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Chapter 927 You have to have a bottom line for your naivety

Chapter 927 Even if you are naive, you must have a bottom line

Author: little instructor

Chapter 927 Even if you are naive, you must have a bottom line


When Ozawa saw Minami Yunzi's appearance, he did not say the content directly, but walked to her side and said, "Sir, could you please persuade your family to stop chasing Miss Linzi?"


Nan Zao Yunzi raised his head slightly: "Could it be that person?"

Ozawa looked at the thing in his hand again and handed it to Minami Yunzi.

Out of curiosity, Nanzo Yunzi, who was already tired, took over the letter.

If you are being chased, you Nan Zaojia will not have an easy time. But there is another sentence below, but it is full of complaints.

Sister, you really are here to hunt me down.

It's my sister's handwriting, but the one above is completely another person's.

Do you think I want to kill you? Nanzo Yunzi sighed and looked at Ozawa before saying, "Let's go back to Shanghai."

Back in Shanghai, Ozawa raised his eyes and looked at Nanzo Yunzi.

Nan Zao Yunzi let out a breath; "There is no chance. Now that my sister has found out, I have no chance to kill her. Not to mention, there is Zhou Weiguo next to him, so I have no chance."

After tidying up her clothes, Nanzo Yunzi looked at the puzzled Ozawa; "If I don't leave, I will be the one who dies. Do you think that the moment I came to Wuhan and was discovered by my sister, she wouldn't know that I was there?"

What is the purpose of coming?"

If you don't know this, then you are not your sister.

"Sir, you mean that she will attack you in the future, not as your sister, but as your enemy."

"Yes." Nanzo Yunzi was helpless, but she had to admit that all this was true.

The family's harsh family rules and the patriarch's intolerance are destined to turn the two sisters against each other.

"Sir, if this is the case, I'm afraid we really have to evacuate."

After saying this, Nan'ao Yunzi squinted his eyes and looked at Ozawa in confusion and asked, "Do you have any news?"

"Sir, according to the news, during the first explosion, Shigeru Miyamoto of the Wuhan Garrison Command appeared nearby and took away a man and a woman. He said that these two people were his subordinates."

"Tell Heimu and General Di Li that there is no need to mobilize troops to come in. Nan Zaolinzi has already left."

Miyamoto Shigeru, this person was Takeshita Jun's subordinate. After Takeshita Jun betrayed them, they also suffered from neglect. The military career was completely over.

If he were Miyamoto Shigeru, he could continue like this until the end of his military career and then return to his homeland, but Di Li asked him to arrest his sister. I'm afraid he also knows that the person behind his sister is not something he can do

He couldn't afford to provoke her, and coupled with his deep friendship with Takeshita Jun, he was afraid that his sister would have already moved away by now.

You can't find her in a closed place, let alone in other places.

At the Wuhan Garrison Headquarters, Di Li didn't believe it when he learned about Miyamoto Shigeru's rebellion. After all, he was his subordinate. However, when the adjutant told him that he could no longer contact Miyamoto Shigeru, even the team said that Miyamoto Shigeru had betrayed him.

When Benmao went out and didn't come back, Di Li started to get angry in the office.

But at this point, he had no choice but to order the troops preparing to enter the city to withdraw to their original places and wait.

The city of Wuhan, which had been under lockdown for several days, finally lifted martial law.

Zhou Weiguo and the others entered Wuhan City on the second day after martial law was lifted.

The special nature of his identity prevented him from going to a hotel. Instead, he found a slum and spent a few silver dollars to get two rooms.

At the moment when it got dark, Zhou Weiguo turned the dagger in his hand for a while, then raised his wrist to check the time, then lazily got up and went to the next room and smiled at the two people sitting on the bed talking; the moon was dark and the wind was high,

It's a good day for a date, you two, who will go out with me to drive down the road?"

Kobayashi Keiko looked at the dagger in Zhou Weiguo's hand, made a slight cut sound, and fell directly onto the bed, pulling the quilt over it.

When Nan Zaolinzi saw the dagger emitting cold light, she knew that she was going out to make trouble, and she was just doing nothing. Adding to her current hatred for this place, she stood up and put on a coat; "I'll go out with you."


Zhou Weiguo looked at Nan Zolinzi's set of cheongsam and frowned slightly before saying, "Sister, you must have a bottom line for your naivety. You go out wearing this outfit because you dislike the Japanese army for not being able to catch you. I can tell you.

, if the Japanese army discovers or overtakes me, I will definitely run away first."

Nan Zaolinzi looked at his clothes and felt a little embarrassed for a moment. He didn't prepare any other clothes.

Zhou Weiguo rolled his eyes and turned back to his room, pulled out a set of clothes and threw them to Nan Zuolinzi; "Come, put them on, I will take you to see something today."

Xiaolin Huizi didn't say anything at the side, waiting for the two of them to prepare to go out. She turned sideways and looked at Zhou Weiguo, saying, "Bring me a roast chicken, remember."

After all, Wuhan is a big city. Although the martial law was lifted yesterday, it is already bustling with people today. You can see people wandering around and small vendors selling goods on the streets.

"Where will you take me?" Nan Zaolinzi asked, somewhat confused, as he kept walking but didn't know the place.

Zhou Weiguo turned his head and looked at Nan Zuolinzi and hummed, "As a woman, although you are a high-tech person, I think you haven't been to the land of fireworks yet."

"I'm crazy. Even if I don't have self-esteem, I still won't go to that place. Also, don't think of me as that kind of flirtatious woman. Do you really think that I will do anything for information?"

You look down on the loyalty of your people too much."

"Auntie, be gentle. You really want to die. Don't pull me away."

Zhou Weiguo wanted to cover Nan Zuolinzi's mouth, but when he thought it was inappropriate, he could only lower his voice and ask her to shut her mouth. Then he went to a small stall selling chaos and asked for two bowls of chaos.

It's chaos again. I remember that Zhou Weiguo was in chaos when he came out, and now it's chaos again. Nan Zaolinzi doesn't know whether this is because Zhou Weiguo likes to eat it, or because it's cheap.

"You are a rich man, can you be more generous and take people shopping or something? You can treat me to this."

Zhou Weiguo raised his eyes and looked at Nan Zuolinzi and sighed, "I think Xiao Ya and Tian Jing are happy, they like to eat this."

Nan Zuolinzi frowned and didn't say anything. She just ate the Chaos in her hand with a spoon. After finishing the Chaos one night, she looked up at Zhou Weiguo and saw that Zhou Weiguo drank all the soup. She tapped the cup slightly.

Table; "You won't really take me somewhere."

Zhou Weiguo took out the money and gave it to him, got up and came to Nan Zuolinzi; "You don't really think I'm taking you out to pave the road, do you?"

Looking at Zhou Weiguo's treacherous smile, Nan Zaolinzi stood up helplessly and followed Zhou Weiguo who was already walking forward; "Aren't you afraid that I will go back and tell your two wives that you took a weak woman to a brothel?"

Weak woman? Zhou Weiguo looked at Nan Zaolinzi, who was almost the same height as himself; "How did you say this?"

(End of chapter)

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