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Chapter 1292 Don't You Still Have Gas Bombs?

Zhou Weiguo raised his eyes and looked at Nan Zhongmei; "What do you think? I can't even take revenge. Do you think I will be happy?"

Nan Zhongmei came to him and took a can from the side. After taking a bite, she smiled and said, "What a big deal. In fact, there are many ways for you to seek revenge."

Yes, my own troops cannot rush out this time.

"Very few. I can't affect the plan of the entire war zone, otherwise Commander Xue will really kill me."

Nan Zhongmei took a bite of the can; "So, sometimes you can't use your brain."


My mind was spinning, but I couldn't think of a solution.

Zhou Weiguo sighed; "I have thought of many ways, but..."

"You can't go out. Don't you have poison gas bombs? Throw them away. Do you have to pay attention to face with such a person?"

It makes sense. Quite reasonable.

Tell them this, why? Just use poisonous gas bombs. Anyway, I left more than a hundred of them last time. Now I don't use many of these shells.

That's it, I'll use them when they come. Let's compete if we can.

"Pull away the clouds and see the clouds. Why didn't I think of this?"

Zhou Weiguo stood up with a chuckle; "Okay, I know how to deal with it."

Since the opponent was coming, Zhou Weiguo also decided to strike first and quickly pushed his troops forward to a distance of five kilometers and began to deploy defensive positions in a zigzag pattern. On his left and right sides were an army of the Sichuan Army and a division of the Central Army.

Plus a brigade of local troops.

These two forces were to guard the flanks and prevent the Japanese troops from penetrating through.

At a certain location, Zhou Weiguo summoned several battalion commanders.

"The situation this time is very special. If we fight with the opponent in positional warfare and attrition, therefore, dig the trench as hard as you can. If it is not that high by then, get me a small bench quickly to avoid the cannon hole."

You have to dig deep, and the same goes for individual trenches. The enemy's bombers will never come to blow them up."

Some things can be done once and for all, and there is no need to do it again.

After receiving the news, several battalion commanders began to direct their troops to dig trenches.

The engineers, however, cut down thick tree trunks from a distance and built trench bunkers.

After being so busy for nearly a day, Zhou Weiguo went out to take a look.

This time, the special agent team dug a lot of trenches, and even used brackets to support the shell holes, forming a temporary rescue shop for the female soldiers of the health company. The hole was nearly one meter away from the ground.

In the era before ground-penetrating bombs, just using the impact of the bomb to collapse this place would have to be done only by dropping the bomb from the highest point. However, no one knows where it will go.

"Not bad, not bad. This time, even if we suffer losses, I think it won't be too much." Zhou Weiguo narrowed his eyes, scanned the entire trench, turned to Xiao Ya and smiled at Xiao Ya beside him.

Xiao Ya smiled lightly; "Everyone knows that this time, we are going to fight a positional battle with the opponent. They naturally also know that if they don't get it right, they will lose their own lives."

"It's time to eat, don't talk about it there." Xueyi and Nan Zhongmei shouted at the door of the regiment bunker while carrying food.

Zhou Weiguo took Xiao Ya back to the regiment headquarters.

Takeshita Shun was already eating, and Fujino Hideko was not polite.

"What are you going to eat today?"

"Mutton." Nan Zhongmei pointed to the box: "Stir-fried mutton with cabbage."


Are you really willing to give it up?

Yamadajima has not been so generous for a long time.

"There's a lot of meat." Takeshita Jun ate two mouthfuls and narrowed his eyes; "The two of them are always stingy, but this time they actually got so many delicious ones."

Fujino Hideko cheered; "After a battle, there probably won't be many people left. Even if you die, you can brag about it. I got here after eating mutton."

Yes...that's what happened.

Zhou Weiguo said nothing and just served the food.

After two days of this, the shadow of the Japanese army appeared on the opposite side.

"We're here." Zhou Weiguo looked through the telescope and handed it to Nan Zhongmei; "What do you think?"

Nan Zhongmei laughed and said, "What are you looking at? They are a first-class division and they are so arrogant. They will attack first without you having to do anything."

She raised her hand and looked at the time. It was now past one o'clock at noon. It was estimated that the opponent would attack at two o'clock, and if they couldn't gain any advantage after several attacks, they would eat.

And this is meal time?


Nan Zhongmei narrowed her eyes; "You can bring the gas bombs over. The other party must be prepared. They are a Class A division, they are awesome."

Bullshit, let him be shit this time.

Zhou Weiguo turned to look at Xu Hu. Xu Hu picked up his lunch box and was eating. He thought about it, picked up the lunch box and walked to the military supply department. Maybe there would be something better.

He was still right.

Zhou Weiguo and others only ate rice bowls.

But a few people from Yamadajima are eating hot pot at the moment.

"I said, you are too immoral. Zhou Weiguo and the others ate rice bowls. We eat hot pot, how immoral are you." Zhang Qing ate the sour mutton over and over again while scolding Yamadajima.

Yamada Shizuko also looked at her brother with contempt; "It's so unethical. You still buy beef. Are you unethical? You don't even know how to ask them to eat together. Maybe this time they..."

"Shut up." Yamadajima glanced at him directly; "Don't say he is dead."

Yamada Shizuo quickly spat on the ground: "Bah, bah, bah, children's words are not forbidden. Children's words are not forbidden."

Yamadajima turned his head and glanced at the front position, then turned to look at the second lieutenant next to him who was also eating and responsible for purchasing; "What are you having for lunch?"

“Sheep feces soup.”

The second lieutenant's words made Yamadajima shake his head; "No, it's too bad. We need to improve their lives. This battle is the second most intense and dangerous battle that the secret service has experienced since its establishment. Therefore, we must be prepared.

I'll add more silver coins later, go buy whatever you can, chickens, ducks, fish, beef, sheep, etc. If you can buy them, buy them for me. At worst, I'll make a hodgepodge. Anyway, there must be meat to keep those in front of me full.


Yamadajima picked up a piece of mutton and took a bite and thought: "That's it."

After saying that, he personally took out some money from his pocket and handed it to Zhang Qing: "Later, you go there in person and buy some delicious food. We haven't had a meal with them for a long time."

Zhang Qing took it over and the others ate seriously.

Until, a pair of chopsticks that did not fit the size of several people stuck into the pot.

Several people were stunned and raised their heads at the same time, only to see Xu Hu.

"Why are you here?" Yamadajima put down his chopsticks and asked with a frown.

This chapter has been completed!
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