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Chapter 73 Enemy's Narrow Road

Chapter 73 Enemies meet on a narrow road

Author: little instructor

Chapter 73 Enemies meet on a narrow road

The 74th Army's military headquarters has not yet been established, and the division headquarters is also the current military headquarters.

When Zhou Weiguo arrived at the division headquarters, he was discussing something. Others were starting their work in an orderly manner, and the radio kept beeping.

On the front line, a lot of red tape will be eliminated accordingly. Zhou Weiguo wanted to wait for the report, but no one would pay attention to him. He came directly behind him; "Zhou Weiguo came to report."

The thin and slender man stopped his work and looked back, with a smile on his stern face; "The fight was good some time ago. It showed the military power of our 58th Division and the military power of the 74th Army."

You can't call yourself here just to praise yourself. Zhou Weiguo slightly looked at the sand table and found that there was still a Japanese rising sun flag planted in the area of ​​position 113.

It was a piece of high ground, protruding more than fifty meters from its surroundings.

Don't underestimate the 50 meters or so on weekdays. The Japanese army can launch an attack from a high altitude.

"Do you want us to go up?" Zhou Weiguo stretched out his finger slightly and pointed at Position 113.

Without any nonsense, he walked to the sand table and took a command pole made of small green bamboo from the adjutant and struck the 113th position; "Your old rival, the Bantian Brigade is at the 113th position. Yesterday, after launching an attack on Luodian,

The order was issued, and our 58th Division launched an attack on the enemy's 113th position, forcing the Japanese army to draw reinforcements from Luodian."

After briefly introducing the situation, he pointed again; "Our 541st Regiment has been attacking for days and suffered heavy losses. We are unable to attack him again. I will mobilize your troops, press up, and take him down."

Zhou Weiguo looked at the sand table and nodded; "Okay, our battalion will definitely win the 113th position."

He looked relatively plump. When he saw Zhou Weiguo agreeing so happily, he took a step forward and said, "Do you need us to do something?"

What to do? Zhou Weiguo probably asked him to attack Position 113 on his way here, so he was thinking about it at that time.

The reason why the Japanese Sakata Battalion was able to block a regiment's attack was that the Japanese machine gun and mortar positions could quickly attack our army.

To suppress this, it is not enough to rely solely on the firepower of the artillery battalion. However, currently, the 74th Army does not have heavy artillery, so it can only think of ways from other places.

Just now, outside the military headquarters, Zhou Weiguo discovered that there were many anti-aircraft machine guns and anti-aircraft guns set up around the area. He wanted to use anti-aircraft machine guns to suppress the Japanese army and ensure the success of his attack.

"If you don't mind, you can lend me two anti-aircraft machine guns." Zhou Weiguo stretched out the two words.

Anti-aircraft machine gun? What was he discussing with his staff? He turned to look at Zhou Weiguo in confusion: "What do you want an anti-aircraft machine gun for?"

Zhou Weiguo smiled mysteriously, "We'll know when the time comes."

Since the request was made, and there were a lot of anti-aircraft machine guns around, he transferred three of them with a wave of his hand.

After Zhou Weiguo confirmed that his mission was clear, he turned around and left, went to the battalion headquarters to gather troops, and first went to hand over the remnants of the 541st Regiment. As for the anti-aircraft machine guns, they would follow closely behind.

The 541st Regiment has almost been wiped out. Before attacking the 113th position, they fought several fierce battles. They are nominally one regiment, but in fact, only half of the regiment is left.

After handing over the positions with the 541st Regiment, Zhou Weiguo entered the already dusty bunker, picked up the telescope and slowly looked in the direction of the 113th position.

On the gray ground leading to Formation 113, the corpses of nearly a hundred soldiers lay scattered across the ground. No matter what happened to these people, they all fell on the way forward, and no one was retreating.

They are all good, Zhou Weiguo thought to himself and looked through the telescope at the Japanese position.

It can be clearly seen that the Japanese army is stepping up the repair of fortifications regardless of their exposed heads. Within the scope of their sight, several machine gun positions without much cover are placed directly in front, forming a crossfire. There,

Behind the excavated simple trench is a mortar position. From here, you can see the opponent's artillery.

"I have seen arrogant and arrogant people, but I have never seen such arrogant and arrogant people." Zhou Weiguo put down the telescope and turned to Zhou Jin, Hu Yong and others beside him.

"They also bully our soldiers for their inaccurate shooting and weak artillery. If we had the same combat configuration as theirs, they wouldn't dare to be so arrogant if I lend them eleven courages."

This is the truth. The Japanese army has always looked down on this side, and Sakata did not like him either. Just look at his deployment and you will know that the artillery position should be behind the ridge line to avoid being hit. It would be better for him to place it directly

He got behind the infantryman. This is so disrespectful.

"Batalion Commander, how should we fight?" Hu Yong asked, sticking his head out and observing the opposite side for a moment.

Zhou Weiguo, who had returned to the stool set up by the ammunition box and sat down, took the tea jar and took a sip of cold water with a calm expression on his face: "No hurry, we'll talk when the anti-aircraft machine gun comes over."

On position 113, Sakata was also observing the troops that had just changed defenses. The troops on the opposite side were about five hundred people, a battalion.

After seeing that no troops had arrived, Sakata smiled and said to the three captains around him; "It seems that they have no troops. Not even a single regiment can do anything to us. The other party actually dispatched a battalion of troops. Could it be that they

It’s ridiculous to think that one battalion can defeat us.”

Ha ha……

Echoes of triumphant laughter echoed on the battlefield, and Sakata looked even more proud. On the side, his adjutant observed the military flags on the ground with a telescope for a moment, his face became gloomy, and he walked up to him and lowered his head slightly: "Your Excellency, captain, across the way...

There seems to be a spy camp opposite."

What? The secret service battalion? If there is another force that Sakata can take seriously, it is the secret service battalion. It was this secret service battalion that suffered a big loss in the battle with him a few days ago.

I thought that this force went to other battlefields, but unexpectedly, they actually appeared here.

This is a fight with yourself.

It can be said that we are enemies on a narrow road.

Sakata's face no longer looked relaxed as before, but was replaced by a stern look. He had to be careful to avoid being beaten up by the secret service battalion.

The adjutant on the side saw that Sakata's complacency had changed to rigor. After thinking for a while, he handed Sakata a kettle and smiled calmly. He pointed to the busy secret service camp in the distance; "Your Excellency, Captain, in fact, we don't need to worry.

They can't be beaten."

(End of chapter)

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