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Chapter 125: It's About Thought Remolding

Ma Hanshan had already guessed in his heart that Bi Jiyu was looking for him for this matter. For Da Song, who had always been defeated, even a small victory was encouraging. Now that Wagangzhai defeated Hu Bing, as a How could the general miss the details?

"Are you asking about this? Besides me, who else is asking about this?" Bi Jiyu looked at Ma Hanshan with wide eyes.

"There are many, such as Magistrate Gai, Fan Shuai, my sworn brother Lu Wenkuan, and..." Who else could Ma Hanshan not say that the emperor had asked about.

"Haha, it's interesting. Lu Wenkuan is actually your sworn brother?" Not to mention that Bi Jiyu found it interesting, even Shen Wuwan found it interesting. A dignified city guard general who could be considered the father of this boy was actually sworn brother to him. brother.

"Old General, it's not interesting at all. In fact, I was lucky and Hu Bing was unfamiliar with life, so I defeated them in a daze. But you all treat this matter as a big deal. Asking here and there..." Ma Hanshan said with an aggrieved look.

He really doesn't want to talk about this matter. It's not the time yet. The limelight is too strong now, and it is inevitable that he will be targeted by the capitulationists. If he is targeted by them, he will be set up in minutes.

Although Ma Hanshan considers himself a strategic person, he is really not good enough compared to those bureaucrats who have been in the officialdom for half their lives and play two or three tricks every day. Besides, he is a powerful person. It would be very easy for a group of people to kill him now.

"This is really a big deal for us. Tell me, I just want to hear how you did it." Bi Jiyu insisted on listening.

Ma Hanshan said nothing, took out his pipe, lit a pipe of cigarettes, took two puffs, and said to Bi Jiyu in a very solemn tone: "I understand what General Bi wants. Yes, yes, the militiamen in the village, I did use it to train troops." It is trained using this method. I dare say that the individual combat effectiveness of the individual soldiers is higher than that of any army in Dasong. Of course, those who have practiced peerless martial arts do not count."

"As for the team's combat capabilities, I dare say that even if we fight against Donghu's Tiefutu, with equal strength, we can easily destroy them. If we equip our new weapons and fight positional warfare, even if the strength is only half of the opponent's, we can easily defeat them." We can easily defeat them. In your opinion, the Iron Buddha is an invincible stream of iron. But to us, it is a stupid bear seeking death." Ma Hanshan's attitude and tone did not sound like a joke at all.

Shen Wuwan felt that Ma Hanshan was bragging, bragging regardless of the cost, just treating the Donghu soldiers as paper, and treating the Tiefu Tu, Donghu's housekeeper, as paper. This heavy cavalry was one of Donghu's housekeepers. The army traveled east, west, north and south without encountering an opponent. Even the cavalry of Northern Mongolia retreated when they encountered it. How come you are so vulnerable to a single blow?

But when Bi Jiyu heard what Ma Hanshan said, he was inexplicably shocked.

If the iron pagoda in Donghu can really be regarded as nothing, then the restoration of Dasong will be just around the corner.

"You...are you telling the truth? Then...how do you train your soldiers? What new weapons do you have?" Bi Jiyu actually believed what Ma Hanshan said.

"Old General, of course it's different from Da Song's military training. Don't ask, it's useless even if I give you the method. Because for Da Song, it's not about the training methods, but about ideological transformation." Mahanshan Station He stood up, took off the hat on his head, turned around and said, "Old General, is it possible to change the officers and soldiers of Dasong into such attire?"

A shiny bald head, a strange set of clothes, a pair of unique shoes... It is completely different from the current attire. In Dasong, repairing hair is very important, let alone bald heads. Clothes

...Such clothing, if the army were to change into such clothing, it would be impossible for the soldiers to pass the test without asking whether the officials would fire cannons.

"Alas! Is it really necessary to change it like this?" Bi Jiyu sighed and said helplessly.

"Old General, don't you see what advantages this kind of attire has over the soldiers' attire today? Oh, real soldiers have leggings on their feet, which are wrapped around their calves with strips of cloth. So it was changed to this

The attire is not for good-looking or bad-looking, but for convenience. Old general, let’s see, no matter what movements are performed, this kind of attire is more convenient than the current military uniforms?” Ma Hanshan turned around and made a golden rooster pose.


"Yeah...it's really...light...convenient..." Bi Jyu finally made a serious comparison.

"So, the old general is sure which army will be changed? If you can let them change their uniforms and improve military discipline, I can send people to train the general." Ma Hanshan's counter-general Bi Ji met an army. He knew that then

It's impossible.

"So, Dasong's army is completely useless?" Bi Jiyu stood up with a cry, his eyes completely red.

"It has been useless for a long time. If it had been used a little bit, the Northern Expedition would not have lost so miserably." Ma Hanshan paused and continued, "It's not that people are useless, it's that ideas are useless, military discipline is broken, and military soul is gone.

Who can fight such an army? Still want to restore the country? Haha, general, don’t tease me."

