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Chapter 412 Brother, You Didn’t Come To Dig Graves, Did You?

Chapter 412 Brother, you’re not here to dig a grave, are you?

Author: little instructor

Chapter 412 Brother, you’re not here to dig a grave, are you?

The direct gazes between the two made Tian Jing take a step back, not daring to look directly into their eyes. Instead, she looked at the tea vat with the green paint off; "He and Xiao Yu went to Kyoto."

"What did you say?" Commander Yu felt that his head was not enough. He paused and stretched out his head like a goose, and asked again quickly with a tone of disbelief in his voice.

Tian Jing affirmed again accurately, making Commander Yu take a breath, and Commander Wang also felt that his brain capacity seemed to be insufficient and asked, "What is he doing in Kyoto?"

Tian Jing could only talk about Gu Shouling's running back. After Zi'a told Zhou Weiguo that he couldn't swallow it, she concluded and added: "That's what happened."

This kid really dares to do it. But having said that, if these two people are really allowed to retreat so peacefully, the country will be really embarrassed. How can the innocent souls of hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians in Aurous Hill rest in peace? Although, the first

The Sixth Division is still here, but what Hisao Tani did back then was the most shameful.

It’s okay to go back and avoid the anger here, but you actually dare to come here and provoke me again. If you don’t kill me, this place is really easy to bully, and you can come and go as you like, treating it as your own backyard.

The two regained their composure from the shock, and then recovered from their composure to a kind of agreement. Seeing that the two did not blame them, Tian Jing put aside her own fear and took a step forward to look at Commander Yu; "Commander, Commander,

When Wei Guo left, it had been determined that the Japanese army had a special agent team in the 13th Division. The person in charge of this special agent team was Takeshita Shun, who was his classmate and friend in the sergeant school. Wei Guo hoped that the commander could make the military unified.

Conduct a comprehensive investigation of this team so that we can eliminate them after he returns. According to his wishes, Takeshita Shun is quite capable."

As for the secret service team, Commander Yu was actually using his personal connections to get the military commander to investigate, but he didn't know if he didn't investigate, and he was shocked when he did.

The Japanese army does not have only one special agent team, but several. However, he has not heard about the existence of special agents in the 13th Division. Therefore, he opened a document from the table and made sure again that there was no special agent team.

After this number, he looked at Tian Jing; "Are you sure you are in the 13th Division?"

After another confirmation, Commander Yu asked Tian Jing to go back and temporarily act as the captain of the special agent team and then threw the document to Commander Wang; "It seems that this special agent team is hidden very deep and even the military commander has not found it out. This must be a treasure.

It’s also a threat.”

After reading the list above, Commander Wang agreed with Commander Yu and added, "Yes, this unit is well hidden, so what does Commander want?"

"Once we have a target, it's easier to investigate." He turned to look at Adjutant Zhang; "Take the mountain city."

The roads along the Japanese army's route are not good, but they are definitely much better than those in our own country. At least, the vehicles driving on the road will not be too bumpy. In addition, there are many vehicles along the way, and the interior of the vehicle does not look too bumpy.

It was so crowded. Along the way, Zhou Weiguo, Xiao Ya and Fujita Hideko took a train and a car. They staggered in the car for a while before they finally arrived at Oka County, which is located in the southwest corner.

The county is not that big, with just a few streets going back and forth, and some rolling mountains faintly visible in the distance.

The first thing the three of them did after getting off the bus was to go to a restaurant and have a delicious meal. Then they found a quick place to sit down in the inn. After Zhou Weiguo told Hideko Fujita to have a good rest in the room, he left without saying goodbye.

After a lot of hard work, I took Xiao Ya to this local famous tavern.

Just like the teahouses in the country, the tavern here is still the fastest place to source information. And Gu Shouling's family has a lot of prestige and reputation here. Naturally, their family's affairs are considered first-class here.


He just listens and doesn't speak, but he still understands almost everything.

Maybe Gu Shouling and his wife are too ostentatious, or maybe this is his hometown and it is absolutely safe. The two of them drive to the county town every day to see the wedding arrangements here, and then go back alone.

After figuring out these situations, Zhou Weiguo dropped some money and took Xiao Ya back to the inn.

Fujita Hideko was still obediently sitting on the bed and eating melon seeds. When she saw Zhou Weiguo's smiling face, she probably tilted her neck and asked, "Isn't there someone here? Why don't you go out?"

It didn’t take long for me to get the news.”

Zhou Weiguo hummed and then sat on a stool, picked up the tea cup and glanced sideways at him: "I won't tell you, but I can tell you something. We can go back soon."

Hideko Fujita didn't know what the concept of "quick" was. But she knew it clearly. At ten o'clock noon the next day, Zhou Weiguo checked out of the hotel. Regardless of whether he had not slept well, he dragged himself out of the county.

Then we went to the suburbs and finally stopped on a hillside where the road turned.

"Aren't you here to kill people? What are you doing here, digging up people's ancestral graves?" Hideko Fujita sat down on the ground. She was no longer afraid of Zhou Weiguo and was not very polite when she spoke.

What he said was that why he was here to intercept people was related to digging someone's ancestral graves. His confused eyes just made Hideko Fujita point behind him: "My brother, there are so many graves behind you.

Are you sure you're not here to dig up someone's ancestral grave?"

Zhou Weiguo followed Hideko Fujita's finger and looked behind him.

Behind, on the hillside about a hundred meters away, among the bushes, there were many long and narrow tree stumps. Some of those stumps were slowly rotting, but some were brand new.

Xiao Ya was not afraid of dead people, but she was only afraid of these things, so after listening to Fujita Hideko's words, she kept moving towards Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo felt Xiao Ya's fear, hugged her and spit on the ground viciously, saying angrily: "What a damn unlucky thing. I wanted to pick a suitable place to wait and wait, but I didn't want to choose such a place."

Ruined place."

He stood up and pulled Xiao Ya up; "Don't be afraid, it will be the same if we change places."

Fujita Hideko stood up and followed the two of them without saying a word. She knew that she was a hostage, so as long as Zhou Weiguo satisfied that she had something to eat, she would not cause trouble.

After the three of them walked another kilometer, they finally came to a pine forest. Zhou Weiguo walked around to make sure that there was no such disgusting thing before returning to sit down in front of the two of them, while he was sharing the food with Xiao Ya.

But Fujita Hideko raised his eyes and looked at Zhou Weiguo: "Hey, you won't just kill these two people and forget it, right?"

What do you mean? Listening to this, he is a person who kills innocent people indiscriminately. Zhou Weiguo turned his head slightly and looked at Hideko Fujita: "In your eyes, am I just a devil who kills people without blinking an eye?"

(End of chapter)

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