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Chapter 143 I want a first-line position, I will give it to you

Chapter 143 I want to give it to you

Author: little instructor

Chapter 143 I want to give it to you

Seeing Zhou Weiguo's frustrated movements, Tian Jing walked up to a soldier who was lying on the ground motionless and squatted on the ground, stretched out his hand and turned the soldier over.

"Ah..." A scream burst into the eardrums,

"How...how could this happen?" After the scream, Tian Jing, whose beauty turned pale, was so frightened that she took two steps back and sat on the cold, heavily trampled ground. She stretched out her hand and swallowed a sip of saliva, looking at Zhou Weiguo in front of her.

Zhou Weiguo looked at those frightened eyes and slowly looked at the corpse who asked her to move the body over.

Black blood flowed from the soldier's seven orifices and his face was distorted. This was caused by enduring severe pain before death but being unable to get up.

"The moment they crawled on the ground, their chests had to bear the impact caused by the explosion of the aerial bomb. At that moment, the huge shock wave hit their internal organs and directly crushed them, so bleeding occurred from all the orifices.


Zhou Weiguo explained to Tian Jing, thought for a while and then said: "If you protect your chest with both hands when climbing down, you can still survive. But on the battlefield, when the shells come, you often don't care so much and just let nature take its course.

I climbed down, and by the time I realized it, I had no chance."

People around him knew about this method, but he would not tell the soldiers that he could survive by lying down, because he forgot everything in a panic and thought about protecting his chest with both hands.

But they are all squatting on the ground. Although it is somewhat dangerous, at least they will not die."

Boom boom boom...

Boom boom...

The Japanese army attacked again. The Type 92 infantry artillery shelled for nearly ten minutes. The Japanese machine gunners and mortarmen followed closely behind the infantry and pressed towards the position.

Chug tug tug...

Hu Yong's battalion had already exchanged fire with the Japanese army, but the Japanese machine gunners and artillery shells suppressed it.

Visible casualties are increasing rapidly.

The Japanese army's marksmanship was so good that they could kill someone from a hundred meters away, not to mention from such a short distance, it was almost a headshot.

Looking over, at least seven or eight soldiers were beaten to death on the ground without paying attention.

"Son of a bitch." After cursing, Zhou Weiguo stooped to his headquarters, came to the telephone, grabbed the phone and shook it twice; "As for the machine gun company, suppress their machine gunners and mortars."

After conveying the order, Zhou Weiguo connected to Hu Yong's position again; "Hu Yong, when the cannonballs are fired, rush up to me and fight them hand to hand, and fight them hard, otherwise we will have to blow him up alive.

Push it up."

Hu Yong shouted into the microphone: "Commander, don't worry, as soon as the shells are fired, I will personally lead the team to knock down these bastards."

Bang bang...

The sound of artillery fire sounded behind him, and several shells fell on the Japanese soldiers. With a cry of killing, Zhou Weiguo came to the bunker and looked at where the first battalion was. Hu Yong had already led the soldiers of the first battalion to rush forward.

Got entangled with the Japanese army.

The artillery fire from both sides was ineffective in the entanglement of the infantry, and the artillery fire from the entire position stopped in less than a few seconds. Only the yells and screams came from the front.

"Those who are still alive in the third battalion and the first company, come with me." A few hundred people could not defeat the 100 or so people on the other side. Seeing this, Zhou Weiguo became very angry and shouted, took a rifle from the side, picked it up and walked outside.

He had to support Hu Yong, otherwise Hu Yong's remaining troops would have to be knocked to the ground by the Japanese soldiers.

The first battalion was the main force in the battle. After reinforcements arrived, the remaining Japanese troops resisted for a while and then evacuated. Zhou Weiguo, who was not relieved, returned to the position and picked up the machine gun himself, which helped the opponent's evacuation.

"Repair the position, the Japanese army's second attack is about to begin." Hu Yong's arm was cut open and slightly injured. He was also a ruthless man, so he asked the medical soldiers who came up to pour some alcohol and wrap it up with gauze.

No matter what, he won't leave his position.

Zhou Weiguo ignored him. There were many soldiers like this in the special agent regiment. If he had to leave the position with this injury, he would have lost almost half of his regiment.

The Japanese army was preparing to attack again. Zhou Weiguo put down the telescope and looked at Hu Yong: "Stop tinkering, evacuate all troops to the second line. In addition, let me use machine guns to block the trenches of the first and second positions."


Give it to the Japanese army?

Hu Yong pointed to the distance of about fifty meters from the second line position: "Commander, if we give it to them, we won't be able to defend it."

Zhou Weiguo wanted to explain, but it was too late. In the distance, the Japanese artillery fire was preparing again.

"Listen to me, let them go, and evacuate immediately."

Although Hu Yong didn't understand why, DNA still issued the order to evacuate.

The soldiers supported each other and used the trenches to enter the second defensive blockade. When entering the edge of the trenches, Zhou Weiguo specially placed two light machine guns here to greet the Japanese troops as long as they came from here.

Come here, come here and I'll blow you up, you bastard. You just want the position. I'll give it to you. Returning to the bunker and looking at the Japanese troops in the distance, Zhou Weiguo, who was standing at the entrance of the bunker, thought coldly.

Hu Yong still didn't understand when he came to Zhou Weiguo and pointed at the Japanese troops in the distance: "Commander, why do you want to evacuate? I can't figure it out?"

"There is no free lunch in the world." Hu Yong didn't understand what he was saying. Zhou Weiguo didn't say much. Instead, he pointed to the busy staff officer and said, "Receive the artillery."

The busy staff officer directly connected to the artillery and pushed the microphone in the direction of Zhou Weiguo; "Captain, the call is connected."

After receiving the call, Zhou Weiguo stared at the Japanese troops in the distance; "As for the machine gun battery, I am Zhou Weiguo. After you wait until the Japanese troops enter the first trench, bombard them with artillery shells."


After hanging up the phone, Zhou Weiguo turned around and looked at the messenger next to him, "Ask Huang Ying's Second Battalion to come up to me. After the bombardment is over, countercharge and fight them out."

The third battalion had just been blown up by an aerial bomb, and although its combat effectiveness had not been reduced much, they were unable to fight and stabbed. They would die if they went up, so the second battalion, who was resting behind, could come up. Their cooperation could complete the link.

The troops of the 2nd Battalion were in the third trench, and they needed to pass through a narrow passage connecting the second line of positions.

At the moment they arrived, the Japanese army happened to arrive at the first trench.

Before the second battalion was fully deployed, the artillery launched an attack on the Japanese army.

The piercing sound continued. Zhou Weiguo, who was holding a bayonet, came to the second battalion and found Huang Ying's ear. "The artillery fire stopped, and he led two companies to rush up and fight with them hand to hand. They did not dare to use artillery, and the casualty ratio was already high."

It’s almost three to one. This is a price they can’t bear. Charge up and kill them.”

Huang Ying held up the 38 rifle and said: "Captain, please take care of it. Our Sichuan army has never fought such a happy battle when it came out of Sichuan. If I can't defeat them today, I will chop them down and give them to you."

You play it like a ball."

(End of chapter)

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