is this wrong?"

Under Lin Tailai's violent spray, Song Hao was speechless for a moment.

The thing that the Qingliu Party members are most used to doing is managing their reputation. In Song Qi's subconscious, he didn't think there was much of a problem before.

Now it’s a bit unclear! Using the emperor to gain fame is ultimately an unspoken rule and cannot be manifested into an explicit reason.

Song Hui was so angry that his body was about to collapse. Zeng Tongheng, the minister of the Ministry of Industry, who was next to him, quickly supported Song Hui.

"The crime committed by this department is extremely serious, so I should resign and wait for the punishment!" Song Qi took off his official hat and said through gritted teeth.

Then he threw away the support and left here tremblingly.

Another heavyweight was expelled after confronting Lin Tailai!

Wang Tianguan raised the wooden sign in his hand and asked Lin Tailai: "Continue?"

Lin Tailai looked at a handful of wooden picks and sighed: "There are so many left? Why don't we all join together? I want to hit ten!"

"That's it!" Chief Assistant Shen Shixing suddenly stopped.

He also didn't expect that if Lin Tailai was chopping melons and vegetables, and if Lin Tailai was allowed to chop again, the situation would be out of control.

It was another day when Lin Tailai was forcing him to take care of the overall situation. This assistant was really exhausted.

Lin Tailai said dissatisfiedly: "There are also the minister of household affairs Yang Junmin who is sitting on a plain diet, the ignorant and talentless minister Aimu of the Taipusi Temple, Feng Congwu who betrayed the country and surrendered to the enemy, and other eight-character officials who have not been criticized. How can it end here?"

Shen Shixing pointed in the direction of Wenyuan Pavilion, glared at Lin Tai and said, "Why don't you go sit there?"

Lin Tailai said helplessly: "Since public discussion is not possible today, I will visit the remaining people individually one by one!"


This chapter has been completed!
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