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Chapter 85 The Woman on the Battlefield

Chapter 85 Women on the battlefield

Author: little instructor

Chapter 85 Women on the battlefield

Fang Shengli kept Xu Hu to serve as a bodyguard for him. But the problem is that he currently has Li Erwa, who has been following him for several months. He can't let the second child join the army because he likes the new and dislikes the old.

Xu Hu is capable, and his ability does not stop at just being a guard. Such a person goes to the army to undergo training so that he can command more troops in the future.

"Okay, battalion commander, I'll go right away." Xu Hu didn't object. He knew that there are mountains outside the mountains. He was indeed capable, but who could become the battalion commander's guard?

It would be too bad. He would not do anything like a bird occupying a dove's nest.

All night long, troops were evacuating to the rear. The chaotic footsteps did not allow Zhou Weiguo to get a peaceful rest. It was not until dawn that the chaotic footsteps, the sounds of car motors and horse hooves gradually came to an end.

"Er baby, bring me the clothes, let's go out." Zhou Weiguo sat up from the ammunition box covered with blankets.

Li Erwa, who was sitting on the edge of the table with her arms folded to serve as a pillow, raised her head and saw Zhou Weiguo's tired face and was a little worried; "Battalion Commander, you didn't sleep well after the large army marched all night. Now there are no troops, what are you doing?"


While talking, he took the general's coat and put it on Zhou Weiguo.

Zhou Weiguo put on his clothes and stood up, took the helmet from Erwa and put it on; "The large troops have evacuated. The Japanese army will come soon. I'm not worried. I have to check the position again."

After walking out of the bunker, Zhou Weiguo discovered that the position was foggy. He couldn't see the situation more than ten meters away. It was all white. When he looked at the sky, it was also all white.

"Er baby, inform the troops that from now on, all soldiers are not allowed to sit on the ground or crawl on the ground. They must squat on the ground and don't crawl on the trench with their chests." Zhou Weiguo looked at the soldiers on the left and right who were walking or lying down, and pulled.

Next to Li Erwa.

Erwa raised his head slightly with a look of confusion in his eyes: "Batalion Commander, why is this?"

Zhou Weiguo lit a cigarette and took a puff; "In heavy fog, I don't know when the Japanese army will take action. Once they take action, it will definitely be naval guns and heavy artillery. Such heavy firepower has strong vibration and impact. Once the soldiers encounter a sudden attack, the explosion will cause

The shock would kill them on the spot."

Erwa turned around to convey the military order, but before Tuesday's child came back, there was a sound of pushing and shouting in the mist not far away, and among them, there seemed to be a woman's voice.

Zhou Weiguo looked in that direction and saw nothing, so he could only turn his head slightly and listen.

"Come on, come here alone and say you are not a Japanese spy. Are you bullying my three-year-old child?" A soldier seemed to push and shouted with a raised voice.

A delicate and gentle female voice, but with a voice that was definitely complaining and resentful, passed into my eardrums.

"I'm not a spy, I'm a reporter, I'm a reporter, and I'm here to interview."

"What do I care about you? You're sneaky. What if you're not a spy? Go see our battalion commander."

The conversation between you and me became closer and closer. Finally, a figure appeared from the mist. Two soldiers raised their rifles and escorted a woman over.

This woman was wearing a long curry-colored dress, and her hair was pulled back with a white hair tie. This look was somewhat similar to Xiao Ya, but Xiao Ya looked more beautiful.

He wore black boots under a pair of black trousers, and a light white sweater over a light white shirt.

Under the willow leaf beauty, there were a pair of big dissatisfied eyes, her face and lips were slightly white, and drops of water were seeping from her forehead. The pair of black leather shoes were stained with a lot of soil and weeds.

There is a black camera hanging on the arrogant chest.

"Battal Commander, we caught a spy." The soldier ran to Zhou Weiguo and looked back at the woman in her twenties who was still angry.

The stubborn woman turned back and glared at the soldier: "I am not a spy, I am a reporting reporter, a reporter who came to interview."

Declare a journalist?

Zhou Weiguo thought for a moment and motioned to the soldiers to go down, then stretched out his white-gloved hand: "Show me your ID."

A light green notebook was handed over, and Zhou Weiguo opened it. The photo was indeed of the girl with an oval face in front of him.

Looking down, the name in the column below is Zhang Qing, 21 years old, declared reporter.

"It turns out to be Reporter Zhang who made the declaration." Zhou Weiguo pointed to the bunker and motioned for her to go in. Li Erwa hadn't come in yet, so Zhou Weiguo could only pour a glass of cold water on the ground himself; "The position is simple and not as good as in the city, so let's make do with it.


The collar badge on Zhou Weiguo's chest allowed Zhang Qing to see his identity and name a long time ago.

Stretching out his pink hands and taking the military green teapot handed over by Zhou Weiguo, Zhang Qing put the teapot on his thin thigh with a smile and looked at Zhou Weiguo; "Thank you, Battalion Commander Zhou, I don't know Zhou Weiguo."

How does the battalion commander view the current situation?"

How to treat?

This question is not something he can answer. Zhou Weiguo waved his hands and said, "I don't know, I can only tell you. If the enemy does not withdraw for a day, I, Zhou Weiguo, and the officers and men of the secret service battalion will fight them bloody to the end, and will not stop until the death, for one year."

If you don’t retreat, fight for one year, and if you don’t retreat for ten years, fight for ten years.”

Zhang Qing took out a black notebook and quickly recorded it.

After asking many questions, Zhou Weiguo patiently explained, but he looked outside the bunker from time to time.

This made Zhang Qing a little confused and pointed outside with a arrogant pout, "Why does Battalion Commander Zhou always look outside? Is he unwilling to be interviewed by me?"

This is not the case, Zhou Weiguo waved his finger and pointed outside; "It's dawn and the fog has dispersed, so the Japanese army may attack." He stood up, straightened his military uniform and looked at Zhang Qing, who had wide eyebrows and big eyes in front of him;

"Don't interview me. Go interview my soldiers. Maybe they will let you get more things."

Zhou Weiguo pointed to the trench where the fog was gradually dissipating outside.

Zhang Qing put away his notebook and went out with a hum.

The position suddenly became more active because of her arrival, but Zhou Weiguo looked at the dissipated fog and called Li Erwa beside him, then pointed to Zhang Qing who was taking pictures with the soldiers not far away; "Erwa

, send reporter Zhang off. This is a battlefield, she has no experience in dealing with it, and something could happen easily."

Li Erwa sighed and was about to leave.

The sudden sound of cracking in the air rang in my ears.

"Hidden, enemy field artillery." Zhou Weiguo shouted loudly and ran desperately to where Zhang Qing was.


The shells that landed on the ground blew up the soil seven to eight meters high.

Damn it, Zhou Weiguo cursed. He had already seen Zhang Qing trembling with fear from the explosion, and the soldiers who were surrounding her just now had long since disappeared.

Zhou Weiguo hurriedly bent forward and grabbed Zhang Qing, who was already squatting on the ground with his face pale and bewildered: "Follow me."

(End of chapter)

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