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Chapter 6 Melee Combat

Chapter 6 Hand to Hand Combat

Author: little instructor

Chapter 6 Hand to Hand Combat

Wu Yong looked at it completely incomprehensible. The moment Zhou Weiguo called him, he realized what he was doing and came to Zhou Weiguo's side in confusion and asked, "What do you want me to do?"

The flat-ended artillery cannon cannot allow the shell to slide down naturally, and requires the help of external force to slam it in to trigger the firing pin.

Zhou Weiguo couldn't move his hands, so he could only ask Wu Yong to stuff the cannonball into the muzzle, and then use a wooden stick to hit it hard to drive the cannonball in.

After listening to Zhou Weiguo's words, Wu Yong put down the cannonball, found a table leg from the bombed house, and placed the cannonball at the muzzle according to Zhou Weiguo's instructions.

"What should I do next?" Wu Yong asked Zhou Weiguo like a student looking at his teacher who is afraid of making mistakes.

Zhou Weiguo pointed at the table leg in his hand with his mouth: "I will ask the battalion commander to poke it in soon. The speed must be fast and the strength must be strong. And after thrusting in, you must use the fastest speed to pull out the table leg, otherwise the shells will

It just hit you."

It was quite dangerous. Zhou Weiguo really wanted to control it himself. At least the safety factor was higher and he was correspondingly confident. However, the problem was that he needed to control the barrel and not deviate from the direction. He could only let Wu Yong in front of him take risks.

It sounded dangerous. Wu Yong took off his general hat and wiped the trace of sweat from his forehead: "Okay."

The tank stopped, Zhou Weiguo shifted the gun barrel slightly and said, "Batalion Commander, take action."

Wu Yong slammed the table leg against the cannonball head, then hurriedly pulled out the table leg, threw it away, hugged his head and crawled aside.


The cannon trembled slightly and fired the shell. Even if the hard wall offset a large amount of recoil, Zhou Weiguo still felt as if his whole body was about to fall apart.

His stomach was rolling, and he couldn't bear it anymore. He spat out a mouthful of blood and sat down on the ground.

There was a roar in the distance. Zhou Weiguo wiped the blood seeping from the corner of his mouth with his sleeve and smiled triumphantly. He saw that the tracks of the first tank were broken, the second one exploded directly, and the Japanese army's mobile steel bunker was scrapped.

"Let's go." Lying on the ground, Wu Yong didn't care to look at the thick smoke from the tank explosion. The moment he turned his head, he saw the Japanese infantry machine gunner turning his gun and aiming this way.

With a loud shout, he got up and turned around to run away. When he saw the blood on the corner of Zhou Weiguo's mouth and a mouthful of blood on the ground, he hurriedly pulled Zhou Weiguo up, carried him on his back, and ran behind him.

Zhou Weiguo, who was on Wu Yong's back, listened to his heavy breathing and forced to swallow the blood that he wanted to spit out. Zhou Weiguo was so angry that he said: "Batalion Commander, I was injured by the recoil. It doesn't matter, just rest for a while."

, you quickly tell the regiment commander to rush forward and engage in hand-to-hand combat without giving the Japanese a chance to use artillery to cover them."

After the tank was destroyed, the Japanese army would definitely use artillery to cover this area. The Japanese army was not far away, so they had to make a mental decision, endure some casualties, and go up to fight with bayonets, so that the Japanese army would not have the chance to use artillery.

"Shut up, it's okay for you to vomit blood. You think you're a god. Stop talking. I'll carry you to the field hospital." Wu Yong cursed in front of him, as if he felt something was wrong in his tone. He softened his voice and added: "The troops

Already up there."


Zhou Weiguo listened attentively, and he did hear shouts of killing, as well as the sound of Type 92 heavy machine guns and the screams of soldiers.

Frowning, Zhou Weiguo patted Wu Yong on the shoulder, "Battalion Commander, don't carry your back. I'm fine. You... you carry me forward. I have to suppress the enemy machine gunners, otherwise our brothers will die too many times in vain."


