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Chapter 8: First Battle

Liu Mazi didn't want to specifically bully Wagang Village, but he received news that half a month ago, Wagang Village actually lent fifty shi of grain to Sixing Fang of Shuiliandong.

Originally, it was not Liu Mazi's turn to take care of anyone who lent food to Wagang Village, and Liu Mazi would not pay attention to it. But what he was angry about was that more than three months ago, Wagang Village clearly said that they only had a few dozen stones of grain, so they could only borrow it.

You gave yourself fifty shi, so why now you have 50 shi to borrow from Monkey? Isn’t this deceiving me?

The most irritating thing is, why should I, Liu Mazi, borrow fifty dan, and his boss, Monkey, also borrow fifty dan? Doesn’t this put my old crow’s nest in the same position as Shuiliandong?

Hum, the little bastard surnamed Ma from Wagonzhai deceived me so much and looked down upon me, Old Crow Nest, so he must be taught a lesson.

Just as the saying goes, there is no point in trying to accuse Wagang Village, but Liu Mazi happened to be out of food again, so this news became an excuse for him to "borrow food" from Wagang Village again and a reason to bully Wagang Village.

Liu Mazi led the thieves from Lao Crow's Nest, carrying bags of food, and led a team to Wagang Village in a swaggering manner.

One hundred and twenty men, exactly one company. Coincidentally, Liu Mazi actually divided this company into three teams, and each team was divided into four groups. It was almost the same as the company arrangement of the troops in Ma Hanshan's previous life.


Liu Mazi was quite rich. He actually had horses, and they were war horses. There were more than twenty war horses. Except for the mounts of a few "thief officers", the rest were equipped with two groups of "thief cavalry".

This time he planned to rob everything in Wagang Village, so he brought several camels and mules from Lao Crow Nest.

Liu Mazi thought that Wagang Village was still the same as before. He thought that as long as he came, Wagang Village would have to provide food, otherwise the village would be destroyed. If there was a general fight and killing a few people, it would not be a big deal.

Guogai Mountain is located on the dividing line between Donghu and Dasong. It has never been peaceful. Not to mention the bandits killing a few people, even if a few people were killed in the towns outside the mountain, the people would not complain to the officials. Even if the people complained,

If there is no merit in the case, the officials will not pay attention to it.

The Donghu people can fight and govern the country... they haven't learned yet, especially at the border, there is only chaos.

Liu Mazi came in a hurry and angrily, thinking about how many days he could live in peace and quiet after robbing Wagonzhai, but he didn't know that he would know it when he arrived at Mahan Mountain in Sow'ao.

Sow's Pass is a mountain pass seven or eight miles northwest of Wagang Village. It is the only way into Wagang Village from the direction of Laoxiewo.

There is a hidden sentry at the outermost edge of Wagang Village, which is on the Nizi Mountain opposite Sow's Ao. When Liu Mazi and the others had just climbed over the mountain ridge and were about to enter Sow's Ao, the secret sentry sent the news back.

When Liu Mazi led the people out of the sow's nest humming a tune, the gathering in Wagonzhai was completed, and Master Hualong asked Ma Hanshan to give him a lecture.

In the first battle after the reform, Ma Hanshan certainly wanted to be energetic.

Ma Hanshan was neatly dressed and stood in front of the formation with a sword hanging on his waist. He spoke with an angry look on his face and his chest raised.

A gentleman uses a sword, and a warrior uses a knife. Ma Hanshan felt that he was neither a gentleman nor a warrior, so he specially drew a picture and asked Qi Nanyue to go out and make a narrow one, one foot long, with a pointed end, half-open double blades, and a middle

A slotted strange sword as your own weapon.

In fact, this is a military thorn with a length of about 40 centimeters. The people in the village have never seen such a strange sword, so they named it the trough sword.

"The sentry sent a message that Liu Mazi is here again, bringing more than a hundred people with him. What do you think he is here for? To visit relatives or friends? Or to bully us?"

"Let me tell you, he is not here to visit relatives and friends. He is here to rob us. He is pulling camels and mules to move all of us back to Wagang Village. He wants to rob us of all our food.

Let’s go, he won’t keep anything even if it’s worth a copper.”

"What should we do? Run away? Are we going to be cowards? Are we going to be cowards?"

"Where are one hundred and twenty people? Are you afraid? Are you afraid? Are your legs shaking? Are your feet weak? Is your waist collapsed? Have you peed your pants?" Ma Hanshan shouted loudly at this time, "Tell me, are you afraid?"


He was really very impressive, which was not what a fourteen or fifteen-year-old kid could have. Everyone was dumbfounded. Yu Tianchuan, who once coveted the position of village leader, secretly sighed in his heart, oh, why did this kid suddenly become like this?

"Not afraid... not afraid..." The thieves and militiamen were completely different from before. Not only were they not afraid, they actually had high morale.

Damn it, will it work? Fifty versus one hundred and twenty, Ma Hanshan doesn't have much confidence in his heart. However, this battle must be fought, and it must be won.

If you lose, Wagang Village will be gone.

In fact, others were not confident either, and some were even timid and ready to run away.

"Good...good...courageous and powerful enough. That bastard Liu Mazi always thinks that our Wagang Village is easy to bully, and has robbed him again and again. Today, we will show him the methods of our invincible militiamen in Wagang Village.

Today we have made it impossible for these thieves and bastards to come back. We want revenge by destroying the old crow's nest..."

Invincible Militia Camp, Invincible Militia. Ma Hanshan has set a trap for the bandit militia again. Is this going to be a chicken blood attack or a mental hypnosis?

