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Chapter 754

Chapter 754 Giving advice

Author: little instructor

Chapter 754 Giving advice

I have four battalion commanders, all of them are thorny.

Especially Hu Yong and Huang Ying.

These two guys have been following me since Songhu,

The most dancing among the two is Hu Yong,

This guy followed me when he was in Yichang.

Everyone goes into battle without saying anything, but most people can't suppress them because they are so outstanding.

"Captain, don't worry. We can't take Tianjia Town. You don't need to do anything. I will pick up the head myself." Hu Yong stood up and expressed his position.

Huang Ying, who was beside her, was also unambiguous and stood up and said, "I have the same idea, Captain, if you can't knock down those scoundrels in Tianjia Town, I will bring your head to you myself."

The third and fourth battalions also expressed their positions respectively.

Zhou Weiguo nodded with great satisfaction after seeing the statements of these people; "Okay, I believe you. Once I give the order, the 1, 2, 3 and 4 battalions will advance in sequence. The artillery health anti-aircraft platoon will accompany the regiment headquarters, and the regiment headquarters will follow the regiment headquarters.

Battalion operation. Get out of here."

"Yes." Several people responded in unison and turned to leave.

The somewhat crowded group headquarters suddenly became more spacious.

He took out a cigarette from the desk and lit it. Zhou Weiguo took a puff and looked at the people around him; "Next, let's wait for the situation with Xu Hu."

Xu Hu arrived during dinner the next morning.

Looking at the dusty Xu Hu who was wearing ordinary people's clothes and looking tired, Zhou Weiguo pointed to the position above: "Rest first, take a breath, and talk after eating."

Needless to say, Zhou Weiguo said that Xueyi had already gone out to bring the meal the moment Xu Hu came back.

"Wash your face and you will wake up." Xueyi and Xu Hu got some hot water and said with a smile after putting down the rice.

After wiping his face, Xu Hu at least didn't let Xueyi pour him water. He got up and went out to pour the water back and sit down to eat.

After eating, he naturally went to pick up the cigarettes placed on the table, but when he saw Xueyi's sharp look, he withdrew his hand.

Zhou Weiguo looked at it but didn't say anything. He was so angry that he, Takeshita Jun and Jiang Yue started to smoke.

Xu Hu's eyes shone, but...

"Okay, for the sake of the leader, I'm allowed to smoke one today."

Zhou Weiguo chuckled and threw one over, taking out an unopened packet and throwing it on the table.

"Captain, please stop tempting me." It felt so uncomfortable to look at the cigarette but not be able to take it.

Zhou Weiguo crossed his arms and hummed, "If you want love, you always need to pay something."

"Yes, your leader is right, love requires sacrifice."

Xu Hu and Takeshita Jun were also familiar with each other, and he snorted: "How dare you speak such big words here? You don't even dare to bring matches when you go to the bathroom."


Jiang Yue sat on the edge and listened quietly. He felt that Yamada Jing was kind to him.

"Okay, let's not talk about the issue of being afraid of my wife. Let's talk about the situation in Tianjia Town."

Xu Hu took a puff of his cigarette happily, and then took out a piece of paper from the pocket of the tattered civilian clothes that he found from nowhere: "Captain, this is their troop deployment plan."

When he got down to business, several people looked over for a moment, but the paper was too small to allow their heads to get close to it.

Xiao Ya could only sigh when she saw the appearance of several men. She walked over and reached out to take the note and looked at them sideways. "I don't have a map for you. It's not clear on the map. We have to meet here."


Tian Jing smiled on the side, and the two of them walked to the table with a map next to it. They marked the situation brought by Xu Hu with a pencil on it in three strokes.

"Okay. Come and take a look." Xiao Ya put the pencil aside and pointed.

Zhou Weiguo, Jiang Yue and Zhuxia Jun immediately came to the map.

At this glance, it is clear.

Next to Tianjia Town, there is a river passing right in front. The entire town follows the direction of the river and looks to both sides in a long and narrow way. A stone arch bridge is the only way to enter Tianjia Town.

The Japanese army deployed two heavy machine gun positions at the head of the bridge, one on the left and one on the right opposite the bridge, and another heavy machine gun position on a brick building at the back.

Nearly two hundred meters across the river, there are two medium-sized highlands and a hillside of nearly one hundred meters. The opponent divided a brigade's troops into two and deployed them on them.

"It's Pinzi deployment again." Zhou Weiguo felt a little headache looking at this defensive array.

This kind of defense will never bring good results to the attacking side.

Wherever you attack, he can quickly reinforce you. If you attack the left, he will reinforce the right. If you attack the right, he will reinforce the left. If both sides are encountered, the troops inside him will come out.

"The military order has been issued, and we are no longer in control of him. Even if the other party has gods, we will kill him."

Jiang Yue stretched out her finger and pointed at Tianjiazhen.

The arrow was on the string and had to be fired.

Zhou Weiguo also hummed, pulled up a stool, sat down and pointed, "Tell me how to fight."

Takeshita Shun took out a cigarette from the side and lit it to divide the river; "If we want to attack Tianjia Town, we must first control these two mountainous areas, and at the same time, we must interrupt the opponent's reinforcements."

Interrupt the opponent's reinforcements?

Thinking of this, Xiao Ya took out a pencil from the side and drew a cross on the stone arch bridge; "The only way is to blow up this place."

Blow up.

Tian Jing narrowed her eyes and looked at it; "But in this way, even if our army has captured two positions, but the stone bridge is blown up, how will our army attack Tianjia Town?"

Zhou Weiguo said nothing.

He just wants to listen to everyone's opinions now and then decide what to do next.

Jiang Yue picked up the teapot, looked at the map and tapped it; "Can you attract his troops out? After they come out, let the special forces blow up the stone bridge and terminate his reserve reinforcements. Wait for our army to occupy this place."

Then, use artillery and machine guns to seal off a section of the area and force the area to attack."

Is this plan feasible?

Zhou Weiguo took out a cigarette from the side and lit it.

As the leader, he needs to find the most beneficial plan from these suggestions to implement.

Secret service?

Zhou Weiguo's eyes gradually narrowed into a slit.

Takeshita Jun pressed his hands on the edge of the table. He thought about Tianjiazhen for a long time, and finally looked at Zhou Weiguo in front of him; "Weiguo, I personally think Jiang Yue's suggestion is very reasonable."

The equipment of the special agent group is no worse than that of the Japanese army, and even in terms of heavy weapons advantage, it is better than the opponent's entire regiment. The only thing lacking is actually the lack of air superiority.

The Tsumugi Regiment has lost some of its troops. Doesn't he have a regiment now? If they gather together, they may be in trouble. They can deploy them separately. If the bridge is blown up, the troops in the town will not be able to get through.

The special agent group, which has the advantage of heavy weapons, can completely take advantage of the weapons to eliminate the two mountain troops, block the river, and force the crossing of the river, which is less than 70 meters wide.

The powerful firepower advantage is not something he can withstand.

"I know this is a good idea, but what I'm worried about is another thing." Zhou Weiguo saw everyone looking at him and waiting for a decision. He put out the cigarette and pointed his hand at one place; "This, what I'm worried about is


(End of chapter)

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