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Chapter 112: Bargain

In fact, Zhang Zi's asking price is quite reasonable. Lin'an Garden is worth about 4 million taels, and the five-six-mile-long and two-mile-wide land to the east of the garden is worth about 1.5 million to 2 million taels.

Between ten thousand taels of silver.

Of course, Mahanshan's counter-offer is also very reasonable, because Lin'an Garden is now haunted and its value has been greatly reduced.

"Boss Xiao Ma, is your counteroffer a bit low? Can you tell me the reason why you cut off more than one million taels?" When transaction taxes and other expenses are added together, Ma Hanshan indeed cut off more than one million taels.


Ma Hanshan smiled and said: "Zhang Caidong, you have forgotten that Lin'an Garden is haunted. To be honest, if Zhang Caidong's asking price was not more reasonable, I would have paid more. But your asking price is still reasonable, so

I just mean to cut it off a little bit. You have to understand that Lin'an Garden is vacant now. If no one lives in it for a period of time, the house will be completely dilapidated and worthless."

A house is very strange. The higher the popularity, the longer its quality period. Just look at the popular old houses with big surnames. Some of them are still very stable after a hundred or two hundred years. And some popular houses will soon be destroyed.

If a house is dilapidated and no one lives in it, it will deteriorate faster. Feng Shui masters classify this phenomenon as a feng shui problem. Because the feng shui is not good, there will be less people, so the house will deteriorate faster.

In fact, it has nothing to do with Feng Shui, but it does have something to do with geography. Any house that is not popular, that is to say, a house that is not crowded, either chooses a place where the house is built that is not ideal, such as a wind outlet, or

How can people live comfortably in a place where it is difficult to get water due to reasons such as opening the door and being blown by the wind or where water is a problem? Or, the location is well chosen, but the house is not well built, and the house is not well built, such as

The doors and windows are not opened in the right direction, and the sun rises and sets. How can people live comfortably?

If people don't live comfortably, the popularity will naturally disappear.

Without the popularity, all kinds of animals, big and small, will take over the house. Of course, a house without human protection will fall into disrepair very quickly.

Of course, Zhang Zi does not understand these principles. Like most people in this world, he firmly believes in the existence of ghosts and gods and the theory of Feng Shui. Therefore, when Ma Hanshan talked about hauntings, he had nothing to say.

Ma Hanshan was not in a hurry and slowly smoked his pipe, waiting for Zhang Zi's decision.

"Boss Xiao Ma, what are you...? Does swallowing cigarettes taste like that?" Zhang Zi noticed that Ma Hanshan was "smoking clouds and puffing smoke" in a very leisurely and comfortable manner, and he actually paid attention to it.

"This is a cigarette... fragrant... sweet... comfortable... do you want to take a few puffs?" Ma Hanshan doesn't mind cultivating the second smoker in the world.

"Ah? Is that okay?" Although Zhang Zi is already over 40 years old, he still maintains the good habits of a businessman and is curious about all new things.

"Of course, this can relieve anxiety and relax nerves... Of course, it can also refresh your mind when needed. In short, it has the same two properties as wine. You need it when you are happy, and you will think of it when you are sad.

Come on, take a few puffs and try, um, don’t be too hasty, slowly, take it as something substantial and hold it in your mouth..." Ma Hanshan handed the pipe to Zhang Zi.

The uncle Zhang Zi's enthusiasm for exploring the world was indeed no less than that of the young man. He actually took the pipe and followed Ma Hanshan's instructions, imitating the way he observed Ma Hanshan, and slowly took a puff of the cigarette...


"Haha, this thing is indeed wonderful, it is fragrant and sweet, and it can really soothe the nerves... Boss Pony, the price has been decided like this, but you have to give me this thing, oh, and these cigarette-burning things...

." It's really amazing. Zhang Zi turned out to be a natural smoker. He didn't choke on the first time he smoked, and he soon became a decent and full-fledged old smoker.

Zhang Zi agreed to the unit price, but he made a condition that made Ma Hanshan laugh or cry. He asked Ma Hanshan to give him a pipe and camellia cigarettes.

A copper pipe is not worth a few coppers, and the camellias are picked from the mountains... and they are actually related to a multi-million dollar business.

"Mr. Qi, ask someone to prepare pens, inks, paper and inkstones. Also, ask someone to ask for Ya Zi, and ask Boss Shen to come over. Tell Boss Shen that if he comes late, he will not be part of the Huoshuideng business.

." Ma Hanshan smiled and ordered Qi Nanyue.

"Yes, I'll go right away." Qi Nanyue left the box very simply, looking even happier than Ma Hanshan.

He was indeed very happy. He once again saw Ma Kanshan's negotiation skills, which made him admire him. If he was allowed to negotiate this matter, it would be difficult to get this price.

In fact, they had already discussed it before they came, and the highest price accepted by Mahanshan in Lin'an Park alone was three to five million taels. Now that there is so much land, it is only one and a half million taels, which is really worth it. You know, that

A lot of land is fertile, and there are many areas that have been rented out and built houses. If Zhang Zi wants to compensate them for their relocation, it will cost at least hundreds of thousands of taels of silver.

