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Chapter 6: Militia

Qi Nanyue came back and bought one hundred shi of grain. The one hundred shi of grain can be eaten for a while. Everyone is happy that they don't have to go hungry.

A few days later, the clothes, shoes and hats also came back, but everyone was unhappy because...the clothes, shoes and hats were too...too deviant. What kind of clothes were they? They were not civilian clothes, not official clothes, or robes.

There are strict rules in this world about who should wear what clothes. For example, those stinky nerds who shake their heads have special turbans, scholar shirts, and so on. There are also logos on the clothes. In short, wear robes.

Those who have achieved fame should be superior to others. Even if they break the law, their punishment will be reduced by a few points...

In the village, Mahanshan is the biggest, and the biggest one has the final say. He has to wear it even if he doesn't like it.

However, it was indeed much more convenient to wear these clothes for work or training, and everyone gradually fell in love with them.

Compared with this kind of "fancy clothes", which made the people in the village panic and panic, what was more frightening than the end of the world was that the village owner wanted to "lose his hair" and also made everyone in the village lose their hair.

So when Ma Hanshan was cutting his hair, everyone in the village knelt on the lawn and cried loudly. "No, village master, your body, hair and skin are affected by your parents. Cutting your hair is unfilial. You can be a bandit, but you must not be unfilial."

Bah, what kind of bullshit is this?

The whole village was not kneeling down and crying. Qi Nanyue stood up and cried. He was now the "barber" and wanted to give the village leader a "haircut".

Although Qi Nanyue was a foreigner, he was also deeply influenced by Han Confucianism. He also believed that body hair and skin were inherited from his parents. Cutting hair was an unfilial act and an act of disobedience. However, he had to listen to Ma Hanshan, so he could only stay aside.

I cried while getting my hair cut.

Qi Nanyue's hair cutting skills were of course very poor, so Ma Hanshan's idea was to have someone find a big bowl to cover his head, and then cut off all the hair exposed outside the bowl.

Well, this is a standard pot-lid hairstyle, and the pot-lid hair style in the pot-lid mountain suits the occasion.

Originally, Ma Hanshan wanted to have a "one size fits all" hairstyle for the entire village, but in the end he compromised. Women and the elderly did not have haircuts, and all young men and boys had their hair cut like pot heads.

The militiamen who had cut their hair and put on new clothes were gathering, and Shi Hualong was shouting commands. After practicing for so long, the militiamen's formation and stance were all decent. In addition, they were wearing new clothes of the same color, Tsing Yi. Ma Hanshan felt that this

Dozens of bandit militiamen were particularly energetic.

nnd, it’s a pity that things are urgent. If the clothes are dyed military green... and a piece of red cloth is sewn on the collar, and a five-pointed star is nailed on the hat... Hehe... wouldn’t it be... Ma Hanshan thought in his heart, when conditions permit, he will have to put these

The militiamen are organized into red troops..., haha, I'm really looking forward to it.

"Look to the right...look forward...take a rest...get dressed...report the numbers..." Master Hualong was gathering the team, changing into new clothes, and the leader of Mazhai inspected them.

Haha, while others review the troops, Ma Dazhai mainly reviews his militia...militiamen are also soldiers.

During this period, these thieves and militiamen practiced basic skills such as folding quilts, standing, walking, running, and palm pressing every day. At the beginning, they were extremely resistant from top to bottom. However, they did not dare to resist the authority of the village leader.

So despite the resistance, we persisted. Unexpectedly, after persisting for a while, everyone discovered that these bandits turned militiamen actually had a temperament and momentum, and their actions were completely different from before.

Of course, the most advanced recruit training method in the world was used in Ma Hanshan's previous life.

Ma Hanshan stood at the left rear of Shi Hualong and looked at the dozens of thieves and militiamen he had transformed. After the count was completed, Shi Hualong called for a break. After standing at attention, he clenched his fists at his waist and ran to the front of Ma Hanshan in small steps.

Stop five steps away, stand up straight with your chest raised, and raise your hands in salute.

Now in the entire village, Master Hualong's salute is the most standard. Ma Hanshan felt energetic just looking at it, and he stood at attention and returned the salute.

"Report to the leader of the village, the militia camp in Wagang Village has been assembled. There should be fifty people, but there are actually fifty people. Please give instructions." Shi Hualong reported loudly that the total number of militiamen was sixty, and ten of them were at the sentry post.

, so there were only fifty people inspected by the leader of Ma Dazhai.

Damn, even the sentence structure and voice of the report are exactly the same as that of the red army in another time and space. If there is another time-traveler from the same place as Mahanshan, he must think that this is a group of guys who time-traveled collectively.

However, Ma Hanshan was too stinky. There were sixty men, not even a company, yet he was called a militia camp, and Shi Hualong was promoted to the position of palace chief out of thin air.

Ma Hanshan smiled and waited for the teacher Hualong to finish his report. Suddenly he walked slowly to the front of the formation with a dark face, silent, and scanned all the thieves and militiamen with his eagle-like eyes.

"Don't you think it was boring and a waste of time to have you practice standing and walking every day?" Ma Hanshan was so angry that he lectured in his Dantian with a voice like a bell.

"Have you noticed changes in yourself? No? Then let me tell you, now you are changing, you have become energetic, and now you look like a man."

"Okay, what I want to say is, whether it's cutting your hair or changing into clothes that you think are weird, there is only one purpose. Next time Liu Mazi comes, or someone like Liu Mazi comes, you won't look like

They ran around like frightened ducks, but picked up weapons and knocked them over."

"Of course, it's impossible to defeat the enemy by just practicing stances, formations and foot drills. Therefore, starting from today, you will enter devil-like actual combat training, such as long-distance running with weights, palm presses with weights, night attacks, etc. It's all childish.

I also need to practice swordsmanship and boxing skills..."

"Want to fuck Liu Mazi?"


"Just think. If a person doesn't have ideals...that is, ideas. If he doesn't have any ideas, what's the difference between him and a salted fish? Practice, and I'll make sure you can beat Liu Mazi."

"Are you confident that you can defeat Liu Mazi?"

"Yes... yes... we want to kill Liu Mazi..."

"Okay, let's beat Liu Mazi."

Awesome, this can also stir up emotions.

"Very good, like what a man would say." Ma Hanshan raised his hand and raised three fingers and said, "I will conduct an assessment in three months. The best ones will be rewarded, and the worst ones...haha, they will be put in solitary confinement and not allowed to eat. Thousands

Don’t be embarrassed, don’t let others look the other way.”

Ah... another confinement? Another deprivation of food. The thieves and militiamen really wanted to cry.

Being in solitary confinement is definitely much scarier than facing a wall and thinking about your mistakes as they know, because at least there is light while thinking about your mistakes while facing a wall, while confinement is lightless and silent, and you are either standing half-bent or lying sideways, with no room for movement, and psychological

People with poor tolerance will definitely go crazy within two days.

The method of punishing children by not allowing them to eat is too humiliating. After being punished once, they were unable to raise their heads and walk for a long time. It was so embarrassing.

Not to mention anything else, in order not to be imprisoned in the black cave and not to be punished and not allowed to eat, these dozens of thieves and militiamen had to train like crazy every day. No one expected that these guys put in training just to avoid losing face.

, will be the seeds of the new army of Dasong in the future...

This chapter has been completed!
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