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Chapter 101 The Three Heroes Fight against Imbu (Part 2)

At this time, the audience in the verandah was still thinking about it. The first sentence "If life is just like the first time we met" is indeed a bit amazing.

Chen Jiru is known as one of the Three Greatest Heroes in the Clouds, and he is not without goods, but why was he immediately eliminated without even uttering a single word?

Just because Professor Lin's first sentence was so amazing, Chen Jiru was stunned and couldn't say anything else.

Everyone couldn't help but sigh, feeling envious of Yunjian Feng Er. How virtuous and capable this man was, that he was bound to this sentence.

What's even more irritating is that Professor Lin's attitude towards quatrains is as bland as saying "human beings are inherently good".

He casually took out the quatrain as half a brick, and then slapped Chen Jiru to death in one fell swoop.

Is this the latest way to show off?

It's a pity that it still requires too much talent! The domineering way of showing off is really not suitable for ordinary people.

Feng Shike, who was envied by others, looked like a statue of Bodhisattva at this time, with an expression that seemed sad and joyful, but inside he felt like thousands of troops and horses were galloping past.

If you, Lin Tailai, come up with such words, how will the old leader Wang, who is already suspicious, think of him?

If the world thinks deeply and thinks that he, Feng Shike, abandoned Lin Tailai in order to please the old leader Wang, then how can he have the face to see others!

Chen Jiru, who was standing still, had been completely pulled away by Professor Lin, proving once again that the literary world cannot be without strength.

Then, in order of age from youngest to oldest, Professor Lin missed the oldest Tang Wenxian and took the initiative to find Dong Qichang.

He hooked his fingers and said: "Dong Sheng is here to fight! Fight quickly and decide quickly!"

But the person opposite said awkwardly: "I am in the Tang Dynasty literature."

Lin Tailai: "."

Then he looked at the most mature-looking of the three heroes in Yunjian. It turned out that this was Dong Qichang, who would be the most famous in later generations. Why did he look like he was forty years old?

Not to mention the two-handed whiskers, the hairline is still so high, can you go bald even if you study calligraphy and painting?

Before Professor Lin could say anything else, Dong Qichang took a step forward and spoke proactively:

"I have accepted Mr. Mo Zhongjiang, a fellow countryman, as my teacher, and Mr. Mo Zhongjiang is a disciple of the late Tang Jingchuan."

Lin Tailai: "???"

Why are you talking about this? Is it true that before a fight in the literary world begins, just like a martial arts competition in the arena, the origin of the teacher's inheritance must be revealed first?

Dong Qichang continued: "I heard that Jinbu learned spearmanship from Qi Shaobao, and Qi Shaobao's marksmanship was taught by senior Tang Jingchuan."

Professor Lin suddenly understood and said eagerly: "So Mr. Dong wants to compete with me? I will give you a weapon!"

"No! No!" Dong Qichang quickly explained: "What I want to say is that if we count from senior Tang Jingchuan, we can be regarded as brothers of another kind of destiny!"

After finishing speaking, Dong Qichang showed the most standard friendly smile.

Lin Tailai: "."

Not to mention this person's historical calligraphy and painting skills, nor how he would go on to dominate the countryside and make the common people angry, let's just say that this person can really fight in this kind of situation.

In fact, Dong Qichang's idea at this time was very simple. It didn't matter whether he won or not, as long as he lost better than Chen Jiru!

Chen Jiru didn't say a word just now, he was immediately stopped. He should have said a few words anyway.

Afterwards, Dong Qichang said to Feng Shike on the rockery: "Senior, please give me the title!"

Feng Shike turned around and asked Old Alliance Leader Wang for instructions, and then gave the title: "Falling Flowers!"

This is an extremely common literary topic. In other words, it has been badly written. It is the most common topic in the Spring Festival.

Immediately, someone understood the intentions of the big guys. They were preparing to play dirty tricks on Professor Lin.

The more poorly written a subject is, the harder it is for it to stand out, and the easier it is for subjective evaluation to turn out to be shady.

Lin Tailai directly asked Dong Qichang: "First, knowing that form is empty is the source of birth and death, and it can bring down the country to the east wind.

Second, the most important thing is that it cannot be retained in the human world, and the beauty of the beauty can say goodbye to the flowers in the mirror and the trees.

Third, falling red is not a heartless thing, it turns into spring mud to protect flowers.

Which of these three verses do you choose? For the sake of my living brothers, I will give you a chance to choose."

Dong Qichang: "???"

I was confused for a while, which one to choose? What does it mean?

But when everyone watching the theater heard Lin Tailai reciting three lines, they were immediately in an uproar again!

Although I haven’t heard the whole poem, anyone with a little bit of literary literacy can hear it. Just these individual verses are obviously very extraordinary!

