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Chapter 1508: Can’t beat, run away

Zhang Renhua led the vanguard in a car and after arriving at the location, he jumped out of the car and followed the corpses on the ground to the front without anyone's guidance.

The Japanese army reinforced a squadron, and the two sides were fighting vigorously.

He screamed and looked at the soldiers beside him, waving his command sword and pointing forward: "I'll charge forward and chop them to death."

The increase in enemies has increased the pressure on Xiao Ya and others. The arrival of Zhang Renhua has relieved their pressure.

Xiao Ya breathed a sigh of relief when she saw the reinforcements arriving.

When Yamadajima saw Zhang Renhua coming up, he even yelled: "What a bastard, your subordinate deserves to die. If we hadn't arrived in time, it would have been over."

"I have already shot him. After the incident is over, I will buy you a drink and apologize."

Zhang Renhua waved his command knife at a Japanese soldier and rushed forward.

Ushijima and Yamadajima looked at each other and rushed forward. Xiao Ya also planned to go up, but was intercepted by Yamadajima. "Don't go up. It's very dangerous up there. Just stay here to meet the troops behind."

Kazuki Yamamoto was shattered.

As a top student in the empire, he conducted many studies, and the enemy's counterattack this time was beyond his imagination.

Their style of play has no rules at all.

It seemed like they were attacking in an orderly manner, but behind the island, there were fighting everywhere.

In addition, the troops used to rescue the enemy were also bitten by the enemy, and the enemy also blew up the evacuation road. Now they are also trapped in the battle.

Fighting is happening everywhere.

Yamaguchi Kazuki couldn't hold on anymore, so he sent a request for rescue to the division, hoping that the division could quickly send troops for reinforcements.

It's dozens of kilometers away. This doesn't mean you can come just because you can.

He won't really go to the front to fight like a soldier.

Enduring the sound of fighting.

Yamaguchi Kazuki came to the map and looked at the map in front of him.

He needs to break out.

Insufficient troops will always suffer in the assassination battle, let alone in the current situation.

"It's time for us to evacuate." Yamaguchi didn't even wait for the chief of staff to say it.

If we don't leave, the number of troops who will evacuate will be even less later. Later, news came that the enemy has increased its troops. It's not clear how many troops there are specifically.

It's just that the pressure has increased.

As for the rescue from the division, Yamaguchi Kazuki himself was not looking forward to it.

The enemy will not let the division's troops come over in a big way, and will inevitably send out surrounding troops to contain it.

Even if the opponent's combat effectiveness is not as good as that of the Empire, their harassment will make the arrival of reinforcements very slow.

Today's weather is really not good for us. The air force cannot get through, but that doesn't mean there are no benefits at all. At least we can take advantage of the weather to quickly break out of the encirclement and then connect with the troops in the direction of Lantiangou.

Preservation of effective forces was the basis for his explanation to the division commander when the time came. If he thought that the loss of internal forces was too heavy, then he would not be able to explain it himself.

"We can advance to the southwest. There is a Sichuan Army brigade stationed there."

The chief of staff stretched out his hand and pointed out a route.

Joint Command.

After Nam Chung-mi came back, everything was fine.

She took out a can, opened it, and ate it slowly.

As for the magazines on the ground, she rarely got them. It was useless to get them now.

They are all fighting hand to hand in front, what can they do?

The original plan was completely useless.

Raising her hand to check the time, Nan Zhongmei estimated that the fighting had been going on for more than an hour. Originally, some shouts of killing could still be heard, but now the condor was also intermittent.

"The Japanese troops have evacuated." Nan Zhongmei listened and looked at Zhang Renhua's adjutant next to her.

Adjutant Zhang Renhua didn't understand why he couldn't feel that the Japanese troops were withdrawing.

Nam Chung-mei came to the map; "The sound has weakened, which means that the Japanese troops are evacuating, and there was another burst of machine gunfire just now. I'm afraid they are breaking out."

Evacuation is inevitable, and their evacuation also declares the victory of this battle.

The Gui army and the special agents combined could not defeat them. Their combat capabilities were really powerful. In fact, this attack was mainly for the two pseudo-legions and some scattered troops. This was completely

Depend on luck.

But this luck was so good, I must have looted a lot of supplies.

Some of the winter supplies should be replenished above.

The supplies are definitely enough.

The Japanese army broke through.

Zhou Weiguo asked his troops to catch up and pursue as many troops as they could catch up with.

After all, if one more Japanese soldier dies, then there will be one more military uniform here.

After resting for a while, Zhou Weiguo stood up. It was time for him to return to the regiment headquarters. The soldiers would know how to do the rest.

Yamadajima also came back half an hour later.

He sat on the ammunition box, took out a notebook from the side and looked at Zhou Weiguo: "Weiguo, I thought about it, our winter clothes are actually enough. I think I will give them all the clothes this time."


It's rare. In fact, Yamadajima didn't say anything about this, but he also planned to do it.

It's already this time. The military uniforms of the Gui army are still for summer. If you give them, this winter will be easier.

"Okay, but we also need to prepare some, especially for female soldiers. We men don't care. We can wear one piece of clothing for the whole winter, but they can't. They can't wear one winter coat for the winter, so we have to prepare two sets for them."

Zhou Weiguo has no objection, but the female soldiers in the health company and regiment headquarters are special. This cannot be forgotten.

Yamadajima nodded; "There are a lot of supplies snatched this time. Let's go over quickly and grab a lot of clothes. Just take them and give them to them directly. In addition, I have also discussed with Zhang Renhua. I want the military coat."

Some are for the female soldiers, after all, they can’t carry them, and there are also hats. Although their military hats don’t look good, they are a good thing if they pull them down to protect their ears. Tear off their cap badges and we can make do with them.”

These Yamada Islands have been planned. In addition, he also needs to contact the other troops. There are a lot of supplies seized this time, so he still needs to sell some to see if he can think of a way to get some thick cloth.

Since the above can't add much to this side, we can only find a way on our own.

The coldest period has not yet come. It will snow by then, and more fields will need to be opened. Once snow blocks the roads in the future, supplies and other supplies may not be transported.

You can't just rest on your laurels.

"You just have to take responsibility for this. In addition, let Hu Yong and others report the results." He rubbed his head and stood up and put on his gloves; "It's my turn to report to the theater.


This chapter has been completed!
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