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Chapter 1138 This Troop Is Unusual

Chapter 1138 This army is extraordinary

Author: little instructor

Chapter 1138 This army is extraordinary

"Tell me, where is it?" Zhou Weiguo asked, looking up and down at Nan Zhongmei in front of him.

Nan Zhongmei smiled slightly and tilted her head; "Please, please, I will..."

"Hasn't it been a long time since I had your clothes pulled off by me?" Zhou Weiguo's words made Liu Zhihui next to him burst into laughter.

Liu Zhihui has also been transferred to the special agent team and now serves as the commander of the special agent company, and Xu Hu serves as the deputy company commander.

Liu Zhihui had learned some of the Japanese language, so he could understand what it meant.

Thinking of the person who took off his clothes when his second brother was in Qingyuan County. Maybe that will be me in the future...

"Why are you laughing?" Nan Zhongmei turned to glare at Liu Zhihui.

Liu Zhihui hurriedly hid behind Xiao Ya and stuck his head out; "You can't threaten my brother. He has been threatening me since I was a child. Neither I nor my eldest brother are his opponents."

Xiao Ya also looked at Nan Zhongmei with a faint smile and nodded; "It's true. Weiguo has been naughty since he was a child. My father also told me this. He is very brave and peeks into the bath at home in the middle of the night.

, he did it too.”

This is really not me. Zhou Weiguo has trouble saying that after all, he is also...

Nan Zhongmei was speechless. She hummed and stamped her feet and pointed to the back of the hillside not far away; "Deploy the position in front. Behind the hillside, you can dig in. That place will not be covered by artillery shells because bombs will not fall in those places.



Zhou Weiguo patted his head; "Why didn't I think of this?"

Takeshita Jun looked down at the hillside and nodded: "It is indeed possible to dig in, but in this case, the soldiers will be more tired."

"It doesn't matter if things are tiring. No one can be sure who will be injured when the battle breaks out. Injuries need to be treated by the health company. If the health company is gone, the soldiers will have no choice but to die."

"Hu Yong, take your men with you and help me dig a hole for the sanitary company. Make it strong, but don't start a fight and bury the people."

Hu Yong sighed and led a battalion of troops away.

Zhou Weiguo waited for the first battalion and asked the special agent company to quickly prepare the regiment bunker. He took Nan Zhongmei, Xiao Ya and others to inspect the position.

The Sichuan Army's trenches were well dug, but they were still a bit rusty.

Zhou Weiguo frowned slightly after looking at a trench; "This Sichuan army was recruited from behind. I'm afraid it hasn't fought against the Japanese army yet."

Minami Tadami couldn't understand, so Hideko Fujino and Minami Tadami acted as translators.

Listen to Hideko Fujino say this.

She pulled Zhou Weiguo away: "How can you tell that these Sichuan troops have never really fought against the Japanese army?"

Zhou Weiguo pointed at the individual trench and the artillery hole; "It's too thin. This kind of thing can only defend against some mortars or other artillery. He can't defend against the 92nd Infantry Artillery, let alone other artillery shells."


Zhou Weiguo turned around and looked at the soldiers beside him: "Give up and dig again. There won't be any rocks here. Dig down as hard as you can. After digging to half a meter, open the door for me."

He thought for a while and then said: "We have plenty of time, don't be afraid of hard work, just dig it out for me. This is for your own good. Don't hesitate."

"Yes." The soldier responded and started digging.

Zhou Weiguo was fine, and the health company came again.

The health company is currently transporting supplies, and a company of troops is guarding their safety.

"Brother-in-law, why are you here?" Fan Xiaoyu held a box of alcohol and put it down when she saw Zhou Weiguo and ran over with a smile.

"I'm coming over to take a look. Don't move the supplies for the time being. I will open an opening for you behind the hillside and you can go inside then."

Fan Xiaoyu nodded and pointed not far away: "I won't accompany you anymore. There are a few new recruits coming from the health company this time, and I have to take care of them."

The Sanitary Company is not immortal, but also dead. After those girls died, Zhou Weiguo would try his best to bury them alone and not with other people.

"Okay, you go ahead. Remember, don't arrange to go to the front. They don't know how to defend and they will die."

After being a soldier for so long, Fan Xiaoyu naturally understood this and nodded: "Okay, I won't do it. Don't worry."

Zhou Weiguo turned to look at Nan Zhongmei; "Do you want..."

"No, it's impossible for me to leave. You told me how dangerous it is ahead, but I just want to take a look."


People who are unwilling to die without seeing the Yellow River are probably this kind of people.

Gao Cang Wing Headquarters, Wing Commander Gao Cang had just finished reading the map. He was about to take a rest. Before he could enter the door next to him, the Chief of Staff came to him in steps; "I just received news that the troops opposite us have changed defenses."

The word "defense change" made Gao Cang frown slightly and quickly came to the map and pointed at it: "What, the Sichuan army has changed defense?"

"No, the matter was split into two. The Sichuan Army's defensive position was transferred to the Central Army. It seemed that it was a regiment of troops. News came from the forward observation post that they had taken over the defense position on the right side of Caijia Town and are now in the process of guarding it.

We are digging trenches, and the forward observation post also reported that the opponent is digging positions."

Digging positions. The Sichuan Army has not already dug out positions. What kind of positions are they still digging?

Gao Cang didn't think about this problem.

But since it was the Central Army, he did not dare to ask carelessly, "Which army is it?"

"Secret Service." The chief of staff's words made Gao Cang want to slap him.

Secret service regiments, how many secret service regiments are there in the Ninth War Zone? Almost every army even has a secret service regiment. What I want is the strength of the army to which they belong."

"Your Excellency, Captain, the other party's banner is just the Secret Service, and there is nothing else to prove their identity."

What a joke.

Gao Cang took the military cap from the side and went out without believing it at all.

How could there be no affiliation?

It's the title of a separate special agent group. How is this possible?

Fortunately, it's not very far from the forward observation post. Gao Cang arrived there not long after.

In the telescope, the enemy on the opposite side was wearing a blue-gray military uniform and a German-style steel helmet on his head, and was constantly digging bunkers.

Not far away, a military flag was flying.

On it, it was indeed written three words: Secret Service Corps, and there was nothing else.

Secret service group, which special service group is this?

What a despicable thing.

"Your Excellency, Wing Commander, there are not many Central Army troops wearing German-style steel helmets. The combat effectiveness of this force is probably not weak."

Isn’t this nonsense?

Gao Cang turned to look at the chief of staff in front of him; "What are you talking about?"


The chief of staff didn't understand what she meant. He lowered his head and thought for a while but still didn't understand and asked, "Your Majesty, Wing Commander, what do you mean?"

(End of chapter)

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