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Chapter 95: I am a quack doctor

"Ah! The miracle doctor... Where is the miracle doctor? The miracle doctor..." Uncle Biao was overjoyed and let go of Meng Lianggon and shouted loudly.

"Uncle Biao...Uncle Biao...this is Shiro's sworn brother. His medical skills are first-rate." Meng Lianggon took Ma Hanshan's hand and said to Uncle Biao, "Uncle Biao, is dad still in the bedroom..."

"Oh...he is a miracle doctor...and...he is a bit too young..." Uncle Biao was greatly disappointed. However, since the young master said he was a miracle doctor and also the young master's sworn brother, even though he was disappointed, he did not dare to say more. Nonsense, he bowed to Ma Hanshan and led them into the house. As he walked, he said, "Silang, the east bedroom of the general's main house..."

Ma Hanshan led Shen Hua and Qi Nanyue to the main room with Uncle Biao Meng Lianggon. Uncle Biao motioned for them to wait in the hall, announced loudly, and then led Meng Lianggon into Meng Zhong's bedroom.

Ma Hanshan politely found a place to sit down, and as soon as he took out his pipe, he heard Meng Lianggon's "heart-breaking" howl. While filling the tea cigarette, he shook his head slightly and thought, oh, what a show for my sworn brother. That's not bad. Your father is not dead yet. Why are you howling so loudly?

In his previous life, he had never stayed at home since he was a child, and he had no brothers or sisters in this life. Of course, he would not know that in a family with many brothers and sisters, acting is a basic life skill. If you don't act, you may not get a share in anything.

Although the Meng family was very strict in their upbringing, and Meng Zhong did not take any concubines, and they treated the four Meng Lianggon brothers equally, but the overt and covert fights between the brothers were still indispensable.

Especially for him, a "disobedient son". If he couldn't act, he didn't listen to Meng Zhong's instructions, and dared to abandon literature and join martial arts. Moreover, he never achieved any results in martial arts, and he would have been beaten to death long ago.

Ma Hanshan was smoking leisurely. After a while, Meng Lianggon came out, followed by three men and a woman. Without any introduction, Ma Hanshan guessed that these three should be Meng Lianggon's brothers. The woman should be It's his mother.

"Brother..." As soon as Meng Lianggon spoke, Ma Hanshan stood up, bowed to the charming middle-aged woman and called her aunt, then stretched out his hand to the three men and said, "Brother Meng, you don't need to introduce me. If I If you guessed it right, these three must be brothers. Hello brothers, I am Ma Hanshan...can I shake hands?"

"Three brothers, this is the handshake ceremony from Hanshan's hometown... They shake hands when they meet there, which means they clasp their fists and bow to us..." Meng Lianggon introduced.

Normally, although Ma Hanshan and Meng Lianggon were sworn sworn friends, when they met his family for the first time, they would normally be called by their honorific titles. However, in order to quickly get closer to the Meng family, Ma Hanshan directly called him brother and aunt. The best thing is that it is cooked by itself.

Meng Lianggon's three brothers shook hands with Ma Hanshan and then stood aside. Mrs. Meng stepped forward and asked Ma Hanshan: "Can Xiao Lang heal his wounds?"

"Have dabbled a little bit." Ma Hanshan actually also hesitated.

"Can you heal the general's injury?" Mrs. Meng asked.

"Of course, otherwise, why would I come?" Ma Hanshan straightened up and said, "Auntie, brothers, don't waste your time, take me to see the general's injury."

"Wait...you...can you really heal?" Meng Liangjing, the elder of the Meng family, said as he stood in front of Ma Hanshan.

"Xiao Shu'er." Ma Hanshan's expression turned ugly, he glanced at Meng Liangjing and said in a deep voice.

Huh, your uncle, you dare not trust me. Do you think I can heal anyone's injuries? If your father is not a general or a second-grade official, you can spend thousands of gold to see if you can tempt me.

