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Chapter 1981 You should read this document carefully

What are you pretending to be in front of Zhou Weiguo and the others at this time?

Who is he? He is a veteran who is still alive from the battle of Songhu to the present day.

I would like to ask, starting from Songhu, from a battalion-level cadre to now, how many people can still survive?

Such people are like people who have become spirits.

This is simply not comparable to someone like you who is at the headquarters every day, delivering documents and making a few suggestions.

You have no idea how many battles he has commanded.

"Sir Situ, is this the intention of your adjutant or the intention of your country?" Zhou Weiguo looked at Wilder for a while, ignored him, and asked Situ directly.

Situ felt that his back was sweating. He wiped the sweat from his forehead and said with a smile, "That is of course his personal opinion."

"Sir, you..." Wilder exclaimed.

What does the minister in front of you mean? Do you really want to admit to the people in front of you that their purpose of coming here is evil?

Yes, Situ understood what the person behind him wanted. I raised my head and thought for a while and said, "Can he explain it in more detail?"

Situ was not excited at all.

My parents, who have been beaten for a long time, all know Mao Zi, can they still withstand the strength of the mountain city that has received technical reinforcements from the northwest technology factories in South Asia and the Japanese army?

"You have too few planes and tanks, and there are problems with the equipment and weapons. Of course, you will definitely not have the technical support from your country. You think, you will be guarding that place like Tietong Special. From now on, anyone will be able to leverage your interests.


Allies, I'm afraid they will take that ally seriously by then.

"This...what do they need later?"

That's possible. I want something, then...

The empire must have abandoned Shancheng at that time, and it was very unlikely that Shancheng would do something that the empire could not afford.

"You have the same plan, but the minister is also vague. Today's army is small, but the country is retreating and retreating, and it has formed local troops. It seems that the force is unstoppable, allowing you to defend the northwest issue.

, there is no trouble, you think, as the most loyal ally, you suspect that you will definitely see you as powerful as you are now."

"Shut up, you have no right to speak." Situ turned his head and shouted.

"You haven't broken the letter yet. I'm sure Hao Lin Pavilion has no objections. You can work together to safeguard the interests of your allies. Of course, even if you can, it still matters. You are allies after all."

Millions of veterans emerged from the sea of ​​blood and corpses.

I...I want something.

"Yes, our allies are no longer in trouble. Naturally, you have to protect the northwest and west areas for me."

We are sure that the empire will take action against us.

When I'm angry, I just eat and drink.

Those who can retreat to the northwest will be replenished to a certain extent, which will be completely sufficient to deal with the Japanese retreat.

Situ is not a good person, but the person behind him can speak so badly.

"No, how about you go back and see first." Situ You went to look through the documents. I was worried that at the moment when I was looking through the documents, I could jump up and scold Wilder.

Believe his bullshit.

The tanks and planes are dead. Although they can quickly strengthen the troops there, until those weapons are scrapped, they will become a pile of scrap metal. From now on, they can only be discarded in some corners to rust and rot.

, it doesn’t play any role at all.

Because I have known for a long time, Wilder, that the mountain city would give up these places so easily.

He took a deep breath and could only move his position back.

This is indeed the case. The empire dares to take action against us, because now that the Japanese army is at its peak and we have obtained a small amount of resources, we are all clamoring again.

And the empire will hand it over as soon as possible.

Why did you refuse?

It's no wonder that Stilwell sent you here to help me, but this is a way of throwing revenge away.

Although the document was very thin, Situ himself, if he read any of the contents outside, it would be enough to change my mood. I would definitely be exposed in that place.

If so, we need our technology.

Because who wouldn’t want to spit it out after swallowing something outside the stomach? Anyway, I would be willing to spit it out.

It is estimated that aircraft and tanks will be needed over there. There are not many military factories there. Maybe what we want is production technology.

It was the first time that Wilder saw Situ getting angry. He opened his mouth and found that the other people didn't seem to care about this and were still eating and drinking.

If you want our assistance, you need those things.


Guarding is guarding, but it is absolutely guarding with Wudu. What will happen if the Japanese army evacuates when the time comes? Could it be that the mountain city side will hand over the place it has obtained? It is definitely possible that it will be handed over.


Wilder paused for a moment and then spoke; "After all, the fight must have been over, and you can also give up the lives of your country's soldiers for the sake of allies, so when the time comes, if you evacuate forward, then..."

What that is, I just have to say it, and I have a rough idea in my heart.

After Wilder finished speaking, he put the wine glass on the table and said: "Actually, South Asia is too small, and your country's capabilities are not limited, and it is impossible to completely defend it. After all, the troops are too concentrated, and the difficulties prevent the Japanese army from taking advantage of the opportunity, so you should have taken advantage of it early."

I plan to unite with you to jointly defend and stabilize South Asia, and after the Japanese troops withdraw, we will protect those areas for our allies."

Once this time comes, it is estimated that the millions of troops on the other side of the mountain city will immediately go to other places, and what will the strength of the mountain city do? We will definitely push back to the north.

Hao Lin was very vague, thinking about the northwest. The northwest is close to the mountain city. Who would be willing to deliberately stay far away from her, so I tentatively suggested: "You will dispatch troops to defend the west to prevent the Japanese army from retreating."


As long as you have the technology, you can handle anything.

Wilder had not reported that matter to Commander Xue or Commander Bai long after Situ arrived.

We don’t have a lot of combat experience, so we can’t get weapon replacements without adding weapons, which is a headache for everyone who encounters us.


"This is a bad thing. Since it is my intention, you will definitely mind. After all, you are friends."

You know, you know that I may be so difficult to change, and I must want something.

Wilder nodded; "That's right."

I just mentioned it to myself and I refused.

This chapter has been completed!
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