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Chapter 107: Is he arrogant?

"What kind of oil is the fuel for this lamp? Is it expensive? If this lamp oil is not expensive, this lamp will be an earth-shaking revolution in my Dasong lighting. This is unprecedented progress." After studying the air-dead wind lamp and large and small kerosene lamps,

Long Guangning sat back on the Jindun and asked Lu Wenkuan.

"Your Majesty, didn't you notice the fire stick I used to light the lamp just now?" Lu Wenkuan took out a lighter and lit it with a ding.

"Ah...this fire dumpling was also made by Ma Hanshan?" Long Guangning took the lighter from Lu Wenkuan's hand and said.

"Yes, he made it too. This thing is not called a fire discount, it's called a fire-water lighter, but these lamps are called fire-water lamps, fire-water gas dead wind lamps. They all use a kind of oil called fire-water.

The oil is slightly more expensive than the lamp oil we use. However, this kind of fire water is very durable. I have tested that the oil lamp we use can burn more oil for one night than the fire water lamp No. 2 can burn for one night.

The most important thing is that our current oil lamps are not only not as bright as this lamp, but also have cigarette butts..." Lu Wenkuan introduced the benefits of fire lamps and lighters one by one. He was definitely as professional and hard-working as a professional salesperson.

"Okay... okay... In that case, let's replace the fire and water lamps in the palace first... Oh, these lamps..." Long Guangning, the dignified king of the country, actually didn't care at all.

He doesn't want this either. Although Dasong is said to be the richest dynasty in thousands of years, only half of the country is left, and the population is not much smaller. It cannot withstand the continuous wars and annual indemnities. In the past two years, natural disasters have continued.

This left the national treasury empty and the internal government also faced difficulties in spending money.

Therefore, he, the emperor, had to learn to "save money and spend money". However, because of this, Long Guangning's thinking became more and more advanced, and he really knew how to care about the country and the people.

"Lamps are more expensive now. According to Ma Hanshan, many parts of these lamps now need to be made by hand. When his molds are made and the parts are made by machinery, the lamps will become cheaper." Ma Hanshan indeed said this.

Ren Cong said that Lu Wenkuan heard it with his own ears, so he copied it.

"Oh? How much is the more expensive one?" Long Guangning asked like a merchant.

"He said that the large fire water lantern is worth 2 taels of silver, the small one is 1 tael, the round angry wind lantern is 5 taels, and the square one is 4 taels." Lu Wenkuan glanced at Long Guangning and said, "The price is a bit expensive.

But the good news is that as long as these lamps don’t break, they should last a lifetime.”

A lifetime might be an exaggeration, but as long as they don't break, these fire and water lanterns will last for ten or twenty years without any problems.

"A load of fine rice for a small lamp is indeed a bit expensive for the common people." Long Guangning nodded and said, "What are the molds and machinery he is talking about?"

"Back to the emperor, I have never seen it. However, Ma Hanshan once explained to me that his machinery is driven by water to replace people's work. He said that currently he has developed a water-powered punch press and a water-powered forging press.

There will be a lot of water-powered machinery in the future... and molds are tools that turn copper sheets into accessories for lamps and lighters. From his description, it sounds like these things are very powerful. He said that a punch can be made in one day.

The work may be done by a hundred people for a month." Lu Wenkuan really didn't know what it was about, he just parroted it to Long Guangning.

"Hey, if what you said is true, then this kid is really a monster. Isn't his machine more powerful than Mr. Zhuge's Trojan horse?" Long Guangning was shocked again.

"This guy is indeed a monster... Your Majesty... Fan Zongzhi and Prefect Gai have ordered five thousand Xixia horses from that monster... Your Majesty, look..." Lu Wenkuan brought the topic back to the purchase of military horses. This time he came to Beijing.

They came just for the army and horses. Although the local Xiang army also had the right to purchase independently, Xiangfan had no money...

"No hurry... no rush, let's talk about that boy first... Lu Wenkuan, do you think that boy is a talent?" Long Guangning was unwilling to talk about military horses now.

"That kid is a genius, but if the emperor wants to control him, I'm afraid it's impossible. This kind of person will never be controlled by anyone." Lu Wenkuan said weakly. Although he is a reckless general, he has a good mind.

Yes, Long Guangning immediately knew what the emperor was thinking when he asked him this.

He suddenly realized that he had exaggerated Mahanshan too much. The emperor wanted to "take Mahanshan as his own". He would be happy if it were someone else, but he knew very well that Mahanshan would never be a slave.

"If such people are not controlled and go to other countries, wouldn't it be very detrimental to my praise?" Although Long Guangning is not a wise king, he is not a foolish king either. He knows that monsters like Ma Hanshan will be killed if they are caught.

Being used by an enemy country is definitely not a good thing for Dasong.

When Lu Wenkuan heard this, he was shocked, oh, damn, I am such a pig, why did Brother Ma say that he was so good? The emperor said this, and he had scruples in his heart. If he cannot be controlled, he will be destroyed.

If a genius is used by the enemy, his destructive power will definitely be more serious than hundreds of thousands of soldiers. As the king of a country, it is normal to think of destroying something if you can't get it.

"Well, judging from his dealings with Hu Bing, he should be a person who loves singing." Long Guangning pondered for a moment and then said, "How much does a military horse cost? How did he buy a horse despite the heavy blockade?

, do you know?" u



"Well, judging from his dealings with Hu Bing, he should be a person who loves singing." Long Guangning pondered for a moment and then said, "How much does a military horse cost? How did he buy a horse despite the heavy blockade?