"Which national player did Brother Ma learn from?" Meng Liangjing continued to ask.

We can't blame Meng Liangjing for doing this. His father was a second-rank official in the dynasty and a well-known general. This time he left the capital to take office, but there were thieves plotting against him not far from the capital, which proved that some people didn't want his father to take the post.

This position. Therefore, he had to be careful. It was related to his father's life and even the fate of the country. He would never let a stranger approach his father casually.

"Brother...he is my adopted brother...he is loyal, loyal and chivalrous all over the world. You...do you suspect that he will be harmful to his father?" Meng Lianggon couldn't stand it.

"He is your adopted brother and our younger brother. However, my father is in the national destiny, so I have to be careful." Meng Liangjing looked at Ma Hanshan and replied to Meng Lianggon.

Ma Hanshan smiled and said to Meng Lianggon: "Brother Meng, do you know what is the funniest thing? It is the funniest thing like this. The real enemy does not find the real enemy, but wastes time and delays treatment on his own people.

Oh, forget it, I can’t treat this injury.”

This is unreasonable. When has Master Ma Dazhai ever been wronged like this? Even if the person waiting for treatment is the emperor, he will throw away anyone who treats him like this. If he doesn't throw away his sleeves now, he has already given Meng Lianggon face.


He had to give this face. Although he was angry, he could not break off the relationship with Meng Lianggon, nor could he let it go.

"Mother, I guarantee Ma Xiandi with my life...Mother...the longer the delay is, the more dangerous my father's injury will be. I just found that the muscles around the wound have become hot. Xiandi has told the child that if the wound starts to become red and hot,

It means that the wound is infected and will become inflamed. If the wound becomes ignited and suppurates, the trouble will be big." Meng Lianggon turned to Mrs. Meng and said.

"This..." Mrs. Meng was in trouble. Her husband's injury could not be delayed, but what the eldest son said was very reasonable and could not be careless. After all, they did not understand Brother Ma.

"Mother, I suggest you wait until Dr. Xu arrives. There is news from the hospital that Dr. Xu is on his way back." Meng Liangying's third brother Meng Liangying said.

"Hmph, didn't several royal doctors come here this morning and yesterday? Do they have any solution? Do you know that no matter what medicine you take, it will be useless until the arrow is pulled out? When the rust poison on the arrow enters the blood,

It's too late." Meng Lianggon said loudly, "I don't believe in those quack doctors. I believe in Brother Ma Xian. Get out of the way. I will take Brother Ma to heal my father's injuries."

Meng Liangjing wanted to take Ma Hanshan into the bedroom, but Meng Liangjing and the others did not allow Ma Hanshan to enter... During the confrontation, Uncle Biao suddenly shouted from the hospital that Dr. Xu was here.

"Silang, stop arguing. Doctor Xu is here. Take the doctor in quickly to treat your father's injuries." Mrs. Meng shouted.

"Hmph, Dr. Xu is good at acupuncture, but I haven't heard that he can also treat trauma." Meng Lianggon said angrily.

"Haha, Shiro, Xu is indeed good at acupuncture, but that doesn't mean he can't treat trauma. Quickly take me to treat the general's wounds." As soon as the light at the door dimmed, an uncle in his forties came in. The uncle was wearing a t-shirt.

The moon-white gown, with its big waving sleeves, and the long beard that flutters in the wind on her chin, makes her look chic and elegant.

That's right, the one who came in was Xu Xi, the youngest famous doctor from Dasong.

Ma Hanshan ignored Xu Xi's appearance and took a look at the other person's face. He found that his face was rosy, his eyes were shining, his voice was like a bell, and his steps were steady. He couldn't help but secretly praise this uncle's good physical fitness.

