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Chapter 634 The momentum cannot be lost!

Lin Tailai is currently in a state of "thirsty for talents". People like Li Weizhen, whose values ​​advocate "a scholar will die for his confidant", are still very valuable to win over.

The official ability may be average, but character and loyalty are not issues. As long as you are placed in a position where you only need to maintain success, it will be very worry-free.

Therefore, Lin Tailai shouted again: "A man is born between heaven and earth and only seeks fame, why should he be so pretentious!"

Li Weizhen seemed to have been given a slap in the face. He no longer hesitated in his mind and asked, "What should we do?"

Lin Tailai asked directly: "Your status in Henan is not low anymore. You should be well-informed about the news between the yamen. Do you know what scandals the inspector Zou Xuezhu has?"

Li Weizhen answered truthfully: "Zou Zhengtai is relatively clean and has never heard of any bad deeds."

In the Ming Dynasty, the Inspector-General was in charge of the prisons and prisons of a province, and even the great master who supervised academic affairs had the title of Deputy Inspector-General.

These are all businesses that are prone to corruption, so it is quite rare for an inspector to be able to avoid any bad news.

Lin Tailai couldn't help but sigh and said, "These Qingliu Party members know how to pretend, and they really can."

When Li Weizhen thought that Lin Tailai would temporarily let go of Zou Xuezhu, the inspector, he heard Lin Tailai ask again:

"So, have the provincial vassals and Shouxun Dao Yamen had any scandals recently?"

There are so many government officials from the chief envoy to the various branches and patrols, it is impossible that there will be none at all.

Li Weizhen replied: "In the provincial examination the month before last, there were rumors of cheating on the part of your rightful uncle, Dai Guangqi.

The examiner sent from Beijing was from Shanxi and was from the same hometown as Uncle Dai Fang.

After the results were released, some candidates who passed the exam were so proud that they once uttered the truth after getting drunk and relied on Dai Fangbo to get through the examiner's joints."

The so-called You Fang Bo refers to the Right Chief Envoy. In the early years of the founding of the People's Republic of China, the Chief Envoy was still the highest official of a province.

However, after the governor system was normalized, the status of the chief envoy was greatly reduced, and he actually had to obey the governor's instructions.

But even if it drops further, the chief envoy will still stand at the top of the pyramid of local officials from a high-ranking second-grade official.

Lin Tailai slapped the case and said, "This bad deed can be used!"

Li Weizhen didn't understand. Didn't he say that he wanted to appoint Zou Xuezhu, the military governor? Why did he want to appoint Dai Guangqi, the right-wing political envoy?

The key point is that being a chief envoy really doesn't make much sense to him in politics.

First, according to the rules of the officialdom, those who participate in politics and are promoted from the third rank are promoted to the third rank as inspectors. Those who do not participate in politics are directly promoted to chief envoys.

Second, the position of chief envoy now symbolizes retirement. When a local official is promoted to chief envoy, it means that he cannot be promoted and is ready to retire.

Being promoted to the rank of Inspector-General means that you can still make a difference, and there are many people who are transferred to the governor. But after being promoted to the Chief Minister, it cannot be said that there is no chance of being demoted and transferred to the governor. It is also a rare and extraordinary event.

Just as he was talking about this, suddenly the servants of the post house ran over and reported: "Hundreds of people have gathered outside the door to make noise! ​​They are all servants of the princes' palaces!"

Li Weizhen said quickly: "Jiu Yuanjun must have beaten people from three palaces yesterday, and today they gathered other palaces to take revenge."

Lin Tailai sneered and said: "A group of thugs like chickens and dogs still dare to run rampant here! Come when I go!"

Then he shouted to the left and right: "Give me armor!"

Li Weizhen was greatly shocked! Lin Jiuyuan is now in such a position, and when faced with a tough battle, he actually takes the lead!

With such kindness and righteousness, how dare your followers not die in service? How can they not be invincible in any direction?

While putting on his leather armor, Lin Tailai said to Li Weizhen: "You may be overthinking it. I didn't go out in person to show that I was taking the lead, nor was I worried that my subordinates wouldn't be able to defeat those losers."

Li Weizhen didn't understand and asked: "Then why did Jiu Yuanjun personally go into battle?"

Lin Tailai put on his helmet and answered: "I took action mainly to help my subordinates bear legal risks.

I, Lin Tailai, beat someone, and Lin's servants beat someone. In judicial practice, they are two different concepts.

The former can, under extenuating circumstances, use my noble status and illustrious merits to offset the other party's punishment, and can reduce the punishment;

Even if the latter is excusable, due to the identity of the other party, the servants may still suffer certain punishments."

Li Weizhen: "."

It is not reckless to fight in groups these days. Do we need to study judicial practice in such detail?

It seems that my knowledge of Lin Jiuyuan is too shallow. Just relying on rumors and preliminary contacts is not enough to fully understand Lin Jiuyuan.

Li Weizhen was sitting in the hall waiting. Not long after, he heard loud shouts of death outside.

In less than a cup of tea, the sounds outside gradually became quieter until calmness returned.

