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Chapter 635 Continue south

Tonight's banquet ended in a strange atmosphere. Lin Tailai, who came from afar, was more like the host and more active than all the officials in the province.

The next day, Lin Tailai had an individual conversation with provincial officials, which was not public.

The first person to talk was of course Governor Zhou Shixuan, after all, he was the number one figure.

The tone of this kind of conversation is usually very plain, but there are rich elements in the plainness.

Lin Tailai put down the tea cup and asked as if he was talking to someone familiar: "In what year did Zhou Zhongcheng become governor of Henan?"

Zhou Shixuan answered truthfully: "The sixteenth year of Wanli."

Lin Tailai recalled: "At that time, Yang Wei was still the official of the Ministry of Personnel, and Wang Situ was still the official of the Ministry of Revenue, right?"

Then he seemed to make a joke: "I didn't expect that Zhou Zhongcheng still owes my wife's family a favor."

The governor of the mainland was recommended by the Ministry of Personnel and the Ministry of Household Affairs. When Zhou Shixuan was appointed governor of Henan, it must have been through the approval of Wang Situ, the then Secretary of the Ministry of Household Affairs, that's why Lin Tailai made such a joke.

Zhou Shixuan had to admit this and said helplessly: "Wang Da Situ has the style of a gentleman from the ancients, which he will never forget."

Lin Tailai added: "When I was in the capital, I often heard Prime Minister Shen praising Zhou Zhongcheng of Henan, saying that Zhou Zhongcheng was generous and disciplined, indifferent to fame and fortune, and had integrity and ability."

Zhou Shixuan felt that there was no point in going around in circles, so he said directly: "What is Jiu Yuanjun doing?"

Lin Tailai said: "I really want to do something to warn some dishonest people in Beijing, and ask Zhou Zhongcheng to help me."

Zhou Shixuan asked: "Who is dishonest?"

Lin Tailai replied: "Whoever doesn't come to talk to me today is dishonest."

Then Zhou Shixuan mentioned another matter, "Now some members of the clan have jointly come to me to sue you."

Lin Tailai asked rhetorically: "If a clan member violates the law, can local officials execute the sentence?"

Zhou Shixuan replied to this: "According to the ancestral teachings of Taizu and Emperor Gao, of course, they have no right to punish. The clan members who violate the law must be sent to the capital. In particular, matters involving princes and princes must be reprimanded and adjudicated by the emperor."

Lin Tailai said disdainfully: "That's fine, you don't have the power to enforce the law, so what do you care what they do?

Since you can't control them when they hit others, then you don't have to control them when they are beaten.

If they really feel unconvinced, they can write to the capital to complain!"

Zhou Shixuan: "."

It has to be said that Lin Jiuyuan's qualities in both civil and military skills are truly a match for the Tianke clan.

After talking with the governor Zhou Shixuan, Lin Tailai continued to talk with other vassal and government officials.

When he saw Dai Guangqi, the right chief secretary, Lin Tailai ordered his entourage to serve tea and boil water again, obviously preparing for a long conversation.

As a time traveler, Lin Tailai always felt that the name "Guangqi" was too unlucky. One Guangxu and one Apocalypse, it was like the two merged into one.

"Uncle Dai Fang, I just entered Henan and I heard that you were suspected of cheating in the Qianyue Township examination." Lin Tailai's tone was still as if he was gossiping.

Dai Guangqi responded: "Jiu Yuanjun is just hearsay."

This means that there is no real evidence, so you can’t punish senior officials just because of some rumors, right?

Lin Tailai sighed: "But this is too ugly. Several successful candidates talked nonsense in public after getting drunk, and the impact was really bad.

But thinking about it on the other hand, since they are all successful candidates, there is no reason for them to make things up for no reason, right?"

Dai Guangqi remained silent. Although you, Lin Jiuyuan, are famous, you are not an imperial envoy here to inspect, you are just passing through.

Lin Tailai suddenly said: "Although there is no proof of this matter, if you can take the initiative to plead guilty at the right moment, wouldn't it be considered as proof?"