If an army has no ideas, no military soul and military discipline, no matter how well-equipped it is, it cannot fight. Others may not believe it, but Ma Hanshan firmly believes that in his previous life, he has not seen other history, but World War II and the Civil War

He has seen many battle cases.

Many so-called military experts say that in actual combat it is impossible for the weak to defeat the strong or the small to defeat the large. Ma Hanshan thinks that they are all farting. They are all office military experts and keyboard experts. They are not even soldiers at all. They understand

What qualifications do you have to say that?

Of course, Ma Hanshan is not a soldier, but he is the boss. To put it bluntly, the war between gangs and gangs sometimes has the same situation as the battlefield. The weak defeats the strong, fewer defeats more. What wins is not force, but will.

, momentum, and courage, and what gives these? Of course, they are given by thoughts and beliefs.

Therefore, if you want an army to be able to fight, you must first have ideas and beliefs...

Dasong's army has long lost its ideas, let alone belief. Soldiers in feudal society originally served as soldiers just for food.

"Then... what should we do? The land of our Central Plains will be permanently invaded by the barbarians? Our people of Dasong will be enslaved by the barbarians?" Bi Jiyu gasped and roared with excitement.

"Haha, don't Dasong's rule and Donghu's rule also enslave the people?" Ma Hanshan said disdainfully, saying that in this era, it was absolutely treasonous and would be beheaded.

"You...you fart...how can you say that..." Bi Jiyu jumped up with excitement and almost rushed over to beat Ma Hanshan.

"As the saying goes, when people rise and die, people suffer. For ordinary people, does it matter who rules? How many dynasties has the Central Plains experienced since the three kings and five emperors? Who makes the people feel better?" Ma Hanshan dared to scold the emperor in front of the emperor.

, of course he won't be afraid of Bi Yu's encounter.


Bi Jiyu was so angry that his whole body was shaking like chaff, he was breathing heavily and couldn't even speak.

"Isn't it? Isn't it? Tell me for example, for thousands of years, have the people ever been really happy?" Ma Hanshan shouted loudly.

"Stop talking...Mr. Xiao Ma, stop talking..." Shen Wuwan suddenly shouted.

Damn it, I can’t keep talking like this. What if Bi Jiyu is so angry that he gets angry to death?

For thousands of years, have the people ever been truly happy? This is a question asked by the soul. Although this should not be asked of this pure patriot. However, Ma Hanshan was also cornered today. During the day, he was questioned by the emperor. He spent most of his time on how to enrich the country and strengthen the army, and now Bi Jiyu forced him to talk about how to train the army.

Alas, gentlemen, I just want to make money and transform Wagonzhai into a paradise. I am just a businessman. If you, the monarchs and ministers want to enrich the country and strengthen the army, and restore the great rivers and mountains, ask those great scholars who are full of knowledge.

Bi Jiyu actually no longer trembled or yelled, but instead kept mumbling the same words he had been saying for thousands of years.

Sigh, you must be mad at me, right? Don't try to make things worse. I can't stand this kind of frivolous tactics.

"Old General...Old General...Okay, don't be too sentimental. If you want any military training, I will write it for you later...Forget it, my writing is not good and I am not good at it. I will go back to the mountain later. You Send two people back to the mountain with me to observe on the spot, eat and live with the militiamen, and soon understand my method of military training..." Ma Hanshan had no choice but to hand over the so-called "troop training" method.

"No hurry, no rush, Xiaoma, you are right. If the army has no military spirit and no faith, no matter how advanced the weapons are, no matter what training methods are used, it is impossible to improve their combat effectiveness. No matter what, they are all A bunch of rabble." Bi Jiyu suddenly woke up.

"It's good that the old general understands that this kid is not an excuse." Ma Hanshan breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, this old guy is an understanding person.

"But how did the militiamen in Wagangzhai do it?" Don't think that Bi Jiyu is so easy to fool, he is not done yet.

"The militiamen of Wagonzhai are... a group of simple mountain people with no property, no land, and forgotten unemployed people. For such people, whatever ideas the founder imparts to them will be the same ideas, and the founder will inject whatever soul they have into them. What kind of soul is that? Their belief..." Today, their belief is what the young master said. This sentence cannot be told to Bi Jiyu. There is only him, Ma Hanshan, in Wagang Village, but there is no Dasong and no king. For those old rotten people, That's simply rebellion.

"What is their belief?" Bi Jiyu asked.

"Their belief is... that is God..." Damn, let's talk nonsense.

"Xiao Ma, you lied. They definitely don't believe in God. If that's the case, they will believe in themselves. Their belief is their village leader, right? You are their backbone, and you are their belief." Bi Yu Yu actually understood.

"Old General, this is what you said. I didn't say anything." Ma Hanshan shrugged and said.

"Xiao Ma, if you build a new army, can you train it into a first-class army?" Bi Jiyu ignored Ma Hanshan and walked around the hall twice with his hands behind his back. Suddenly he made a surprising statement, which shocked Ma Hanshan and Shen Wu. Mando was shocked.

This chapter has been completed!
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