Lin Tailai strode into the hall and said to Li Weizhen: "The riot outside the gate of the post house has subsided. Li Shenzheng had better go out through the back door."

"Why?" Li Weizhen always couldn't keep up with Lin Tailai's thoughts.

Lin Tailai replied: "There are hundreds of people lying outside the gate, and the road is currently blocked! Unless Li Shenzheng likes to step on people!"

Then I heard Lin Tailai mutter: "I hope the real clan members are not harmed. They are all domestic servants."

Li Weizhen: "."

These clans do not have any actual political power, but their status is nominally noble, and the government cannot punish the clans with laws.

This resulted in the clan members liking to gather together to fight and act violently when something happened, sometimes just like street gangsters.

Unexpectedly, today this group of people kicked the iron bricks and encountered a real tough opponent who was more ferocious, ruthless and brutal.

Kaifeng, a great country in the Song Dynasty, has the temperament of storytelling. Maybe there will be a joke about the Nine-Yuan True Immortal Spear picking off the Eighteenth Prince's Palace in a while.

Lin Tailai, who had just finished a group fight, said indifferently: "There is no need to waste too much energy on small matters. Let's talk about how to deal with Zou Xuezhu, the inspector!"

Li Weizhen only felt that communicating with Lin Tailai was too taxing on his brain, and it was almost impossible to keep track of the repeated jumps.

He said very puzzledly: "Didn't we just talk about the misdeeds of Dai Guangqi, the Right Chief Minister?"

Lin Tailai also felt tired. Li Weizhen, a 45-year-old official who had been in politics for 24 years, still needed to be taught by himself.

Helplessly, he said: "The right chief envoy has committed a crime. Doesn't the inspector responsible for supervision have no responsibility?"

Specifically, if the chief envoy Dai Guangqi was guilty of cheating in the examination room, then the pre-inspection envoy Zou Xuezhu failed to supervise him beforehand and failed to pursue the case afterwards. This is dereliction of duty!"

Li Weizhen was shocked again!

You, Lin Tailai, want to sacrifice an "innocent" chief envoy in order to get the administrative envoy from the hostile camp to dismount?

How is it different from Cao Mengde's behavior of killing innocent grain officers in order to stabilize the morale of the army?

Lin Tailai didn't accept everyone randomly, he gave his own test.

"I have provided the ideas, and you are responsible for the specific operations! My personal suggestion is to nail down Dai Guangqi's examination fraud first!"

Li Weizhen said a little worriedly: "Is this movement too big?"

Lin Tailai immediately hated the fact that iron cannot be made into steel, and said a lesson: "It seems that you haven't adapted to the situation again and corrected your mentality!

Your seniors, old uncles, and old backstage men are now officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, the top officials of the Ministry of Civil Affairs and the first among the six divisions!

So what are you afraid of? Even if you mess up, what serious consequences will there be? It's just a matter of changing places!"

Li Weizhen was scolded and left dejectedly.

That night, the provincial government offices jointly held a banquet in honor of Lin Tailai, a scholar from the Hanlin Academy, the Shaoqing of Taichang Temple, and a doctor in the third department.

The venue was located in the front hall of the governor's court. All the officials from the province arrived in advance and sat in the side hall to chat.

Governor Zhou Shixuan smiled bitterly at the others and said: "This afternoon, several princes and princes jointly submitted a letter to this court to sue Lin Jiuyuan."

Li Sancai, the left counselor, said very "objectively and impartially": "Lin Jiuyuan is too arrogant in the territory of our Henan government office."

Zou Xuezhu, the inspector, continued: "If he were not arrogant, how could he still be Lin Jiuyuan?

Even when Zhang Juzheng passed through Henan for his funeral, and I was the prefect of Henan, I never heard of Zhang Juzheng seriously injuring hundreds of people."

Li Sancai added: "Out of etiquette, we will hold a banquet together to entertain the Nine Yuan True Immortal, but we cannot be overpowered by him in terms of momentum.

In order to avoid being ridiculed by public opinion as being groveling and flattering, which will make us look bad.

So although we have to treat each other with courtesy, we can’t lose our momentum!”

Li Sancai's words contained a certain degree of political correctness, and no matter what they thought, everyone just said so.

Who doesn’t know that behind you, Li Sancai, are the clear forces that control public opinion? If you are too flattering to Lin Tailai in public today, you may be shaped by public opinion.

At this time, there was suddenly a huge noise and noise coming from the direction of the gate.

Then an officer from the governor's Biao camp hurriedly walked into the side hall and reported: "Lin Tailai's servants are going to forcibly take over the defense of the gate and vestibule of the procuratorate!"

All the officials were shocked. They were indeed discussing Lin Tailai's arrogance just now, and they even did not hesitate to exaggerate.

But now I suddenly discovered that their so-called exaggeration may still be an underestimate?

After the governor Zhou Shixuan came to his senses, he immediately shouted: "Pass my military order, don't give in!"

The Chinese officer was a little embarrassed and replied: "The gate and the vestibule have been taken away by the Lin family's servants."

Zhou Shixuan: "."