"Doctor Xu, I am not trying to offend you. Are you really sure that you can take out the hooked arrow from my father's body? Are you really sure that removing the arrow can stop the bleeding and heal the wound? The location where my father was hit by the arrow,

One is the shoulder position, and the other is the left leg. The left leg should be easier to handle because it is full of muscles, but the shoulder position is troublesome. According to my observation, the arrow has penetrated deep into the bone seam, and the tendons at this position are

Rich, if I accidentally broke the tendon, my father's right arm would be useless. A general's right arm can no longer use his strength, and he can't use his sword. Is it still interesting for him to be a general?" Meng said.

Liang Gong didn't know why, so he decided that no one else could cure it, and only his sworn brother Ma Hanshan could cure it. Ma Hanshan, who was standing next to him, had mixed feelings in his heart, "Boss, I'm a quack doctor, I can't even take a pulse."

"Shiro, as a doctor who treats diseases, I can't comment on the patient without examining the patient. How about I examine the general's injuries and then discuss the treatment plan?" Although Xu Xi is the youngest famous doctor, he has a surprisingly good temper.

When Meng Lianggon questioned him like this, he was not angry at all.

"Okay, then please." Meng Lianggon stepped aside and everyone surrounded Xu Xi into Meng Zhong's bedroom. Meng Lianggon pulled Ma Hanshan and followed him into the bedroom.

Fortunately, although the Meng Mansion was not luxurious, the rooms were still quite large, and it did not seem crowded when so many people entered. Therefore, no one noticed that Ma Hanshan also came in.

In fact, Mrs. Meng saw Ma Hanshan come in, but she felt that since her son admired this older boy so much, maybe he had something special, so it would be okay to let him come in for a look. She believed that even if Ma Hanshan was not good at medical skills, he should

Not a bad person either.

In fact, the Meng family is considered very enlightened. Ma Hanshan's clothes are so strange that if he went to the homes of those sour and rotten Confucian scholars who always carried out their ancestral family laws and carried out the instructions of saints, he would not even be able to enter.

Xu Xi was checking Meng Zhong's injury. Ma Hanshan looked from a distance and found that the place where Meng Zhong was hit by the arrow was indeed slightly red. He could tell without touching it that the area around the wound should start to heat up.

Redness and heat are signs of infection. If it is not treated, it will become inflamed. Once inflamed, it will be troublesome.

"The general's wound is indeed getting worse. Madam, as for the major generals, I suggest you pull out the arrow immediately." Xu Xi said after checking.

"Haha, everyone knows, Doctor Xu, but the problem is, as long as the arrow is pulled out, the underbuckle on the arrow sticks out and gets stuck. How to pull it out? How can I force it out regardless of my father's pain?

Even if my father is not afraid of pain, pulling out like this will bring out a piece of flesh. That wound...Does Dr. Xu have a way to stop the bleeding and let it heal?" Meng Lianggon always questioned Xu Xi's inability to treat this injury.

"There is a way to prevent the general from feeling pain, but to be honest, there is no absolute certainty that pulling out the arrow will stop the bleeding and allow the wound to heal. Shiro is right, this kind of arrow is very poisonous. Pull the arrow out and give it to the injured

The secondary injury was much greater than the damage caused by the arrow, and the wound was too big and deep... Shiro, you keep asking me, did you have something to do?" Xu Xi indeed has a big heart and is "not ashamed to ask".

"I can't help it, but my foster brother can. He is a miracle doctor." Meng Langgon pulled Ma Hanshan to Xu Xi and said, "I think that by cooperating with Dr. Xu and my foster brother, my father will be able to recover quickly."


"General... Madam... what do you think?" Xu Xi glanced at Ma Hanshan, but she didn't dislike Ma Hanshan's youth, and turned to ask Meng Zhong who was lying on the bed.

"Okay... let Shiro's adopted brother assist Dr. Xu to heal this general... quickly..." Meng Zhong was so dizzy from the pain that he didn't care who Meng Lianggon's adopted brother was.

"If the general wants to recover, he should let Dr. Xu be my assistant to heal the general." Ma Hanshan finally spoke.

This chapter has been completed!
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