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Chapter 616 Stop pretending, let’s show off your cards

In the afternoon, Lin Tai came to the Department of Civil Service Examination to take care of matters, and was then invited over by Wang Tianguan.

"Convene a literary conference urgently?" Lin Tailai thought about it and said without a doubt: "It should be done!"

Wang Tianguan was a little surprised. He thought Lin Tailai would be the same as him and no longer interested in literary conferences.

After all, Lin Tailai has become more powerful and has more affairs since he concurrently served as the merit examination department last year, becoming a real and powerful figure.

If Lin Tailai had to borrow the power of others before, now he is a powerful official himself.

How can you maintain your original intention of loving literature under the corruption of power?

Wang Tianguan couldn't help but fall into reflection. Is Lin Tailai's level too high? Or is his own level too low?

At this time, I heard Lin Tailai give important instructions: "Literature must continue to follow the footsteps of the times and actively reflect the style of the times.

In the past year, the most important thing for the imperial court has been the victory in the Northwest War, so the theme of this literary conference can be set as Victory Song!"

Wang Tianguan also couldn't understand and looked at Lin Tailai with a strange look.

What a triumph, isn't it just bragging about your achievements in seven battles and seven victories, and in conquering the city first?

You, a noble man from the Han Dynasty, why are you so obsessed with showing off your martial arts? Is this of any benefit to you now?

Aren't you afraid that the emperor will misunderstand that you are dissatisfied with the reward?

But Shi Xing, the left minister of the Ministry of War, who was supposed to care about martial arts, always wanted to engage in literature. It was just the other way around.

Lin Tailai understood other people's doubts, but it was difficult for him to explain.

You can't make a divination prediction out of thin air, saying that there will be a second game next year, right?

Next time, I don’t want to just be a supervisor!

If you have to think of ways to sideline the governor every time, it will be very tiring and the impact will not be good. You might as well become the governor yourself.

Nowadays, constantly promoting martial arts is equivalent to repeated brainwashing and firmly engraving the image of oneself as an invincible god of war in other people's minds.

When war breaks out again next year, everyone from the emperor to the courtiers will naturally think of themselves and trust themselves.

"Actually, united front work is also very important." Unable to explain, Lin Tailai decided to find some excuse to fool others.

“The Literary Forum is not only a propaganda conference, but also a united front conference.

The Qingliu Party members will definitely not attend our literary conference, so in other words, anyone who is willing to attend the conference is someone we can unite with!

Is there any other way to identify those who can unite in large quantities so quickly?

Although we do not rule out the existence of undercover agents, we cannot stop eating because of choking."

Lin Tailai said it more and more like this, and even he believed it.

But Wang Tianguan, who has rich experience, ups and downs in life, and is experienced in the world, just wants to say, just take it easy.

Lin Tailai finally said very conscientiously: "That's it, you go ahead and do it."

Anyway, he is mainly responsible for giving instructions and emphasizing important meanings. Of course, the specific work belongs to others.

His time and energy are valuable and should be focused on more important work.

Wang Tianguan took advantage of the situation and said: "I suggest that Shi Xing, the left minister of the Ministry of War, be specifically responsible for the literary conference."

Lin Tailai asked a little doubtfully: "I haven't had much contact with Shi Shao Sima. Can he realize the importance of the literary conference?"

Wang Tianguan spoke highly of Shi Xing, “When Shi Xing and I discussed the Literary Forum in the morning, he highlighted two points.

First, the literary conference must be held before the prisoner dedication ceremony, and this time cannot be changed.

Second, in the name of a literary conference, organize participants to jointly request the court to change the song for the prisoner dedication ceremony.

So there is absolutely no problem with his understanding of the literary conference."

"Very good!" Lin Tailai praised.

Isn't this the meaning of his domination of the literary world and the formation of the New Literary League?

Use the literary world as a tool of public opinion to fight against the hegemony of public opinion by the Qingliu forces.

Later, Lin Tailai said seriously: "Originally, I can solve the problem of replacing the cymbals myself.

But looking at the current situation, it’s not easy to dampen everyone’s enthusiasm and enthusiasm for participating.

So I, the first deputy leader of the New Literary League, agreed, and Shi Xing will organize the Literary Forum."

Just after discussing the organization of the Literary Forum with Wang Tianguan, someone from the Ministry of War came over and reported that Wang Yi'e, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, had invited Lin Tai to come.

Lin Tailai guessed that the plan to establish the Communications Department of the Ministry of War might have received imperial approval.

Apart from this, he has no other recent business relationships with the Ministry of War.

So Lin Tailai, who was busy with his affairs, got up and said goodbye, leaving the Ministry of Personnel and heading to the Ministry of War.

Wang Tianguan looked at Lin Tailai's back and couldn't help but feel deeply.

Where did that passionate young man who was not afraid of authority, brave enough to challenge, and full of spirit go?

Unknowingly, he turned into a greasy and powerful official who spoke in official language.