"Revenge... revenge..."

"Let them never come back...kill..."

"Kill...kill...kill all the thieves and bastards, destroy the old crow's nest..."

"Okay, all combat units will be in position according to the established combat plan. Kill them without leaving a single piece behind..."

"No piece of armor will be left behind... no piece of armor will be left behind..."


"Haha, damn it, don't kill those who surrender. We still need a lot of people to open up wasteland, they are all laborers..."

"Ha ha……."

In response to the attack of foreign enemies, Ma Hanshan has already made arrangements and has established defensive procedures. Moreover, this set of countermeasures has been practiced in the past two days. Whether fifty people can kill Liu Mazi and one hundred and twenty people depends mainly on Tiger Leaping Stream.

What was the result of the ambush?

Tiger Leaping Stream is actually a 100-foot-long valley. The slopes on both sides are steep and the width of the valley is only a few dozen feet. It is the best place for an ambush. Mahan Mountain has already had people prepare stones on the hills on both sides. If

Liu Mazi entered unpreparedly, which made him feel better.

After passing Sow's Ao, we walked another three or four miles to Hutiao Stream. Liu Mazi had the attitude of visiting the mountains and rivers, and actually walked for nearly half an hour for three or four miles, while Shi Hua's thieves and militiamen from Longwagang Village

The morale was high, and they had just practiced how to ambush invading foreign enemies, so each combat group arrived at the designated position in a short time.

Coming, coming, close, close...

The Wagonzhai militiamen who were ambushing in the woods on the mountain and roadside began to feel nervous when they heard the sound of horse hooves approaching from far away. After all, it was fifty to one hundred and twenty. Even if they were really injected with chicken blood, they would still be a little scared.


Liu Mazi deserved to die. Anyone with a little caution at the entrance of a valley like Hutiaojian would definitely check before entering. However, he didn't take it seriously at all. He grabbed the horse's reins with both hands and sat on the horse.

He was swaying on his back, humming a colorful tune, and led the men and horses into the mouth of the valley.

Seeing that more than a hundred horses and horses had all entered the valley, I suddenly heard someone shouting and banging on the mountain...and then there was a rumble of thunder.

What's going on? Why was there thunder when the sun was shining brightly? When the bandits in Lao Crow Nest heard the sound of the boulders rolling down, they actually thought there was thunder. They all raised their heads to look at the sky. Damn it, Liu Mazi even turned his head and asked what was going on.


Bang bang!




Huge boulders fell like landslides from the hillsides on both sides. Liu Mazi's men and horses fell to the ground in the blink of an eye. In the canyon, people screamed and horses neighed, and ghosts cried and wolves howled.

"Rolling Stone Samu...Someone let Rolling Stone Samu...Run away..." Suddenly someone shouted.


"Don't mess around... don't mess around... Those behind you should retreat, those in front should rush forward, and quickly evacuate the scene..."

Haha, who will listen to you? How can we stop causing chaos? They are just a group of bandits. Who knows not to cause chaos? How do you know how to exit in an orderly manner? If you don’t run, you will be hit by a stone and you will either die or be injured. If you run, you push me and hit me.

When people are trampled by horses, they are either killed or injured. But there is only one word in everyone's heart, run.

The rolling stone hit the middle of the team, and the team of a hundred or so people was divided into two teams. Liu Mazi was leading his team in front. Fortunately, it was not hit, and he ran two to three hundred steps to control his fright.

The horse looked back and he wanted to cry, "Oh my god, where are the people..." How come there were only so few people following him.

Right, where are the people?

Everyone was under the stone, and there were thirty or forty people who retreated back.

In addition to more than a dozen people on horseback, there were only seven or eight people on foot who rushed to the front. The thirty or forty people who retreated were all small people following behind, not a single "cavalry".

There were only seventy or eighty people who evacuated the ambush point. The others were in the pile of rocks. Some were killed, some were injured, and some were frightened. Liu Mazi was broken by 30% of the pile of rocks.

Ma Hanshan, who was watching the battle with an earthen telescope on the mountain, was very happy.

This time and space is much more advanced than the Song Dynasty in another time and space, such as glass burning. The glass burning technology learned from Xixia from Dashi is quite good, and the glass is very transparent. In another time and space, sufficiently transparent glass was not available until the Qing Dynasty.


With enough transparent glass, Ma Hanshan could certainly make a telescope, but now it was too difficult to polish the lenses by hand, so he could only make a simple monocular.

"Whoa... brothers, rush forward. I'll reward you with one tael of silver for capturing Liu Mazi alive, and twenty taels of silver for snatching a horse." Suddenly, someone shouted from the hillside, and then, people rushed down from the hillsides on both sides of the valley.

"Come on... kill all these old crows..."




Liu Mazi felt a pain in his chest, and he spat out a mouthful of old blood. He wasn't hurt by a stone, but because he was angry. Can you not be angry? He, Liu Mazi, didn't even have a horse worth as much as he did. He was rewarded twenty taels for each horse he stole.

, and there is only a reward of one tael for catching him alive. He is not worth as much as a beast. It is good that he does not faint from anger.

Bandits may not necessarily be strong in fighting, but they must run very fast, no matter which bandit is in the village.

Therefore, the shouting on the hillside is just a bluff to make them run. The slope is too steep, and it is impossible for the people on the mountain to rush down like this. So the bluff is to make them run, because no matter they run forward, they will still

If they move back, there will still be an ambush waiting for them.

This chapter has been completed!
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