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Chapter 237

Chapter 237 Do it again

Author: little instructor

Chapter 237 Do it again

He cursed and returned to his headquarters. The tent of the headquarters had been dismantled, leaving the bare ground behind. If it weren't for the blood stains left on the ground, you wouldn't be able to tell. Not long ago, he was attacked by the enemy.


The sound of footsteps behind him made him turn around slightly, and the pursuing troops ran over under the leadership of a captain.

"Your Excellency, the captain, you are humble and incompetent, and you have not..."

The backhand was a slap, and Nakamura Shoji shouted angrily with blood-red eyes: "Baga, trash, what's the use of the empire raising trash like you? What's the use of him? You can't even catch a few bed bugs. What do you think you can do?"


His anger did not subside. When he saw that troops had been deployed on the left and right, he cursed again: "Get out of here, the enemy is not a bunch of pigs like you. They will come here after the attack."

How on earth did I get along with this group of pigs for so long? Looking at the soldiers coming down at three steps, one sentry, five steps and one post, Nakamura Shoji thought with embarrassment.

He couldn't understand how such a smart person could meet such a stupid subordinate.

He is so unlucky that even a sip of cold water will make his teeth clog.

While Nakamura Shoji was insulting the despicability of his enemies and the stupidity of his subordinates, Zhou Weiguo, three kilometers away, was sharing the cans in his hands with Tian Jing and the others.

"Captain, where should we go next?" Hu Yong stuck out his tongue and licked the cans once, then casually threw the cans aside and asked.

Zhou Weiguo put his backpack on his back and turned to look at Tian Jing: "Tian Jing, can you make a time bomb?"

Time bomb?

Tian Jing opened her mouth in surprise; "No, this thing requires a lot of parts. The military commander has talents who specialize in this area, but I don't know how. What's wrong? What do you want to do?"

You can't let the other side build the bridge.

Now the military department doesn't know how the fight is going, so I can only delay it for a little while.

At least don't let them pass. Think about it, it would be easier to blow up their pontoon and prevent them from passing.

However, if you want to blow up yourself, it will definitely be impossible to use a grenade. If the Japanese army suffers a loss, they will definitely strengthen their deployment there. Maybe they will already have machine guns all around.

"Captain, what do you want to do?" Chen Qi asked in confusion as he listened to Zhou Weiguo ask about the time bomb.

"Blow up the bridge, what can we do? We can't really let them build the bridge again. No matter what, we have to blow it up again to buy time for the troops in front." Zhou Weiguo took out the cigarette and threw it to it.

Hu Yong and Chen Qi.


Hu Yong's eyes widened with an expression of surprise: "Captain, you are not a pig, how could you let us go there? There are probably countless people over there waiting for us to throw ourselves into the trap. I'm afraid this won't work.


Zhou Weiguo took a sip and looked up at the blue sky: "It is impossible to do it from the ground, but what if I do it from the water."

If you Japanese soldiers have the guts, you can also arrange it for me underwater. If you can't arrange it, don't blame me for taking action.


No wonder there is a time bomb. But time bombs are not real. Tian Jingzi thought for a moment, "I can delay the bomb for about one minute. Is that okay?"

That's enough. Once it's installed and the water flows smoothly, you can run very far in one minute.

"Okay, that's it. When you get it out, it must be waterproof. Once you've done it, Hu Yong and I will go there, and you just wait here."

Tian Jing can't be said to be versatile, but for someone who can work in Kyoto and serve as a team leader, her skills are also among the best, including marksmanship, making bombs, etc. They are all inevitable.

There were not many explosives left, only one pack. Tian Jing didn't know what method he used to bundle the two grenades and the last pack of explosives together and handed them to Zhou Weiguo; "Go, this thing is waterproof. When the time comes,

You just need to pull off this lead." She pointed to the white line with a little bit of thread exposed."

Zhou Weiguo took it over and checked it before taking Hu Yong and setting off.

They did not want to provoke the Japanese army, or even confront the Japanese army head-on, so the two of them did not bring weapons, but only a dagger.

The two of them made a long detour this time, and finally passed through nearly two kilometers from the tail of the Japanese army, and then detoured toward the river. Finally, they stopped nearly 600 meters away from the pontoon bridge.

There is a large piece of reed here, and the reeds are already growing buds, floating and swaying in the wind. Although this is a curved and protruding place, you can still see clearly what is going on there.

The Japanese army was building a pontoon bridge again. Since it was daytime, they were working very quickly. They had already completed nearly half of it. From what you see, they could erect the pontoon bridge in about two hours.

"Captain, should we act now?" Hu Yong, who was squatting beside him, pointed at the busy figure in the distance and asked.

Zhou Weiguo shook his head and retreated; "No, this time, let's change it. After they build the pontoon bridge, we will take action."

After all, it is made of bamboo rafts, and there are certain gaps. If you go there during the construction, they will find out. The best way to hide yourself is to wait until they complete the construction or when they are crossing the bridge.


At that time, they would not pay attention to the situation under the pontoon bridge, and the movement of the troops could also resist their own actions below.

By doing this, not only can the pontoon be blown up, but some scapegoats can also be taken away.

Explosives are very expensive, and grenades are also very expensive. If you just blow up a pontoon bridge without taking away the lives of a few Japanese soldiers, then the explosives will not be of much value even if they are used.

"The leader is so smart, he kills two birds with one stone." Hu Yong flattered with a smile.

Zhou Weiguo ignored him and just glanced at him and looked back: "Keep an eye on them. If we see them taking action, we'll set off."

About 500 to 600 meters, the water flows downstream, so it actually didn't take much time in the past.

Hu Yong groaned and slightly opened the reed, his eyes fixed on the movements of the Japanese troops in the distance.

Zhou Weiguo did not wait, but found two long reeds and emptied the inside bit by bit.

Hu Yong, who was bored looking at the situation on the other side, turned around and saw Zhou Weiguo playing with reeds. He asked in confusion, "Captain, what are you doing?"

"Respirator." Zhou Weiguo didn't look at him, but still fiddled with the thing in his hand and responded.

Seeing that the other party had nothing to see, he ran to Zhou Weiguo and picked up the reed and looked at it: "What is this thing used for?"

Respirator? Hu Yong was a little confused about this. Seeing his confused look, Zhou Weiguo pointed to the river water which was only one or two meters away from him. "Can't you stay underwater for more than ten minutes without breathing?"

(End of chapter)

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