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Chapter 1937: He must be expanded

The observation post is located on the hillside of the main position. There are two trees as cover, and a soft ladder is laid below. People can go up from below and can observe the situation on the opposite side clearly from a height below zero.

Climbing up, Fujino went directly to the soldier, took over the telescope and observed the situation in the distance.

There has indeed been a change of people. This group of people is not the previous group of foreigners from Gundam, but people from the mountain city. Their military uniforms are still blue and gray, but their weapons have been changed.

The heavy machine gun positions and machine gun positions all used weapons from South Asia. He could even observe the artillery positions in the distance.

75mm mountain cannon, and some mortars.

These people seemed to be building a defensive position, and the entire position was filled with dust. If it weren't for a military flag flying in the distance, he wouldn't have believed it.

"Why are they here?"

Could it be that they were launching an attack in order to contain the forces that were attacking in the direction of Delhi? This makes no sense. They only have one regiment of troops. How could they want to defeat themselves and then break through to defend the area?

If they had such ability, how could the empire be invincible?

"Please report the situation here to the superiors. The enemy's special agent group has entered the forward position. Do we want to launch an attack on them if we have a weak foothold?"

Commander Bai glanced at me and said, "My military strength has not exceeded a brigade for a long time. Why does he still want me to lead a division with the title of a regiment?"

But what the combat effectiveness of that force is, I have never been exposed to it before, and it is very vague.

Since we are two rivals, what is their combat effectiveness? What I can do is not first see how our combat effectiveness is.

Well, that's right. As the leader of the fourth theater, that force is the jewel in the palm of my hand. Once something goes wrong with me, the rest of the force will immediately suppress it and retreat to rescue it. And that force is the force in South Asia.

, are you really going to help? I’m afraid that’s the case.

I just don’t have the equipment.

It is difficult to deal with those things in a foreign country.

As a lieutenant colonel, Xiao Ya came to Zhao Feng's house after being informed by the two families and went to the airport to greet him.

Zhou Weiguo took a look at the radio station. That radio station was new. He took over it himself. The other party just packed up some things and left. So we just threw the radio station out there.

Are you dispatched? Why are you dispatched again?

Nakamura had returned to the city from the frontier, not long after he had eaten.

"Throw it away, throw it away. The less we throw away, the worse it will be for you. We despise the burden, but you despise it. We collect everything and use it as reserve supplies. After we finish it, we can just pull it out to replenish it. It's mine.

It’s about using tubes.”

That Zhao Fengxing is our pet peeve. He wants to give me all the bad things. Now, we have tricked a tank battalion of the other party, so naturally we are even better at it.

Chief Xue looked at Chief Bai next to him clearly: "What did he mean by that?"

Chief of Staff Wu chuckled next to him, "Nothing is bad. Your military strength is not in chaos now. There are hundreds of thousands of people in a corps, or tens of thousands of people. There is nothing wrong with the secret service group having less troops."

As for the bad ones, we still need to come to defeat some enemies over there."

That's what it should be.

"We are stingy and stingy. We don't care about those things at all." Nan Zaolinzi knocked on the radio station next to him; "Come on, if the radio station is intact or damaged, we just want it."

Xiao Ya was wearing tank soldier clothes.

The chief of staff thought for a while and said, "We replaced the equipment on the South Asian side and equipped an artillery battalion with 75mm mountain guns."

Zhao Feng actually reacted immediately. After thinking about it for a while, I finally understood who he was referring to.

"How is the equipment?" Xu Hu asked sitting next to him.

Four tanks, bad, that’s a mistake. It’s really a mistake.

What else can Chief Bai say?

When Commander Xue saw that only Nakamura and Xiao Ya were missing, I hummed and asked, "It's just them, what about Zhou Weiguo and us."

"Old Bai, he sees that you are asking for permission to mobilize two battalions to join the special agent group." Commander Xue asked Commander Bai next to him.

"Let the aviation force be dispatched to help test the retreat."

Secret Service Rear Command Headquarters.

"Sir, we in Weiguo have not yet been ordered to provide support and take over Area 1."

Secret service?

The Fourth Theater Area Special Agent Regiment on the mountain city side. That force is here to help.

It is also the force that Anan Weiji is more afraid of.

Commander Xue was wondering whether he would have to expand Zhou Weiguo's troops. After all, that person has a smart mind and has the advantage of getting up early. If I were there, I would be able to deceive the other party, and I would have nothing left.

Damn, before now I would still have a dedicated air force formation.

"Four tanks are the prerequisite for your dispatch of troops. Now those tanks have not been converted into tank battalions. Xiao Ya's special agent company has all become tank soldiers.

Xiao Ya stayed behind at the airport, and I needed to retrograde the equipment I just received, adjust the weapons, and only train.

Commander Xue glanced at Xiao Ya, then asked Zhao Feng with a smile, "How many things did you deceive the other party that time?"

Commander Xue really wanted to go and see the training of the tank battalion. I thought for a while and said, "Let's go and see the tank battalion."

Zhou Weiguo returned to the bunker before observing the situation on the other side.

How could we make Anan Weiji so afraid?

That's called helping oneself. The typical thing is that you despise those things as a burden, so you left us here.

After just sitting on it for a long time, Jiang Yue stepped back from inside; "Those beasts are really a waste. When we evacuated, they threw away so many cans and weapons and ammunition. Send people to pick them up."

When he came back, bad guy, he said, what the hell, you have enough to arm a battalion. There are also mortars and a few jeeps."

Zhao Feng thought for a moment and asked, "Sir, should they go back to where they live now, or should they go to other places first to check it out."

We sent people to negotiate with us about taking them away. Our attitude was very firm. This was not about leaving those things behind to help ourselves.

However, while Fujino had nothing to do and was getting ready to go to sleep, Xu Hu was very busy. Before eating, he came to the map to follow, looking at the situation immediately, and then had to make adjustments to his troop strength.

Xiao Ya had received the news earlier that Commander Xue was coming. Now that the main force of the small army has gone here, the ones left behind are not the Madam, but a guard platoon has been added to the tank camp.

Chief Bai knew a lot about the secret service, so I pointed at Zhao Feng's military uniform.

He has heavy artillery around him, and if there are aviation reinforcements, he believes that this matter will be easy.

"At the General's Pavilion, the Fujino Regiment sent a message that the enemy's special agent group has retreated into our rear position."

This chapter has been completed!
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