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Chapter 58

Chapter 58 Teacher 58

Author: little instructor

Chapter 58 Teacher 58

There is no one he wants to see in Nanjing. Wu Yong and Jiang Yue left, and General Zhang also left yesterday. In the entire city of Nanjing, Xiao Ya became his only concern.

Zhou Weiguo really wanted Xiao Ya to leave now, but several years of work made her a little reluctant to leave. Zhou Weiguo thought for a while and didn't say anything. Anyway, there were still several months before the fall of Nanjing. He believed that he could do it before then.

Send Xiao Ya away.

After returning home, he asked Ma Wu to take good care of Xiao Ya. Zhou Weiguo mentioned the salute that Xiao Ya had prepared for him last night and went out. He called a rickshaw and took him to Xiaguan Pier, and took a boat to Hankou to report.

The small steamer was not that big and sailed slowly. In addition, it was traveling in reverse direction, so the speed was as slow as a tortoise. Zhou Weiguo only arrived in Wuhan after admiring the almost identical scenery along the coast for nearly four days.

It was already afternoon when we arrived at the Wuhan pier. Zhou Weiguo, who got off the boat, looked at this strange city. The hot weather made the coolies and rickshaw drivers around the pier hide in the shade of the trees to enjoy the coolness. His dark, weathered skin and dull eyes were in his eyes.

After seeing the ship arriving, I almost regained my strength.

They need to support their families and use this meager amount of money to feed and drink their families.

A rickshaw puller in his twenties came to Zhou Weiguo and bowed slightly to please him: "Sir, you are using a rickshaw. I am very fast and I am very familiar with Wuhan."

Zhou Weiguo looked at this man who, although he was thin, still puffed out his chest to reveal his strong torso, then he saluted and put it in the car, took out two silver coins and handed them over: "Please take me to the headquarters of the 58th Division in Hankou."

He thought for a moment after getting in the car; "Don't be in a hurry, just walk slowly."

Vehicles shuttled through the streets of Wuhan all the way. Zhou Weiguo looked at all kinds of people on the street. Everyone was full of confident and energetic smiles. But Zhou Weiguo knew in his heart that in a few months, this prosperous city in the middle of the country would be attacked by the Japanese army.

Crazy bombing, hundreds of thousands of Chinese athletes will water this city with their blood until the last moment.

The 58th Division Headquarters is a police station that was once abandoned and then simply renovated east of Hankou.

This division was personally recruited and trained by my teacher in Yichang. Although it is currently inferior to the 88, 87, and 36 German weapon divisions, the 58th Division is a standard adjustment division, and its equipment and firepower are no better than the German weapon divisions.

Teacher difference.

There is a banyan tree at the main entrance of the division headquarters. Under the banyan tree is a sentry made of wooden planks. The rusty iron door is opened inward. The rectangular plaque with black characters on a white background reads the name of the 58th Division Headquarters of the National Revolutionary Army.

Iron nails hammered into the earthy gray wall.

A custom-made fence with barbed wire wrapped around several pine trees was placed not far from the entrance of the division.

The sentry wears a German-made steel helmet, carries a food bag and a canvas armed belt slanted across his waist, and carries a backpack. He puts the formal rifle in his right hand with vigour, with the butt of the gun touching the ground. The bayonet is pressed against his shoulder and reaches up.

At the soldier's ear, the sentry straightened his weak chest, turned his eyes slightly, and looked at everything around him.

Zhou Weiguo picked up his suitcase and came to the sentry. When the thin sentry saw that Zhou Weiguo was a major, he saluted and asked, "Sir, you have something to do."

The straightforward inquiry made Zhou Weiguo stop talking nonsense and pointed inside; "I am Zhou Weiguo, commander of the 1st Battalion of the 154th Regiment, who was ordered to come to the division headquarters to report."