, do you know?"

"The price of horses is a bit more expensive than that of Southwest horses. The Xixia horses and Northern Mongolian horses he provides are 120 taels, the Xiyili horses are 130 taels, and the Dawan horses are 400 taels." Lu Wenkuan was talking about the Mahan Mountain Crossing

Of course he would not dare to add a penny to the price given to the military.

"Oh, can he still get a Dawan horse? The sweat horse is only four hundred taels? Did he quote this price?" Long Guangning may not understand other things, but he understands horses.

"No, it's just a Dawan horse breed, not a sweat horse. He said that sweat horses can only be found but not sought. Even if it costs a thousand dollars, there is no guarantee that he can find it." Lu Wenkuan secretly peeked at Long Guangning's face and found out.

The emperor's face was calm and he was not moved by the price of the horse.

What does the emperor mean? Long Guangning was expressionless, but Lu Wenkuan felt uneasy.

"Ai Qing, you haven't said how he brought the horses in yet." Long Guangning walked a few steps in the palace and asked Lu Wenkuan, who was standing aside with his head bowed.

The emperor was standing, but of course his ministers could not sit down. Long Guangning stood up and walked around, while Lu Wenkuan could only stand up and stand aside with his head bowed.

"The horses he delivered were not transported into the country, but were only traded at the border. Moreover, the location of each transaction was uncertain, and all border lines were his trading locations. After handing the horses over to us at the border, he no longer took care of them.

"Lu Wenkuan responded.

"Oh? Trading at the border? What if the other party cheats?" Long Guangning said with a frown.

"Your Majesty, I think this deal is a good one." Long Guangning raised his voice and said, "Is Your Majesty worried that the enemy soldiers will take advantage of the opportunity? I don't think so. That kid is a monster, and he will definitely think of Your Majesty's worries.

Since he has thought about the problem, he will naturally take precautions, otherwise, wouldn't he be putting himself at the knife's edge?"

Lu Wenkuan really guessed it right. Of course Ma Hanshan would take precautions. If the barbarians were allowed to randomly break through the border, wouldn't they be killing themselves?

However, he didn't have a good way to prevent it. He could only ask Shen Lang to send more people to monitor Hu Bing's movements near the trading place. He also thought about whether the transaction should be fixed within Fuyang County, although he had not yet discussed it with Yelu.

Cai discussed it with Cai, but he felt it was impossible. Horses are different from other things. It is difficult to get thousands of horses to Fuyang County quietly. If he insists on trading in Fuyang County, the first transaction should be completed safely.

However, it will definitely bring big trouble to Cai Qingtu.

In Ma Hanshan's view, compared to Cai Qingtu's "security", the transaction of thousands of horses is not that important.

"Lu Wenkuan, you speak for that kid everywhere, are you taking advantage of him?" After thinking for a while, Long Guangning suddenly asked Lu Wenkuan.

"Back to the emperor, I... I will confiscate his benefits... I just conveyed the facts and had no other meaning." Lu Wenkuan was startled and quickly clasped his fists and bowed in salute.

"Really? You have nothing to do with him? Answer carefully, I, although I am in the deep palace, I know more than you think." Long Guangning asked again, very harshly.

"Chen... Chen and he are sworn brothers..." Lu Wenkuan was shocked and broke into a cold sweat. Finally, he had to explain his relationship with Ma Hanshan. He couldn't do it without explaining it. What if the emperor had known about it earlier?

It's hard to predict the king's heart. The wind and sunshine were just beautiful, but suddenly dark clouds covered the sky.

"Sworn brothers? That's not surprising." Long Guangning was still so serious.

"Your Majesty, although I am sworn to Ma Hanshan, I will never seek personal gain. The reason why I am sworn to him is actually just to let him send more horses to Xiangfan. Your Majesty, there is a shortage of horses on the front line. Jinghu controls the seven armies, and the soldiers

There are tens of thousands, and there are thousands of generals, but there are only two thousand qualified troops and horses. Your Majesty, once a war breaks out, how can our infantry resist Hu Gou's cavalry?" Lu Wenkuan clasped his fists and bowed and said loudly.

Da Song has many soldiers, but most of them are infantry. Donghu and Northern Mongolia are just the opposite. If Dong Hu and the northern border were not unstable now, they would have gone south long ago. If Da Song did not take this opportunity to replenish his cavalry,

Once a war starts, it will be really troublesome.

"Lu Qing, sit down and talk." Long Guangning suddenly regained his previous pleasant expression.

"I'd better answer the emperor's words standing up." How dare Lu Wenkuan sit down and speak.

"Then follow Lu Qing." Long Guangning also sat back on his dragon chair, looked at Lu Wenkuan in the hall and said, "I want to meet that monster, can Lu Qing arrange it?"

"Your Majesty, I think it's best not to see him, because that kid is a madman... I'm afraid that he might conflict with the Emperor without saying something..." Lu Wenkuan was sweating again. Damn it, this time the brother is in trouble, and the emperor is not so easy to see.


"Is he arrogant?" Long Guangning became even more interested.

"Yes... I'm a bit arrogant..." Lu Wenkuan could only say this.

"Chang Shan was wrong. That boy is indeed talented but not arrogant. However, it is true that he is a bit crazy..." Suddenly, a veteran general ran in from outside the palace, followed by a eunuch chasing him and asking General Wuwei to stay...
This chapter has been completed!
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