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Chapter 581 Xuantian Sword Talisman, successive swords

Give him the token.

Gu Han gave a few more instructions and returned to the quiet room again.

Look at the gold seal.

He sighed softly.

Thousand nights.

This time, you must wake up!


Also at this time.

He saw the cyan-gray sword talisman floating quietly in the deepest part of his consciousness space.

A thought came into my mind.

The simple sword talisman trembled slightly and instantly fell into his hand. Previously, this sword talisman absorbed a ray of his blood and identified the identity of his sword head, and then stayed in his consciousness space in this way.

Inside, and since he took over the position of sword leader, he has never taken a good look at the sword talisman.

Also at this time.

Chongming sensed the breath of the sword talisman and walked in from outside.

For a while.

No one spoke a word, and there was a hint of reminiscence and sadness in their eyes, as if they were recalling that stalwart figure in white.

"Chicken Lord."

After a moment, Gu Han suddenly said: "The divine general in the God-killing Formation should still be alive, right?"

"What are you going to do!"


Gu Han said nothing and slowly narrowed his eyes.


Chongming said seriously: "With your current strength, don't even think about it! He asked you to take over as the sword leader, but he had no intention of letting you take revenge! After all, you should be regarded as the last sword leader of Xuantian Sword Sect and the last successor.

If you are here, the Xuantian Sword Sect will be here; if you die, the Xuantian Sword Sect will be completely dead!"

"Live well and don't let his wish come true!"

"Chicken Lord."

Gu Han sighed, "When you stole the fish, you didn't want me to live well. If the president wasn't a reasonable person..."


Not only do you have to pay for the dog, but you might also have to pay for it with a chicken!


Chongming was a little embarrassed, "Take a good look at this sword talisman. All the magical powers and secret techniques of the Xuantian Sword Sect are in it. It may be of some use to you."

Put away your mind.

Gu Han then studied the sword talisman carefully.

As the head of a sword.

Naturally, he had already refined the sword talisman, connected with it, and soon discovered something unusual.

In fact.

As a symbol of the identity of the sword head, and the second most important treasure after the one-word sword tablet, this sword talisman is naturally not as simple as it seems on the surface.

Like a magic weapon.

But it is different from ordinary magic weapons.

Ordinary magic weapons cannot be stored in the consciousness space at all, not even his black sword.


Check it out.

But he discovered another extraordinary thing about this sword talisman. In addition to its extremely hard texture, there was actually a vast space inside the sword talisman. At the edge, there seemed to be endless chaos arising and dying. Regardless of its size or toughness, it was all different.

It's far from comparable to the storage ring. I really need to compare...

It is very similar to the small world in Longjian!

Even if it is him.

I thought it would be impossible to destroy it at all!


He suddenly thought of what Xiao Yang said before, "No...it seems there is something missing."

Compare with Long Jian.

The space within this sword talisman does not seem to have fully evolved. At least the dragon mirror can take people in, but this space cannot.

"Taobao or something."

"Master Chicken doesn't know."

Chongming shook his head and said: "Actually, this thing was not a magic weapon at the beginning. It was just used by that fool to fool people. But before you, those sword heads kept using their own sword power to nourish them. Gradually, this

The thing became spiritual, and finally in Xiaoyun's hands, it became what it is now."


Gu Han stopped talking.

He had already heard Xiao Yang say that the creation of Taoist treasures is rare, and there are almost no Taoist treasures that are acquired the day after tomorrow! But it can transform an ordinary mortal object into a living thing with the power of the sword.

An existence close to the Taoist treasure... How powerful and amazing are the sword intentions of those sword heads!


Can withstand the sword intent of those sword heads.

The texture of the sword talisman itself must be so hard!

"Chicken Lord."

He was a little curious, "Where did the ancestor get the materials for making this sword talisman?"

Chongming looked at him sideways and asked, "What do you think?"

Gu Han blinked.