Dai Guangqi: "."

Are you, Lin Tailai, crazy, or is he, Lao Dai, stupid? Who would take the initiative to plead guilty?

Lin Tailai sighed and advised: "Uncle Dai Fang, at your age, you have reached the rank of chief envoy. Your official career has come to an end. What you are waiting for is to become an official, right?"

Dai Guangqi remained silent because what Lin Tai said was right.

In the current system of the Ming Dynasty, the chief envoy is of the second rank, the general envoy is the third rank, and the chief envoy is above the general rank.

But if you ask any official, they would definitely rather be an inspector than the chief envoy.

Because being an imperial envoy means that there are endless possibilities in the future, and you can be promoted to a third-rank governor, and it is not impossible for the minister to think about it.

But if you become a second-grade chief minister, there is basically no room for advancement, and you can only wait for retirement.

In theory, the only person above the chief envoy is the minister, but that's just theory.

If an ordinary envoy wanted to become the minister, he would have to defeat more than twenty governors and more than twenty ministers from the northern and southern capitals at the same time. This level of difficulty is hellish.

Therefore, the chief envoys are indeed the least motivated, and most of them are just waiting to retire.

But Dai Guangqi still didn't understand, why did Lin Tailai do all this? Could it be that he wanted to threaten a chief envoy with the idea of ​​becoming an official? Isn't that funny?

Lin Tailai guided him earnestly and said: "Since Uncle Fang will become an official sooner or later, why not become an official in exchange for something, such as the wealth of his descendants?"

Dai Guangqi raised his head, doubt slowly appearing on his face. What is the connection between his becoming an official and the wealth of his descendants?

Lin Tailai emphasized: "I repeat, as long as you take the initiative to plead guilty and admit to cheating in the examination at the appropriate time, it will be fine.

At that time, the punishment imposed by the court will be nothing more than forcing you to become an official. What will you lose? For you, it will just be that you became an official a few years ago.

But you can win my friendship, Lin Tailai, in exchange for the wealth of your descendants!"

Feeling a huge shock in his heart, Dai Guangqi lost his voice and said, "Do you really mean what you said?"

Lin Tailai patted his chest and said, "I, Lin Tailai, am based on faith. I am known as Jinbu, and Bu is Jibu who promises a thousand pieces of gold!"

Wang Shangshu of the Ministry of Civil Affairs, Yu Shangshu of the Ministry of Husbandry, Ye Shangshu of the Ministry of War, and Chen Shangshu of the Ministry of Works can all testify!"

At this point, the political credibility accumulated over the years finally came into play.

Dai Guangqi thought for a while, then gritted his teeth and said, "Although I don't know what Jiuyuan Lord's ultimate goal is, I can plead guilty!"

Lin Tailai comforted him and said, "The original intention was not for you, but for dereliction of duty in Taiwan."

This is just to reveal a little bit of his thinking, so that Dai Guangqi won't have any more random thoughts - the real purpose is to put Zou Xuezhu under the supervision. You will not be dealt with strictly. At most, you will be ordered to retire, so you can rest assured!

After seeing off Dai Guangqi, Lin Tailai asked the people around him: "Has Zou Zhengtai been here before?"

He replied: "I haven't seen him come to visit."

Lin Tailai asked again: "Have you ever sent Cheng Yi as a gift?"

He replied: "I haven't seen it delivered yet."

Lin Tailai snorted coldly: "If you don't even understand the rules, then don't blame others for punishing him!"

Party fights are party fights, but if you don't even give away souvenirs to others when they pass by, you deserve to be punished!

Lin Tailai then continued to talk with the officials guarding the road. There were Yu Dazhen, the right political officer, Li Tingmo, the deputy envoy to the inspection, and others, but they were not very impressed.

Finally, Lin Tailai called Li Weizhen, the leftist political advisor, and told him: "I will leave Kaifeng the day after tomorrow and continue to return to my hometown."

Li Weizhen was surprised. It seemed that he had just started and nothing had been accomplished. Why was he leaving?

So he begged, "May I ask Lord Jiuyuan to help you mount your horse and give him a ride?"