Moreover, Lin Tailai said three sentences in one breath, each with its own charm, which is very fatal.

Professor Lin said to Dong Qichang again: "Since Brother Shi wants dignity, I will give you a dignity that you can choose freely. Anyway, every sentence is enough to defeat you!"

Dong Qichang: "."

Does this tone seem to give you the freedom to choose how to die?

At this time, Dong Qichang also realized that none of Lin Tailai's three sentences was something he could compete with!

Even if it is a shady story, it must be based on successfully calling a deer a horse and confusing right and wrong.

If there is only one verse, it can be argued that it is not good from various angles. As long as it is words, there can always be angles from which to criticize.

But it is difficult to criticize all three poems that have completely different styles and are obviously superior to others. That would not be literary criticism, but blindness.

Seeing that Dong Qichang still didn't speak, Lin Tailai said: "If you don't choose, it will be regarded as admitting defeat!"

Dong Qichang, one of the three heroes among the clouds, was killed in battle immediately!

Like Chen Jiru, he didn't say a word after the fight started and was instantly killed!

Professor Lin pulled Dong Qichang away from the road and shouted again: "I'm in a hurry! Next one!"

All eyes are focused on Tang Wenxian, and it will be up to Tang Sheng to protect the final glory of Yunjian Sanying!

But I heard that Tang Wenxian was a student of Zhao Yongxian, and Zhao Yongxian was angry with Mr. Wang a few days ago.

Moreover, during the meeting, Zhao Yongxian was not even provided with a high-end beauty companion, which was extremely deceiving.

Therefore, whether Tang Wenwen will help leader Wang Lao to expel Jinbu is also a question in everyone's mind.

Under the spotlight, Tang Wenxian, the leader of the Three Great Heroes of Yunjian, faced Lin Tailai directly and was the first to speak:

"I heard that Jinbu's Iron Fist is invincible, so I, Tang Wenxian, will ask you for advice on boxing and kicking skills today!"

Lin Tailai: "???"

Did he hear it wrong, or did Tang make a mistake? Or was Tang Wenwen a hidden martial arts master?

Before the stunned audience could react, Tang Wenwen rushed towards Professor Lin bravely and punched him!

But Professor Lin just turned slightly sideways and completely avoided Tang Wenwen's attack.

Then he punched Tang Wenxian in the back and knocked Tang Wenxian to the ground.

In just one round, Yunjian Sanying's Tang Dynasty Literature made a physical attack without dying!

The process happened so fast that most people didn't realize what was going on at this time.

Tang Wenwen climbed up from the ground, his face unchanged, and he said in a loud and powerful voice:

"My master, Mr. Zhao Dingyu, had a bad relationship with Mr. Wang Yanzhou a few days ago. After the meeting at Taibai Tower, he ran away and returned to Nanjing in anger!

Since my mentor is like this, how can I continue to stay in the Suzhou literary circle?

I will follow my teacher to Nanjing and study behind closed doors to prepare for the August Provincial Examination!

At this point today, my intention is just to say goodbye to everyone!

Now, at the request of my seniors, I am still defeated by Imbu's fist, and I have no intention of staying here, so I'll say goodbye!"

After delivering his speech, Tang Wenwen dusted himself off, waved his sleeves, and left the gathering without looking back.

Lin Tailai: "."

The No. 1 scholar is the No. 1 scholar. Even Professor Lin admired the future No. 1 scholar for his moral integrity.

So far, all the three heroes of Yunjian who participated in the battle have been defeated, and Imbu has won a complete victory!

What made everyone completely unexpected was that Sanying was defeated so quickly, and no one was the enemy of Imbu Ichihe!

It seemed like it took just a few breaths for the three heroes to rush into the street. The speed of the defeat was shocking.

Even if it was three pigs, it would take Lin Tailai several hours to kill them, right?

If we were to fight against Hu Yinglin, what Lin Tailai showed was agility and weirdness, but when he crushed Yunjian Sanying, what he showed was domineering!

Tang Wenwen threw away his hands and ran away. Dong Qichang and Chen Jiru silently returned to the verandah and sat down.

After a long time, Chen Jiru sighed: "If I lose my life with this sentence, it will be worth it."

When future generations mention this sentence, will they also mention me?"

But no one answered Chen Jiru's words because everyone was paying attention to Professor Lin.

At this time, Professor Lin faced Feng Shike on the rockery and shouted: "Who else?!"

Feng Shike once again resented that he had not learned the folklore of the Feng family's secret stick skills, otherwise he would have fought three hundred rounds in person!

My great career in the literary world is really going to perish at the hands of Imbu!

I was blind and deceived at the beginning, so I was deceived by Jinbu. I believed that Jinbu would help me win the new fifth son spot!

This chapter has been completed!
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