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Chapter 1009 The Air Force joins the war

There is no defensive position. Sakai pointed to the surrounding houses; "Houses are the best defensive positions. This village is very big. We will engage in street fighting with them. In addition, we will drive tanks and chariots to the entrance of the village. Once the opponent attacks, we will assist the infantry to block it."

They are now telling the Gangcun Regiment that the enemy has launched an attack on me, asking them to quickly dispatch troops to cut off the opponent's retreat. We will be here to delay the opponent's attack."

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, would you like to report to Your Excellency, Brigade Commander, to request aviation reinforcements?"

The village is big, but it is only a small area. The opponent is the Central Army. The equipment of the Central Army is not bad. Their individual combat capabilities are not as good as those of the Imperial soldiers, but their large number also has certain advantages.

"Okay." After Sakai said that, he calmly picked up the lunch box next to him. He didn't believe that the other party could get in.

I am a fully formed regiment, even if I let them attack me just now, how many people would have died.

The artillery was deployed against the Japanese troops, and the smoke and dust rising into the sky obstructed the view.

Zhou Weiguo used a telescope to observe the opponent's situation.

The well-trained Japanese troops entered their positions and looked for bunkers after the shelling.

This round of shelling gave them a measured amount of damage, but overall, it was still unsatisfactory.

"Their troops are coming up." Nan Zaolinzi used his binoculars to see the Japanese troops advancing outside the village entrance at the risk of being bombed.

"Since a misunderstanding has been caused, it is time to resolve the misunderstanding." Sun Cheng turned to look at Gu Ping above; "General Sun, issue your transfer order to have Ruan Dayun withdraw to his original station and deploy troops to observe and patrol the Vietnam border.

Move forward and evacuate Qiwai to show your hypocrisy."

"Attention, all formations. Attention, all formations. Seven minutes ago, you will arrive at the battlefield. Seven minutes ago, you will arrive at the battlefield."

Sakai was not confused. When I heard the roar in the air, my first instinct was that the enemy was bound to win against the Gangcun Regiment that time. I had just sent a message to the brigade that was supposed to last ten minutes.

Too bad, it seems that Xiao really has no intention of taking action against your country. Then, some of the troops on the border can be mobilized. This support of the country's retreat is fierce, and he will continue to occupy the eight states of your country. If it is here

If we send our elite troops back, we are afraid that the central and southern parts will be completely occupied by us.

"Worry, that battle was purely fought by you alone. The Sichuan army also entered the battlefield. We will hold Gangcun back."

There is a shame in being bad.

Mr. Gu took a breath and let his head that was about to explode calm down a little; "This is because I have misunderstood the Celestial Dynasty. Yes, Zhou Weiguo and your country Ran Jinyong suddenly retreated into Shangzhou and Jingzhou. What is the meaning of that?"


Sun Cheng smiled and put aside the Kuaizi in his hand and smiled at Lord Gu: "Prince, you only have a Lingnan Navy in your court, and there is no Quanzhou Navy. As long as their bid is suitable, we will open the project."

It's a rental, right?"

They were so determined that they actually dispatched the aviation force." Sakai looked at the big white spot getting closer and closer, turned around and retreated outside the house, came to the map and looked at it for a while, then tapped his hand on a place and said; "Period

Come on, if you can defend the outside, then that place will be your temporary defense point." Fuguo's troops retreated into the port, and then divided into two groups to launch a retreat.

Wang Huaian also took away his wine glass and put it on the table. Although I was doubtful about what his brother-in-law said, I also wanted to hear what his brother-in-law said.

"Are you going to retreat?" Jiang Yue pointed at the Japanese troops who opened fire in the previous period.

That's of no use?

"Weiguo, why did he want the infantry to press down immediately before the artillery stopped?" Nan Zaolinzi felt it was a pity. The infantry should have gone down immediately when the artillery started.

"What's wrong? It's your government's military changes that caused their misunderstanding." After Lord Gu cursed Sun Cheng in his heart, this difficult voice sounded in his ears again.

"Your Majesty, what the governor is saying is that your dynasty does not only have the Lingnan Navy. There is no Quanzhou Navy in Quanzhou. As long as they offer a suitable price, your dynasty will naturally not be able to lease it to them."

The roar in the air made Long Wuwei look up.

The artillery fire stopped, and Zhou Weiguo did not allow the infantry to attack.

"You have calculated everything, but you never expected our attitude that time." Ju Suncheng smiled and said, "Who are you to say that you are friends with each other? It's not difficult for friends to be friends. Isn't it true that your country is friendly?"


At a low altitude of 1,000 meters, Captain Zhang looked up and down and grabbed the wired communication device below.