Lin Tailai said: "I have given you the direction, the road has been paved for you, and I have said hello to you. I will leave the specific operations to you.

Once you defeat Zou Zhengtai, you will naturally be promoted!

But if you still can’t defeat Zou Zhengtai despite the cooperation of others, it means you are indeed not qualified for promotion!”

After that, Lin Tailai said nothing more and waved to Li Weizhen to make preparations on his own.

If you have to do it yourself to deal with an envoy, then the ministers who fall into your hands will be worthless.

After the news spread that Lin Tailai was preparing to leave, all officials in Henan Province were surprised.

Everyone can probably guess the purpose of Lin Tailai's detour to the south.

I originally thought that Lin Tailai would take advantage of the good situation to stay in Kaifeng for a few more days, but I didn't expect that he would just leave.

So just one day after the welcoming banquet, Governor Zhou Shixuan hurriedly organized a farewell banquet.

Official entertainment is like this, it is tiring but necessary, and there are many unexpected situations.

After three rounds of wine during the banquet, Zhou Shixuan asked: "Where will Jiu Yuanjun go next?"

Kaifeng is a place with good connections in all directions, with roads in all directions, both water and land.

That's why Governor Zhou asked Lin Tailai, which direction are you going tomorrow?

Lin Tailai said hesitantly: "I heard that the former eldest uncle Shen Gong lived in seclusion in Guide, Henan, so I considered going to visit him."

The Shen Gong mentioned here refers to Shen Li, the former Minister of Rites, the spiritual leader and founder of the Qingliu force. The year before last, he couldn't handle the dispute over the country's foundation, so he used Lin Tailai as an excuse to run away with the bucket.

Shen Li is from Guide Prefecture, and Guide Prefecture is east of Kaifeng. After arriving at Guide Prefecture, there is a road leading to Xuzhou, and then you can go south along the canal.

It was Zhou Shixuan who was shocked when he heard that Lin Tailai was visiting Shen Li, the leader of the Qingliu forces.

What kind of relationship does Lin Tailai have with the Qingliu forces? Don't you have any idea?

The organizational structure of the Qingliu force built by the boss Shen Li eight years ago was completely dismantled by Lin Tailai!

Why do you want to visit Mr. Shen? Aren't you afraid of causing trouble?

Even if you, Lin Tailai, are not afraid of something happening, he, the governor, is!

So Zhou Shixuan advised: "I heard that Mr. Shen is in poor health, so he doesn't usually see guests. Mr. Jiuyuan doesn't need to worry about it."

Lin Tailai agreed: "Since Zhou Zhongcheng wants me to go south via Huguang, then I will not go to Guide Mansion and continue south!"

Zhou Shixuan: "."

I'm really tired. Fortunately, this person will leave tomorrow! I just hope that this person will keep his word and leave tomorrow!

At the end of the banquet, Zhou Shixuan sent Lin Tailai back to the post house.

When leaving, Lin Tailai suddenly said in a low voice: "It is a loss for the imperial court that Mr. Shen lives in seclusion.

Zhongcheng, don't forget to recommend Duke Shen to the court, especially when the Minister of Rites is vacant."

After another dawn, Lin Tailai continued to set off.

After all, in the name of returning home to visit relatives and fulfilling filial piety, if you always stay in one place for a long time, it would appear to be politically incorrect and easy for others to criticize.

Follow the post road and continue southward along the terrain. After passing Nanyang, you will arrive at Xiangyang, which means you have left Henan and entered Huguang.

Then go down the Han River from Xiangyang to Wuchang City, the provincial capital of Huguang.

Staying in Xiangyang City that night, Lin Tailai accepted the hospitality of local officials and prepared to have a rest.

At this time, another uninvited guest came to visit the post house.

There were many uninvited guests like this along the way, and most of them were screened and sent away by the guest Gu Bingqian.

But this time Gu Bingqian did not send the visitor away. Instead, he entered the inner courtyard of the post house and called Lin Tailai out of bed.

