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Chapter 203 Ambush Xiaolian Village

Chapter 203 Ambush at Xiaolian Village

Author: little instructor

Chapter 203 Ambush at Xiaolian Village

You can imagine it, and so can Jiugong.

The terrain of Centipede Hollow is rugged, and there are a lot of woods for cover.

Jiugong would definitely be careful about where to ambush, and would mobilize artillery to carry out crazy bombardment there, and then attack.

When it comes to artillery, I have never had any advantage. If I am more powerful than my opponent's artillery, that's unless I have a short-circuit in my head.

Xiaolian Village is different. This is not a good place for an ambush. Huang Ying can see it, and Najiugong can also see it. He won't be careful when passing by here.

If you don't care, you will be in trouble.

Although Xiaolian Village looks flat, its landform determines that it is surrounded by dirt, and the surrounding area of ​​the village is overgrown with weeds.

With more than 2,000 people, couldn't they dig out hidden trenches in a few days? Couldn't they use this period to cut down trees from the distant forest and smooth out their traces?

"You want to be like Gouerwa?" Jiang Yue heard and spoke.

Zhou Weiguo hummed, "There are uncertain differences."

Boom boom boom... boom boom boom...

On the edge of the earth-gray road, several infantry guns poured shells at the positions in the distance.

Jiugong, who was wearing a khaki cloak, opened his mouth to observe the situation on the other side.

This is the second battle with the enemy after reuniting with the squadron.

According to the investigation, the one opposite is the 1st Battalion of the Special Agent Regiment.

The 1st Battalion is the most powerful in the special agent group. It was replenished from the original troops in Yichang. It has the strongest firepower and the strongest combat effectiveness.

The artillery did not stop. From the gaps filled with gunpowder smoke, Jiugong could see that the enemies were wandering around. They didn't even know where they should be hiding.

"The First Battalion is the most powerful unit in the special agent group. Why don't they even know how to hide?" Fujita turned to look at Hisamiya beside him and spoke.

Although Hisamiya didn't speak, the expected expression on his face made him pause for a moment before turning around and leaving the tent less than fifteen meters away from the infantry cannon.

A bonfire was lit inside the tent.

This year's winter was very cold, it was almost the end of January, but the bone-piercing cold made him shiver after he came in and walked to the bonfire to sit down.

The bonfire was lit in a broken iron pot, with several teapots placed beside it, and the water inside was steaming.

Hisamiya didn't take off his gloves, so he grabbed the teapot, endured the sudden heat and frowned for a moment before responding to Fujita who was sitting next to him; "It was expected, because they are no longer the former secret service group."


They are no longer the secret service team they once were. Fujita's mind quickly pondered the meaning of this sentence.

But he didn't understand, or he didn't understand. He wouldn't say that Jiugong obviously had a prophetic look. If he wasn't given the opportunity to show off, he probably wouldn't feel comfortable.

"What do you mean, Captain?" Fujita, who has a strong acting talent, tilted his neck and asked with a look in his eyes that I didn't know.

Hisamiya smiled naturally, and relaxedly took out the cigarette and threw it to Fujita; "In the two battles of Songhu and Jinling, the enemy lost hundreds of thousands of people. Their first-line elites were already exhausted, and they were replenished.

Our troops are all new recruits who have not yet completed training. You and we both know how powerful the new recruits are."

It has no combat effectiveness, and is even a burden. This can also explain the question just now, why the battalion with the strongest combat effectiveness of the special agent regiment was actually under artillery bombardment, and the soldiers would wander around everywhere.

The sound of shelling stopped while the two men were talking, and the infantry launched an attack under the cover of the chariot.

Fierce gunfire could be heard all the time.

Jiugong did not go out to take a look. He believed that no matter how fiercely the opponent attacked, it was useless. After a while, they would evacuate.

Just when the Jiugong Battalion launched an attack on the First Battalion and was confident that it had won the victory, Zhou Weiguo had already led the artillery, the Third Battalion, the Second Battalion, and the reinforced Battalion to Xiaolian Village.

There are only four to five hundred households in Xiaolian Village. The village is lined up on the left and right along the edge of the earth-grey road leading to Chuzhou. There are also some houses located behind the road. The river flows slowly nearly 500 meters away from here. On both sides of the river

Reeds and weeds are scattered here and there. As the reeds go up, there are some fertile fields and waterwheels that have been damaged and are not in use.

It looks like Lian Village. When I passed here, there were still some people who had not left. However, when I came here today, every household had their doors open. The roads were littered with garbage, and there were even some clothes discarded on the ground.


There were traces of repeated wheelbarrow crushing, heading north.

Everyone here has left.

Xiaolian Village is built along the roadside, and behind the village is a small continuous herringbone-shaped earth bag. This earthy gray earth bag is very gentle, and it can't even be regarded as a earth bag. The herringbone earth bag separates Xiaolian.

The village forms a very weak semi-encirclement, and Xiaolian Village is built in front of the herringbone intersection, with the road passing underneath;

As soon as several battalions of troops arrived, they began to use the engineer shovels in their hands and the hoes they found from the village to dig trenches hard. Not only did they want to dig out the trenches, they also had to restore them after the soldiers entered.

As it is, let this place look the same as before without any trace.

This requires a lot of weeds for camouflage.

Zhou Weiguo inspected the position and returned to the roadside. He didn't wait until he could take a breath.

Jiang Yue came to him from another place and pointed to the mountain cannons parked at the edge of the village; "The infantry is very organized, but how to deploy the artillery? You can't let the soldiers dig holes and bury the artillery.


There is no problem in burying it, but if you want to dig it out and join the battle immediately, it will be impossible.

Artillery must try to suppress and destroy the enemy's heavy firepower before the attack begins. It is best to be able to directly kill the opponent's tanks.

Otherwise, once a fight breaks out, the opponent will be suppressed.

He took people to take a look just now. There was no suitable place for artillery to hide around here. Even behind the chevron, it was much flatter and less protruding. He wanted to hide these artillery pieces from the other side.

This is too difficult.

Jiang Yue took out a cigarette, lit it, and stamped his feet to keep himself somewhat warm. He looked at Weiguo next week: "You don't intend to keep the artillery from participating in the battle, right?"

How is this possible? Without artillery strikes, I dare to have more troops than his group. How stupid I am.

"Of course not. The artillery is my main focus. How could I not let them participate in the battle? Without their participation, I have no idea." Zhou Weiguo took a puff of his cigarette, and Jiang Yue nodded and said helplessly; "But the artillery,

I can’t let it go.”

(End of chapter)

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