"It's a thank you to me. I said that you are friends, so you should understand each other naturally. That's right."

Long Wuwei looked at the parked tanks and turned to Xiao Ya and asked, "Have your tanks come down yet?"

He eats the buyer and eats the seller. What kind of foreign monster is that bastard? I am an official or a businessman. How can I say it if I want to lose face?

"Please be worried, Zhou Weiguo. Since the Celestial Empire does not have such pretense, you will naturally give in when you cross the country. Before the king goes back, he will immediately issue an order for your troops to withdraw ten miles forward to show the pretense."

It's simply not a weak argument.

"That's very abnormal. It's just a military deployment during your reign. Besides, you will let them take the opportunity to launch a sneak attack next time, causing thousands of casualties in your empire. Just in case, I will mobilize Ruan Dayun's main force to retreat to the two states.

There's nothing wrong with setting up defenses." Sun Cheng's open hands and honest look made Mr. Gu's chest hurt.

"A person who has been staring at the situation in Yue since the war started, and his eyes are slow to see through it. You think, I should take action."

Sun Cheng, who was in the study, put the news aside and picked up the teacup; "Then, we only have 70,000 troops left in the seven northern states."

That's what I want to see.

Zhou Weiguo lowered his head and thought for a moment, then turned around; "Tell the artillerymen to stop the bombardment and move their positions immediately."

That's the problem, Nan Zaolinzi opened the map; "The Japanese army knows your plan and will delay you. If the Gangcun Regiment doesn't take action."

My brother-in-law has suffered too much. Now that the Yue Kingdom is facing a retreat from Fuguo, how can it afford such a small amount of money? Even if it is a small amount, the Quanzhou Navy will still be dispatched. That is an offense, not a reward.

The other side is just a realistic fantasy.

send troops?

I'm sure the rest of the troops are also involved, but that's another matter. Nan Zulinzi is talking.

"Roger." Sporadic voices came from the microphone.

The military strength of the Yue State is simply not like pigs. In some places, even the troops of the Fuguo State have arrived, and the people can barely escape.

Gu Ping, who had sent the message, nodded at the side: "Yes, brother, now tens of thousands of people are gathered in various places. Brother, now that the other side has gathered its forces, you cannot send troops."

If you go up there, you have to wait for the eighth batch of troops from Fuguo to arrive, and Yue will be slow to come.

Even if the aviation force is the slowest, it may arrive within ten minutes. This can only mean that it is the enemy's aviation force.

"That's right. Now that I have thought about it carefully, they are worried that your country has never thought of occupying an inch of land from an friendly country." Sun Cheng said with confidence.

The corners of Sun Cheng's lips turned down slightly: "It's time to wait, now or then, you still have to wait for someone."

"Copy." The fighter on the left quickly slid upwards to the side, and soon there were two big white dots left.

Seeing the dust exposed at the target point above, Captain Zhang jumped out of anger; "The infantry are crazy, delaying the retreat, how do you judge whether this is the enemy or one of our own.

Yes, Nan Zuolinzi was very worried. Once the approach was cut off, all the heavy weapons of the entire regiment would be abandoned. Only infantry could pass through this road. It was entirely possible for heavy weapons to pass through.

Since the death of Captain Li, the 7th Squadron has suffered heavy losses in combat effectiveness. It has never retreated and has been responsible for security missions. I always remember when I will retreat next time.

It's no use talking about that thing.

Chug tug tug...

"What you want is for both of us to suffer losses. It is a crushing defeat. Zuo Zuomu cannot establish a new dynasty there, but the military strength of that dynasty must be based on your support, Xiao Xiao. Instead, it is

Our self-reliance. Therefore, before you withdraw Nguyen Dayun and let the border troops move forward to withdraw from Qiwai, you are going to let us mobilize our troops to deal with supporting the country. Too many of us died."

"One detachment is on alert, one detachment is on alert." Captain Zhang put his things down and forgot to look up. The equipment of the seventh team was about the fighter jets Maozi was assisting. They were slow and had strong firepower. Not all of them were very small.

The disadvantage is that it consumes a lot of fuel and can be carried in the air for too long.

Sun Chengzhong snorted slightly; "He felt that Fuguo's push back was too quick."

Not long after, news came from Ruan Dayun that the Yue Kingdom would mobilize 80,000 people from the north to the south.

"Let's just wait to be bombed. The seventh team's plane will be too slow." Long Wuwei raised his eyes and glanced at the blue sky and turned his head; "Raise our flag, but don't let the people below get it when the time comes."

It exploded."

Who commanded it? There was no delay in retreating. That was...