"Qin Yao, the governor of Huguang, sent his staff to pay a visit?" Lin Tailai was puzzled, "Why does it sound like a fake?"

When we arrive at your Huguang territory, you, the governor, as the number one person, can send someone to visit you, and you can make it public with great fanfare.

I came to visit secretly in the middle of the night, but something seemed wrong.

Gu Bingqian replied: "After a few cross-examinations, it doesn't seem to be a lie."

Lin Tailai said: "Then let's meet!"

Immediately, a middle-aged scribe with a long history of work was brought over personally by the left and right protectors.

The middle-aged scribe greeted him again and said, "I am Shi Lun, and now the Huguang Procuratorate is in charge."

Lin Tailai said an indifferent "Huh" to indicate that he understood.

Then Shi Lun said again: "Shi Ce, the Minister of Honglu Temple, is my cousin, and I am honored to be photographed by Jiuyuan Public Relations!"

Originally, Shi Ce was a Shaoqing, but because he sold half of the land of Honglu Temple, Lin Tailai elected him as a Zhengqing.

Lin Tailai said casually: "So you are Shi Honglu's cousin. If you have anything to say, please tell me!"

Shi Lun did not dare to be verbose and said directly: "Our boss Qin Zhongcheng has been impeached. The situation is critical and there is no guarantee. We hope that Lord Jiuyuan will lend a helping hand."

Lin Tailai didn't even ask about the actual situation, and said a little impatiently: "Qin Zhongcheng has no relationship with me, how could he think of me?"

Shi Lun explained: "My brother gave me advice and said that if our proprietor wants to get out of trouble, he can only go to Jiu Yuan Gong."

Lin Tailai responded: "People are impeached every day. If they all come to me for help, can I handle it?"

Moreover, there are some things that are difficult to say out loud. In officialdom, it is often more difficult to protect people than to win them over.

If you don't have the time and energy to protect someone you don't know and don't know, it would be easier and more cost-effective to wait for him to step down and then directly seize the position he leaves behind.

Shi Lun quickly continued: "Qin Zhongcheng, like me, is from Wuxi!"

Now Lin Tailai finally became interested, "Who is the person who impeached him?"

Shi Lun replied: "Guo Shi, the censor on patrol! Fellow Zhao Nanxing!"

Lin Tailai burst into laughter and said to Gu Bingqian who was accompanying him: "There is actually internal strife in the circle of people who do not want to be a Qingliu influence. Fellow Zhao Nanxing is impeaching fellow Gu Xiancheng. It's interesting!"

Shi Lun argued anxiously: "Don't misunderstand me, Mr. Jiu Yuan. Our proprietor and the Qingliu Party members have never been on the same journey!"

Only then did Lin Tailai ask: "On what charges did Guo Yushi impeach Qin Zhongcheng?"

Shi Lun answered truthfully: "The first is corruption and the second is being attached to the powerful."

Lin Tailai was very puzzled, "I have been in the imperial court for two years, and I know a thing or two about the imperial court.

Why have I never heard of which powerful person Qin Zhongcheng has attached himself to? To the point of being impeached?"

Shi Lun helplessly replied: "It's Zhang Jiangling. Qin Zhongcheng was too attached to Zhang Jiangling when he was impeached."

Lin Tailai: "."

I can’t complain, it’s been 19 years since Wanli, how can I still talk about Zhang Juzheng?

Shi Lun angrily explained: "This is why there is no excuse to impose a crime! Zhang Jiangling is the master of our master Qin Zhongcheng. He is the master of the Lord of Heaven and Earth. Is it wrong for his disciples to pay respect to his master?"

Is it possible that the disciples only care about their own selfishness or personal reputation, forcing the teacher to resign? Is it morally right to force the teacher to resign?"

As he was talking, Shi Lun suddenly realized that Jiu Yuan Gong's face was not very pretty.

Next to him, Gu Bingqian couldn't help coughing heavily. Shi Lun suddenly realized and hurriedly made a remedy:

"I'm talking about Zhao Yongxian, Wu Zhongxing and his gang! I didn't tell anyone, and I didn't tell anyone!"


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