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Chapter 1599 You can’t bear it

For Miyamoto several.

Help yourself if you can.

After having been in contact with them for such a long time, we no longer had the relationship of mutual use at the beginning, but we actually had some feelings for each other.

"Then what are your plans next?"

Zhou Weiguo actually does not recommend that they come here. In fact, this place will not be stable for many years. Then there will be an invisible war and many things will be wiped out, not only people, but also many things that cannot be recovered.

This is why he will definitely leave when the time comes, taking his whole family with him. As for his eldest brother and the others, he can't control them. What he can control are the people around him.

"I haven't thought about it yet." Miyamoto was lying on the sofa; "There must be a way from the car to the bridge." He was silent for a while and raised his head: "If something really happens, I don't think you will ignore it."

This is not the case.

Several people chatted in the room for not long before the drunk came back.

Life at home is getting better and better. Jiuwei doesn't have to worry too much about things at home, so he is still well raised.

"I thought you had forgotten us all." Jiuwei put down the leather bag in his hand, picked up the tea and took a sip.

Zhou Weiguo was not a guest, and he was not so polite. He was saying, this is his home, why should he be polite.

He sat down calmly and lit a cigarette at the end of his drink. "What are you going to do here this time?"

Zhou Weiguo didn't say the purpose of coming here just now.

Miyamoto couldn't handle this matter. He was in the aviation field, so it wasn't appropriate to pick up those artillery shells, but drinking wine would do.

"This evening, I told you to find a reliable person and go with Meiko to the outside of the city to pick up something. That thing is very important."

Everyone knew Zhou Weiguo's ability, which allowed him to be so cautious and put things outside the city. This shows that the value of the things is high.

"I'll go there myself." Jiuwei stood up and put on the military cap placed on the table.

Nan Zhongmei was getting food. When she heard that she was asked to go out, she yelled and followed the wine tail out of the door.

Not long after the food was placed on the table, Nan Zhongmei walked in carrying a box.

This looks like a very ordinary suitcase, which is very common in Japan and here. It is all black, but Miyamoto believes that this is definitely not a simple suitcase, what is inside.

"What's going on here?" Miyamoto raised his hand and pointed.

Nan Zhongmei looked at Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said, "We are all not outsiders, just let them see."

The suitcase containing the clothes was opened, and Minami Tadami reached out and threw away the two pieces of clothes. Miyamoto and Jiuwei stood up in a hurry.

Both of them are well-informed people. When something appears inside, they both know what it is.

"Poison gas bomb." Jiuwei took a breath.

Miyamoto also frowned and looked at Zhou Weiguo; "Isn't that your plan?"

Zhou Weiguo crossed his legs and narrowed his eyes; "Otherwise, during this period, don't you think your base camp is getting more and more excessive?"

Jiuwei and Miyamoto didn't speak. They had also heard about this.

In order to win as quickly as possible, some means were used above, and the rear transportation lines were also attacked by the enemy. In order to avoid these situations from happening again, there were many unmanned villages and unmanned towns. For convenience

, it’s not like we didn’t use gas bombs or something like that.

Although this kind of thing is done secretly, it doesn't mean that no one knows about it.

The two of them stared at the cannonballs without saying a word.

Zhou Weiguo looked at everyone's eyes and said, "Why, you are planning to do it, but I won't do anything."

How can it be.

Miyamoto and Jiuwei really didn't intend to stop it.

What does this have to do with them? Zhou Weiguo did this for the purpose of deterrence, and this kind of deterrence would indeed kill many people, but its effect and effect were the most direct and obvious.

"We don't care about these things."

The two spread their hands.

Just as Sakura came in, she looked at the three of them and said, "Okay, don't talk about anything else, just have a happy meal today."

Eating and drinking is inevitable, but Miyamoto will arrange things in three days.

During this period, it was more obvious to transport things back. Everyone turned a blind eye to each other and gained some benefits from it.

The appearance of Zhou Weiguo and several others would not cause anyone to suspect anything.

We took off from Wuhan Airport, stayed at Hongkou Airport for a while, and then went directly to Kyoto.

The weather in Kyoto was good today. After leaving the airport, Zhou Weiguo carried his suitcase and looked at Nan Zuolinzi and Nan Zhongmei beside him; "Let's go into the city."

The city of Kyoto is no different from what it used to be, but it seems that there are also quite a few differences.

Minami Tadami and Minami Sorinko looked left and right, and Fujino Hideko did the same.

These places were familiar to them in the past, but now, they are a little unfamiliar in the familiarity.

"Do you feel a little weird?" Zhou Weiguo asked when he saw that the three people were walking in confusion.

Fujino Hideko nodded: "I feel something strange, but I can't put it into words right now."

Nan Zhongmei also felt a little weird.

"I also feel a little strange, but I still don't understand where the strange thing lies."

Zhou Weiguo smiled and said nothing.

"I think you know it. Since you know it, don't hide it from us."

Zhou Weiguo also felt something was wrong at first, but in the end he understood.

Kyoto City is a capital city after all, so there are still a lot of public facilities, most of which are made of iron.

But along the way, some of the decorative items were gone, including the stools.

"After walking for so long, did you see a table or bench where you can sit down and rest?"

Nan Zhongmei suddenly realized that she had indeed not seen it.

"I understand." Nan Zhongmei sighed.

I suddenly remembered that when she was still here, there were many stools like this here, but now.

No more, everything is gone.

Why not? Of course it wasn't stolen, but it was pulled away and melted, turning it into a bomb or something."

If you use these things to get bombs, you can imagine how unsatisfactory things are in these places now.

The people are ignorant. If you are a little smarter, you will know from these small things that the future is not going as you wish.

However, the propaganda here has always been victorious.

If it really went so smoothly, how could it be possible that all these things would be lost?

"Ignorance." Nan Zhongmei sighed; "Why did they believe these people's lies?"

Zhou Weiguo glanced at Nan Zhongmei, then lowered his head and squinted the thing in his hand: "Isn't the education for many years just for today?"

These words made Fujino Hideko chuckle, "Brother Zhou, there is something in your words."

This chapter has been completed!
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