After exiting the Ministry of Civil Affairs, you turn a corner and arrive at the Ministry of War.

Lin Tailai walked straight into the White Tiger Hall with his head held high, ah no, the main hall of the Ministry of War.

Wang Yi'e, the Secretary of the Ministry of War, invited Lin Tailai to sit down. After serving tea, he said straight to the point: "The plan for the new Communications Department has been approved and sent back to the Ministry of War."

This means that the Communications Department, which has been established since last year but has only existed on paper, will finally begin to be implemented.

Lin Tailai, a doctor in the Communications Department of the Ministry of War, will no longer be an empty post in the future.

We can't blame the court for its low efficiency. Who asked Lin Tailai to go on the expedition, and it was inconvenient for others to step in and take his place.

Although Lin Tailai had no experience in building a new government office, he had never eaten pork in his previous life and had seen pigs run away.

According to the plan, the first step is to establish a preparatory leading group.

Lin Tailai, a doctor from the Communications Department, must be the team leader, and then find two deputy team leaders, four team members, and a few clerks to work together!

These identities in the preparatory team correspond to the future Yuanwailang, chief executive, and official.

As for specific tasks, most of them can be left to the deputy team leader and the team members will do it.

Lin Tailai's time and energy are precious and should be focused on more important work.

After casually looking at the imperial approval, Lin Tailai asked Wang Dasima: "We have been talking about it for half a month, when will the Ministry of War vacate the yard?"

Wang Dashima asked rhetorically: "When did the Ministry of War agree to arrange office space for the Communications Department?

I have been suggesting that the Communications Department is a special bureau that requires a high degree of confidentiality and should work independently.

The Ministry of War is overcrowded and unsuitable as an office space for the Communications Department."

If it were someone else, they might want to include the Communications Department within the existing system of the Ministry of War to increase their authority.

But Wang Yi'e didn't have such extravagant hopes. Then Lin Tailai was a troublemaker, and everything the Communications Department would do in the future would be troublesome. He didn't want to ask for trouble.

Besides, if Lin Tailai is released to garrison the Ministry of War, it's really hard to say who will seize the power from whom.

Lin Tailai was not a peaceful person, and when the time came, he would cause troubles and disturb the normal operations of the Ministry of War.

As a low-key technical official, Wang Dashima did not want to work with a restless person like Lin Tailai.

When Lin Tailai saw Wang Dasima's resistance, he couldn't help but slap the case and said: "The Communications Department of the Ministry of War has no place in the Ministry of War. It is simply unreasonable!"

Sima Wang refused to give up an inch of land and said: "Although the Ministry of War occupies a large area, its responsibilities are so complex that not even an inch of space is redundant!

You must ask for the venue from the Ministry of War, which is really difficult for others! The Ministry will separately report to the court to explain this situation!"

"So what if I report to the court? Could it be that I, Lin Tailai, am afraid?"

If I, a dignified doctor in the Ministry of War, cannot plant a flag in the Ministry of War and spread the word, how can I still hang out in the world?"

Sima Wang said angrily: "If you are determined to work in the Ministry of War and there is really no other place, then use this main hall! I, the minister, will give you a place!"

Lin Tailai snorted coldly: "You, a great Sima with high morals and high prestige, actually imitate Shen Shoufu in speaking?"

Wang Dashima: "."

Is it possible that the chief assistant is often so angry with you that you say this?

Then does Lin Tailai's words expose the secret of the chief assistant?

Lin Tailai carefully looked at the surrounding environment, as if he was really considering the feasibility of working in the main hall of the Ministry of War.

Wang Da Sima's heart tightened, right? You, Lin Tailai, are not really that reckless, are you?

After sizing it up, Lin Tailai shook his head and said with disgust: "Forget it, I don't want your official position anymore. You can exchange it for thirty ships."

This turning point was too abrupt, jumpy and abrupt, and Wang Dashima failed to catch it.

What thirty ships? What does it have to do with office space?

Lin Tailai explained: "Aren't the quotas for merchant ships going to sea approved by our Ministry of War?

It just so happens that Suzhou has recently opened a sea route, and many Jiangnan businessmen are ready to invest in sea trade. Even the Suzhou Weaving Bureau is also interested.

This trend can be combined with the Communications Division business for mutual benefit.

I see that Fujian approved 80 ships last year, so we don’t need more quotas, as long as 30 ships are enough.”

According to the system of this era, the procedure for merchant ships to go to sea did require approval from the Ministry of War, and the annual amount was stipulated.

Lin Tailai emphasized again: "Give me a quota for merchant ships to go to sea, and I will not set up the Communications Department in the Ministry of War!"

Wang Dashima had an inexplicable feeling that he was being blackmailed?

You, Lin Tailai, have always been tough and wanted to garrison the Ministry of War, but it turns out it was just a bluff, a false shot?

The real purpose is to seduce oneself into fierce opposition and then extort benefits?

