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Chapter 104 The Great Retreat

Chapter 104 Great Retreat

Author: little instructor

Chapter 104 Great Retreat

Watching Xu Hu take the money and leave, Zhou Weiguo paused for a moment and looked at Hu Yong beside him, then picked up a chili pepper and handed it to Hu Yong. He opened his mouth and handed it forward: "Want one?"

Hu Yong waved his hands hurriedly: "Come on, I won't even eat this until I die."

Hypocrisy, when you really can't stand the cold, you will naturally eat it.

Zhou Weiguo ignored it and stuffed one into his mouth. He bit into it and held back the acrimony that rushed straight to his forehead. He pointed to the location of the barracks with a red face, "Let's go to the camp headquarters."

The Wu Fu Line actually did not block the Japanese attack, or in other words, this line of defense actually did not play any role at all.

Because of the problem of corruption, huge amounts of national defense funds have been misappropriated by some people, so it is basically rubbish. Another point is that even if it can be used in some places, the local security chief A who is responsible for managing the keys has long been delayed.

The woman ran away completely.

The soldiers who took over the defense could only sigh in despair when facing the fortification gate that could not be opened, and began to evacuate towards Nanjing in desperation.

It was also from this moment on that the army was officially in chaos, with Japanese bombers blowing up almost 100,000 people along the way. Nanjing was occupied by the Japanese army more than a month after the fall of Shanghai. This was different from Wu Fu's this time.

It is inseparable from the unusable defense line and the congestion of the army.

It would be chaos as soon as they withdrew, and I couldn't control the rest. As long as I could control the 600 or so people in the secret service camp, it would be enough to be able to organize an effective defense when the Japanese troops were chasing them. There was nothing else I could do.

They all formed a special agent camp composed of veterans. Although they spoke with different accents, they already knew how to set up the camp to prevent the Japanese from discovering it.

The tent of the secret service camp was urgently transferred from the Military Supplies Department of the Military Headquarters. The military uniforms and shoes and socks have not yet arrived. However, this blue-gray tent is obviously easy for the Japanese army to discover.

The smart soldiers put some weeds or surrounding soil on top, or inserted some branches, and made the camp where hundreds of people were in almost the same color as the surrounding land.

Regarding this point, Zhou Weiguo was very satisfied and entered his battalion headquarters and asked Hu Yong, who was temporarily serving as the battalion deputy, to count the number of people in each company, and then wrote the numbers and sent them to the military headquarters.

If he tightens his grip, perhaps this great rout and evacuation will only take place in a day or two.

My own speed was fast, and the speed of the military department was also fast. Perhaps it was the special arrangement of the teacher and commander. The data was reported at ten o'clock at noon. At ten o'clock in the evening, several trucks dragged military uniforms, weapons and ammunition to the secret service camp.

The quartermaster waited for Zhou Weiguo to complete the inventory, then led the empty car to the military headquarters for delivery.

The soldiers who had been cold for many days smiled with joy when they saw the neatly stacked cotton-padded clothes and quilts. Zhou Weiguo also immediately distributed the assigned military uniforms and quilts, and at the same time distributed the miscellaneous military uniforms and quilts.

The weapons were changed, and once again the entire battalion became equipped with official rifles and wore German-style steel helmets.

This is the last and most complete change of equipment and supplies. Next, it will be impossible to obtain supplies on such a large scale.

The night was beautiful, but the campground where no bonfires could be lit made the cold wind blow. Fortunately, the place I chose was a low-lying area, sheltered from the wind. Even so, the severe cold still penetrated through the gaps in the barracks.

Come in.

Zhou Weiguo was so cold that he sat up from the cold bed several times, wrapped himself tightly in quilts, and stared at the tent fluttering in the wind in a daze.

Before dawn, the sound of horses and the sound of people could be heard from the side of the barracks.

Zhou Weiguo opened his eyes and did not go out, but he knew very well in his heart.

Troops unable to enter the defense line began to evacuate on a large scale.

"Battal Commander." Hu Yong rushed in from outside and pointed in the direction of the gray road; "What's going on? The teaching corps and some troops are evacuating. Aren't they supposed to be in front of the Wu-Fu line?"

The surprised expression on Zhou Weiguo's face allowed Zhou Weiguo to see that Hu Yong thought they were deserters. Not feeling sleepy at all, Zhou Weiguo stood up and walked out of the tent.

The cold wind made him shiver. Seeing this, Xu Hu beside him immediately entered the barracks and took out a military coat and put it on Zhou Weiguo.

The general's coat was buttoned, and Zhou Weiguo pointed to the road above: "Let's go up and have a look."

After walking up the slope not far away, the originally empty road was already densely packed with troops evacuating towards Nanjing.

There was already some confusion. The Central Army, Sichuan Army, Guangxi Army, some Hunan Army, and local security groups had gathered on the main road from various branch roads and evacuated towards Nanjing.

"Battal Commander, what's going on? Why are so many troops evacuating?" Hu Yong tilted his neck and pointed. Seeing Zhou Weiguo's tense face, Hu Yong could only step forward and stop a soldier; "

Brother, why did you evacuate that part of the country?"

"We belong to the 36th Division. The defense gate is locked and cannot be opened. We are ordered to evacuate to Nanjing." The soldier's response made Hu Yong ask several soldiers in disbelief, including some Sichuan troops.

But the answer is still two reasons. First, the gate cannot be opened. Second, there is no defense line at all. Those reinforced according to the map are not defense lines at all, but are some small ditches that are only half a person high.

Even after entering some bunkers, there is no reinforced concrete inside, just some bamboo.

It's completely a living coffin.

"Batalion Commander, why..."

What he could say was what he had expected. Zhou Weiguo sighed slightly and looked at the eastern sky.

A wisp of blood red is gradually appearing in the eastern sky. After a while, the sky will clear up. Once the Japanese reconnaissance planes get the news, they will unscrupulously bomb the evacuated troops.

Da da da……

The sound of horse hooves galloped close to the edge of the road, and Zhou Weiguo recognized the familiar figure as a messenger from the military headquarters.

"Battle Commander Zhou." The black horse jumped off the sling-back and carried the formal rifle. He carried a black briefcase slung across his waist and came to Zhou Weiguo. He saluted, opened his briefcase and took out an order; "Military Headquarters Order, Special Agent Battalion

Look for an appropriate opportunity to evacuate and go to Dahu Mountain, Tangshan Town, Nanjing to gather and stand by."

After the messenger finished speaking and handed the message to Zhou Weiguo, he gasped and adjusted his breathing and stood at the edge to wait.

Zhou Weiguo took the order from the messenger, and asked Hu Yong to turn on the flashlight and read the order content before nodding: "Tell the commander that our special agent battalion will look for favorable opportunities as soon as possible and evacuate towards Nanjing."

(End of chapter)

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