He didn't have a military officer's certificate, but only an appointment letter. The sentry couldn't be sure, so he took the appointment letter and glanced at it before saying to Zhou Weiguo: "Sir, wait a moment." He turned around and entered the sentry post. Zhou Weiguo glanced sideways.

, there is a black telephone placed inside.

After a while, the sentry came out and saluted and pointed inside: "Sir, please, please enter the division commander's office, turn right and walk forward twenty meters, there is the earth-grey brick building."

After the sentry finished speaking, he resumed his standing posture and ignored him. Zhou Weiguo was very optimistic about such soldiers and would not show flattery because of your military rank.

It’s no wonder that the 74th Army formed in September will eventually become the Tiger Army to fight against the Japanese army. If it doesn’t have any pride, it will really only end up being disbanded.

Carrying his luggage and following the sentry's instructions, Zhou Weiguo just nodded briefly and saluted the officers he met, then went directly to the earth-grey one-story earth-gray tiled house and stood up straight: "Report, Zhou Weiguo has been ordered to report."

"Come in." The calm voice carried irresistible majesty. Zhou Weiguo observed the division office with his peripheral vision as he strode in with his suitcase.

The decoration is simple, just a few chairs, a desk, a black clothes hanger for easy placement of clothes, and a bookshelf taken from somewhere and placed on the side of the desk, and the earthy gray one at the innermost

On the wall, a military map hangs.

The teacher he had never met stood in front of the window and looked up at him.

Zhou Weiguo would never disrespect this division commander who was only thirty-three years old because of his handsome face and slightly bald head.

He put down his luggage and walked to Teacher Yu; "Sir, Zhou Weiguo has returned from his studies and has been ordered to report."

Commander Yu is a serious person. His body is not strong and skinny. He just hummed and walked to the desk. He took out his officer's ID card from the drawer and pushed it next to Zhou Weiguo. "I have received your request to come over. First Battalion.

We are currently training in the west of Hanyang City, you can go directly to lead the troops."

He waited for Zhou Weiguo to receive his officer's certificate, then stood up and walked to Zhou Weiguo; "I also specially mobilized two flat-firing artillery equipment to your battalion, so as not to lose the heroic spirit and courage of the battle in 32 years."

After finishing the official business, Mr. Yu relaxed and pointed to the oil-stained chair next to him and motioned for Zhou Weiguo to sit down.

Those refined and discerning eyes looked at Zhou Weiguo again, crossed his legs and reached out his hand; "It's not easy to get you. I had to make five or six reports in a row before poaching you. Otherwise, I would have taken advantage of Sun."


Zhou Weiguo looked at the division commander who was not wearing a military cap in confusion.

Seeing the confusion on his face, Mr. Yu briefly explained the matter.

Zhou Weiguo understood. In fact, from the beginning, after the battle in 32 years, the division commander in front of him had no intention of letting him go. It was just that he could not disobey the military academy's order, so he could only agree. However, he also stayed in the hospital while recovering from his injuries.

I made a conscious decision to continue serving as captain and commander of the first company in the military academy to avoid being poached by anyone.

After all, it is not something ordinary people can do to fight machine gunners and blow up Japanese tanks. Who doesn’t want his soldiers to be capable?

Later, Commander Yu was ordered to be transferred out of Zhejiang. When he was ordered to form the 58th Division in 1935, he was ready to recruit him, but by that time he had already left the military academy to study at the non-commissioned officer school.

With his vast magical powers, he just booked himself at that time and has been waiting for his return.

Some time ago, he heard that the superiors were planning to transfer him to the 87th Division, so he began to use certain methods to lure him here.

"Thank you very much, sir. Wei Guo is so grateful." Zhou Wei Guo stood up and saluted to express his gratitude.

Master Yu waved his hand slightly; "Don't come with me, these frivolous things, I can't stand this." Maybe he felt that his expression was a bit serious, a smile appeared on his stern face, and he poked his head in the direction of Zhou Weiguo with some gossip: "

I ask you something and you have to answer honestly."

(End of chapter)

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