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Chapter 596

Chapter 596 I have no brothers to die with

Author: little instructor

Chapter 596 I have no brothers to die with

Is this a fallacy?

Although Hideko Fujino always felt something was wrong, but couldn't say it out loud, she could only say yes in the end: "Okay, I'll listen to you."

Fujino and his wife were waiting anxiously at home.

After listening to Zhou Weiguo's wishes, they lit the fire and returned.

When they came back, they were worried about their daughter and whether they had succeeded. So the two of them could only stare at the door in the dark courtyard.

The door sounded.

Fujino took a quick step and opened the door.

Standing at the door is his daughter, behind is Zhou Weiguo, Xiao Ya, and...

Why are there still people?

Who is this? What is this?

"Get out of the way, let us go in." Zhou Weiguo stretched out his hand to push him away and walked in.

Fujino looked at Keiko Kobayashi who came in next and grabbed his daughter in confusion; "Girl, who is that?"

Fujino Hideko looked at Keiko Kobayashi and said, "Brother Zhou, my friend, is going back there with him. I heard that her master was poisoned to death, so she wants to tell her brother and then avenge his master."


The apprentice of Masao Chiba.

The military has been looking for her for a while, but they didn't expect that she was in Kyoto.

Fujino hummed, closed the door, and led everyone to the living room and turned on the light.

There was chaos outside now, so even if he turned on the lights, no one would be suspicious.

The four big boxes are all inside.

As for what Hideko Fujino had stuffed in her kimono, Zhou Weiguo didn't care. Those were just paper money, so he left them to her as pocket money.

Zhou Weiguo pointed to the box and said, "I've made a fortune this time, but I want to say yes, add two to one and make five. We will divide it among three people, and we will also give Miyamoto a part."

Fujino was content, and he didn't mind even if it was divided among four people. After all, it was so much money.

"You decide."

When Zhou Weiguo saw what he said, he ordered Xiao Ya and Fujino's wife to divide into three parts.

Fujino pulled Zhou Weiguo aside; "Why did you bring her here? The military is already hunting her down, isn't this?'


Zhou Weiguo narrowed his eyes; "Why, you already know who she is?"

As soon as his daughter said this, Fujino roughly understood what was going on.

He hummed; "Well, Kobayashi Keiko, she found out the cause of Chiba's death. Once this matter is announced, many people in Beichen Itto Ryu will probably be dissatisfied with the military. Do you think the military will let her live?"


It's really cruel.

Zhou Weiguo clicked his tongue twice and pointed at Xiaolin Keiko who was sitting next to him; "I will settle here for two days. When I go back, I will take her with me to leave this place of right and wrong. In addition, can you..."

"No." Fujino knew what Zhou Weiguo probably wanted to do without him having to say anything.

This bastard must have wanted to spread the word about who was responsible for Chiba's death.

If this spreads, it will not cause turmoil, and the higher authorities will definitely investigate it when the time comes.

We will never give up until we find out who spread it.

Therefore, Zhou Weiguo should not even think about this matter. It is absolutely impossible for him to handle it.

"If you don't help with such a small matter, you are still not a friend."

Neither can your friends. This is pushing yourself into a pit of fire.

"If it doesn't work, it won't work. I think you can go find Ichiro Miyamoto. He should have a solution."

Ichiro Miyamoto. How could I have forgotten him?

Zhou Weiguo smiled slyly and pointed to the drink shelf not far away: "Drink two drinks."

"Let's go and have a drink." Fujino patted Zhou Weiguo on the shoulder.

Anyway, the matter of arson has nothing to do with him as a military policeman. He is not so shameless that he would actually run to the front and direct the fire extinguishing carelessly. That is the business of the fire extinguishing team.

Keiko Kobayashi also drinks.

And this money calculation had nothing to do with her, so she sat next to Zhou Weiguo and watched Zhou Weiguo and Fujino drinking with Zhou Weiguo.

Fujino's military uniform was hanging on a shelf nearby.


This is already considered a high-ranking military officer.

Kobayashi Keiko's eyes showed murderous intent. To her, anyone wearing a military uniform should die.

However, she still has some sense.

After all, anyone who can be with Zhou Weiguo should not be a bad person.

"Who killed my master?" Keiko Kobayashi narrowed her eyes and asked.

Fujino looked at the girl who was only in her twenties and thought for a while; "I don't know exactly who is responsible, but I think it should be someone from the intelligence operations team. This kind of assassination is usually done by them.

Taking responsibility."

Fujino really didn't know, but what he was sure of was that Chiba's death was definitely the fault of the military, otherwise the military would not have pursued Keiko Kobayashi.

"Okay, don't look at people like that. This is a good friend of ours. We still need his care for these two days. If you look at others with such hateful eyes, don't scare them. He doesn't get scared."

Zhou Weiguo smoothed things over on the sidelines.

Fujino always felt strange when he heard this, but he couldn't figure out what was wrong.

He could only nod; "I'll check it out for you. While this guy is here, let him deal with it for you."

The amount of money has been increasing for a long time. When Fujino was not working, these things were still in the tens of thousands.

When it's almost time to eat, everything is settled.

Three boxes are packed, one for each.

Zhou Weiguo picked up another box, which he would deliver to Ichiro Miyamoto later.

During meal time, Zhou Weiguo kept looking at Keiko Xiaolin.

This made Keiko Kobayashi feel a little strange and asked, "Why do you always look at me like this? Is there anything wrong with me?"

Zhou Weiguo was indeed a little curious.

It’s not that Keiko Kobayashi doesn’t know kung fu at all, her kung fu is not bad at all.

"You are not just good at medicine, how can you have such a high level of skill?" Zhou Weiguo took a mouthful of food.

Kobayashi Keiko smiled: "Master and senior brother didn't want me to fight, so they gave me medical skills. But I learned it secretly, and there was nothing they could do to me."

Smart man.

This person wants to mess with my hygiene department. With her ability, Fan Xiaoyu can only act as a second-in-command in front of her.

He doesn't even have the qualifications to be a deputy, so I guess Li Yarong has this ability.

"So that's it. Don't go out these days. Just stay here. When Fujino investigates, I'll go clean it up for you. Then we'll go back. You go find your senior brother and tell him by the way.

one thing."

Xiaolin Huizi didn't know what Zhou Weiguo wanted to say.

She is also not the one who doesn't ask questions.

She squinted her eyes at Zhou Weiguo, took a mouthful of food and asked, "What do you want me to tell him?"

Zhou Weiguo picked up the fish meat and played with it twice before saying: "We are all poor people, and we all have a common enemy. Let him stop working for the enemy who killed his father and hang out with me to avenge his master and innocent Beichen."

Revenge for the brothers who died tragically."

The brother who died tragically?

No brother is dead now.

(End of chapter)

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