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Chapter 1142 He Hit His, I Hit Mine

Chapter 1142 He hits his, I hit mine

Author: little instructor

Chapter 1142 He hits his, I hit mine

Commander Xue looked down for a moment and then shook his head: "No, we don't know yet whether the other party wants to eat him or what the reason is. If they rashly mobilize their troops, I'm afraid there will be a large-scale battle."

The Japanese army may be well-prepared, but its own forces are not yet well-prepared. If they rashly mobilize their forces, their whole body will be affected.

"But where is Zhou Weiguo?"

"He has a way. He has the strength of a brigade and has more equipment than the other corps. If this can't help me keep an eye on it, then he will be in vain." Commander Xue's answer made the Chief of Staff

He lowered his head and thought for a moment and nodded; "Okay, then I'll call him back and give him our analysis."

The words "Thu Da Zhao Feng" made Xiao Ya, who was holding the telegram, understand that the Japanese army's attack this time was aimed at the secret service group.

"Weiguo, a call came from the war zone. The Japanese army suddenly attacked and planned to eat us."

Zhou Weiguo took the telegram, looked at it, said yes, handed it to Takeshita Jun and asked, "What do you think?"

"You are so hated that you were put on the kill list by the Japanese army. It is understandable that they will deal with you." Jun Takeshita lit up the cigarette and hummed; "How should we deal with it next?"

Nan Zhongmei didn't understand what several people were saying, so he asked Tian Jing next to him. After Tian Jing explained, she walked up to Zhou Weiguo; "I'm going to deal with you in a few days, why did they attack the Sichuan army? It's not that they chose the wrong person."


Zhou Weiguo pointed at the map; "Break through the Sichuan army's position and go back three kilometers to reach behind my butt. He plans to cut off my retreat. Then he will attack from both sides and eat up my five thousand people."

"It's not a small appetite." Nan Zhongmei clicked her tongue. The two regiments wanted to fight a Sichuan Army division plus a special agent group.

Nan Zaolinzi looked at the map; "In this case, I suggest that we fight ours and they fight them. Since there must be a fight, they must first get rid of the Sichuan army and then attack us. Why don't we launch an attack?

Interrupt their plans."

Jiang Yue appraised and nodded beside him, "Lao Zhou, I think Lin Zi's words are good. They will fight theirs, and we will fight ours. With our current strength, there is no problem in fighting a regiment."

Zhou Weiguo lowered his head and thought for a moment, then pointed to Xu Hu next to him: "Take the Sichuan Army over there."

The telegram was quickly connected. Zhou Weiguo walked over to ask about the situation and then came to the map; "Now they are facing a brigade of troops. They said that they should have dispatched two brigade. In other words, we now have

Probably a regiment plus a large force."

"Destroy their artillery first. I gave you the location yesterday. If you are worried, I will go over tonight and get it for you." Takeshita Jun said beside him.

It is indeed possible that the enemy has moved their position. Zhou Weiguo hummed: "We will make sure tonight. We will attack at dawn."

Nan Zhongmei tapped the map beside him; "The question is, can the Sichuan Army hold out for a day?"

If you can't stop this day, then everything you say is in vain.

"Liu Zhihui." Zhou Weiguo shouted.

Liu Zhihui quickly came to Zhou Weiguo; "Brother, are you looking for me?"

Zhou Weiguo pointed to the area where the Sichuan Army was: "Come, take the special agent company, plus three battalions and one company, to assist the Sichuan Army. No matter what, you have to block them for me tomorrow morning. After tomorrow morning, you can go to the back."

Position No. 3 is evacuated."

Liu Zhihui nodded after seeing the situation clearly, but he thought for a moment and said, "Brother, if the Sichuan army doesn't evacuate, then we..."

"Xiao Ya, send power to the War Zone Commander's Department. I want to take over the left Sichuan Military Division."

Pull it.

This is asking for power.

Why does this guy want the command of the Sichuan Army Division?

Ninth Theater Commander Headquarters.

Commander Xue lit his cigarette and read the message sent by the Chief of Staff again: "He wants me to command the Sichuan Army Division. What does this mean?"

The chief of staff came to the map and looked at it carefully and motioned for him to come over; "Judging from the current situation, the Japanese army is probably planning to defeat the Sichuan army, move back behind it, and then surround it. Although I don't know exactly how it is currently deploying,

But based on what we know about him in the past, he might attack."


Commander Xue pointed at the defense line of the special agent group with his finger, then moved forward and understood something; "I understand, this guy wants to interrupt the opponent's plan and force them to not dare to concentrate their troops on the Sichuan Army."

The chief of staff pointed to the nearly two hundred meters of flat land; "The question is how he can get past this place. The Japanese army's marksmanship is amazing. As long as it reaches about a hundred meters, an interception will be formed. What about his troop strength..."

"That is his consideration, not ours. If I had to consider every aspect, I would be exhausted. However, if he wants the command of the Sichuan Army, then give it to him. Send a message to Yang Sen and tell him,

The command of the Sichuan Army under the Cai Family was temporarily given to Zhou Weiguo and would be returned after the battle."

Commander Yang quickly received a message from the war zone.

After he came out of the Sichuan Army, he lived a relatively good life in several war zones. Compared with the living pigs and dogs in the second war zone, compared with the fifth war zone, which regarded the Sichuan Army as the main force, he was an auxiliary. He was not

I think this is because Commander Xue looks down on the Sichuan Army, but he truly realizes that the Sichuan Army's weapons are insufficient.

I heard that the command was to be handed over to Zhou Weiguo.

He immediately sent a message there.

Commander Wang of the Sichuan Army was very reluctant to assign his command to a regiment commander.

A regiment leader who orders himself is kidding himself.

Therefore, when he heard that reinforcements were coming from the secret service group, he felt very uncomfortable and did not even leave the house.

Liu Zhihui knew very well that intrigues between local and central governments existed everywhere. He walked to Commander Wang in a few steps and said, "Sir, the special agent company of the special agent regiment has been ordered to come for reinforcements."

Teacher Wang glanced at him and said nothing.

Just look at the battlefield in the distance.

Seeing that he was ignoring him, Liu Zhihui put down his hand and came to him alone; "First, our regimental commander asked his subordinates to come for reinforcements. Secondly, he also sent a batch of firearms and ammunition to your army to reinforce."

The guns and ammunition made Master Wang excited and turned his head to look at him and said with a smile, "Here you are, why are you sending me things?"

Poor, really poor. We don't have enough heavy weapons, and we don't have enough light weapons. Many times, we are forced to let the opponent go and then fight with the opponent in hand-to-hand combat. But the problem is that we can't beat them in hand-to-hand combat.

After every battle, his side's losses were too much for him to even notice.

If he had good weapons, he would never let the Japanese suppress him and fight.

When Liu Zhihui saw Mr. Wang's change of expression, he breathed a sigh of relief. At the same time, he admired Yamadajima. He made everything right.

(End of chapter)

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