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Chapter 129: Painter

After entering the room and sitting down, Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan both looked at Ma Hanshan without saying a word, both waiting for Ma Hanshan to explain.

"You don't need to look at me like this. Just say, if you believe me, invest in the new city. If you don't believe me, you can go back." Ma Hanshan really has nothing to say. He can't explain clearly. The specific plan has not been released yet.

"We believe in you. I just want to know how to make this investment, how much money do you want us to pay, and how many shares do you want us to give?" Zhang Zi is confused about how many shares one million taels is.

"Yes, we believe you, but does this have anything to do with the lantern street?" Shen Wuwan also looked confused.


Ma Hanshan relapsed into his old habit of slapping the table. He clapped his hands on the table next to him, stood up and said to Shen Wuwan: "I have been in the business of selling groceries all my life, but you have always been passive in doing business. Wait, have you ever thought about taking the initiative to turn non-buyers into buyers? Have you ever taken the initiative to develop customer sources?"

"This...that...how can you become a buyer if you are not a buyer? How can you force someone to buy something if you don't want to buy it?" Shen Wuwan muttered.

"Haha, this is the business philosophy of people in your world, why can't it be done?" Ma Hanshan was very confident, because this is a sure thing.

"Humph, it seems like you are not from this world... You are talking about how to turn people who are not buyers into buyers." Shen Wuwan said disapprovingly.

Uh, uncle, why are you talking like this? I am also a person in this world now.

Ma Hanshan secretly glanced at Zhang Zi and Shen Wuwan with a guilty conscience. Fortunately, although Shen Wuwan noticed that Ma Hanshan said something wrong, he didn't think there was any problem. There was always something he didn't understand that Ma Hanshan said every day, so There was obviously something wrong with this statement, but he ignored it.

"I asked you to help me invite all the giant businessmen and wealthy families in the world, just to turn people who are not buyers into buyers. When the time comes, I will hold a grand project promotion meeting, not only to promote the new city, but also to Fire and water lamps. Of course, fire and water lamps go without saying. During the promotion meeting, we directly hung up the streets of Lin'an Street with angry wind lanterns, turning Lin'an's night into day. Think about it, if you see it for the first time What’s it like to have such an angry lantern that’s not afraid of wind or rain? What’s more, this time the city is full of such lanterns.”

"I estimate that not only those invited will become buyers, but also the officials. You said that people in Lin'an City are used to having street lights when they go out. Do you think they will use our promotion? After the meeting, are you asking Lin'an Mansion to put up street lights?" Ma Hanshan said with a sinister smile.

Yes, it’s true. Facts speak louder than words. Let people all over the world see the benefits of this kind of lamp. Of course they will pursue it...

"What should I do if merchants from Korea and other countries come to Dasong to buy something?" Zhang Zi said angrily, his face stagnant.

"Don't worry, all overseas countries, whether it is Goryeo, Ryukyu or Japan, they are your customers no matter where they buy. People from Dasong, no matter which province they are from, are the business of shopkeeper Shen. Of course, Donghu Beimenxixia For merchants in Dali and other countries, that is Master Ma's business." Ma Hanshan said with a smile, "Agent, whoever buys it belongs to him. Others cannot steal the business, and no cross-selling is allowed. Anyone who uses other methods to sell things to others On the agent's side, I will cut off the supply without asking the reason."

The most feared thing about agency-style sales is cross-selling, which not only damages the interests of the manufacturer, but also damages the interests of the agent. This problem was difficult to control in Ma Hanshan's previous life. However, in Dasong, Ma Hanshan was too easy to control. Because it is an exclusive manufacturer, and if anyone disobeys, the supply will be cut off directly.

"Okay, I understand." Zhang Ziyi smiled happily, "Then, under what name do we invite businesses from all over the world? If you invite people to Lin'an for no reason, you will have some thoughts in mind."

"I don't know what kind of people they are, so you can think of an excuse." Ma Hanshan said with a smile.

How to invite people here is indeed a headache. This world is not like the world in Mahanshan's previous life, where investment promotion is dominated by the government. Moreover, transportation in this world is too difficult. Some places that are far away can't be reached in a month. , there are many dangers on the road, even if there is money to pick up in Lin'an, those wealthy businessmen from remote wealthy families may not be willing to take the risk to go out.


"What about time? The launch of lamps cannot be delayed for too long. Therefore, Mr. Xiao Ma, this promotion meeting cannot be held for too long. One month, maybe one month at the latest?" Shen Wuwan was very anxious. They are almost being driven to death by the small merchants below.

"Haha, you can put lamps No. 1 and 2 on the market first. I'm so angry that Feng Lamp won't be distributed so quickly, so it won't affect it at all." Ma Hanshan thought for a moment, then said with a sly smile, "A month and a half, I'll do the promotion in a month. Yes, that is... mid-May. Just confirm it. You can go back and arrange contact now. Let me tell you, each person must help me find at least twenty businessmen, at least they must be big local businessmen, otherwise ... Jie Jie... you understand."