It's so worth it, but Qi Nanyue still hasn't figured out why Mahanshan bought such a large piece of land.

Of course, there is more to Ma Hanshan than this. Looking back, Qi Nanyue will be even more surprised and impressed.

"Zhang Caidong, the food and wine haven't been served yet, why don't we continue to discuss another business deal." Ma Hanshan squinted at Zhang Zi who was "smoking clouds" and said.

"Is there another business?" Zhang Zi was stunned.

"Of course there are, for example, compensation for those demolitions and so on." Ma Hanshan squinted and said with a smile, "Zhang Caidong, how much do you think it will cost to demolish those tenants?"

"The east side of the park is mostly vacant land. There are 230 households along the river. According to the agreement, they still have a twenty-year lease term. Regardless of the size of the house, the compensation for each household is one thousand taels. It is not located along the river.

There should be about 200 households. According to the agreement, each household should be compensated 200 taels regardless of the size of the house. The rented land is 3,000 acres. According to the agreement, compensation will be based on the normal harvest of young crops. About three taels for paddy fields and one tael for dry land.

, plus the compensation of 20 taels per year, and the compensation of 23 taels or 21 taels per mu, the total..." Zhang Zi pinched his fingers while talking about Ma Hanshan, and by the time he finished speaking, Ma Hanshan had already calculated it.

Ma Hanshan clapped his hands and said: "Zhang Caidong is really amazing. With so many properties under his name, it's really admirable that you remember all these data so clearly. According to the figure you just reported, the total needs to be about 340,000 taels. However,

, Did Zhang Caidong forget something? I remember that there are some workshops, slaughterhouses, shops, etc. in the east of the park. Does Zhang Caidong not need to compensate for these places? "

"Of course. Although I built those shops and rented them out, they should be converted according to the price, right? I have calculated it, and the total is about 550,000 taels. So, I regret now, why did I agree to you?

The price, at this rate, I'm half selling and half giving away." Zhang Zi suddenly came to his senses and beat his chest.

Haha, there is also transaction tax, and Yazi’s commission money... Ma Hanshan snickered in his stomach.

However, his face was very indifferent, as if it didn't concern him at all.

"Zhang Caidong, this is another business we are going to talk about." Ma Hanshan said with a smile, "Contract all the demolition compensation and so on to me. I only need you to come up with 500,000 taels. It's better than doing it yourself."

It saves more than 100,000 taels."

"Boss Pony... do you think I don't know how to count? Even if the number just calculated is accurate, contracting 500,000 taels to compensate you will only help me save 50,000 taels. How can I get more than 100,000 taels?" Zhang

I'm a little dizzy now. I've always been smarter than anyone else in business negotiations. I'm the only one who takes advantage. How come I'm so inferior when talking to this big kid?

"I said more than one hundred thousand taels is more than one hundred thousand taels. Does it mean that Zhang Caidong needs to handle so many things without manpower and time? I have calculated that even if you send two accountants and ten servants, it will take several months.

After cleaning up. If there is any friction or something in the middle, you may have to spend some extra money, such as compensation, gifts, etc. Also, the people you sent do not need to deal with these bad things, they can help you

Make money elsewhere... If you go back and forth like this, you will definitely need 100,000 yuan." Ma Hanshan counted with Zhang Zi on his fingers.

Zhang Zi was dumbfounded. What kind of monster is this guy? Just now he sold the land to him and it counted for nothing. Now he wants to contract the "project" but everything counts.

"Let's put it this way, for such a large piece of land, in addition to fields, there are also many hills and woods. The trees growing on it are also worth a lot of money. You have to give me a price..." Zhang Zi said, holding his chest and gasping.


"Ah, that's right. If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. I don't want those trees or anything like that. You have to cut them back quickly. What I bought with you is land. If you want the things on the ground, take them back. Don't.

Just spend some money and I'll clean it up for you..." Ma Hanshan said seriously.

"What... what did you say... According to what you said, I can't even give it to you... You still want me to pay you to accept it?" Zhang Zi jumped up, damn, there is no such person, although these trees are not

It's not wood at all, but it has some uses, such as making firewood and so on.

"Yes, what I bought was land, and those things are on the ground..." Ma Hanshan said very aggrievedly.

"Okay... stop talking... I won't sell it... you... you are just... a little evil wolf... how can anyone do business like this." Zhang Zi was angry.

"You don't want to sell? That's okay. If you can afford the loss, I will never force you to sell." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

"What do you mean?" Zhang Zi froze as if someone was tapping his acupuncture points.

"Just now... the whole Lin'an City should know about our purchase and sale of Lin'an Garden and land by now." Ma Hanshan said with a mischievous smile.

Zhang Zi fell down on the chair with a bang. He pointed at Ma Hanshan and you... You were speechless for a long time. He felt that he was about to die. How could he meet such a monster...

The ancients valued face very much. In order to protect face, they were even willing to lose their lives. To modern people, this is simply an idiotic act, but in the eyes of the ancients, face is definitely more important than life.

"Zhang Caidong, don't be like this. I guarantee that when you leave Ruyi Building later, you will thank God for letting you get to know me..." Ma Hanshan shrugged and said with a smile.

"I...I...you...you..." Zhang Zi felt like he was about to suffocate.
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