Thinking of this, Wang Dashima felt unhappy and couldn't help but said sarcastically:

"You can just smuggle directly, why do you need to apply for overseas quota? It's really unnecessary."

Who doesn’t know what the background of those so-called businessmen is and what their virtues are?

Maybe they are some of your relatives, Lin Tailai. Don’t say that a Jiangnan local bully like you, Lin Tailai, doesn’t have the guts to engage in smuggling!

Now that he had spoken out, Lin Tailai was not timid and hiding his temper. He responded to Wang Dashima:

"You can't say that. Has Da Sima been separated from the grassroots for too long and doesn't understand how the grassroots do things?

For example, Fujian has a quota of 80 ships. In fact, there may be more than 800 ships. But the officers and soldiers can pretend to be confused. No matter which ship is, it can be treated as if it has a ship pilot.

But the problem is that we don’t even have a quota for one ship in Jiangnan. As long as a merchant ship goes out to sea, it must be smuggling. The officers and soldiers along the coast can’t pretend to be confused even if they want to!

Therefore, it is very necessary to apply for the thirty-ship quota as a cover."

After Wang Yi'e pondered for a moment, he added: "Southern Zhili is the fundamental place of the country, and it is of great importance. We should not make rash decisions without permission."

Lin Tailai said: "Then I will make the decision for you, Da Sima?"

Wang Yi'e: "..."

You don’t even have to pretend, right?

Then Wang Dashima took a deep look at Lin Tailai and suddenly said: "You are very courageous."

In the national system, the defense of the areas surrounding Nanjing is extremely strict, including river defense and coastal defense.

For example, the establishment of a municipal shipping department has been established in Zhejiang, Fujian, and Guangdong, but not in the more economically developed Jiangzuo area, mainly for safety reasons.

Lin Tailai organized the dredging of the old lower reaches of the Wusong River and opened up Suzhou's sea channel. In fact, there were certain political risks.

If something like the Japanese Rebellion happens again and the enemy drives straight from the sea into the hinterland of Jiangnan, Lin Tailai will definitely bear the greatest responsibility for this.

Therefore, in the eyes of the cautious and conservative Wang Dashima, although Lin Tailai was restless, he was still quite courageous in doing things.

On the second day, Lin Tailai began to look for the office address of the Future Communications Department.

This is the first time to independently "build a government office", and it may also be a personal government affairs center in the future. Lin Tailai attaches great importance to the office address of the Communications Department and does not trust others to choose the location, so he does it himself.

There are yamen distributed throughout the capital, but the densest concentration of yamen is in the southern area of ​​the imperial city, which is around the square in later generations.

Five of the six bureaus, the five military governor's offices, and the Imperial Guards are all here. It can be said to be the core area of ​​the outer court. There are also a bunch of yamen, large and small.

The layout here was set during the Yongle Dynasty. There are no scattered independent courtyards here, all are "big courtyards".

In other words, a yamen is a courtyard, and it has always been this way for 170 years.

Therefore, if a newly established government office like the Communications Department wants to stay in the southern part of the Imperial City, it will definitely not have room to build a new "courtyard" of its own.

Then the only way is to squeeze in with other yamen and allocate some space from other "compounds" to work.

The guardians on the left and right advised: "The capital is so big, and there are many courtyards in other places, so why do we have to be here?

If you still have to work together with others, wouldn’t it be a waste to open a house by yourself?”

Lin Tailai said helplessly: "The location selection of the Communications Department not only takes into account its own office needs, but also takes into account the distance from the Hanlin Academy, the Ministry of Personnel, the Ministry of Rites, and the Ministry of War. It cannot be too far from these four places.

If I leave the Southern District of the Imperial City and move my office elsewhere in the capital, although the place is easy to find, it will be far away from the ministries and institutes, which will affect my work efficiency.

So I can only find a government office to borrow a piece of land and have to bear with it."

Lin Tailai then went to the Ministry of Industry first and asked for a building map of the southern district of the Imperial City.

After careful study, we focused on Honglu Temple, Shanglinyuan Prison, Taiyuan Hospital and other places.

Then he said to the guardians with great enthusiasm: "These yamen should be the weakest yamen in the southern district of the imperial city! Let's borrow land from them!"

In fact, there is no other choice. For such unreasonable behavior as grabbing the territory, if you don't look for the weak to bully, how can you look for the guards of the Imperial Academy of the Five Prefectures and Six Ministries?

Protector Zuo Zhang Wen asked: "What method of borrowing? Borrow part of it, or borrow all of it?"

Lin Tailai smiled maliciously, "Of course I will borrow part of it, but it depends on the situation!"

Zhang Wu, the right protector, muttered: "They must not be willing to borrow it."

As a veteran thug in the capital, he was well aware of his popularity.

Lin Tailai snorted coldly: "Many people secretly slandered me as a powerful minister, so stop pretending and show your cards, I am a powerful minister!

Let them see what it means to be a powerful official!"


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