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Chapter 523

Chapter 523: Sit back and wait.

Author: little instructor

Chapter 523: Sit back and wait.

A dog is nosy when it comes to mice.

Now that you have suffered a loss, you blame your subordinates for not killing them.

Wuhan is not a pig. The commander of the First Corps is not a fool.

Can you tell what you came here to do?

He must have mobilized the most capable army to deal with it.

"Your Excellency General, according to our investigation, this is the 74th Army from Wuhan." Yoshida added.

He had complaints in his heart, but he couldn't vent them, so he could only express them tactfully.

Our opponents are not ordinary people.

74th Army.

Maruyama's anger just now was gradually changing.

This army is Wuhan's first-class main force.

The equipment is not weaker than that of a brigade in the Empire.

Moreover, I don’t know where this army obtained some imperial equipment.

Their combat effectiveness is no worse than that of the Empire. According to reliable information, the other side even seems to have tanks.

"No matter what, we must fight for this tone, otherwise it will be an indelible shame for our brigade."

Yoshida frowned.

It's easy to argue with each other, but the question is how to fight for it.

Pingbazi has already made two consecutive attacks and failed. Is it possible that the entire brigade is going to be put into this place?

It's okay if you win, but if you can't beat it.

so what should I do now?

"Your Excellency General, we have been delaying the pinging of Bazi for several days. The enemy may mobilize heavy troops to make a detour. I am afraid we cannot...

Maruyama took the military cap from the side and put it on.

He decided to go to Erdaowan himself.

He pulled off his military uniform and put on his pure white gloves. Maruyama looked at Yoshida and sneered, "It's ridiculous that they can stop us."

What are you going for?

Zhou Weiguo, who was crawling in the grass, saw several motorcycles leaving Tianjiagou. He took the binoculars from the side and looked over.

"Weiguo, this is the direction to Erdaowan. Has the brigade leader personally gone to the front line?" Xiao Ya crawled beside Zhou Weiguo, looked at the dust-raising motorcycles and trucks going away, and pulled away.

Zhou Weiguo, who was deep in thought, asked.

There is a possibility that after all, I suffered a big loss there. I might have to find a way back.

"Then we...are we going to make another turn?" Yang Dali blinked and asked when he heard that the target was gone.

What am I...

Zhou Weiguo raised his hand and hit Yang Dali on the head.

I simply don’t know what is inside this head.

I'm afraid that among the few people present, this guy is the only one who can say this.

If you really think that you don’t need money for your physical strength, just give it back.

What are you going back for?

"You have really good physical strength." Zhou Weiguo squinted at Yang Dali, who was holding his helmet.

Yang Dali chuckled; "Thank you for the compliment, Commander, we mountain people have always had good physical strength."


Am I bragging?

Zhou Weiguo really didn't want to say anything about this idiot.

"Weiguo, what should we do?" Tian Jing ignored it, but observed the defense strength of the opponent's brigade headquarters.

There were patrols within two minutes, and machine guns were set up around the headquarters. There were also many hidden sentries. If we acted at close range, we might be discovered by the other party.

She does not recommend entering this brigade.

"what is your opinion?"

Both Xiao Ya and Tian Jing have the potential to be staff officers. Zhou Weiguo is very grateful that God has given him two beautiful and beautiful daughters-in-law, and also given him two staff-level officers.

Xiao Ya took the telescope from Zhou Weiguo and looked inside for a long time; "Sit back and wait."

Sit back and wait?

Liu San opened his mouth on the side: "Madam, what do you mean?"

Xiao Ya visually measured the distance; "This is nearly 400 meters away from the opponent's brigade headquarters. It is not within the range of our submachine guns, but it is within the shooting range of your regiment commander and grenade. In this case, why don't we wait here?

, found a senior military officer from the other side and shot him."

It's not that I want to kill your brigade commander, I just need people to know that this brigade headquarters will be dealt with by the enemy.

Anyway, this will make their life difficult.

Others are not important.

"Look, look, look what your wife said, let's see what you are like, fighting and killing all day long. You all should learn a little bit and use some wisdom." Zhou Weiguo was very satisfied.

Who is this talking about?

Are you talking about yourself?

It wasn't you who hated me the most, but you blamed others.

"Go, go ahead and get some mines, so that we can run away easily. We can't make it easier for the soldiers who are chasing us. We can't let them run away in vain."

Just now I said...

"Captain, you are really..."

Yang Dali was stunned for a moment and couldn't figure out what to say to Zhou Weiguo. He could only pat his butt and pull Liu San forward to lay the mines.

After Zhou Weiguo waited for the two to leave, he noticed that the other people's eyes suddenly looked confused and asked, "Why are you all looking at me?"

"No, it's nothing." Xiao Ya looked sideways at Zhou Weiguo, instead adjusting the military cap in her hand.

Long-range strikes cannot wait until night, they can only be carried out during the day.

Xiao Ya, who was responsible for observing the high-ranking officials on the opposite side, felt a little sleepy and handed the telescope to Xu Hu.

Xu Hu took it and looked at it for a while before shouting: "Commander, here comes a senior official."

Sir, what about that?

Didn't I wait so long just to wait for a high official?

Now, it's finally here.

Zhou Weiguo suddenly sat up and pointed his sniper rifle at it and asked, "What about that?"

"Direction at half past eleven, where is the entrance of the alley."

Zhou Weiguo followed Xu Hu's guidance and his face suddenly dropped.

"Xu Hu, after all you have been following me for so many years, why are you so hopeless?"

A lieutenant commander is actually called a senior official.

"Captain, can't we not find it? Otherwise, we can just follow the dog's tail and he will get it." Xu Hu answered unmoved.


Even if I die here, I will never do such a heartless and spineless thing.

A brigade headquarters actually has many lieutenants and lieutenants, and the rare one is a general.

Now, Namaruyama must have gone to Erdaowan, and I have no chance to deal with him, but the remaining people in this brigade at least have someone who is responsible for the overall situation.

At least the chief of staff is here, which is usually a colonel.

If the captain doesn't take care of it, I'll take care of this little shrimp.


"Waiting." Zhou Weiguo lay down on Xiao Ya's lap.

Xiao Ya, however, let him do this, and thoughtfully took the can from the side and fed it.

The few people who suddenly felt that this place was not suitable for them turned their heads away in an instant.

Not one can was finished.

Xu Hu shouted again: "Commander, senior officer, this time I am a colonel. I guarantee your satisfaction."

Just be a high official.

Zhou Weiguo got up and looked at Xu Hu with a hum, "I hope you didn't lie to me this time."

(End of chapter)

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