Even if a horse rider blocks the gate with a hundred dead pigs, it will take a long time, right?

When everyone came to the hall, they saw Lin Tailai, who looked like the Kaifeng Iron Tower.

Lin Tailai laughed heartily a few times, saluted Zhou Shixuan and said: "Zhongcheng, don't mind, it is just my personal habit to take over the defense wherever I go.

After all, I have made too many enemies, and even suffered ambushes in the palace, so I have to be careful at all times."

Zhou Shixuan's face turned dark, but he still tried his best to maintain his grace and introduced Lin Tailai to the provincial officials present.

"This is Dai Guangqi, the right uncle!" Zhou Shixuan said, pointing to an old man in his sixties.

Lin Tailai rolled up his sleeves, stretched out his fist as big as a sand bowl, and said boldly:

"I have long heard that Dai Fangbo learned Liuhe Boxing from Tang Jingchuan when he was young, and also created Dai's Xinyi Boxing, and he was the number one master in the northern official circles.

I am lucky enough to meet you today, and I am willing to make friends with you through martial arts, no matter what happens, life or death!"

Everyone: "."

This should be a script for civil servants and officialdom, right? Why did the atmosphere suddenly become martial arts?

Dai Guangqi looked at Lin Tailai's arms, which were thicker than ordinary people's thighs, and then thought about his age, and couldn't help but fall into silence.

Seeing that Dai Guangqi refused to fight, Lin Tailai withdrew his fist and said calmly: "I'm joking, don't pay attention!"

The legend of Xingyiquan, which often appears in the realm of Chinese martial arts, originated from Dai’s Xinyiquan in Shanxi. The originator of Dai’s Xinyiquan can be traced back to Dai Guangqi.

Then Lin Tailai said to his left and right officials: "In ancient times, virtuous ministers did not distinguish between civil and military affairs. As the saying goes, a general becomes a prime minister!

I, Lin Tailai, would like to carry forward the ancient style again, but there are only so many people who share the same idea!

Dai Fangbo can also be regarded as a person who follows my ideas, but it is a pity that he is old and it is difficult for Feng Tangyi and Li Guang to win the title!"

Everyone was speechless. Old Dai was obviously your senior, so why did he follow your ideas?

But looking at Lin Tailai's fist as big as a sand bowl, it's really not easy to take this matter seriously.

Governor Zhou Shixuan had to forcibly interrupt Lin Tailai and continued to introduce: "This is Counselor Zuo, Supervisor of River Works Li Sancai."

This is also a historical celebrity, a very special figure in the Donglin Party, the Donglin Party who is least like the Donglin Party.

Originally, the struggle for Li Sancai to join the cabinet in the late Wanli Dynasty was also one of the famous and iconic party disputes.

Lin Tailai looked at the forty-year-old version of Li Sancai with great interest and asked: "Looking at Mian Shan, does it seem like he has seen him before?"

Li Sancai couldn't bear to look back and replied: "In the 14th year of Wanli, the Confucius Temple of the Imperial Academy in Nanjing."

Lin Tailai suddenly realized, "When I was sweeping the floor of Dacheng Hall, I was debating scriptures with Gu Xiancheng. It turns out that you are one of the backgrounds."

Li Sancai: "."

Then Lin Tailai continued: "But later I heard that you are very capable?"

Li Sancai didn't know how to answer the question for a moment. What did the phrase "very capable" mean? Is it a compliment to himself?

Lin Tailai pointed at Li Sancai again and said loudly to the people around him: "Li Xiuwu is not a stickler for trivial matters. He is a man of great talent. Although he is good at using his power, he spends his money in a rough and tactful manner!"

Damn it! Li Sancai was confused. Could it be that Lin Tailai was really praising him?

Damn it! These few words made him feel like a confidant! He should indeed be such a heroic figure!

Sure enough, praise from the enemy camp is the most valuable?

Everyone else was also surprised. Lin Tailai's summary was so insightful.

Everyone knew what Li Sancai's temperament was like when he was an official in Henan.

"That's ridiculous, that's ridiculous." Li Sancai was embarrassed and said a few words of humility, but after all, he didn't reach out to hit the smiling person.

Lin Tailai, however, was still pointing at Li Sancai and added: "In short, he looks like me in every aspect!"

Everyone: "."

I have to admit that the evaluation of "he does not stick to trivial matters, he is a handsome man, he is easy to use his power, but he is reckless in his squandering" seems to be more appropriate when applied to Lin Tailai.

I'm afraid that Councilor Li will end up with the image of "Xiao Lin Jiuyuan" or "Lin Jiuyuan imitation" in the future. I don't know whether this is a comedy or a tragedy.

Li Sancai's vision went dark and he almost fell into coma on the spot. How would he behave from now on?

As long as Lin Tailai doesn't fall, won't he have to live in Lin Tailai's shadow forever?

Governor Zhou Shixuan glanced at Li Sancai, "You have been arguing that you cannot lose momentum, but this is the result?"

Li Weizhen has completely given up, and this Lin family is worthy of following Cao Cao, because the consequences of refusing to recruit may be more serious.


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