A burst of bullets from the low-firing machine gun hit the Japanese machine gun position in the air. There was a figure on the ground, but a bloody dance remained for a long time.

The shameful words made Mr. Gu stand up and hand over his hands; "I think Zhou Weiguo also knew that at that time, the group of adults from Fuguo were launching a fierce retreat against your country. Ruan Dayun of your country retreated into the two states, which really made your Majesty even less worried than the king.

I'm worried, please forgive me Ran Jinyong."

Looking at the group of people getting further and further away, Gu Ping turned to Ran Jin, who had lost his smile and asked: "Brother, why did he want to withdraw his troops and let the border troops evacuate forward? That is really embarrassing, brother."

That’s the solution.”

Waiting for someone?

These tanks also drove out and stopped in a place with a narrow line of sight.

For seven minutes, and that was a long time, from the air, I could see what was going on above.


Wang Huaian almost stopped laughing.

I really underestimated the fighting power of the Yue Kingdom. I knew what we were like, but I really didn’t expect that people would be so experienced in fighting.

The two squadrons of the seventh team formed a combat formation.

Let's be honest. When talking to people like that, it's better to go around the bush and explain directly. Maybe, you can still shut my mouth.

"It's wrong." Gu Ping's words of support made Ran Jinyong's hands in his sleeves clenched into fists.

Not yet completely exposed, Ran Jinyong lit a cigarette and took a puff; "Go down and die. He saw the reaction speed of the Japanese army. Our infantry are not just for us to use as targets when they go down. Let us deploy. You have to take a look when you get there. I

What kind of flower can you turn that small town into?"

Temporary defensive positions will be reduced to rubbish by low-altitude machine gun fire.

"Ran Jinyong has nothing to say, please make it clear." Mr. Gu wanted to make a guess.

Nan Zaolinzi looked at the fangs exposed and the low-firing machine guns that were not deployed.

Ran Jin lowered his eyes in confusion: "Who are you waiting for?"

Captain Zhang was so angry that he gritted his teeth and quickly grabbed the wired call: "Squad 7, investigate the situation."

Nan Zaolinzi shook his head slightly; "Yes, they must be retreating. The Japanese infantry will spread out to the right and left, but should be in front of the tanks. You are doing this to delay time and buy Gangcun time."

Sun Cheng paused and stared at Mr. Gu. Mr. Gu thought to himself, "Hasn't that person made a move yet?"

But Mr. Gu simply doubted that those words must have been kept open between countries. This is really stupid.

I looked at the advancing Japanese army and found that the opponent's machine gun was pointing at the incoming plane. I turned around and fired at the machine gun beside me and said, "Knock out the anti-aircraft machine gun."

Those eight people were not joking at all. If the Yue Kingdom didn’t have that money, why would they just tear down the east wall to make up for the west wall?

Not once did you look at the village. The Japanese troops were indeed deployed, and even machine guns were set up under the roofs.

This chapter is not finished yet, please click on the next page to continue reading the exciting content! "Is he saying that we will plagiarize our way forward?" Long Wuwei asked, narrowing his eyes.

Even if the defense is unusually deployed, this should be done by Ruan Dayun's main force. Think of yourself as a fool. These two states were not Liangzhou of Yue State in the past. They only had 80,000 troops in the past, but Ran Jinyong's main force did not have 80,000 people.

Add in our avant-garde part, and it's a lot less.

We arrived at the rear lines of the fourth theater all night, and after sleeping for two hours, we quickly launched reinforcements for the infantry from deep space.

He said slowly, what can be done, you want to hear it too, Ran Jin looked at Sun Cheng with cold eyes.

Lord Gu received the confirmed news and left early on the seventh day with his people. Sun Cheng personally took Ran Jin and others to see Lin Zhoucheng off.

What does that mean? Gu Ping reacted at first, but it was Sun Cheng's military order, and it was said in front of so few people, so I could only stand up and hand over my hand; "Yes, general, then go and convey the order."

"We're on the road. We'll probably get there ten minutes ago."

Ran Jinyong hummed and sat on the ground; "Get some rest. I'll tell you before the tanks come down, and I'll buy you some time."

After leaving the yard, Sakai took a deep breath when he saw the group of big white dots in the sky.

"Thank you less Zhou Weiguo. Your Majesty, thank Zhou Weiguo for you and the people." Ran Jinyong breathed a sigh of relief. Although the following incident had a bad result, that incident at least received a satisfactory explanation.

Two planes left the formation and were flying over at high altitude, probably for reconnaissance.

It's been a long time since I've seen the enemy dispatch so few aviation troops.

Sun Cheng said: "If something happens to cross your border, the county prince, he should know that it will definitely be so complicated to erect a monument for the innocent people of your country."

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