The fight was not as good as the opponent's, so we had to take advantage of the large number of people to fight with the Japanese army. If we let the opponent kill some of them, even if the regiment defeated the Japanese army, it would probably suffer heavy losses.

He was only injured by the recoil just now, but his muscles and bones were not injured. To retreat now is to show no concern for his comrades. This is not what Zhou Weiguo wants to see.

Wu Yong, who was running, stopped and was stunned for a moment. Finally, he carried Zhou Weiguo to a ruined wall and put him down.

Seeing that he was shirtless, Wu Yong took off his military uniform and put it on him. He picked up a rifle from the side and loaded it for him. He looked meaningfully at the pale Zhou Weiguo in front of him and said, "You must not die."

Zhou Weiguo hummed, looked at Wu Yong who was walking away with the rifle, showed a smile, pulled the bolt and aimed at a machine gunner on the side of the tank.


Gunshots rang out, and the machine gunner on the opposite side also fell to the side and lost his life.

After removing the bullet, he aimed and shot again.

His mind has been changing a little bit. If he shot the Japanese machine gunner not long ago just to let the superiors see it, then now, he really doesn't want the Japanese army to massacre these too many brothers who have lived their whole life.

The moment the two sides were entangled, all the guns and artillery were useless, and the entire position was filled with verbal abuse and beatings in languages ​​they did not understand.

Insufficient training allowed him to see that there were almost only two or three brothers in the group who could not deal with a Japanese soldier. He saw that in order to kill a Japanese soldier, some soldiers would rather bump into them deliberately and then grab the Japanese soldier's firearm with their hands to let him go.

Unable to get away, the brother next to him stabbed him to death.

Most of them, in desperation, fired grenades while holding the Japanese soldiers in their arms, and perished together with the Japanese soldiers, one life at a time.

Fuck you, Zhou Weiguo stood with eyes wide open, pulled out two bayonets from the dead soldiers on the sidelines, and ran forward in the direction of Wu Yong with his shirtless white body.

He saw that Wu Yong was helpless against the three Japanese soldiers. If it had been a little later, Wu Yong might have died at the hands of the enemy.

Wu Yong was also very unlucky. His coat was given to Zhou Weiguo, and he was the only one wearing a shirt on the entire battlefield. The Japanese army thought he was a senior officer, and immediately organized manpower to take care of him.

Wu Yong, a tall and thick man, was hard to beat with four hands. His rifle was able to parry the opponent's thrusting rifle, but a Japanese soldier kicked him in the abdomen, stepped back several steps, and trampled on a corpse, which rolled to the ground.

Seeing three bayonets coming towards him, he knew that he could not escape, so he could only put his hand on the edge of the grenade, preparing to carry some cushions with him before he died.

He was about to pull the grenade, but the scream made him open his eyes.

Like a god of death, the shirtless Zhou Weiguo stood in front of him, stabbing a Japanese soldier's throat with a bayonet in his hand, while another Japanese soldier had a bayonet inserted into his chest, obviously asking him to kill him.

Zhou Weiguo rushed over just for Wu Yong. Fortunately, he arrived at the critical moment. After he threw out his bayonet and stabbed one to death, he used the bayonet in his hand to kill the other one. Before the man next to him had time to react, Zhou Weiguo, who drew out his bayonet, escaped.

He grabbed his armed belt and stabbed him through the back.

"Battal Commander, are you okay?" After dealing with the three Japanese soldiers, Zhou Weiguo did not wipe the blood on his cheeks and looked back at Wu Yong and asked with concern.

Wu Yong got up, picked up the rifle and took a breath; "It's okay."

Is this...this...is this guy still a human? Wu Yong swallowed his saliva and looked at Zhou Weiguo, who had already entered the Japanese army again. For a long time, he didn't understand whether this Zhou Weiguo was a human?

(End of chapter)

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