"It's too many... Where can we find so many merchants... Shopkeeper Shen... the merchants from Lin'an... half for each person, not all of them are yours..." Zhang Zi wanted to talk to Ma Hanshan about "numbers", but he was chased away by Ma Hanshan. Got out.

Starting from the next day, Ma Hanshan began to "retreat". He refused everyone's invitations. Not only did he not go to the invitation of the Third Master Shi, but he also did not go to the invitation of the Meng family. He said to the outside world that he was sick, very sick, and many People expressed condolences and bought things to visit the patient, but were told that it was not possible to see visitors because he was too ill.

After a few days of struggling like this, no one bothered me anymore.

At this time, all the painters invited by Zhang Zi and others arrived, ten in total.

Yes, the people who came here were all painters, or painters, but not those famous teachers and painters. Ma Hanshan was just a little-known big boy. It was impossible to invite those famous teachers because he had such a high self-esteem.

Haha, to be honest, even if he could invite them, Ma Hanshan would not invite them, because what Ma Hanshan hates most are those so-called masters who put on airs... He is also a master, and he never puts on airs.

"Everyone, please... our Lord has been waiting for you for a long time." Qi Nanyue brought the painters into the backyard flower hall, where Mahanshan "cultivated".

"Mr. Qi, who is your lord? I remember that this courtyard used to belong to the former prefect," said an old painter.

"Haha, gentlemen, so-and-so is Mr. Qi's boss, so-and-so is not a scholar or a gentleman, and so-and-so is just a rough guy who is regarded as a humble businessman by others." Ma Hanshan appeared at the door of the hall, clasping his fists to the painter who came in. , "Gentlemen, please, Ma has been waiting for a long time. The fragrant tea has been brewed. Please come in..."

The painter was stunned, why was he invited to come by a big kid? And he was a big kid in strange clothes. Ah, this big kid was actually a bald businessman? Ma Hanshan didn't wear a hat at home, and he had no hair on his big head.

grow up.

If those people who consider themselves masters are invited, they will definitely throw away their sleeves and leave when they see the appearance of Mahanshan. But these ten painters are unknown people, and they are all people who live in poverty. They are noble and noble.

They can't eat it as food. If they don't eat it themselves, their family members will have to eat it. The person who invited them said that as long as they come, they will get a generous maintenance fee...that is, a reward.

Literati have character, and those who bow their heads for A Duwu are looked down upon. The painters, of course, consider themselves members of the literati, although everyone knows they are here for the money. But they found that the person invited was actually a weird person

When they were older children, they looked at each other with complicated expressions. The children were not the problem. The key was that the older child was a businessman.

The social status of businessmen was very low by "sages". The so-called literati disdained to associate with them, but now they have to draw pictures for businessmen? This makes them very embarrassed.

"Haha, do you think I'm still a child and don't deserve to talk to you? Do you think it's unethical to obey a profit-seeking businessman just for money?" Ma Hanshan was annoyed when he saw the performance of these poor painters. Your uncle can't even get anything to eat.

If you eat it, your mother's bones will be blown away. He glanced at the crowd and said, "I never like to force others to do things they don't like. If you are willing to paint for me, I will pay you one or two silver a day. After that, I will probably do it every day.

People can take fifteen taels of silver home."

"As for those who don't want to, don't force me. I'll give you 500 taels of silver as travel expenses. You can go back home now. Those who are willing to receive 15 taels of silver can come in. Those who don't want to work for me, a person who has no career, please go and get it with Mr. Qi."

Go back with 500 Wen." Ma Hanshan paused and said, "However, let me declare first that as long as you enter the hall, we have reached a contract and you must complete daily tasks according to my instructions within fifteen days. During this period, you cannot

Quit halfway."

What Ma Hanshan didn't expect was that the so-called literati spirit disappeared after looking at each other and being silent for a moment. Not one of the ten painters quit.

Haha, the so-called literati's character and pride cannot be used as food. They are all things created by rulers to divide society in order to rule. Why should you pretend to be cool when you are hungry? Fifteen taels of silver is a lot, ordinary people

I will be working for half a year.

"Very well, it is true that a literati should have character, but the character of a literati should be unyielding to oppression, unyielding to aggression, unyielding to power, unyielding to exploitation... Why do you think you are superior to others? Why do you dislike farmers and despise businessmen?

?If you are not a farmer, you will eat the wind. If you are not a businessman, how can you eat what others use? Scholars, farmers, industrialists, and merchants simply don’t know what it means. A literati should look like a literati, but he definitely does not despise laborers or money and things...

Okay, I won't talk nonsense. In order to reward everyone for your choice, I announce that you can get thirty taels of compensation for the fifteen days you are here." Ma Hanshan is such a person. As long as he works with him, he will

Never be treated unfairly.

The ten painters were very shocked, huh? Is this big kid crazy? Just because no one quit, he doubled everyone's remuneration? It seems that not all businessmen are mercenary.

This chapter has been completed!
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