This sword talisman is green and black in color...it looks a bit like stone.

"Could it be..."

He swallowed, "Is it a sword monument?"

"Good eyesight."

"How did you get it off?"

"Chopped off!"

When this was mentioned, Chongming became angry, "It was that fool who did it! I didn't even discuss it with Master Ji! Because of this, Master Ji was so angry that he couldn't sleep for three years!"

Gu Han:......

It’s so narrow! It’s so narrow!

It turns out that the founder is the one who hides his secrets!

Press the admiration in your heart.

He put the half of the Red Dust Sword, the golden jade talisman, and the token given by the ghost doctor that he had kept with Chongming all at once into the space inside the sword talisman. After all, the storage ring does not hold things.

Insurance is far inferior to this extremely hard sword talisman.

Finish this.

He suddenly became very interested in the Patriarch and the other eight sword masters, and carefully observed the secret magic power in the sword talisman.

not much.

There are only more than ten species.


The kendo techniques collected here are all carefully selected by each sword master. In their eyes, those that can be preserved in sword talismans are naturally the top kendo techniques in the world. If any one is spread, it can be

Make countless sword cultivators in the world go crazy!


This is the sword intention that the ninth sword master and the Xuantian Patriarch each comprehended.

The top one.

It is the swordsmanship practiced by the Patriarch Xuantian.

Stupid sword!

These two words are what catch the eye.

Gu Han twitched the corner of his mouth, "Stupid Jian, this name is..."

he thinks.

The name is a bit sloppy and a bit ugly.

"Isn't it strange?"

Chong Ming rolled his eyes, "It's called Stupid Jian because that fool is really stupid, has poor aptitude, and is still stubborn. Others can figure out something in front of the sword monument, but he is the only one who almost hugged me."

I slept with the sword tablet in my hand, but I still couldn’t figure it out!”


Gu Han didn't believe it at all, "If he didn't realize something, how could the Patriarch be able to cut off the sword tablet?"


Chongming thought for a while, "Unable to figure it out, he came up with a very stupid way, which was to imitate the trajectory of the sword mark, and then practiced day and night. I don't know how many years he practiced.

How many swords must I swing before I can learn one sword? Of course, I can only learn this one sword."


Gu Han stood in awe.

The opposite of Chongming.

Not only did he not feel that Patriarch Xuantian was not qualified, but he was deeply impressed by his perseverance.

Although you only have one sword, you can practice it for thousands of years, thousands of years, swing the sword hundreds of thousands, millions of times, practice it until this sword becomes instinctive, practice this sword to the extreme...then this sword will be invincible!

"Ancestor, he..."

“What a perfect example of a late bloomer!”

He suddenly felt that the name Benjian was not unpleasant at all, "Benjian... this name is so good!"

"Is it?"

Chongming was a little proud, "It was also taken by Chicken Master."

Gu Han;…

So sloppy!

The real hidden secret turns out to be Mr. Chicken!

"Master Ji, where are you from?"


"Where's the supernatural power?"

"Some are self-created, and some are suddenly remembered."

"for example……"

Gu Han's heart moved and he asked curiously: "What about the powerful Tianlong move?"


A trace of confusion flashed in Chongming's eyes, and he murmured to himself, "I seem to have learned it from Xiao Chong, and the mighty Burning Sky move, I learned it from Xiao Niao..."



A trace of sadness suddenly flashed in Chongming's eyes, "They are all... dead."


Gu Han sighed and stopped asking.


Chongming thought for a moment and said, "That senior sister of yours seems to have the breath of a bird on her body."

Gu Han's heart moved.

He already knew that Feng Xi was closely related to the legendary Shi Feng.

Could it be...

He blinked.

The little bugs and birds that Mr. Chicken talks about...could they be the ancestral dragon and the first phoenix?


How long did you have to live?

Still too narrow-minded!

It seems that Mr. Chicken... is also a chicken with only stories!

This chapter has been completed!
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